Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 451: Dilemma

Lu Guangzu, the deputy commander of Wuzhen Chaoha who fled back to Chaozhou from Puning, immediately organized the young men of Chaozhou city to defend the city to prevent the Taiping army from taking advantage of the situation to seize Chaozhou. I thought that Prince Jane would return to the army to defeat the Taiping army immediately after knowing that Wu Zhenchaoha was defeated, and although he was bereaved and commanded, he had the ability to defend Chaozhou, and most of his merits and demerits would balance out, so that he would not be punished too much by the court. . But a few days passed, but he didn't even see the shadow of the army, and he couldn't help but panic.

On the fifth day, the spies Lu Guangzu sent to the south of Puning to inquire about the news brought back bad news. The Taiping army built a dozen li-long fortifications along the official road in Yunluojing and Beishan Village, completely blocking the return of Prince Jian’s army. teacher road. And according to the people who built the fortifications, the Taiping army had a fierce battle with the Qing army on Xuanwu Mountain in the south, and the bodies of the dead soldiers brought back four or five thousand. The casualties were very heavy, but they blocked the Qing army. Xuanwu Mountain.

Although the news that the spies inquired about did not clearly indicate whether Prince Jane's army was severely damaged by the Taiping army, Lu Guangzu caught the bad news from the fortifications built by the Taiping army in Yunluojing. If he guessed correctly, the Taiping army wanted to use these fortifications to seal Prince Jian's army in the south. If Prince Jian couldn't take Lufeng City, the army of tens of thousands would be trapped in the Jieshiwei area.

Trapped in the Jedi and without food supply, how could Lu Guangzu, who has fought for many years, not know what happened to the army. He wanted to save him, but he had no troops. In panic, he could only send someone to send an emergency report to the Fujian side, requesting the Fujian side to immediately dispatch troops and horses to the south for rescue.

The Chaozhou emergency report was delivered to Dasu the day after he fled from Xiamen to Quanzhou. Dasu was both shocked and terrified at the time. The shock was that Jidu's army of more than 20,000 was no match for the Taiping army. Instead, they were told to cut off the food supply and surrounded a small area dozens of miles long from Jieshiwei to Lufeng; the fear was that if Jidu died in battle, He, General Annan, would definitely not be able to escape the severe punishment of the imperial court. In addition to the losses he had concealed from the Battle of Jinsha, Ge Jue was all light. If the imperial court could not chop off his head, the tomb of Zhang Jia's clan would be smoking!

After the death of Prince Nikan, the senior generals such as Belletunqi, Basihan, Beizi Zakana, Mueryou, Gushan Ezhen Handai, Yilde, and Alshan who followed Nikan on the expedition were all received by the Legate. , dismissal and other severe punishments, and some generals of the Han army and the Green Battalion were killed by dozens of people. At that time, Dasu was in the Nikan army, but he was exempted from punishment because he led other soldiers there, but he remembered the fate of those colleagues clearly, and now he is a little scared when he thinks about it.

This time, if Prince Jane is broken again, one can imagine how angry the emperor will be. Even if this Prince Jane and the emperor do not deal with it, even if the emperor is a thorn in the eyes and stabbed in the flesh, it does not mean that if Jidu is dead, the emperor will not Will take their gang of slaves to the knife. Those generals who went south with Nikan back then ended up with Li Li in sight.

Dasu's head is big, and his bowels are also regretful. He regrets that he should not be too hot to think about doing everything in one battle. He launched the Battle of Jinxia without authorization, resulting in heavy casualties for the Qing army in Fujian, and was unable to go south to rescue. What he regrets even more is that he should not have concealed his losses after the defeat. The imperial court only regarded him as having enough troops under his command. Now Chaozhou is calling for help. As the closest troops to the Jidu army, Dasu did not send troops. Who do you expect to save!

The relief degree of sending troops can be adjusted without troops. If you don't send troops, you will save your life if you die in battle. Dasu never dared to put his life on the favor of the emperor and master. If Jidu really died, even if the emperor didn't want his life, the kings and ministers would want him to be Dasu's head.

Dasu, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, didn't know what to do, but at this time his staff gave him an idea, saying that no matter whether he had enough troops to rescue Prince Jane, this gesture was for the court to see, anyway, the court also I don't know the real situation in Fujian, so I sent troops from Nanjing, Zhao'an and other places near Chaozhou to Chaozhou, and reported to the court that the troops had been transferred to the south. After all, no one thought that Prince Jane's army of more than 20,000 people would not be able to defeat the Taiping bandits, and it would take time to transfer troops from Fujian, and some accidents would inevitably happen on the way. Zheng Jun. As long as his posture is adequate, if he really can't save Prince Jane, no one can say that Da Su didn't try his best. Moreover, if Prince Jane was really lost in the hands of Taiping bandits, the court should first investigate the people in Guangdong, and then the Fujian side as reinforcements, so Dasu does not need to worry about nothing. Would you like to take the Fujian coach? This is a big no-no.

The staff also said that it was also just to count the losses in Jinxia while the rescue was going south. As long as the mouths of the people below were sealed, not only were they not at fault, but they would be able to portray the image of a loyal minister who helped Prince Jane regardless of casualties.

This aide used to be the former Ming chief soldier. It sounds like the truth after hearing the truth. After listening to Dasu, although he felt that this idea was a bad idea, it would damage his reputation, but it is the best for now. The method has been adopted, and now it can only be adopted. Ordered people to take the general's order to urgently order more than 3,000 battalions from Nanjing, Zhao'an and other places to go to Chaozhou to return to Lu Guangzu's command, and ordered Lu Guangzu to retake Puning City, which was occupied by the Taiping army, and to open up the communication channel with the Jidu army, or else Military law. This can be regarded as placing the responsibility directly on Lu Guangzu.

It took more than 3,000 Fujian Qing troops four days to arrive in Chaozhou. Lu Guangzu, who received Dasu's warrant, was so angry that he scolded his mother, knowing that Dasu had used himself as a scapegoat. If he succeeded, his inner minister and general commanded well, but if he failed, Lu Guangzu was incompetent.

The scolding returned to the scolding, knowing that it was Yang Conspiracy, there was no way to do it. Dasu was the minister of the interior, and the emperor sent to Fujian General Annan. What was he, did the emperor listen to him or his own servants?

In order to save his own life, Lu Guangzu could only bite the bullet. He managed to gather more than 2,000 soldiers, plus more than 3,000 soldiers from Fujian, a total of more than 5,000 soldiers marched towards Puning City. The result was that he was unable to attack for several days. No matter how he stimulated the generals, the Taiping army in the city could not die. Leaving them ridiculed and ignoring Lu Guangzu at all, he was so angry that Lu Guangzu jumped and cursed in front of the formation.

The soldiers of Lu Guangzu's subordinates had all lost their energy, and the Fujian soldiers were also full of complaints, and no one was willing to step forward to give their lives. Lu Guangzu had the intention to retreat, but he was afraid that if he lost the prince, the Qing court would chop off his head. If he did not retreat, it would not be a problem to spend it under the city of Puning. It was really a dilemma. Da Su could still put the blame on him, Lu Guangzu, but he didn't know who to put it on.

At this time, the Taiping Army had already withdrawn from the Xuanwu Mountain Pass to Beishan Village, and a brigade from the third town had arrived by sea from Huizhou. Their arrival timely supplemented the strength of the Taiping Army on the northern front, making the Taiping Army more confident in defending Beishan Village. official road in the area.

Taiping was evacuated late at night, and the Qing army only found out that the Taiping army had withdrawn the next day. At first, Ji Du couldn't believe that the Taiping army had withdrawn. After the confirmation of the second group, Ji was overjoyed and told Du Eryou and Nahai that it seemed that the Taiping bandits were bluffing a few days ago, but their strength was actually very weak. Du Eryou and the others couldn't think of a better reason to explain the fact that the Taiping army was withdrawing from Xuanwu Mountain. In order to prevent the night from dreaming, Jidu immediately ordered all the troops to go north from Xuanwu Mountain, and then ordered Ezhen Ariel to lead Mongolian Niulu to move north quickly. , to try to catch up with the retreating Taiping army, no matter what, they will tear off another piece of their meat and avenge Xuanwu Mountain.

As long as it wasn't a strong attack, Su Rile naturally gave his life, leading his cavalry to rush through the official road between the Xuanwu Mountains, whistling and chasing north. As a result, after chasing for a few miles, I found the traces of the Taiping Army, but the next scene made the Mongolian soldiers stunned. The officials who had come all the way did not know when they asked people to dig countless trenches, and the back of the trenches was still densely built. A lot of castles have been raised. The Taiping troops who had withdrawn from Xuanwu Mountain were hiding in those fortresses at the moment, and Su Rile clearly saw that there were fire guns in the openings of many fortresses. The ditch was also full of pickets, and the only way to pass was the wooden bridges suspended across from it.

These fortifications built by the Taiping Army can’t be seen at a glance, and there are countless places to break through it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You can see with the naked eye that under some fortresses, countless artillery pieces are densely lined up, but Wu Zhenchaoha The cannons brought from Beijing, among which the large general cannons weighing several thousand catties, looked even more frightening, and the muzzle of the Wudongdong was facing straight ahead.

After Jidu arrived, he was stunned by what he saw in front of him. It is not that he had never seen the Ming army's fortresses. There are many guards built by the Ming army in the north of Shanhaiguan. . The scale of these fortresses built by the Taiping Army was not as large as those of the fortresses in Liaodong, even pitifully small, but they were built intensively. It must be densely packed, and it is impossible to fly. On both sides of the official road are either rivers and ponds or mountains, making it impossible for people to get around. [^ wonderful ~ pen ~ pavilion *]

This is a place that is even more desperate than Xuanwu Mountain!

The Qing army looked at the building complex that did not exist a few days ago, puzzled, confused, shocked, dazed, and even desperate.

Du Eryou's heart fell into the depths: How many lives would it take to break through!

Nahai's lips were biting blue. He was never afraid of charging into battle, but he was really afraid in front of the fortifications he had never seen before.

Guide general soldier Liu Zhong and Nanyang general soldier Zhang Chao both stood on the horse, and this pair of brothers and sisters also had the urge to cry now.

After arguing for a long time, the Qing army launched an attack. As a result, more than 700 corpses were left in half an hour, but even the first line of defense of the Taiping army was not broken. Few of the Taiping troops who hid in the fort and opened fire through the firing holes were even shot by arrows. Wu Zhenchaoha's artillery turned the front of the Taiping army into a **** on earth.

Jidu ordered the withdrawal of the army and retreated to Jieshiwei. He clearly realized that it was impossible for him to break through the Taiping army's defense line and go north.

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