Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 426: from Guangdong


Siming Prefecture was originally the Yongning Wei Zhongzuo Institute, but Zheng Chenggong renamed it Siming Prefecture in the ninth year of Yongli’s calendar to express his yearning for the Ming Dynasty. The prefecture office set up six officials, including officials, households, rituals, soldiers, criminals, and workers, and recruited officials from the Ming Dynasty, who were divided into military and political affairs. However, whether it is a local or a foreigner, they are still used to calling Siming Prefecture Xiamen.

Since the fifth year of Yongli, Xiamen has become a base for the forces of restoring the Ming Dynasty along the coast of Fujian. Now there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians who are relying on the king of Yanping Zheng Chenggong to fight against the Qing Dynasty. In addition, the king of Yanping is engaged in maritime trade, making Xiamen and the city facing each other across the sea. Kinmen is brightly lit at night, and all kinds of cargo ships dock here to unload and load goods.

From time to time, warships with the flag of Yanping sailed by on the sea. The sailors and soldiers on the ships were full of energy, and their faces had an indescribable confidence, as if they were the masters of the sea.

In the distant night, a warship sailing from Xiangshan Mountain in Guangdong was slowly approaching the Siming port. On the bow, Xu Yingyuan, dressed in a Confucian shirt, looked at the busy port in surprise, and was surprised by the strength of the Zheng's navy passing by.

Zheng's navy found the warship where Xu Yingyuan was, and the three fast boats approached quickly and found that the boat was carrying the Daming flag. Escort it into port on the left and right.


It was late at night, and the lights in the palace of Yanping County were also brilliant. The Prince’s Mansion was built on the east side of Siming Prefecture. If you push the window from the Prince’s Mansion, you can see the opposite Kinmen Island if the sky is clear.

In the palace, the 35-year-old Princess of Yanping, Dong Youzheng, warmed the wine for her husband, Zheng Chenggong, the King of Yanping. Dong You was the niece of Dong Yangxian, a scholar of Hui'an in Fujian and a former servant of the Chongzhen court. The two married in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, when Dong You was 18 years old. Zheng Chenggong is 20 years old. Now the two have been married for 17 years, and their eldest son, Zheng Jing, is 16 years old.

After taking a sip of the wine glass, Zheng Chenggong, who was middle-aged, suddenly felt a little uneasy. He pulled his wife Dong You to sit down, and said to her with some worry: "This time I rejected the Qing court again. Will the side be enraged?"

Although Dong You is a woman, she is quite shrewd and capable, sometimes even more thorough than her husband. She shook her head slightly, and said to Zheng Chenggong, "Your Highness is worrying too much. As long as Your Highness is here, Grandpa will be fine."

Zheng Chenggong thought about it. What Madam said was very true, if the Qing court really wanted to kill his father, it would have already done so. Why are you waiting until today.

Putting his mind down, he picked up the glass again, and took another sip. Zheng Chenggong smiled and said, "It's still Madam's craftsmanship.

Dong You smiled and said, "Your Highness hasn't eaten my warm wine for a long time. I thought Your Highness had long forgotten what wine is like!"

"Where can I forget."

Zheng Chenggong looked at his wife with some guilt and said, "These years have been ups and downs, stumbling and stumbling. You really haven't lived a peaceful life with me, you have suffered and been tired."

Dong You hurriedly said: "Look what the lord said, God is destined to let me accompany you, and I will try my best to serve the lord well. As a woman, I only know how to warm the wine for you when you are bored, and help you when you are tired. Burning my feet, I don't ask or care about the rest. I only do my duty as a wife."

Zheng Chenggong was greatly moved when he heard this, he stroked Dong You's hair lightly and said, "Sometimes I really feel sorry for you, you take care of this family carefully, and you put a lot of thought into me, but I give myself all to you. The cause of Hongfu Tiandao and Zhongxing Daming."

Although they are an old husband and wife, they are so touched by their husbands. Dong You couldn't help but blushed a little, and said coquettishly, "Don't talk about it, my lord, how can a man put his mind on a woman? You are someone who does big things. I follow you and I'm willing to take care of the family affairs for you."

Seeing his wife blushing, Zheng Chenggong chuckled and asked her, "How is Jing'er doing recently?"

"You don't care about your son on weekdays as a father. Now you will ask me about this mother."

Dong You glanced at her husband, and then told his son that he was studying with Chen Yonghua recently, and he was very eager to learn.

This Chen Yonghua was born in Longxi, and his father was Chen Ding, a scholar of the Chongzhen Dynasty. In the fifth year of Shunzhi, the Qing army captured Tong'an, and Chen Ding hanged himself in Minglun Hall. At that time, Chen Yonghua was only fifteen years old and was a doctoral student. After the Qing army entered the city, Chen Yonghua fled from the city and ran to Xiamen a few years later.

Zheng Chenggong and Chen Yonghua talked about current affairs. Although the latter was young, he had a great insight and insight. He was very in line with Zheng Chenggong's heart. He immediately granted him the post of joining the army, and treated each other with courtesy. Zheng Jing's teacher, it can be seen that he has a high regard for it.

Zheng Chenggong knew that although Chen Yonghua was not good at talking and was humble on weekdays, he was able to resist reason and fight hard at critical times without giving in half a step. He ordered Chen Yonghua to be the eldest son's teacher, and he also intended to let him assist his son Zheng Jing in the future.

Dong You talked about his son's studies, and suddenly changed the subject and said: "My lord, we need to send a wet nurse over to Zhier." Zhier is the fourth successful son, only a few months old.

"You arrange these things, ask me what to do."

Zheng Chenggong was a little stunned. The matter in the house was always handled by the wife, and he never asked, but he didn't know why the wife suddenly told him that she wanted to give Zhier a wet nurse. Shouldn't King Yanping worry about such things?

Dong You said, "I want to arrange for Zhao Niang to go there."

"Zhao Niang?"

Zheng Chenggong did not have the impression of this woman in his mind. Dong You clicked on him to remember that Zhao Niang was the wife of an officer under his command. She had just given birth to a pair of twins. He wanted to call her to be Zhier's wet nurse. But Zhao Niang's husband was a general under the succession, so if she wanted her wife to be a nurse in the palace, she had to tell her. If she didn't want to, even Princess Yanping couldn't force her to come, so she had to tell her husband.

Chenggong thought it was a trivial matter, so she promised to tell Zhaoniang's husband about it tomorrow~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Dong You brought up another matter, she said, "Jing'er is already quite old, do you want to tell him about the marriage? Before waiting for her husband to speak, he said again: "I have met the daughter of Shangshu Tang Xianyue once, she looks dignified, and she was hired by Xixi to teach at a small family. She is knowledgeable and reasonable, I like it very much..."

Chenggong heard that the lady was about to say that she wanted the daughter of the Tang family to be her daughter-in-law, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "If you like it, you can ask someone to propose a marriage."

Dong You said angrily: "You, the father, don't propose marriage to your son, do you want me, a woman, to come forward?"

"That's true."

Proposing marriage to my son is a major event, so I wanted to find a suitable person to propose marriage to Tang Shangshu. I was thinking about who to send. Liu Guoxuan, the general in charge of Houzhen, sent someone to report, saying that someone from Guangdong came.

Liu Guoxuan was originally a thousand commander of the Qing army. When Zheng Chenggong besieged Zhangzhou in the eighth year of the Yongli calendar, Liu Guoxuan actively instigated the surrender of the defender Xiancheng, and then led the Zheng army to attack Zhangzhou city without blood, forcing Zhang Shiyao, the Zhangzhou defender of the Qing court. and others down Zheng. Because of this, Liu Guoxuan was awarded the title of Governor by Zheng Chengguo to take charge of the affairs of guarding Houzhen.

From Guangdong?

Succeeded slightly, thinking of what my father said in a letter to me last time, and combining with the fact that the Qing court sent Prince Jidu to lead an army south to Guangdong, I couldn't help but guess who came from Guangdong.


Ahem, Zheng Jing likes wet nurses and bones too.

Ask readers to subscribe to genuine support, you do not support, how to write the bones. (To be continued.)

PS: This is the most chaotic era. He is at the bottom of the society. He has been working hard for more than ten years. Let’s see how Han slaves are not slaves. The real counterattack starts from this moment - "There is a Dugu Lang in the Northern Dynasty" A Han slave grows into a The arduous journey of the three dynasties Guozhang!

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