Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 480: Tens of thousands of soldiers protect the emperor

Hearing this, the ministers were stunned.

King Li Dingguo of Jin was also a little confused, but he felt that this was reasonable. After all, it was not convincing to say that tens of thousands of Qing troops were wiped out and a prince was beheaded based on a report of victory.

Although Guo Zhiqi hated that Ma Jixiang had another trouble, he couldn't object. Otherwise, no matter whether the Guangdong victory was true or not, if someone with a heart planted him in front of the emperor and supported each other in Guangdong, and formed a party in private, he would not be able to get rid of it. This matter also violated the emperor's taboo. After Sun Kewang was defeated, many courtiers who were closely related to Sun Kewang were purged from the court. Even if these courtiers were out of the public heart, they wanted to rely on Sun Kewang to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty, but in the eyes of the emperor, they were not. Not so.

Guo Zhiqi couldn't object to the matter out of the consideration of avoiding suspicion, Yongli was refreshed after hearing Ma Jixiang's words, looked at Xu Yingyuan, who didn't understand what was going on, and asked him in a harmonious voice: "Xu Qing, here's a good news like last time. Array decapitation level brought?"

"Go back to your majesty, after the great victory of Chaohui, Uncle Xingping ordered his minister to come to the court to report the victory. The minister came in a hurry, and the flood roads in Guangxi were blocked. The old minister came here in disguise, so he could not bring a large number of heads. I brought the Puppet Qing Prince Jidu Great Seal and Wang Qi."

Now in this weather, no matter how well the first-level anticorrosion is done, it is impossible to bring it all the way to Yunnan. In order to hurry up, Xu Yingyuan took the Guangxi official road, and the light car was simple and easy. Guangxi officials do not doubt and must doubt. When Guo Shao and the others came to report the victory, they did bring the heads of the Manchu soldiers they had captured, but the number was small, and they did not know that Guangxi had been occupied by the Qing army, so they brought them here. They were indeed intercepted by the Qing army on the way. If Liang Shuanghu and the others were not brave, the Qing army was a small team, and I was afraid that they would be intercepted halfway.

"Oh? The Great Seal and King Flag of the Pseudo-Prince?"

Yongli's face twitched, and someone brought the Great Seal of Jidu and Wang Qi, so it must be true that the great victory of Chaohui must be true, otherwise Zhou Shixiang would find out where the great seal of the Prince of the Court came from. Even if the battle report is still untrue, just relying on the seal of the prince is a great achievement.

"That can't be faked. Xingping's victory is true."

Yongli was a little disillusioned, and the thing he didn't want to do the most, but it came true step by step, only made him feel uncomfortable. He didn't really feel that Zhou Shixiang of Guangdong was unfaithful, but he just felt a little reluctant to give up the title of the prince. When he named Sun Kewang as the king of Qin, Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu were both the kings of the county, and they were forced to be helpless and asked others for help. When they arrived in Kunming, there was Sun Kewang's army overrunning the territory, and then Liu Wenxiu and Li Dingguo were promoted as princes. In fact, he was referring to the two to fight Sun Kewang for him. Compared with the title of the prince, Yongli still takes his life more seriously. If he really wants to threaten his life, the prince also said that he would be sealed. However, now that Zhou Shixiang is not threatening his life, it is really difficult for this prince to make up his mind to keep the title of Yongli. But for such a great achievement, if he is not rewarded, how will Yongli face the subjects of the world, and how will he face the generals and lofty ideals who sacrificed their lives for his Zhu family?


Guangdong brought Jidu Dayin and Wang Qi over, and Guo Zhiqi's heart immediately fell. No matter how thick-skinned Ma Jixiang was, he couldn't say that Wang Qi and Da Yin couldn't do anything. He stood there and the emperor didn't make it clear, which was quite embarrassing.

In the Guangdong victory, how to award the reward is a matter of the court, and how the emperor should be conferred, the King of Jin Li Dingguo has no opinion. Since the emperor was moved from Anlong to Kunming, he has always kept the ministers' festivals and did not interfere with the affairs of the court, which is quite similar to Li Chengdong back then. It's a pity that such a high-spirited festival brought chaos in the government, and all kinds of villains flooded the court. At this critical moment, the chief assistant of the cabinet even asked him to lead the army in front of the Qing army in a decisive battle, but the court gave up Kunming and fled to western Yunnan. I don't know how Ma Jixiang came up with such a stupid idea! How could the emperor have to use this man who is said to be slaughterable in the whole dynasty as the leader!

The Great Victory in Guangdong, the Taiping Army is so capable of fighting, if it enters the war in Guangxi, the Qing army on the road from Guangxi to Guizhou will inevitably return troops, so that their pressure can be reduced.

Li Dingguo didn't have time to pay attention to the dazed Ma Jixiang, only thinking about what Guo Zhiqi had just said about the adjustment of the King of Guangdong Soldiers, but he didn't notice that there was no voice in the hall. The courtiers are looking at the emperor, and the emperor is also looking at the courtiers, very quiet.

Ma Jixiang was slapped again on the spot. No matter how thick-skinned he was, it was impossible to follow the emperor's wishes, but asking him to ask for the title of Zhou Shixiang for Guangdong was as difficult as asking Yongli himself to declare Zhou Shixiang as king.

Ma Jixiang refused to come forward, and the ministers looked at him again, and Yongli smiled bitterly, knowing that this matter could not be dragged on, and was about to speak to Guo Zhiqi. Remembering something, he played: "Your Majesty, Bo Xingping has another title to play."

"Bring it to me to see."

Yongli waved his hand and motioned Wang Kun to bring Zhou Shixiang's inscription book. After opening it, I saw Zhou Shixiang playing like this: "This subject is all living in a poor village. Parents, wives and children are all prisoners, and the rest of the remains are not left. The way of human relations, the way of loyalty to the monarch is over! Well, the rank and reward will be accumulated. And the prince and father are in danger in the western frontier, how dare the minister forget it!

The minister is now in Guangzhou, and he is chasing the army, and once the food is ready, he will send all the troops from central Guangdong to the west to conquer Gui and Gui, in order to relieve the difficulties of Yunnan and Beijing and relieve the atmosphere of thieves and thieves. However, if I ask the chariots and drivers to stop here for a while, and when the soldiers arrive, I will attack with His Royal Highness Jin both internally and externally, and they will surely destroy the group of ugly people in the three circles. After that, the troops were sent north to take Nanjing directly, and the humiliation of Xiaoling's fifteen years was eliminated in one day. The sincerity of the minister can be learned from the world! In the face of adversity today, the ministers kowtow to the emperor to listen to the ministers' policies, the ministers will not bear the kindness of the king, and the ministers weep and recite their prayers! "

After closing the inscription, Yongli felt a lot of emotion. Zhou Shixiang was still loyal, but after he defeated the Qing army, he wanted to go to King Qin of Yunnan immediately.

That's all, that's all, as the Son of Heaven, I really don't want to give up the title of the prince!

Yongli got up slowly, but was determined to reward Zhou Shixiang with the prince, so he immediately brought troops to King Qin. Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness Xu Yingyuan saw the emperor get up, but he played again: "Your Majesty, Bo Xingping has another minister to invite the emperor, no matter how critical the current situation is, the emperor and the court must not retreat to western Yunnan, otherwise the kingdom will perish! If you want the emperor to move to another place, he must be a traitor, and the emperor can order the soldiers to kill the thief on the spot, so that the country will not be damaged by this thief!"


Hearing this, Yongli was stunned on the spot, Ma Jixiang also opened his mouth wide and looked at Xu Yingyuan in disbelief.

Li Dingguo, Mu Tianbo, and Fugang were all stunned: how did Zhou Shixiang know that Ma Jixiang wanted the emperor to retreat to western Yunnan? Does that show have the ability to predict the future?

Yongli looked at Guo Zhiqi subconsciously, but found that Guo Zhiqi was also confused. He didn't look like a fake, and Ma Jixiang only mentioned the strategy of retreating to western Yunnan. When he was brought to the main hall, Guo Zhiqi had no chance to reveal the matter to him at all, so it was probably a coincidence.

"Guangdong Xingping regards the minister as a traitor! Your Majesty, the minister is the first assistant, and it is the face of the court. Today, Xingping directly refers to the minister as a traitor. The minister is tolerable, but who is unbearable. A worthy minister!"

Ma Jixiang was trembling with anger~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The idea of ​​retreating to western Yunnan was his idea, so many people heard it, could he not admit it. That's all, Zhou Shixiang in Guangdong didn't pay him tribute. Now he is calling him a traitor and asking the emperor to kill him. Ma Shoufu couldn't swallow this tone.

Yongli ignored Ma Jixiang and asked Xu Yingyuan, "In addition to asking me not to go to western Yunnan, what else do you want to say to me in Xingping?"

"Xingping Boyan said that if there is a last resort, the emperor and the court can go to Guangzhou. With the protection of my Taiping army tens of thousands of soldiers, the emperor and the court will be fine!"

After Xu Yingyuan finished speaking, he glanced at Yongli unnoticed, his eyes were quite flickering, but he didn't know whether Xingping asked him to say this, or he said it himself.

"He wants me to go to Guangzhou, and he wants to bring tens of thousands of troops to protect me..."

Yongli muttered a few words, and suddenly burst into laughter. The emperor's laughter made the ministers very confused, and they all didn't know why the emperor laughed. After being stunned for a moment, Ma Jixiang suddenly fell to the ground in his heart. Wang Kun, who had been waiting on the side in silence, raised his head and glanced at the emperor who had been served by him since he was a child, and then lowered his head again, sighing inwardly. The emperor's abnormal behavior made Jin King Li Dingguo confused, but Guo Zhiqi was vaguely uneasy, and the emperor's laughter seemed unhappy. (To be continued.)

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