Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 472: Why did the king not see you


Yang Laobao is located in Pingyue Prefecture in the southeast of Guizhou. It is just a small castle. However, this fort is built next to a mountain, layer upon layer, and it looks very spectacular from a distance. ●⌒,. The houses and houses in the fort are all made of bluestone. Due to its location in the mountainous area with constant drizzle and humid air, most of the walls in the fort grow wet moss, which can produce world events at a glance. A sense of vicissitudes.

Wu Sangui only brought his general Hu Guozhu to the meeting, and none of the other generals were brought. After arriving at Yang Laobao, a special person brought Wu Sangui in. He didn't want Donny to meet him, but instead asked someone to lead him to rest first. This move made Wu Sangui feel strange. He wanted to find a familiar general to inquire, but he felt that the atmosphere in the fort seemed to be wrong, so he did not dare to engage in private activities. Report, the Tao is the Five Provinces Jingluo Hong Chengchou seeking advice.

Why did Hong Chengchou come to see me so late?

Wu Sangui was surprised. He once worshipped Hong Chengchou as his teacher, and he also wanted to find out from Hong Chengchou why Donny didn't meet him. By the way, he asked Hong Chengchou to help him speak a few words for him during the military meeting tomorrow, so he rushed out of the room. From a distance, he bowed to Hong Chengchou and shouted, "The student didn't go to visit the teacher, but the teacher came to see the student, which is really killing the student."

Seeing Wu Sangui like this, Hong Chengchou smiled lightly. Although he and Wu Sangui have the names of teachers and students, they are not really teachers and students. Now that Wu Sangui has been honored as a prince, he can still honor him with teachers and students, which makes him feel relieved. As he stepped forward to help him, he said, "The capital will be gone for a few years, and King Pingxi will stay safe!"

"Teacher, don't call students like that, students will lose their lives!" Wu Sangui's remarks were not acting, but the truth.

Hong Chengchou waved his hand and said, "King of Pingxi"

Wu Sangui hurriedly interrupted him: "Teacher can just call Sangui by name."

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Hong Chengchou nodded slightly, no longer polite, and said, "Sangui, you made a name for yourself in the first battle at Qixingguan. The three-way soldiers and horses have the best progress on this road. Why, you want to grab the first credit for entering Yunnan. already?"

Wu Sangui smiled bitterly and said, "In front of the teacher, the students did not dare to hide it. Although the students have the experience, the two battles at Heishidu and Qixingguan caused too many casualties among the students' subordinates. It was a fluke to be able to defeat Li Dingguo. I want to go to Yunnan first. ($>>> cotton, flower 'sugar' small 'said'

"You really don't want to?" Hong Chengchou's eyes seemed to see through Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui was a little uncomfortable when he looked at him, but he still bit the bullet and said, "I really don't dare."

"Really? Do you know what this is?"

Hong Chengchou was noncommittal, and took out something from his hand and called Wu Sangui to look at it. Wu Sangui saw the object in Hong Chengchou's hand, but was speechless. It turned out that there was a chess piece in Hong Chengchou's palm.

What did Hong Chengchou mean when he asked me to see a chess piece? Was it implying that I was a chess piece in the hands of the Qing court.

Wu Sangui couldn't guess what Hong Chengchou was doing, looked at him with some doubts, and said, "The teacher holds a chess piece in the palm of his hand, but what do you want to explain to the students?"

Hong Chengchou said lightly: "It means that you, King Pingxi, are deceiving me, this teacher."

Wu Sangui was startled and pretended to be frightened: "The student has never deceived the teacher, but I don't know how the teacher would have this idea?"

"Come in and talk."

Hong Chengchou motioned Wu Sangui to enter the room with him, and after entering the room, he sat down on his own, and said to Wu Sangui, "Although you and I have the names of teachers and students, there is no distinction between respect and inferiority, and as a human being, you should consider yourself very talented. Yes, why did you bow down to the old man when I came?"

"Students are of course very serious about their teachers, what's wrong with that?" Wu Sangui didn't know how to answer this question from Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou asked him directly: "Sangui, in front of this old man, don't tell me if you have or not. Let me ask you, this time you came to Yang Laobao, but do you have something to help me?"

Wu Sangui didn't think much about it. Since Hong Chengchou said it himself, he pushed the boat along the way: "Teacher is really a genius! I hope the teacher will remember your old relationship with me, and the military will discuss tomorrow to say a few words for the students."

Hong Chengchou pretended to be puzzled and said, "You are the King of Pingxi, and you just defeated Li Dingguo, just like in the middle of the day, but you don't know what to ask the old man to help you?"

In front of Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui felt that there was no need to hide it, so he told the truth: "The students don't want to go to Yunnan and fight Li Dingguo recklessly."

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou smiled and said, "Shijun Lu shares your worries for the king, this is a matter of course and right. You Pingxi Wang'er has made great achievements in battle today, and the progress has been smoothest. If you don't enter Yunnan, who will enter Yunnan?"

Seeing that Hong Chengchou didn't understand what he meant, Wu Sangui was a little anxious and said, "Does the teacher really not understand what the students think?"

"Even if the old man understands or doesn't understand, he is not someone who can call the shots. In the current situation of the old man, he is also an outsider. You must know this." After speaking, Hong Chengchou gave Wu Sangui a meaningful look. .

Wu Sangui was still confused, he said: "Southwest is the teacher's strong push, and three troops enter Yunnan. Which way goes first and which way later, the teacher no longer has the right to make a decision. It is always possible to say a few words."

"You guys, you used to do this in the Liaodong army in the former Ming Dynasty. Now that the Qing Dynasty is over, you still do it. You know that your idea is not only to preserve strength, but also to support the troops, which is a taboo of the imperial court." Hong Chengchou shook his head. .

Wu Sangui hurriedly said: "The students dare not support the troops and respect themselves, otherwise the Qing Dynasty will not be surrendered that day. What the students want is to let the children under their command end well."

"You don't have to hide anything. There is nothing in this world that the old man can't understand. In fact, it's not a big deal. You can tell the old man as soon as you see it, and the old man won't blame you. Good morning."

"What's better than going early?"

There are several inexplicable things in Hong Chengchou's speech today, which makes Wu Sangui more and more confused.

"Say early to save the old man from a lot of trouble."

"What does the teacher mean?"

"You said it earlier, the old man taught you earlier, why, you King Pingxi is really a noble now, and you can't even understand what the old man said?"

"But I don't know what the teacher taught me!"

"Can I know what to do, old man?" Hong Chengchou said that there was nothing he could do, but his eyes were fixed on Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui's thoughts moved, and without hesitation, he knelt down in front of Hong Chengchou, and said, "I hope the teacher will give me some advice, and students should keep it in their hearts and never forget them until they die!"

Seeing that Wu Sangui finally understood what he meant, Hong Chengchou hurriedly helped Wu Sangui and said: "Pingxi King is serious! You and I have no names as teachers and students. King Pingxi values ​​this old man so much, it is purely to flatter the old man. How can the old man not know the truth. It's just that in the future, if the old man is not going well, I hope King Pingxi will take more care."

Wu Sangui didn't know what Hong Chengchou said about the disobedience~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but immediately said: "If Sangui gets the help of his teacher, he will definitely repay his teacher!"

Wu Sangui deliberately replaced "teacher" with "mentor". Hong Chengchou heard that his name changed, from "teacher" to "teacher", which meant a lot.

"According to the teacher's intention, what should the students do?"

"What were you going to say?"

"Since entering Guizhou, there have been continuous battles, heavy casualties, and the sergeants are tired and cannot fight anymore."

"The sergeant is exhausted, and there will be a day of recovery. No matter how heavy the casualties, there will be a time to replenish."

"The teacher's intention is to tell the students that even this prevarication is not a long-term solution?"

"The old man didn't say anything."

"This strategy doesn't work, can the teacher have him to teach me?"

"If you don't get rid of the eternal calendar, the court will be uneasy. If you can't enter Yunnan for a long time, the court will be vigilant."

"The teacher's words are very true! It's just that the students don't know how to deal with it?"

"There are many unsettled people among the chieftains in Guizhou, and these people are bound to have trouble."

"Thank you teacher for your teaching!"

Wu Sangui was overjoyed, and Hong Chengchou clearly told him that he could make Guizhou chieftains have the illusion of turmoil from time to time. In this way, whether it was Doni or the Qing court, he would not be able to immediately enter Yunnan, thus indirectly preserving his military strength. To put it bluntly, it is to raise thieves with self-respect.

But Hong Chengchou still said calmly: "King Pingxi doesn't have to thank me too soon! Although the chieftain can cause chaos, and the king of Pingxi can also put it down, but his play can't be long!"

Wu Sangui hurriedly asked for advice again: "My teacher has a bright lesson, but my students are dull and unable to come up with a perfect solution."

This time, Hong Chengchou suddenly fell silent. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table. After a while, he suddenly said to Wu Sangui, "Do you know why I don't see you today?"

There is one more, the time is uncertain. (To be continued.)

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