Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 467: 1 Manchurian

In Beijing, when Shunzhi was waiting for the good news from the Southwest and Guangdong, General Shengjing (Ang Bang Zhangjing) duly gave the capital a book, saying that the Rakshasa people had been dishonest since they built a castle in Yaksa on the Emur River. A few days ago They suddenly attacked the city of Aigun, and massacred the nearby Daur, Zhusheli, Hezhe and other tribes. The meaning of the tower.

This news made Shunzhi very unhappy. Although the place of Ningguta is only a barren and barren land, there are no towers, and it is also a place specially used to exile prisoners. It can be said that it is worthless to the Qing Dynasty. But this place is the legendary residence of the six brothers of the ancestors of the Aixinjueluo family. But the Eight Banners outside the customs can't beat the Rakshasa people, and now the southwest, Guangdong, Fujian, Hubei, and eastern Sichuan are all using troops, and they can't mobilize the army to fight the Rakshasa people for a while. So Shunzhi decided to take care of those Rakshasa people, and with the help of Tommafa, he sent an oracle written to the Tsar of the Rakshasa Kingdom.

In this decree, Shunzhi said to the Rakshasa Tsar: "The far northwest of your country has never reached China. Now that you are sincere to Hua, I have sent envoys to pay tribute to them. I am very honored, and I have given them special gifts, namely Bi Er sent people back, showing that I am gentle and far-reaching. Er Qi accepted it, and Yongjiao was loyal and obedient, and I gave it a second favor."

In the decree, Shunzhi did not mention the harassment and trouble of the Rakshasa in the Qing territory outside Guan, nor did he mention the killing of the people of the Qing outside the Guan by the Rakshas, ​​not to mention the land occupied by them, but only repeatedly emphasized, I hope that the tsar of Rakshasa can maintain a good and normal relationship with the Qing Dynasty like other countries around the Qing Dynasty, such as Korea, Japan, Vietnam and other countries. If the Rakshasa country is willing to pay tribute every year and be loyal and obedient, then the emperor of the Qing Dynasty is obviously Very happy.

Along with this decree, a large number of treasures were delivered to Yaksa. The Rakshasa people of Yaksa received the decree and treasures from the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Sure enough, they made it clear that they would submit their credentials to their tsar, and strive to send a mission to Beijing to meet the Qing emperor, and also stated that they would no longer invade the territory of the Qing Dynasty. Since then, Rakshasa and Qing have been friendly.

After the news was reported back to the capital, Shunzhi couldn't help but rejoice. I think that although the Rakshasa people are red-haired barbarians, they still know the general situation. They also know that the Qing emperor is powerful and powerful. Compared with Li Dingguo in the southwest, the thief Xiucai in Guangdong, and the pirate Zheng in Fujian, he is much more pleasant. If these thieves did not cause trouble to the Qing emperor like the Rakshasa people, the world would have been peaceful long ago.

The affairs of the Rakshasa people did not involve much energy in Shunzhi. Since last year, Jidu and Donni led the army out of Beijing and went south, he has been waiting for good news every day.

In March, the good news finally came. First, Ji Du Shang said that the army had reached Chaozhou. The Taiping bandit fled to Huizhou after hearing the wind. Now that he has entered Chaozhou City, he will enter Huizhou after the army rests for a few days.

Although he doesn't like Jidu, the prince who has repeatedly contradicted him and ruined his good things many times, Jidu is now working hard for him as an emperor and attacking the thief scholar who makes Mafa extremely angry, so Shunzhi naturally has good words. Encouragement, but also economical do not have to rush for success. Slow down and take slow, so as not to repeat the old tricks, after all, thieves are very cunning.

Did Jidu listen to his own words? Shunzhi didn't think much about it, because the Guangdong side would soon lose his attention.

Wu Sangui reported victories one after another, first occupying Chongqing, then breaking Shitaiguan, and then occupying Zunyi, an important town in Guizhou. The Ming Dynasty officials in Guizhou saw that the situation was over, and they surrendered one after another.

Roto also came to report the victory, relying on Sun Kewang's letter and guide to open the way, he easily broke through the defense line deployed by Nanming in Hunan. And on March 29th, he took the lead in breaking Guiyang and captured numerous officials of Nanming.

There are good news from the left and middle. Zhao Butai on the right did not disappoint Shunzhi either. He and Lian Guoan had already occupied most of the prefectures and counties in southern Guizhou. In a few days, he will be able to join forces with Roto in Guiyang.

After seeing the smooth progress of the three-way Qing army ahead, Duny also led his troops from Hunan to Guizhou. Now the whole of Guizhou is owned by the Qing Dynasty, and Shunzhi asked Hong Chengchou from Changsha to go to Guiyang. Duny presided over the next attack. Specific deployment in Yunnan. When Hong Chengchou was still on the road, another good news came that Wu Sangui severely damaged Li Dingguo's Ministry at Qixingguan in Guizhou. From the situation, the Ming army has completely lost the opportunity to counterattack Guizhou.

When the news reached the capital, Shunzhi was overjoyed and sent guard Niyada and others to Guizhou to condolences to the various ministries, and formally ordered the Ministry of Personnel and Ministries to reassure the officials of Guizhou's prefectures and counties, and ordered the Ministry of Rites to issue "hair-shaving orders" for several southwestern provinces.

"From today, Guizhou will be limited to half a month, and Yunnan will be limited to half a month from the date of the army's capture. The military and civilians will all be ordered to shave their hair. Those who obey are my good citizens. Those who hesitate and resist will be treated as severely as rogues. Loans, there are those who evade and argue eloquently, and will never be lenient. If anyone in the southwest tries to sparse the court for this matter, and does not follow the system of this dynasty, they will be killed without mercy!" Minister Suksaha said viciously.

"The southwest haircut is ordered. Millions of people are going to do it. I don't want to destroy the country, but I have to cheapen those haircut masters first. Do you think that these haircut masters should be asked to pay the head cutting tax to the imperial court?"

Shunzhi was in a good mood and joked with the courtiers. Suksaha was an upright person, not good at jokes, and was stunned by the words of his master. The Minister of the Interior, Ao Bai, grinned happily, looking at the master and jokingly said: "Master, the servants have been bored and bored all the time. Why don't you learn the skill of shaving your head, so that you can go to the southwest to make a fortune."

"Okay, you obei, do you want to compete with the people for profit?"

Ao Bai's words made Shunzhi very happy, and after laughing, he said to all the servants with a straight face: "Shaving my hair is a custom of my Manchu people, and it has been regarded as a sign of whether aliens have surrendered to my Manchu since the ancestors! Now, I am in the Qing Dynasty. Not only do we need to conquer the alien race of the Han people by force, and take their country, but we must also conquer them psychologically, so that they can be submissive and honestly obey the **** of the Manchus! The most important and most crucial means, when Dorgon was there, although he was very domineering towards me, I admired his vision and means very much when it came to shaving his hair and changing his clothes!

If I tick the Manchus and don’t tick the Hans, they have many people, we have few people, and the clothes and clothes are different. In the end, they still regard us as aliens, and we also regard them as aliens. They are afraid of us, but as time goes by, someone will inevitably jump out and be hostile to us. So I must shave off their heads and force them to put on our Manchu cheongsam jackets, so that their children and grandchildren will take our Manchu clothes as their own, and our Manchu hair accessories as their own If outsiders questioned our hair accessories, they would be unhappy and scrambling to rectify the name of our Manchu things!

In a word, I want the descendants of the alien race of the Han people to be the slaves of our Manchus, to live according to the customs of our Manchus, and to forget the way of life of their ancestors in the past! If they don't want to, we'll kill them until they're scared, and they'll have no backbone or backbone. In this way, we Manchus can live in the country of the Han people permanently, and we don’t have to be afraid of being overthrown by the Han people, because they are all like us, even if the Han people really overthrow us, we Manchus can also live in their place. Why? Because we are Manchus, but the Han people are no longer Han, but we are Manchus. Do you understand this? "

"Your Majesty, the servants understand everything and understand!"

Ao Bai didn't know whether he really understood or falsely understood. The two sides knelt down with their sleeves together. When he knelt, Suksaha and the Minister of Rites Jue Luo Langqiu also knelt down. It seems that if he doesn't kneel, he can't express it. His admiration for his master.

"What I said can actually be summed up in four words - the Manchu-Han family! Of course, you slaves should have a long memory. The Manchu-Han family I said is not really a family of our Manchus and their Hans, but It is to make them Han people become our Manchus, not our Manchus to become their Han people, you all write down this to me, now some children in the Eight Banners are very bad, I heard that they like Han things very much, and some still The opera troupe that raises Han Chinese at home is no good.

Go back and check it out for me, catch a few and teach me a lesson, so as not to forget the roots of our Manchus. Oh, by the way, the Taoism that the Han people believe in is very bad. These Taoists are not willing to cut their hair or change their clothes. They still wear the clothes of the Ming Dynasty. They all believe in our Lamaism. Only when the Han people follow the customs of our Manchus can we Manchus enjoy their flowers, and the emperor I do is comfortable."

Speaking of this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Shunzhi's words changed, and the young face was rather gloomy, "The southwest's hair shaving order must be strictly enforced, and there must be no mistakes. Keep your head without leaving your hair, and keep your hair without leaving your head. It's called Hunan Duo. Choose some shaving masters to go out with the Eight Banners soldiers, and if you see any hair growing, you will immediately forcibly shave them, and those who do not obey will immediately beheaded, and then hang them on the pole to show the public!"

"Master, there are millions of heads in the southwest, where can I find so many barbers and bamboo poles at a time?" Suksaha held back a question for a long time.

"Suksaha, you elm head, I really can't laugh or cry because of you. You, there are not enough head shavers, but which of our Eight Banners soldiers don't have this stuff?" He took out a dagger made of gold, and said happily: "I heard Wu Liangfu's servant say that the Han people have this saying: The hair is cut like a leek and reborn, and the head is cut like a chicken and croaks again. Well, I want to look at their heads. If they can grow back after they are cut, if they can grow again, then I will cut them like leeks until they stop growing!"


I will post this section today. Tomorrow will be the historical battle power list. The bones have just reached the minimum conditions for participating in this list. The average subscription is 500, so I want to try and see if I can also be on the list. At three or four o'clock, rush to the list and see if you can update it with two or three thousand words. (To be continued.)

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