Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 454: choice

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Mongolia is the Tatar, and Manchuria is the captive (slave).

Dong Changqing's remarks are obviously to persuade Zhou Shixiang to send people to persuade him to surrender when the Qing army is running out of food, and the condition for allowing these Mongolian soldiers to surrender is to save their heads. If the persuasion to surrender is successful, not only can the war that lasted for more than a month be resolved immediately, but also thousands of Mongolian soldiers can be added to the Taiping army, and the Taiping cavalry will rapidly expand in size and strength.

The cavalry and the navy had always been Zhou Shixiang's heartache. Although the navy had built a water camp, it was unable to form a fighting force in a short period of time. If it weren't for Zheng Chengkui's help, even this large-scale shipping would not have been successful. And Zheng Chengkui was Chen Qice's commander, not Zhou Shixiang's commander, so if Zheng Chengkui's team left the Taiping Army, it would still be impossible for the Taiping Army's water battalion to be used alone and become a water force that could decide the battle.

The development and construction of a navy is not something that can be established overnight, nor is it just a matter of building a ship and recruiting some sailors to fly a flag and send them out to fight. If this is the case, the Qing army does not have to recruit and surrender the Ming army navy on a large scale, and it is even more impossible to recruit pirates at sea. For example, Liang Biaoxiang, the former commander of the Guangdong navy, was a giant pirate at sea, and Shang Kexi wanted to win him over. To deal with the navy of the Ming army, Xu Chu's conditions were very favorable, and even after he was severely damaged by the navy of the Ming army, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. But in the end, Liang Biaoxiang patted his **** and led the remnants out of the sea after the navy camp was burnt down by the Taiping Army. I still don't know where to be happy, and the king of Pingnan almost fainted from anger. There was nothing he could do, because he didn't even have the soldiers sent to catch Liang Biaoxiang.

It's not that Shang Kexi doesn't know that a big pirate like Liang Biaoxiang only has profit and no righteousness in his eyes. Even when he fights, he doesn't want to do his best to preserve his strength. Kou, just because he couldn't create his own navy. The same thing should be happening to Zhou Shixiang now, but Zhou Shi is better than Shang Kexi. The powerful Ming army navy is his friend, not the enemy, so he has time to develop the navy slowly, instead of recruiting unbalanced and unpredictable pirates to form a navy like Shang Kexi.

The mariner. Zhou Shixiang had time to wait and was not in a hurry. At least within ten years, it was foreseeable that the main battlefield of the Taiping Army would still be land. A strong navy is certainly what Zhou Shixiang looks forward to, but he also knows that he can't have both.

The cavalry. Also short board. When the cavalry brigade was established, it was based on the remnants of the original cavalry battalion and the Manchu soldiers under Suna as the backbone, and some soldiers who were transferred to Pingnan and Jingnan, and some soldiers from the Green Battalion were reluctantly formed a brigade. There are no more than five hundred that can be called cavalry. Since the formation of the army, although the cavalry brigade has increased the amount of training, it is obviously impossible to make those soldiers who cannot ride horses become elite soldiers in a short period of time. In several battles against the Qing cavalry, the Taiping cavalry was clearly at a disadvantage.

In the battle at Huanggangling, Suna fought with more than 800 cavalry against more than 400 Mongolian soldiers, but was forced to retreat after losing more than 100 soldiers; the battle at Beishan Village. The entire cavalry brigade was dispatched, and although the Mongolian soldiers were repelled, they could kill no more than 200 people, but their own casualties were more than 400; Shao Chengguo led his troops to cooperate with the second town Yu Shizhong's troops to expel four Niu Lu Mongolian soldiers who were monitoring Lu Feng. At that time, the performance of the cavalry was also not good. If it wasn't for the heroic performance of the brigade soldiers trained by Yu Shizhong according to the Qi family's military tactics, I am afraid they would not be able to drive out the Mongolian soldiers; when the Jidu army attacked Lufeng, Shao Chengguo led the troops to contain the Qing army. They attacked the Jidu Central Army and were stopped by the divided Mongolian cavalry. As soon as the two sides hedged, Shao Chengguo's army suffered half the casualties, and more than 600 people were killed.

Now all three battalions of the cavalry brigade are disabled, and there are more than 300 men under Suna on the northern front. On the southern line, Shao Chengguo's subordinates only had more than 500 men left, and an extra piece was no more than one battalion. According to Liu Zhong, the commander of Guide, and Zhang Chao, the commander of Nanyang, who came to surrender, there are between 3,000 and 3,500 Mongolian cavalry in Jieshiwei, and there are more than 100 remaining soldiers at the front of the Manchurian battalion. Goshha's personal soldiers, probably less than a thousand people. Even without the Manchu soldiers. The more than 3,000 Mongolian cavalry alone can also hit the Taiping army hard, not to mention the Manchu soldiers.

In this battle, Zhou Shixiang was very sleepy, trapped the Qing army alive, starved the Qing army to death, and he would never take the risk to attack Jieshiwei until the Qing army had a breath. He gave strict orders to the ministries not to send a single soldier or soldier, and he also made up his mind to starve the thousands of Manchu and Mongolian soldiers to death, not to take prisoners.

Now that the southern front has successfully persuaded a Mongolian leader and several hundred Mongolian soldiers to surrender, Zhou Shixiang has touched Zhou Shixiang. He carefully considered Dong Changqing's opinion and felt that this strategy was very good.

After solving Jidu, Zhou Shixiang had two choices. One was to go west to Guangxi to solve the danger in the southwest and rescue Yongli from Yunnan to Guangdong, so that he could replace Li Dingguo as the leader of Yongming and continue to fight the banner of Daming; The Southwest War, regardless of the eternal calendar, went straight north from Chaozhou to attack Fujian and Zhejiang, and cooperated with Zheng Chenggong's Nanjing campaign.

I can't say which of the two options is better. Of course, the northern attack on Fujian and Zhejiang can take advantage of the emptiness of the Qing army. If all goes well, they should be able to join forces with the Zheng army in Nanjing, and if possible, they can also take advantage of the Zheng army's leaks. Zhou Shixiang did not know that he remembered that the surname Guo entered the Yangtze River twice~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is the first time this year, but he was forced to withdraw his troops due to heavy losses in the typhoon in Zhoushan. Nanjing time.

From the point of view of personal interests, Zhou Shixiang certainly hopes to go to Nanjing to pick up Zheng Chenggong's leaks. If Nanjing recovers from the Taiping Army, Zhou Shixiang's famous general will far exceed Li Dingguo and Zheng Chenggong, and he will become the pillar of the sky in Nanming, and will be favored by people who restore Ming in the world. Look up, embrace, support. But the equivalent is the fall of several provinces in the southwest, the escape of Da Mingzi, the loneliness of Jin King Li Dingguo, and the despair of countless Daxi soldiers.

If that's the case, Zhou Shixiang is not worried, without Zhu Youlang, he still has Tang Wang. Yongli refused to die with Daming, but Tang Wang could! Longwu died for the country, Shaowu died for the country, and the last Tang king also insisted on fighting the Qing Dynasty in Taishan. He did not go anywhere and stayed in Guangdong all the time. The original time and space persisted until the end, committing suicide. Zhou Shixiang believed that he really wanted to push Tang Wang to supervise the country. Under the premise of abandoning the country forever, the world's forces of Ming Dynasty could not oppose it. What he worried about was how to face the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops who had pacified the southwest and turned southeast.


I rushed out, and now I'm going to deliver 30 cases of wine to the wedding reception. I'm busy in the afternoon. (To be continued.)

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