Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 435: war is coming

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On the fifth day of the second lunar month in the 12th year of the Yongli calendar in Daming, the Jidu army entered Nanzhao, Fujian. In this battle, both sides have a winner and loser. After dark, Suna's troops withdrew from Huanggangling, and Lakshen's troops occupied Huanggangling, but they dared not pursue because it was already dark.

The next day, the Qing Dynasty Prince Jidu led a large army, and set up the central army tent at Huanggangling, the left army at two li east of Huanggangling, and the right army at three miles south, and the three armies echoed each other from a distance. The tents are connected for more than ten miles, and the momentum is prominent. The Zuo Army is composed of Zhili Green Battalion and Henan Green Battalion. There are more than 8,000 soldiers and 2,000 men.

Zhili Green Camp was set up in the first year of Shunzhi, with the governor, the left and right battalions of Fubiao, and the chief officers of the six towns of Xuanfu, Zhending, Jizhou, Tongzhou, Tianjin and Shanhaiguan, and the following associations, battalions, flood. This time, the soldiers from the Guangdong Zhili battalion were dispatched to the left and right battalions of Zhenbiao led by Yang Zhenwei, the commander of Zhending, and Zhang Dan, the commander of Tongzhou. Among them, 2,200 troops from Yang Zhenwei's troops and 2,000 troops from Zhang Dan's troops.

Yang Zhenwei was originally a general of Jiang Xiang's army, but after Jiang Xiang returned to Ming Dynasty anyway, he had an affair with the Qing army, secretly defected to the 600 soldiers under his command, killed Jiang Xiang and his brother Jiang Lin and younger brother Jiang Youguang, and surrendered with his head out of the city. After the Qing army entered the city, the regent Dorgon ordered that in addition to Yang Zhenwei's officers and soldiers' family members, the officers and militiamen in Datong City did their best to kill him, in order to vent their anger, killing more than 300,000 soldiers and civilians in Datong City. Yang Zhenwei was entrusted by Dorgon with the post of true commander-in-chief by virtue of his efforts as a seller.

Zhang Dan was originally a thousand commander of Zhang Cunren, the general of the Dashou division of the Guanning Army in Liaodong. After Zhang Cunren surrendered to the Qing army in Dalinghe City with his ancestor Dashou, he was incorporated into the Han army flag together with Zhang Cunren. Zhang Cunren was arrested in the sixth year of Shunzhi. The Qing court awarded the governors of Zhili, Shandong and Henan provinces, and Zhang Dan was also promoted by Zhang Cunren to be the commander-in-chief of Tongzhou. Zhang Dan once led his troops to cut down trees in the elm garden, and excavated the Yellow River embankment to divert the Yellow River to flood the Yuyuan volunteers in Shandong, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties and casualties among the soldiers and civilians in Shandong.

The troops assigned to the south by the Henan Green Battalion are the 2,500 soldiers of the second battalion left and right of the town Biao of Liu Zhongbu, the general of Guide, and the second battalion of 2,000 left and right of Zhang Chao, the general soldier of Nanyang.

Liu Zhong, who was originally Ping Nanbo of the Dashun Army stationed in Luoyang, Henan, surrendered to Prince Duoduo of Qing Rui in the second year of Shunzhi, causing the Dashun Army's operation in Henan to be destroyed. However, after Liu Zhong's surrender, he was not appointed by the Qing court, but was left idle. After Dorgon's death, the pro-government side of Shunzhi was appointed as the deputy general of Henan, and then he was promoted to the chief soldier of Guide. Zhang Chao was originally a general of the Ming Dynasty. He once participated in Liu Zeqing's anti-Qing rebellion. After seeing the bad opportunity, he surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and was appointed by the Qing court as the chief soldier of Nanyang.

Nahai, the commander of the Zuo Army, was the son of Ezhen Kazan. In the second year of Chongde, he and Xi Teku, a scholar of Hongwen Academy, sent a letter to the Jinzhou defender Zu Dashou. Kill nine people. In the fourth year of Chongde, Nahai attacked Jinzhou with the king of Wuying County, Ajige, and then followed Taizong to attack Songshan. Ming soldiers fought, Nahai hit him with one force, and he was cut to fifty ranks and awarded forty armors, which was praised by Hong Tai. Later, the Ming army went from Xingshan to Tashan, and Nahai was ordered to attack with the commander of Omoktu, and chased to Bijiashan, beheading 400 ranks, taking 28 prisoners and capturing more than 200 horses. Reciting merits, giving half a future, ordered to take Kabushigha Laang Bang. From Beiler Abatai to the Ming, from the Huangyakou into the Great Wall, to Jizhou, defeated the Ming generals Bai Tengjiao and Bai Guangen, and then went to Shandong. At the beginning of Shunzhi, he was enjoined by the imperial edict, and entered the third-class Adahhafan. After his father Kazan died, he became the second-class elite Qi Nihafan.

The 14 Niu Lu of the two white flags of the Han army were independently compiled as the right army, with a total of 5,800 soldiers, 385 large and small cannons, and more than 4,000 soldiers. The commander-in-chief of the right army is Belle Duryou.

After the Qing army entered the customs, the conflict between the Manchu and Han nationalities intensified due to the cutting of hair and changing clothes. If the Manchus directly controlled the Han people in Xinfu, it was often difficult to achieve their goals, and sometimes they were even forced to oppose the Green Battalion due to improper command. Therefore, the Qing court may appoint officers from the Han Eight Banners. Command the Green Battalion, or incorporate the surrendered generals of the Ming army into the Han army flag, and make them lead the original troops to participate in the war. Using the Han army to maintain the command of the green battalion not only achieved the effect of control, but also gained the merits of the campaign, so that the role of the green battalion was brought into full play. This time, half of the generals of the Han army who went south were all descended generals of the Ming army, and the Wuzhenha super artillery battalion was led by the officers of the former Ming army Dongjiang Town.

Belle Dueryou is a party of Jidu, and it is listed in the meeting of princes, ministers and ministers, so every meeting of princes and ministers agrees with Jidu, and is very hostile to Prince An Yuele.

Ji Du personally led more than 1,100 forward battalions and 4,900 soldiers from the Mongolian Red Banners as the middle army, and there were more than 3,000 husbandmen and 300 personal soldiers in the palace of Prince Jane.

After the army entered Huanggangling, Jidu issued an order to store food and grass in Nanzhao, and after the army entered Chaozhou, it would be transferred with the army. After the vanguard Lakshin's troops fought with the Taiping army, Jidu thought that Chaozhou had been lost, so he hurriedly summoned the generals of the Chinese army to discuss the issue of attacking Chaozhou. Afterwards, they had to visit the horse to report urgently. After the Huanggangling Taiping army retreated south, they followed the horse all the way, and found that Chaozhou City was still in the hands of the Qing Dynasty.

In the evening, the Chaozhou general Wu Liuqi rushed to report that the Taiping army was afraid of the arrival of Prince Jian's army and did not dare to fight, and had already solved the siege of Chaozhou two days ago and retreated to Huizhou. The Taiping cavalry who had been in Chaozhou for the past two days also retreated south, apparently not daring to fight the army.

Ji Du had no doubts, and ordered the left army's green battalion to immediately move towards Chaozhou. After the middle army, the right army did not move for the time being, and waited for Hou Wuzhenha to arrive and go to Chaozhou.

All the way from Huanggangling to Chaozhou Fucheng, there was no trace of the Taiping army, only the villages on both sides of the official road were burned down, and the Qing army could not raise food and grass on the spot, which was very inconvenient. Fortunately, the army carried half-moon grain and grass, and built a large camp of grain and grass in Nanzhao to transfer it. As long as the food route was safe, the army would not be in danger of running out of grain~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Moreover, there was Chaozhou City for military supplies, so the Qing army I am not worried about the destruction of the villages on both sides of the official road.

On the fourth day of the second lunar month, Jidu's army arrived in Chaozhou City, and the Chaozhou general Wu Liuqi went out of the city to welcome the marquis. Jidu read out the imperial decree of Shunzhi commending Wu Liuqi outside the city. Long live.

After Jidu entered the city, Wu Liuqi informed them of the movements of the Taiping army. At present, the Taiping army has withdrawn from Chaozhou, and has gathered troops in Lufeng, Huizhou, to defend the city. In addition to the Taiping army, there is another rebel general Hu Qi who has set up his army, and the strength should be about 30,000.

After Ji Du heard this, he immediately convened a battle meeting to formulate a battle friendship for attacking Lu Feng. In their opinion, the Taiping Army could not even defeat Chaozhou City, and its combat effectiveness was limited. Now that the Manchu, Mongolian and Han armies have gathered, and the Wuzhenha super artillery battalion is helping out, little Lu Feng can be defeated at his fingertips.

ps. For the children who are chasing more, do you still have free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is coming. Let me get a ticket, ask for an extra ticket and an appreciation ticket, and finally rush!

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