Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 464: interest group

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Three days later, Ma Anmin reported the number of people in Huizhou Fucheng and the counties. There were more than 287,000 people in Dingkou, and the actual population was more than 770,000.

This data is a book made by the Qing Dynasty in Huizhou in the seventh year of Shunzhi. In recent years, Guangdong has suffered successive military disasters, and the provincial capitals of Guangzhou and Chaozhou have been slaughtered. However, the military disasters in Huizhou were not large. During the uprising, it disturbed several counties, and has been active in Huidong since then, with little impact on Huinan and Huixi. This is due to the special geographical location of Huizhou, which is not as important as Guangzhou and Chaozhou; on the other hand, it is due to the fact that Huizhou officials of the Ming Dynasty "know the current affairs", they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty early, which made the Qing army not in Huizhou. The massacre of the city indirectly preserved the vitality of Huizhou. This point can be seen from the statistics of Guangzhou’s population by the Chief Envoy. Guangzhou’s current population of more than a dozen counties is added together, and the number of refugees recruited together is only 500,000, while Huizhou’s prefecture has nearly 800,000. It can also be seen from this. The destructiveness of the Qing army to Guangzhou.

The battlefields of Wu Liuqi's attack on Huizhou and the Taiping army's eastward expedition were also mainly in the area of ​​Lufeng and Jieshiwei, so the casualties of the common people were not large. However, this catalogue of people is still somewhat inaccurate, at least it is definitely not as thorough as what Guangzhou has done. Zhou Shixiang estimated that the number of black households concealed by the gentry and landlords in each county should be tens of thousands.

There is definitely a problem with the money, grain, field, and acres, but in general, the data reported by Ma Anmin is still 70% credible. After all, in the eyes of officials like Ma Anmin, those tenant farmers who are personally dependent seem to be insignificant. Hugh has given up the land of the landlords, so he can't be harsh on them. One thing is certain, Huizhou officials headed by Ma Anmin and the local gentry must have an interest group, and this interest group is the enemy of the Taiping Army, which is to influence the Taiping Army to build villages and townships in Huizhou, and mobilize all human resources, money and food resources. Anti-Qing stumbling block, so they must be attacked.

Before using the knife, the Huizhou soldiers who had colluded with the local gentry had to be dismantled. Han Chaozong, Wang Dalin and others reported the actual situation of Huizhou soldiers. There are more than 9,500 soldiers, and there are only more than 1,200 veterans from the inner and middle governors and Shunde battalions. The rest are the original Huizhou battalions and recruited bandits. These people are also mixed.

Zhou Shixiang ordered the establishment of the seventh town, and selected more than 5,000 soldiers from Huizhou to organize two brigades. The surrendered Guide soldiers and the rest of the Nanyang soldiers, Chaozhou battalions, and some young soldiers were reorganized into a brigade. , Cui Bao, the former deputy battalion officer of the Transportation Battalion, is the Brigade Brigade School. After the replenishment of the three brigades was in place, Zhou Shixiang ordered Hu Qili to be the seventh town general and Liu Zhong, the general of Guide, to be the deputy general.

This arrangement is also a mutual check and balance. Although Hu Qili is the town general, the Han Dynasty Zong has only followed the leader of Zhou Shixiang. Naturally, it is impossible to follow Hu Qili to rebel; Zhang Chao, the chief soldier of Nanyang, was originally older than Hu Qili, the Guangdong green camp superintendent, and his seniority. It is a grievance to be subordinate to him and serve as a travel school. Don't even think about it. If he really wants to mess up, Zhang Chao's first thought is to ask Hu Qili to listen to him, not that he listens to Hu Qili.

Cui Bao, an old man who joined the Taiping Army from Luo Ding, was loyal to Zhou Shixiang, so how could he follow Hu Qili to rebel. Lieutenant generals Liu Zhong and Zhang Chao are of the same nature. They are really desperate Taiping troops who surrender. As soon as Jidu died, his brothers, like the Mongols, had no way out and could only follow the Taiping army to the end. The more the Taiping army can fight. The more powerful they are, the better their lives will be saved, and they may even be able to obtain higher officials than those in the Qing court, so it is simply not necessary to make them mess up again.

Basically, all the surrendered generals in the Taiping Army had the same idea as Liu Zhong and Zhang Chao, and even the Mongols thought the same way. If the ship of the Taiping Army sank, one can imagine how the Qing court would deal with these traitors. The Mongols are more afraid of this. Prince Jian Jidu was killed by them, and the others may still have a chance to survive. The Mongols had no chance at all. Others wanted to dive when the Taiping army sank. But they were desperately trying to scoop water to keep the boat from sinking.

After the establishment of the seventh town, it was not stationed in Huizhou, but moved to Qingyuan. In this way, officials and gentry in Huizhou could not get the military support of Huizhou soldiers, and Huizhou was taken over by the sixth town of Suna, which was stationed in Lufeng.

Suna is now a die-hard follower of Zhou Shixiang. Countless Manchu compatriots died under his sword, and even the city of Guangzhou was won by him. In terms of credit, I am afraid that he is Suna except for his pioneering work. With Suna sitting in Huizhou, Zhou Shixiang was naturally not worried that the officials and gentry in Huizhou would cause trouble.

Suna's attack was extremely black. Although he did not blatantly slaughter the city like Zhao Ziqiang, what he did in Chaozhou was outrageous. There was a time when a nearby stockade attacked his troops, causing several casualties. As a result, in revenge, Suna slaughtered more than a thousand people from the stockade together with the old and weak, women and children. Wang Tai's vicious name was widely spread for a while.

Suna acts ruthlessly and is ruthless, and he is still a Manchurian. Naturally, he does not have to worry about colluding with the local Han gentry, so it is extremely reassuring to let him sit in Huizhou Zhou Shixiang. As long as Song Xianggong started to send personnel to take over Huizhou, he immediately implemented the construction of villages and townships in Huizhou and Chaozhou at the same time, and replaced the original officials. Those who can use them and who are willing to obey the orders of the governor can stay in office. Those who secretly incite the people to make trouble must be eliminated.

Zhou Shixiang didn't need his officials to be jinshi and juren masters full of experience, he only needed someone who could read official documents and understand how to be an official, even if he had no fame.

The tragic history since Jiashen told Zhou Shixiang that if the civil officials in the Ming Dynasty said that everyone would come out and kill them, they must be wrong. After all, there are many loyal to the country, but if they kill each other, 80% of them are right.

The Taiping Army is an emerging force. It is a military force based on violence. The policies it implements are all to maximize the integration of human, financial, and food resources to fight against the Qing Dynasty, rather than copying the previous one. The township and the countryside were governed by the gentry, which led to the Qing army's massive pressure on the territory.

What the Taiping Army needs is general mobilization, and it does not allow any class to meddle in the resources that are not divided into many categories. Therefore, the officials that Zhou Shixiang wanted were only those who could understand the official documents issued above, could simply write official documents, and could obey the execution unconditionally. There are many such people in the yamen of the counties in Guangzhou, and there are also many in the townships and village offices, and many of them are people who are unable to pass the examination and are forced to work in commercial firms.

Being pragmatic is the best advantage of these literate guys. Given that Guangzhou's juvenile military camp has just opened, the earliest public schools in the counties have only opened for a year, and there are not even the first batch of graduates, so it is impossible for Zhou Shixiang to It is too extreme and unrealistic to eliminate all the original officials of the prefectures. The principle he gave to Duke Xiang of Song was to use those who can use them, and to remove those who cannot use them.

Because Huizhou suffered the least war, there were a lot of gentry and landlords in the house. Compared with Guangzhou, these people were also very capable, and suppressing them would only make Huizhou unstable, so Zhou Shixiang asked Song Xianggong to delay. It takes a few months to find out the basic situation first. Those who are willing to cooperate are naturally welcome, and some local powers can be given to them, such as seats in the township office, village office, and even the county government can give them some seats, with outstanding ability The person can serve in the government yamen, and the governor can be the chief yamen. For the land and black households under their names, they are also redeemed by means of redemption and power exchange as much as possible to reduce conflicts of interest. For those who are unwilling to cooperate, they must be strongly suppressed. No matter how many people die, even if they are wiped out, they must be eliminated. These stubborn elements must not be allowed to continue to fish and meat the villagers, and affect the overall situation of the anti-Qing Dynasty for their own selfish interests.

When the old stratum is eliminated, a new stratum is bound to replace them. Classes are not to be feared. What is scary is that the existence of classes leads to the demise of the country and the fall of the nation.

Zhou Shixiang is now deliberately creating a military class and a civil service group belonging to the Taiping Army. These two groups have people from any background, even if they were just a lowly beggar in the past, UU read www. But now uukanshu.com has been rewarded for military exploits, and has its own status and power, as well as its own land. For the sake of their interests, they must form a group with the Qing army, and fight to the end all enemies that may affect their interests.

It's too early to do nothing. The Han people have said this for thousands of years, and it's definitely not wrong.

At first, Zhou Shixiang promised everyone in Daqiao Mountain the benefits, the benefits of promotion and fortune. Now, he also continues this benefit method, whether it is bandits, surrendering troops, or children of good families, as long as you have merit in the Taiping Army, you will be able to benefit, and thus truly become a member of the Taiping Army. There is no benefit, even if those subordinate generals and subordinate soldiers are forced to temporarily obey your orders, but after a long time, they find that they have no position or interest in the Taiping Army, and they will always be discriminated against and despised. Thoughts, and thus strange thoughts, eventually become unstable factors.

The promotion of the reward for the meritorious soldiers of the Eastern Expedition has already begun, and this matter has become the top priority of the military commander's office, just like the expansion of the army. Zhou Shixiang himself is only Xingpingbo now, so he can't give awards to meritorious soldiers from the nobility, so he can only start from his position, from the land, and from the money. If Yongli is willing to make him a prince, he will start the Taiping Army's prince, marquis, and earl awards, so that his subordinates have better expectations for the future, and those who have not been rewarded have greater motivation. to fight for his title. (To be continued.)

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