Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 446: I'm going to be blind

"The general has an order, and the vanguard battalion strikes! The general has an order, and the vanguard battalion strikes!"

After hearing the order to send troops, more than 1,100 vested soldiers of the Qianfeng Battalion under the Xianghuang Banner of Manzhou rushed out of the central army under the command of the capital Ji Dali.

Uneasy, Du Eryou galloped to the front of the forward camp on his horse, and said to Ji Dali who was wearing armor: "Wangdutong can show the prestige of my Qing forward camp and defeat the Taiping bandits in one fell swoop!" After a pause, he lowered his voice and said: "The army The CO grain grass is only enough for ten days. The lord is anxious to regain the grain route. The loss of the green camp is too great. This will make the military heart unusable, and the Mongolian soldiers cannot be trusted. This is why our Manchu children are sent. If they can't defeat the enemy at one stroke, I'm afraid my army will be in danger in this battle."

"Don't worry, Lord Baylor!"

Ji Dali handed back the salute, tightened his armor with the help of Goshha, and then patted the heart guard on his chest, and said to himself: "My forward battalion can kill the enemy when I mount a horse, and when I dismount it, I can rush into battle. When the forward camp is trying his skills, please tell Prince Jane that I, Ji Dali, guarantee with my head that there will be no retreat in this battle, and I will win!

Du Eryou naturally stopped talking after hearing Ji Dali's words, and immediately said: "Okay, then I will wait here for the good news of Tongtong!"

Ji Dali nodded heavily, rushed to the front of the forward camp, and shouted to the forwards who had already finished wearing their armor: "My sons, dare to rush with Bento!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

More than 1,100 forward armored soldiers roared heroically, patting their chests in unison.

"Go, kill all those southern barbarians!"

Ji Dali took a sharp breath and waved his hand. Immediately, the forwards and vested soldiers were divided into two teams and rushed towards the Xuanwu Mountain Pass. The horse's hooves made the ground tremble.

On the other side, the three Niulu Mongolian cavalry also rushed out of the formation and rushed towards the mountain pass following the forward battalion. This time Jidu was going to smash the Taiping army's defense line directly on the mountain pass with his fists, and even with the heavy casualties of the Manchu children, he had to tear apart the defense line of the Taiping army and seize Xuanwu Mountain in one fell swoop.

One thousand and one hundred forward campers were all wearing iron armor of the same color, with bronze mirrors for heart protection, knives in their hands, and bows on their backs. Their faces were full of vicious expressions, their eyes revealed arrogance and arrogance, and they were very disdainful when they looked at the defeated Green Camp and Han Army. It also made these defeated troops look ashamed. They were all thinking that it was the Eight Banners Forbidden Brigade.

Looking at the forward battalion rushing away, Ji Du's heart was in his throat, and he was restless while standing on the horse. The mount under him seemed to feel the master's restlessness, and kept pouting and making low noises.

With the inherent pride of the forward camp, the vests gritted their teeth. Although the armor on their bodies was heavy, for them, it was the best proof of a warrior's physical strength. As the faces of the Taiping soldiers on the opposite side were clearly visible, they began to shout loudly, and finally merged into a roar: "Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Amid the loud shouts, Ji Dali swung his long knife forward, and the vests behind him rushed towards the mountain pass like a tide.


Seeing those Tartar cavalry rushing frantically, the gunmen of the Taiping Army on the front line instinctively raised their guns. In the previous battle with the Green Battalion and the Han Army, Brigade C severely damaged the Green Battalion and the Han Army with few casualties. In addition, it fought the Tartar cavalry in the Battle of Shenwan, so it would not be very afraid of the Manchu cavalry. Following the officer's order, the gunmen leaned on the mud wall, holding the fire book in their right hand, and stared at the roaring cavalry.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of vanguard battalion vests had already rushed over a hundred paces. Following the officer's order, the flag-bearer slammed up, and the gunmen who had been waiting for the order to fire immediately lit the arquebus. Thick smoke billowed from the mountain pass. In the sound of gunshots, one after another fierce flames shot out from the fire guns, and shot deadly guns at the front battalion vest soldiers.

In this round of shooting, at least 30 or 40 of the armored soldiers who rushed in the front fell off their horses. The heavy armor on their bodies could not stop the guns of the Taiping Army. iron pit. However, the Vests of the Frontier Battalion are really brave, and the **** appearance of the companions in front cannot shake their fighting spirit in the slightest. Under the orders of Zuo Ling, they kept stepping on the corpse of their companions and rushed towards the opposite position.

Xuanwu Mountain Pass is a fan-shaped narrow mountain pass. Ji Du ordered the cavalry to directly attack the Taiping army in Yamaguchi, but it rushed through the firepower of the Taiping army at the speed of the cavalry, and then rushed forward. This kind of terrain is beneficial to the Taiping army's defense, but the Qing army really wants to be willing to suffer casualties. After rushing in, the Taiping army has no room for manoeuvre, and can only let the cavalry of the Qing army drive away the massacre. If the infantry is sent to rush into the formation, this effect cannot be achieved. Even if the Taiping army in front is beaten back, the Taiping army in the rear can still organize the defense line.

The Qing army was fighting for this speed, even if they were fighting for the heavy casualties of the Manchu children of the vanguard battalion.

One round, two rounds, three rounds, within fifty paces of the Qing army, Taiping had already fired three rounds of salvos. As far as the results of the battle could be observed with the naked eye, about 200 iron armored soldiers fell from their horses.

After paying two or three hundred casualties, the vanguard battalion vests finally rushed within fifty paces. They took out big bows and arrows from behind at an unimaginable speed for ordinary people. Unfortunately, many vests fell before they could be set up. Under the roar of the fire cannon. However, there were still many vests with bows and arrows, and suddenly, a rain of arrows shot at the opposite Taiping army position. Dozens of gunmen were unable to dodge the arrow, and fell backwards screaming. Dozens of other gunmen were shot in their bodies, shoulders, or backs by sharp arrows. Although they missed the point, they could no longer fire guns. As the vanguard vested soldiers continued to approach, the Taiping army on the front line began to suffer large-scale casualties.

"Fire! Kill these dogs, motherfuckers!"

The school Guan Tianshui roared loudly, and with his roar, the fire gun continued to ring round after round. This intensive shooting method made the charging forward battalion complain, and Ji Dali was also annoyed: these Taiping troops who should be killed, how can they fight so quickly!

Zuo Lian Shenbao was the first to jump over the ditch that had been filled with corpses. When he jumped over the mud wall, he slashed with a knife, and the arms of the two Taiping soldiers were chopped off at the same time. The gods and their horses rammed through the Taiping army's gun team, causing the Taiping army to crash into chaos. As the gods opened the gap, more and more vanguard battalion vests rushed in.

"Go up, go up!"

The successful breakthrough of the gods made Ji Dali overjoyed, screaming at the top of his voice, and the vest soldiers also saw the successful breakthrough ahead, as if victory was in sight, they roared and rushed towards the trench.

On the way to charge, one after another of the vests fell down, but in the eyes of these brave forwards, the death of their companions will only stimulate their bloodliness.

kill! Kill all these Taiping bandits! Kill, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, for the emperor, for the undefeated record of the Forward Battalion! rush!

After nearly 400 casualties, the Qianfeng Yingma finally completely broke through the Taiping defense line in the outer circle of the mountain pass. At that moment, the Qing army was boiling, and the defeated Zhili Green Camp, Henan Green Camp, and Chaozhou Green Camp were forced by Mongolian soldiers again. Organized to attack the Taiping Army.

"Sure enough, it is the Eight Banners Forbidden Brigade Forward Camp, and it really is my Manchu children! After this battle, this king will ask for credit for the forward camp! This king will ask the emperor to seal the Batulu warrior for Ji Dali, that gods protector, this king also Ask for a career for him!"

Ji Du breathed a sigh of relief at the reversal of the war situation, and was also pleased with his decision. If he sent Mongolian soldiers to rush into the formation, I am afraid it would not have the same effect.

Because of the excitement, Ji Du's voice trembled a little, and Du Eryou, who was on the side, laughed too hard, and took the opportunity to flatter: "If we win this battle, of course, it is due to the bravery of the forwards and soldiers, but it also depends on The lord commanded properly!"

Ji Du laughed and ordered Nahai to take people to supervise the slow green battalion soldiers. The mountain pass had already broken through, and it was precisely when the green battalion soldiers were required to contribute. Let them be unable to rescue the Taiping army of Yamaguchi Guandao.

Guan Tianshui did not expect that the Qing army would break through the defense line, nor did he expect the Qing army to be so desperate. The entire mountain pass was already in chaos. in depth. Guan Tianshui knew that the outer defense line was over, and he had to withdraw his troops before the Qing army rushed into the inner opening.

After the Gods Bao led the troops to break through the Taiping army's defense line, they slashed and slashed, forcing the Taiping army gunmen in front of them to retreat. Seeing that the follow-up troops had already caught up, the Taiping army had already retreated~www.wuxiamtl.com~ could not help but shout. With a bang, the knife followed.

The gods are in full swing, and they want to take advantage of the situation to drive these retreating Taiping troops to attack the defense line behind them. In this way, the general trend is set. Dispelling defeated soldiers and rushing into the enemy's line, this is a method of suppressing the bottom that has been handed down in Manchuria for decades, and it is just used today.

After driving away the defeated soldiers for dozens of steps, the gods found that the defeated soldiers of the Taiping Army did not continue to retreat along the official road, but climbed up the mountain from both sides of the official road. Some of the Taiping troops who had already climbed up squatted on the **** and loaded gunpowder to fire at the Qing troops.

Nanmanzi is really cunning, the gods are so angry that they grit their teeth, but they have no choice but to continue to charge forward with the Taiping army who ran up the hillside. As long as the Taiping army on this official road can be dispersed, and as long as the Qing army can rush through Xuanwu Mountain, this battle can be considered a victory. The Taiping army who fled to the mountain had their own green camp and the Han army to clean them up.

In the depths of the official road that the gods could not see, 800 Taiping troops in iron armor were densely blocked on the official road. His face was excited: "Grandma's, it's finally time for my blind man to show his face!"

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