Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 432: Embarrassed (Part 1)


Qian Zong Su Liangzhong ran away, but General Wei Dewan didn't run away. When many soldiers were in a panic and didn't know what to do, he resolutely led a dozen of his men to the top, but it was for the sake of the great All die-hard. www.vodtw.com

Wei Dewan is a very forthright person. He doesn't drink much of the blood of soldiers. He can share the blessings with the soldiers under his command and share the burdens with them, so he is very popular among the soldiers. When he was gambling in the office on weekdays, Wei Dewan never broke his debt, and he lost as much as he lost, unlike General Qian Su Liangzhong who sometimes refused to admit his account. If a soldier lost his ass, Wei Dewan would be able to help him in time. Therefore, the soldiers in the Pengzhou Institute admired this righteous commander.

During the chaos, when Wei brought the general leader over, dozens of soldiers immediately surrounded him. As soon as these people gathered around Wei Dewan, the other Qing soldiers who were running around saw it, and they ran here subconsciously as if they had seen the backbone. It is because of human nature, but when you see a lot of people, you must think it is safe, and you have courage. will be bigger. As a result, there were more than 100 Qing soldiers gathered around Wei Dewan. With so many soldiers by his side, although Wei Dewan knew that he had little chance of winning, he was not afraid of the Taiping army who were rushing in. He raised his arms and killed the Taiping army.

When Pengzhou first built a thousand households, local people were not allowed to live there. Later, during the Jiajing period, people were allowed to live in the place to prevent Japanese pirates. In addition, the sea was banned in Chaozhou for the past two years, and those fishermen who could no longer go to the sea to fish also moved. When they arrived at the Pengzhou Institute, there were two or three thousand people there. After Zhao Ziqiang's Nanhai soldiers came in, these people were immediately hit by a military disaster.

The Nanhai soldiers were originally the Qing army without reorganization. The Taiping army's military discipline did not restrict them at all, so the military discipline was extremely corrupt. After rushing into the Pengzhou station, as long as they encountered a living person, regardless of whether the opponent was a soldier or a civilian, the result would be a single strike. All like a reincarnation of a ferocious devil, his face is unstoppable, his eyes are full of ferocity, and he is carrying cruelty. However, nearly a thousand people poured into the village together. The orders were not clear, and the soldiers eager for money were in disarray, and they went to the houses of the common people in groups of three or five, while few of the Qing soldiers who were still resisting went to disperse and destroy them. One by one only to rob the property. Killing the unarmed people, how can I still remember that there are still enemy soldiers.

Zhao Ziqiang, a thousand households in the South China Sea, found that there was a general appearance of Qing army officers and a group of Qing soldiers killed, and his men were still looting property, but no officers led the troops to stop the enemy, and he couldn't help being furious. A strict order was issued, and those who dared to loot property before the Qing army was cleared were killed without mercy.

Zhao Ziqiang was really serious. He took the personal soldiers and directly chopped off the heads of two unfortunate people. Seeing this posture, the Nanhai soldiers did not dare to say anything. went.

Although Wei Dewan was brave, his soldiers also went out of their way, but there were too many Taiping troops rushing in, and they were soon unable to stop them, and dozens of people were beheaded. See the Taiping army. Unable to stop his own side, Wei Dewan judged the situation. Although he wanted to repay the Qing Dynasty with his death, he couldn't just give it away in vain, so he immediately decided to retreat to the old thousand-household camp of Pengzhou Institute and stick to the location.

However, when he decided to retreat, Wei Dewan forgot to tell his subordinates to go with him. As a result, when he turned around and ran back, the Qing soldiers who followed him dispersed directly. The reason why the Qing soldiers who insisted on resisting until now is all because of Wei Dewan's bravery as an example, and this is why they persisted like the backbone. Now when I see President Wei running backwards, I don't care what else it means. Besides, Wei Dewan is running fast, and the Taiping army is also coming fast. There was no time for them to react at all, and I didn't know who called out first, so all the birds and beasts dispersed with a "wow", leaving only Wei Dewan and a few personal soldiers still in the Laoqianhu Camp without knowing the situation. run.

It was only after he ran to a stone-built fort in Laoqianhu Camp that Wei Dewan realized that there were only four of the more than 100 soldiers who had followed him. Wei Dewan was furious, not angry. It was a rage. The topography of the fort in Laoqianhu Camp was very good, and the fortifications were also well done. There were all kinds of arrow stacks on the outpost. It was built by the Ming army to deal with the Japanese pirates attack. With this fortress there, it is impossible for Taiping soldiers to attack if they want to.

Wei Dewan didn't realize that it was his own fault that his soldiers were scattered. He only said that these soldiers were greedy for life and fear of death, so they all survived. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Walking back and forth in a hurry, smoldering. Wei Dewan didn't care, but the others were anxious. Seeing that the President was patronizing and getting angry, he didn't make up his mind. If he continued to stand like this stupidly, the Taiping Army would come as soon as they said it, and everyone would have to throw their lives here. , The next Qing soldier, who was a little older, persuaded him: "Sir, there are too many Taiping bandits, everyone has run away, and Lord Qian Zong has also run away, I think we should run too, leave the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood. burn!"

The other three Qing soldiers also echoed: "Yes, yes, my lord, let's run, it's not too late to come back and settle accounts with these Taiping bandits!"

Hearing that the four of them wanted to run away by themselves, Wei Dewan glanced at the four of them and said in a muffled voice, "You all go, I won't go, the imperial court has strict military laws, abandoning land and losing soil is a capital crime, even if the Taiping bandits can't kill me Head, the court doesn't want my little character's head, and Wu Junmen will definitely cut me off! Since both sides are dying, I might as well die here!"

"grown ups!"

Seeing Wei Dewan insisting on staying here, the older Qing soldiers couldn't help but feel anxious: "Your Excellency knows that you will only die if you stay here, since that's the case, Your Excellency should escape with me, please save the soldiers and then fight the Taiping bandits. How can you give up and throw your life here! Please run for your life with me, my lord!”

He didn't want Wei Dewan, but he refused to leave. The old Qing soldier had been with Wei Dewan for several years, and he finally had some affection, but the other three couldn't wait, listening to the shouts of the Taiping army outside. Getting closer and closer, he was so anxious that he abandoned Wei Dewan and ran for his life, and no one was seen in a blink of an eye. When the old Qing soldier saw this, he was dumbfounded. He looked at the three fleeing fellows, and then at General Wei, who had a look of death, and finally stomped his feet and ran away.

Wei Dewan had no business, and at this time he wanted to die, and it was human nature for his subordinates to seek a way to survive. He closed his eyes and wondered how he should die. For a long time, I decided it was better to commit suicide, so as not to die under the sword of Taiping or be kidnapped by them to survive. He pulled out his waist knife. The knife was very sharp and wiped clean without any trace of rust. It could be seen from the edge of the blade that if you swiped it **** the neck, you would be able to go to Huangquan. In his hand, Wei Dewan raised it to his neck several times. But every time he wanted to cut it off, his heart softened and he couldn't wipe it off.

"That's it!"

It turns out that this suicide is also a thing that makes people unable to survive and die. When I looked at the generals of the Ming army who were defeated and committed suicide, I always said that it was not difficult for me to give myself a knife. It is always said that those will be cowardly, and suicide is just to save trouble. It was because he was afraid of falling into the hands of the Qing army and suffer, but now it seems that he was wrong. Those generals who committed suicide were not really cowardly, they were not afraid of being punished, they were really determined to die, and they were really no longer. I was afraid, instead of having the thought of being afraid of pain like myself.

Wei De, who couldn't do it, was full of guts, and finally gritted his teeth, thinking that he would commit suicide. It's better to fight with Taiping Kou, and pull two backs!

Wei Dewan made up his mind and rushed out with a knife, but he was confronted by dozens of Taiping troops with spears. Seeing Wei Dewan wielding his knife and attacking, the people in front were startled, and they would kill him without saying a word. The spear was stabbed, and Wei Dewan was nailed to the stone wall alive.


After taking control of the Pengzhou Institute, Zhao Ziqiang found that many Qing soldiers and civilians were running to the beach. At this time, the wind was strong and it was the first month. The grass has not yet turned green, and it is dry and dry. Zhao Ziqiang smiled grimly and ordered someone to set the grass on fire. Then guard the openings and come out to catch one.

The grass on the beach is usually a good burning material for the people to make a fire for cooking. The fire took advantage of the wind, and suddenly the beach was flushed red, and the fire light illuminated most of the Pengzhou place. The dry grass was mixed with some hay, and it burned like a "thunderbolt". The thick smoke wrapped in the sky-high flames blew from the upper vent to the downstream like a long dragon. If you are far away from the fire, it will make you warm and comfortable, but if you are close, it will not work. The face is very hot, and the smoke is choking. Go, but he didn't forget his responsibilities, all eyes stared at the Pengcaotan in front of him, only when someone came up, he went up and captured him.

When the fire broke out, Su Liangzhong and the two personal soldiers were anxious: if they wanted to run, they were surrounded by Taiping troops; just stay where they were, as the fire was about to burn, and the fire would not burn anyone. cooked!

They couldn't run, and they couldn't hide. The situation of the three of them really matched the phrase "everyday is not working, and the earth is not working."

Su Liangzhong was even more remorseful. He knew that the Taiping Army was so vicious, he should have fought with them, and died more happily. It was like now, like ants on a hot pot waiting to be cooked.

"Listen to the people inside, if you don't want to be burned alive, come out quickly, or the fire will burn in front of you, and then the king and Laozi won't be able to save you!"

The three of them were in a hurry and didn't know what to do, but there was a shout from outside. After the call, it rang again in other directions. After the three heard it, they glanced at each other, only to know that the one who called was the Taiping Army. Captured civilians and Qing soldiers. Hearing the cries one after another in the ears of the three, it was like eating a meal before the execution. They were afraid, afraid, and hopeful. I’m saved; I’m afraid that if I just go out like this, I don’t know how the Taiping army will deal with me; my hope is that now the wind will change sharply or a heavy rain will fall, which will put the **** fire to rest, but this hope is so unrealistic In fact, it is generally unreliable to hope to "keep people under the knife" before going to the guillotine.

After a brief silence, a soldier with sweat dripping from his forehead swallowed his saliva, looked at Su Liangzhong eagerly, and said with a little weeping: "Sir, what should we do? Let's go out, or the fire will end. It's going to burn."

The personal soldier had just finished speaking, and before Su Liangzhong could speak, another personal soldier hurriedly stopped his companion and said, "The Taiping bandits are cunning, we can't listen to them! If we believe them, there is only one way to die!"

Seeing that his companions disagreed, the personal soldiers who wanted to go out and surrender were anxious and glared at him: "This is all burning eyebrows, if you don't go out, are you waiting to die here!"

"You can't go out anyway. If you really want to go out, you might as well be burned to death."

The soldiers who didn't agree to go out didn't know what to do.

Seeing that Su Liangzhong didn't speak, he lowered his head and was thinking about something. The soldiers who wanted to go out thought that Mr. Qian had thought of a way to get out, and hurriedly asked, "Sir, have you thought of a way?"

How could Su Liangzhong do anything? He lowered his head and didn't speak because he was desperate and didn't expect to get out at all. Now he was thinking about what he could do after he went out and surrendered so he could ask the Taiping army not to kill him. What kind of price can be exchanged for the opponent to keep someone under the knife, and he was suddenly called by this personal soldier. Immediately, he got angry and said, "I have a **** way!"

After speaking, he was choked by the thick smoke floating over, and his eyes suddenly became uncomfortable, and two lines of tears flowed uncontrollably, and his throat was also uncomfortable. Seeing that the fire was still a hundred or so meters away from here, he was about to burn when he spoke. He couldn't bear to think about it, so he stood up from the ground and said to his two subordinates, "Let's go. Let's go out with this official. , we can't escape now, do you really want to be burned here?"

The personal soldier who wanted to go out was overjoyed when he saw it. He didn't ask for anything else, just to survive. The other soldier refused to agree to surrender and couldn't think of going out, but seeing that the fire was about to burn, he could only surrender with Su Liangzhong for fear of being burned alive.

"Don't kill us, we're down, we're down!..."

While the three of them reached out to poke the grass, they kept calling out to the outside. I'm afraid that the Taiping army outside sees him without saying a word. Fortunately, after the people outside heard his shouts, they just waited for him to come out, and did not rush forward to attack him. In this way, Su Liangzhong was escorted in front of Zhao Ziqiang. At the same time, hundreds of civilians and dozens of Qing soldiers were forced out by the fire. After beheading some Qing soldiers with weapons, Zhao Ziqiang gave the other civilians a way to survive, because the orders he received were not only to fight Outside the grain, it is to move the people it encounters to Guangzhou as much as possible.

It is too troublesome to move people to Guangzhou. Zhao Ziqiang didn't want to be so troublesome, so it would be easier to kill him with a single knife, but if he only paid food and not people, the Taiping Army would definitely know that everyone told him to kill him. I'm afraid I'll find myself in trouble.

The arrest of Qian Zong Su Liangzhong surprised Zhao Ziqiang. Before he could speak, the other party suddenly knelt down and shouted, "But if the hero can spare the little one's life, I am willing to pay the hero a lot of money!"

"Heavy gold?"

Zhao Ziqiang laughed, thinking that Su Liangzhong was quite a smart person. Knowing that you can buy your life with money, he asked with great interest: "Tell me, what is your so-called heavy gold, and let me know the price, and see if I can buy your little life."

Hearing what Zhao Ziqiang said, Su Liangzhong was very determined, thinking that since this Taiping bandit was greedy for money, it would be easy to discuss. Immediately, he quoted the price that he had thought of in his mind: "As long as the hero can let me go, I am willing to pay fifty taels of gold for the hero to spend!"

Zhao Ziqiang curled his lips when he heard the words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ said: "Fifty taels of gold? Yes, yes, this is a lot of money." Su Liangzhong was relieved after hearing this, his face He couldn't help but burst into a smile, but he didn't wait for his smile to fade, but he heard the other party's words turn fiercely: "But in my eyes, this gold fifty taels can't buy your life!"


Su Liangzhong was horrified, and his face turned white with fright: "As much as a hero wants, say whatever, as long as I can satisfy it, I will be satisfied, just ask the hero not to kill me!" Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Su Liang Zhong was really anxious. If the other party didn't love his money, his life would probably be lost here.

At the juncture of life and death, he couldn't care about anything, Su Liangzhong was cruel and gritted his teeth and said: "To be honest, I have several shops in Chaoyang County, and one in Fucheng, and I have made a lot of money over the years. If The hero will let me go, and I would like to dedicate all these storefronts and my family's savings over the years to the hero..."

Zhao Ziqiang has no interest in the stores mentioned by Su Liangzhong, and he has nothing to do with the gold and silver. How can he get the stores in Chaoyang County and Chaozhou City? It's also thanks to this **** that if I can beat Chaoyang County, what would I do to break your Pengzhou! That county town is no more prosperous than your broken house!

Zhao Ziqiang didn't get angry, and scolded casually: "******, if you sell me Chaoyang County, I can spare your life, but you can't take an old man to move it. It's his own **** courting death to put things in my way!"

After he finished speaking, he was about to order his subordinates to drag Su Liangzhong out and cut him down, so as not to look angry, but Su Liangzhong had an idea, and exclaimed in a hurry, "If a hero wants to take Chaoyang County, I can help." (To be continued.)

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