Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 442: Bloody Battle on Xuanwu Mountain

Jieshi Guard is one of the 36 guards of the Ming Dynasty and was built in the 27th year of Hongwu. Wei governs three institutes, which are divided into Pinghai Institute, Jiesheng Institute, and Jiazimen Institute. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese riots in eastern Guangdong were serious. The commander-in-chief Yu Dayou led the troops to guard Jieshiwei. In the following year, he annihilated thousands of Japanese pirates at the Dade Port at the junction of Haifeng and Lufeng, which shocked the world. In the 17th year of Chongzhen, when Li Zicheng's peasant army invaded Beijing, the Ming army general Zhang Mingzhen, who was guarding Jieshiwei, was captured and killed by the peasant army of Hailufeng's Su Cheng department, and Jieshiwei was occupied by Su Cheng.

Su Cheng, who was born in the peasant army, was very hostile to the Ming Dynasty, but he was unwilling to surrender to the Qing Dynasty as a traitor, so he led his troops in Jieshiwei to insist on resisting the Qing Dynasty. After the death of Su Cheng in the 14th year of Shunzhi, his son Su Li took over the Jieshi Guard and immediately sent someone to ask the prefect of Huizhou to surrender, and was appointed by the Qing court as the chief officer of the Huizhou Navy. As a result, only a few months later, Hu Qili, who came from Guangzhou, was called by Huizhou to attack. His subordinates died or surrendered, and the Hailufeng peasant uprising that lasted for 14 years finally ended in Suli, who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. A few months later, Wu Liuqi suddenly dispatched heavy troops to attack Jieshiwei, and Han Chaozong was defeated and fled back to Lufeng, thus kicking off the Taiping Army's eastward expedition.

Jieshiwei is the gateway between Chaozhou and Huizhou. It is only 50 miles away from Lufeng City in Huizhou, less than 100 miles away from Puning City in Chaozhou, and only more than 70 miles away from Huilai City. The official road from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Guangzhou via Fujian was under the control of Jieshi Guards. Therefore, the first step for the Jidu army to enter Huizhou was to occupy Jieshi Guards. Hundreds of old and weak women and children were slaughtered.

The one who stayed behind at Jieshiwei was the Zhenbiao Right Battalion under the commander Zhang Chao of Nanyang. Ji Du led the army straight to Jieshiwei, and Zhou Shixiang also led the main force of the first town, a cavalry brigade, and pro-military iron guards to Jieshiwei. However, Zhou Shixiang did not attack Jieshiwei, but garrisoned at Xuanwu Mountain, seven miles northeast of Jieshiwei, waiting for Jidu's arrival.

There is a stone pagoda on Xuanwu Mountain, from which you can overlook everything in Jieshiwei Fort. One mile below the stone pagoda is the official road, which passes through Xuanwu Mountain and winds for several miles.

Blind Li carried Zhou Shixiang's handsome flag and planted it on a high **** in front of the stone pagoda, so that the Taiping army at the foot of the mountain could see it.

"The flag is there, and those who have not been ordered to take a step back will be killed!"

Zhou Shixiang issued a military order, ordering the pro-military Iron Man to supervise the formation. After the war began, no matter who dared to cross this flag and take a step back, they would all be executed.

Under the hillside, Ge Yi was holding a dagger to pick at the flesh between his teeth, and looked at the handsome flag on the hillside from time to time, not at all nervous about the imminent battle. Behind him, the more than 7,000 First Town soldiers who had just been replenished sat on the ground, eating dry food. Suna led the remaining 300 cavalry soldiers to set up horses on the hillside, and everything was so peaceful until the Qing army's sentry striker Kuaima appeared in front.

"Discover the Qing Army!"

The flag bearers on the hillside waved the flags in their hands one by one. In an instant, more than 7,000 Taiping troops in the first town stood up from the ground with a bang, as if a long dragon suddenly rolled down. The soldiers picked up their respective flags. The weapons in hand were ordered by the officer to move forward in groups until Yamaguchi stopped.

The pro-military iron guards at the rear also put on iron armor neatly, and looked straight ahead with the sword in their hands.

Suna didn't get on the horse, but just held the horse and looked at the mountain pass with a calm expression.

On the 22nd, the Qing army's vanguard, Zhili Green Camp Tongzhou General Corps Zhang Dan, first arrived at Xuanwu Mountain Pass. After discovering that the mountain pass had been occupied by the Taiping Army, Zhang Dan did not dare to act rashly, and sent a swift horse to report to the Chinese army. In the evening, Jidu led the Manchu, Mongolian and Han troops to arrive. After observing the terrain, Jidu only ordered all the ministries to set up camps and did not launch an attack immediately. That night, the Taiping army did not attack the camp, and the Qing army did not make a surprise attack. Before dawn the next day, the sound of war drums resounded through Xuanwu Mountain.

The Taiping army seized Xuanwu Mountain, so that the cavalry of the Qing army could not exert its advantage, Jidu ordered the Zhili Green Camp to launch an attack. After the battle began, Zhang Dan's troops spared no effort to launch an attack on the Taiping army's position, followed by Yang Zhenwei's commander-in-chief.


In front of the ring-shaped position built on the mountain, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the deafening sound of fire guns kept ringing.

The fourteen small artillery pieces captured from Wuzhenhachao continuously bombarded the charging Zhili battalion. Although the power was not great, it successfully slowed down the attack speed of the Zhili battalion. The gun fell to the ground. The white smoke emitted by the fire gun filled the entire Xuanwu Mountain Pass, turning the place into a vast expanse of white, like an immortal mountain.

"Don't back away, rush up, rush up!"

Under the supervision of the Manchu and Mongolian troops in the rear, the Zhili battalion rushed to the mountain pass regardless of casualties. The archers fired arrows at the Taiping army from a hundred paces away, and the Taiping army began to suffer casualties. Song Enzeng, a battalion commander of the Brigade A battalion from the Jingnan domain, loudly ordered his subordinates to open fire, his eyes fixed on the rushing Zhili battalion soldiers. The Taiping Army, which occupies a favorable location, made full use of the terrain, so that a brigade's firearms fired the strongest firepower on the fan. The Qing army, which lacked artillery, was unable to break up the Taiping gunmen in a dense formation. The bravery of the Zhili Green Battalion only caused the Taiping gunmen to be in chaos for a while, and then they were slashed to the ground by the spearmen who rushed up from both flanks.

When they arrived at Xuanwu Mountain, the gunmen of the Brigade dug a trench as deep as one person at the mountain pass. Row after row of gunmen exchanged shots. The gunmen at the front quickly put the guns in their hands under the cover of the mud wall, hurriedly retreated, and reloaded their ammunition. The second row then went forward to bombard. Under the tense battle, they could not hear the orders of the officers. They just relied on their instincts and their usual strict training to shoot continuously, retreat, and then go forward again. Among them, the Han troops under the Jingnan vassal and the peaceful Nan vassal performed better.

Zhou Shixiang had been standing on the hillside closely watching the development of the war~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The handsome flag behind him fluttered in the wind, which was particularly conspicuous on the green hillside. However, Zhou Shixiang was not at all worried that the banner behind him would attract the attention of the Qing army. If the Qing army could rush to the banner behind him, it would mean that the first defeat was defeated, and his death had come. Since he is worried about when he will die, it is better to watch how his subordinates fight bravely to kill the enemy, even if he really can't stop the army, then he will become a benefactor in this Xuanwu Mountain.

The attack of the Zhili battalion did not go well. Ji Du frowned and ordered the troops to withdraw. After leaving hundreds of corpses and hundreds of companions who were wailing in front of the battle, the Zhili Green Battalion hurriedly retreated. Jidu adjusted the deployment of troops. He ordered the Han army, who also had fire guns, to attack directly, attracting the attention of the Taiping army. He ordered Henan Green Camp and Zhili Green Camp. Wu Liuqi's men climbed up from both sides of the mountain pass, and then commanded down to the mountain pass. The Taiping army attacked. This time, Jidu did not leave behind any more. He sent all capable soldiers and horses except the cavalry. The brave strike of more than 10,000 Qing troops could break through the defense line of the Taiping bandits no matter what.

The fierce drums of war resounded over the battlefield again, the flags of the Han army and the Green Camp flew, the swords were unsheathed, the bows were wound, and the Qing army roared and rushed towards Xuanwu Mountain.

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