Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 449: For meat, I work hard!

We recommend the "Four Years of Yongli", which is also the theme of Nanming:

In the fourth year of Yongli, Chen Wen appeared in Zhejiang, where the large-scale anti-Qing movement was about to end. In front of him is the most ferocious and cunning enemy in the history of China, but he is surrounded by a group of pig-like teammates. The lonely traveler is determined to reopen the road of military modernization that was cut off in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. Since then, it has turned the tide and helped the building to collapse.


After the vanguard battalion and the Mongolian soldiers retreated, there was no need to make a statement. Liu Zhong, the general soldier of Guide, and Zhang Chao, the general soldier of Nanyang, withdrew their soldiers. When the two went down to the foot of the mountain, they saw Na Haizheng, the commander of the capital, from a distance. Looking at them with a stern face, the second general felt uneasy at the thought of the whip he had received before, and was afraid of being beaten again, but he did not dare to leave just like that, so he just stepped forward. No idea, but Nahai didn't beat the two of them again, not even a word of scolding, just looked at them coldly, and after a while, he took Goshha on his horse and flew away to the central army tent.

Looking at Na Hai's back, Liu Zhong and Zhang Chao both glanced at each other with suspicion in their eyes, wondering how this fiery-tempered Manchu Dutong had changed his temper. There was a noise from the foot of the mountain behind him. The second general looked back, his face was ugly, but the Taiping army on the mountain was throwing the dead Henan battalion soldiers to the foot of the mountain, even those who were injured were not spared. One lifted up and ignored the other's hard pleas, so the two of them joined forces and threw them down, causing these wounded soldiers to be thrown to death.

The Henan battalion soldiers who had retreated just watched helplessly as the corpses of their companions were thrown down by the Taiping Army. They were helpless and desperate. Those who knew each other could only shed a few tears, but they dared not go up to save people without saying anything. . The Han army also retreated dejectedly, leaving only more than 300 people. The co-leader Cai Yuanfeng passed Liu Zhong and Zhang Chao angrily and went straight to the central army tent. Not long after, Prince Jane's Ghoshha came to give orders, ordering Liu Zhong and Zhang to speed up to the Chinese army's large tent. This order made Liu Zhong and Zhang Chao's heart skip a beat, for fear that Na Hai and Cai Yuanfeng would sue them at Prince Jian, and the prince would behead both of them in a fit of anger. But the fear is the fear, but the second general does not dare not to go. Hanging his head like a brother or brother, he rushed to the central army tent.

On the way, Zhang Chao even ordered the funeral to his personal soldiers, explaining to them that in case he was really subjected to military law, his family property would be inherited by his second son. As for the eldest son who couldn't control the crotch bird and the maid in his early years, he could be divided into some fields.

The Zhili battalion and the Chaozhou battalion also retreated, but it was slower than the Henan battalion. When the Henan soldiers retreated, Zhang Dan, the general of Tongzhou, and Zhang Xianyong, the deputy general of the Chaozhou soldiers who were commanded by Wu Liuqi who died in battle, were still in command and attacked the mountains, forcing the Taiping army to retreat. It was not until he found out that they were the only ones left to fight, Zhang Dan had no choice but to order the retreat.

As soon as the Tongzhou soldiers retreated, the Chaozhou soldiers also retreated after being unable to support them alone. The Zhending soldiers had suffered heavy casualties, and hundreds of remnants were also withdrawn under the leadership of the guerrilla Jiang Long. When retreating, the young Tongzhou soldier who was shouting to avenge his uncle asked Suna to lead someone to catch up. He ran down the mountain like hell, and fell down with one foot. His body fell on the top of a tree that was cut off, and he was pierced through with a "puchi".

Before the young man died, he waved his companions down the mountain with both hands, shouting, "It's a soldier, it's a soldier, and there are soldiers in the bandits!"


After withdrawing, Tongzhou general Zhang Dan and Chaozhou deputy general Zhang Xianyong received orders to rush to the Chinese army tent. When Yang Zhenwei arrived, the large tent of the Chinese army was already crowded with dozens of generals and colonels from the Manchurian, Mongolian, Han, and Green Battalions. No one finished speaking, everyone was silently watching the commander-in-chief Dingyuan General Jidu, waiting for the general to speak.

Yang Zhenwei lost too much blood. His face was pale, and he was still a little unstable under the support of the personal soldiers. When Jidu saw it, he asked Goshha to fetch his own reclining chair and tell Yang Zhenwei to lie down. This move made Yang Zhenwei very moved. His nose was sore and he sobbed. His sobbing made the eyes of Xitu, the third leader of the forward battalion, beside him red.

The forward battalion's 1,100-odd soldiers from the four Niulu were now only a hundred or so, and all of them were killed in battle by Ji Dali, and only Xitu was left in the four commanders, and the casualties were not too heavy. It was a fiasco, a real fiasco. The vanguard battalion has never lost a single defeat since its formation, but today it was defeated so badly that it even lost the military flag bestowed by the emperor. Thinking of this, Xi Tu was even more sad, and Zhi Cha began to cry in the middle of the army tent.

Mongolian Zhenghongqi Gushan Ezhensuril has a very ugly face. He is from Chahar, and his ancestor Guerbush was originally from Mengniu Quarquabezi. In the time of Nuerhaci in the post-Jin Dynasty, Guerbush led his men to surrender to Houjin, and was named the "consort" by Nuerhaci. During the Tiancong years, after Hong Tai's three large-scale expeditions against Chahar, most of the Monan Mongolians surrendered to Jin, Hong Tai added the original Mongolian cattle records that belonged to the Eight Banners of Manchuria and the newly arrived inner and outer Karaqin Mongolians. It was compiled into the Eight Banners of Mongolia. At the beginning, the number of people was only more than 7,800. Now there are 112 cattle records and more than 48,200 soldiers in the Mongolian Eight Banners and Mongolia. Su Rile was the sixth year of Shunzhi who was awarded the Red Flag Gushan Ezhen, and he was also the commander of the Mongolian troops who went south this time.

Since Fujian Nanzhao entered Guangdong, Mongolian soldiers have fought against the Taiping cavalry twice in Huanggangling and Beishan Village. The first time they lost more than 80 soldiers, and the second time they lost more than 200 soldiers, with 316 casualties in the two wars. However, the number of casualties of the Taiping cavalry who fought against it was more than that of the Mongolian soldiers, which made the Mongolian soldiers from Sueril and below all hold contempt for the Taiping army. However, in today's battle, Su Rile and the Mongolian generals no longer dared to despise the Taiping Army, and Su Rile felt even more pained by the casualties of his subordinates.

There were more than 1,300 Mongolian Niu Lu soldiers who entered the mountain pass with the Qianfeng Battalion, and only more than 400 people returned alive. Zuo Lian Alta even scared the Taiping bandits out of their souls. They would be so drunk. Because he had also made a lot of military exploits in the past, Su Zile almost killed Alta.

Zhang Dan, the commander-in-chief of Tongzhou, was afraid that Jidu would hold himself accountable because he had retreated without regard to the true Dingbing when he attacked the mountain for the first time. Also buried in the back are Liu Zhong, the commander of Guide, and Zhang Chao, the commander of Nanyang. After the failure of the first attack, the two of them had somewhat preserved their strength and meant that they did not work hard, so they were naturally afraid of being held accountable. Zhang Xianyong, who was leading the Chaozhou soldiers on his behalf, stood beside the Mongolian leader Lakshin. The Chaozhou soldiers had done their best. The Admirals have all died in battle, and if Dudu is to be held accountable for their defeat, it would be unreasonable.

The 25-year-old Dingyuan general Ji Du did not hold his subordinates accountable for the defeat, nor did he intend to cut someone's head. Instead, he sat behind the desk and stared at the map on the table in a daze, as if he was a few years older. Ji Du did not speak, and no one in the tent dared to make a sound. The Qing army camp was so quiet that you could even hear the breeze blowing the flag.

The losses in this battle were too great, and the Green Battalion together with the Manchu, Mongolian and Han armies. The total number of casualties was more than 5,000 people, including the Wuzhen Chaoha artillery that was ambushed by the Taiping army, the casualties were no less than 10,000, and almost half of the army went south. Such a large casualty still did not break the Taiping defense line of Xuanwu Mountain, which made the generals do not know what to do. One day Xuanwu Mountain was guarded by the Taiping Army, and the army could not get food and grass for one day. The army has only ten days to store food. If Xuanwu Mountain is still in the hands of the Taiping army after ten days, the army will have to starve to death.

When it comes to the survival of the army, no one speaks. Nahai stood up and once again proposed that he should return to the division to attack Lufeng City, where the defenders had fewer troops, and take food from Lufeng to resolve the crisis of food shortage, and then decide whether to retake the food route. Na Hai's proposal was naturally answered a few days ago, because Lufeng City was not easy to fight. More than a thousand people were killed or injured in the previous siege, but they never even made it to the top of the city. In the absence of artillery, attacking a city with human life alone is something that a wise man would not do. But in today's battle, Nahai's proposal was immediately supported by many people, it seems now. Compared with Xuanwu Mountain, whose terrain is more favorable to the Taiping Army, Lufeng City is better.

While the generals were discussing, the commander-in-chief Yiertu brought a wounded soldier from the vanguard battalion in, but the Taiping Army let him back. Ask him to bring a message to make Jidu surrender immediately.

"The thief Xiucai wants this king to surrender him?"

No matter how depressed Ji Du is, he cannot possibly lose his fighting spirit due to the setbacks of the war. He is Prince Jian of the Qing Dynasty, and he has the blood of Ji Er Harang, the Prince of Lao Zheng. It's General Pingyuan! more importantly. He is Aisin Gioro!

However, after two defeats, Kejidu still had more than 10,000 troops in his hands, including thousands of cavalry, but Zhou Shixiang let someone tell him to surrender, which was too arrogant. This move made Ji Du's face blushed instantly, it was due to being despised and humiliated!

"The whole army will fight again, this king and the thief Xiucai swear to stand against each other! Su Rile, ask your sons and gentlemen to come, and this king's Goshha to come, this king does not believe that this Taiping bandit is really hard to beat!"

The enraged Ji couldn't bear to lose two consecutive battles. The morale of the army was low, and he even had to organize troops to attack again.

"My lord, I can't do it! Today's army is lost, and we must never fight any more. The Taiping bandits occupy the land. No matter how brave the sons are, they will always be stronger than the terrain. My people are all cavalry. Let them die!"

Hearing that Jidu wanted all the Mongolian soldiers under his command to go up, Su Rile was taken aback. He still had more than 4,000 soldiers left, but 4 Niu Lu remained in Lufeng to monitor the Taiping bandits in the city. Only 8 cattle recorded 3,000 soldiers. If you call all the 8 Niu Lu on the way according to Ji Du, if you still can't beat them, then I'm afraid it will really hurt your vitality.

Su Rile's words made Nahai fire, and he stepped forward and asked: "You mean that the lives of your Mongolians are more precious than the lives of our Manchurians!" , do not fight? Do we have to wait for the children to be so hungry that they can’t carry knives and guns, and can’t walk, waiting for those thieves to collect the bodies for us!”

Nahai was the Dutong of Manchuria and the master of the Mongols. Before the war, although Su Rile was a real man, he did not dare to contradict the Dutong of Manchuria, but now he has lost so badly that the forward battalion is about to die. Now, he has the most Mongolian soldiers and the strongest strength. He was actually emboldened and contradicted Nahaidao: "I'm not saying that I won't fight, it's just that I can't fight today! The life of the Manchu children is precious, but the life of our Mongolians Not so frivolous!"

As soon as these words were said, the Mongolian officers in the tent immediately roared, making Na Hai tremble with anger. In order to prevent unnecessary casualties among his subordinates, Su Rile even brought the Han army and the Zhili battalion together, saying that they both suffered heavy casualties, the morale of the army was low, and the people were tired. Green camps are also not allowed to go.

Liu Zhong, Zhang Chao and other green battalion generals heard Su Rile's words and felt a great sense of confidant. No matter what, this battle cannot be fought today. Even if it is to be fought, they have to rest for two days and bury the dead. Otherwise, any soldier who has the strength and spirit would dare to attack the mountain. But they didn't dare to say anything to agree with Su Rile, and they didn't dare to say that their soldiers could still fight, so they stayed silent.

Cai Yuanfeng was born in the Han army. Although he was a child of the Eight Great Families, he was now quarreling with the Mongols from the Manchu masters.

"Shut up this king!"

Ji Du was furious at the quarrel between Su Rile and Na Hai, and he slapped the table and shouted, "Aren't you chaotic enough! Do you want to be quiet until this king is dead!"

The prince was angry, and Nahai and Su Rile didn't dare to quarrel any more, so they both kept their mouths shut. There was a moment of silence in the tent, and suddenly Du Eryou took two steps out. He bowed to Jidu and said, "How to fight, please ask the lord to come up with a charter. If the prince has a charter, I, Du Eryou, would like to lead the troops in person." Then he went back without saying a word.

"Three Baylors."

Ji Du was very pleased, but what regulations could he have? Su Rile was unwilling to lead his men to attack. Even if he could force it, the result is likely to be that the Mongolian soldiers would not help.

After being silent for a while, Ji Du also came to his senses and realized that it was impossible to fight again today, so he ordered the generals to go back to camp and prepare for the Taiping army to attack the camp, whether to fight Xuanwu Mountain again or return to attack. Lu Fengcheng will talk about it tomorrow. After hearing this, except for the Manchu generals, everyone else was relieved~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Especially the generals of the green camp such as Liu Zhong and Zhang Dan were like being granted amnesty.

On Xuanwu Mountain, Zhou Shixiang walked to the iron guards who were resting on the ground, and found the iron armored soldier who killed the Manchu ruler Ji Dali. After encouraging the other party a few words, he wondered if he wanted to give the iron guards a lesson, and then cheered up. Reinvigorating the army, he climbed to the big stone and shouted loudly: "Why are you fighting!"

Blind Li was stunned by this drink, the secret channel was broken, and I hadn't arranged the person to respond, so why did the commander start.

Sure enough, the rest of the Iron Man Guards were stunned by the commander's sudden question, but no one responded. The scene was very embarrassing and rather cold. Zhou Shi sneered at each other and looked at the blind man Li with a very bad look.

Suddenly, a soldier stood up a little uneasy and a little nervous. Seeing someone standing up, Zhou Shixiang was overjoyed, and the blind man Li was also refreshed. I asked the Bodhisattva to bless this soldier to say some exciting words, such as fighting for the Ming Dynasty and fighting for the commander. fight or something.

In the eyes of Zhou Shixiang and the blind man Li expecting, the soldier held back for a long time and finally said boldly: "Back to the handsome words, I don't fight for anyone, and whoever gives me meat, I will die for whoever!" (To be continued.)

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