Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 423: please help me


"The Son of Heaven, let the soldiers and horses be strong!" As soon as they came out, the council hall was suddenly quiet. After the silence, everyone's expressions were even more shocked and inconceivable than when they heard the blind man Li shouting just now.

The thief show is going to be the emperor?

Zuo Qing and Wang Zhangjun were stunned, and even if they tried to break their heads, they would never have imagined that Zhou Shixiang actually wanted to be emperor.

Song Xianggong is also unbelievable. I don't know what drug Zhou Shixiang took today, why his whole person has changed, he has become so confused, and so disappointing.

Son of Heaven, although the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, but the Taiping Army can't call the soldiers strong and strong, you really want to be an emperor.

Song Xianggong was not very loyal to the Ming Dynasty. He voted for a thief once, and Li Chengdong as a Ming minister, and then followed Chengdong to the Qing Dynasty. Repeatedly, he had already given up his heart for the Ming Dynasty. Dong Huquan went down the mountain, and today he is probably still falling grass on the mountain.

The Taiping Army grew from nothing, from weak to strong. It can be said that not only Zhou Shixiang's efforts, but also Song Xianggong's entire efforts were devoted to him. He also greatly admired Zhou Shixiang's vision and strategy, and was willing to obey and support him unconditionally. , but this does not mean that he will support Zhou Shixiang to become emperor. The army of Jidu will go to Guangdong after the year. The Taiping army now only controls eight counties and one scattered state in Guangzhou Prefecture, with more than 30,000 soldiers and less than 500,000 people. The surrounding area is either the Qing army or the Ming army. Although it is the essence of Guangdong Province, it is the place of four battles, and everyone wants to fight for it.

At this juncture, Zhou Shixiang's brain is hot and he wants to become emperor. If nothing else, Chen Qice and Zhu Tong in Zhaoqing will turn against the Taiping Army. Hu Qili and others in Huizhou will definitely not follow Zhou Shixiang's orders again. Tang Sanshui, who was on both ends of the first mouse, was afraid that he would have to draw a clear line with the Taiping army. How could the Taiping army deal with the Jindu army going south with all his strength! I'm afraid that if the front foot army leaves Guangzhou, the Ming army from Zhaoqing on the back foot will come over.

It's stupid to call the emperor at this time, you are trying to make the Ming and Qing Dynasties regard you as a great enemy!

Song Xianggong hated that iron could not become steel. I don't know how Zhou Shixiang, who has always been shrewd, has his head so hot.

Zhao Sihai, who was outside the hall, and Gui Yongzhi, who had just arrived, were also stunned by what Zhou Shixiang said. It sounds so majestic for a strong soldier to be the emperor.

"I'll keep the commander as the emperor! His grandmother's. Why is this emperor made by his Zhu family, and why can't our commander be the emperor!"

Blind Li was excited by this remark, and looked at Zhou Shixiang with great admiration with a big hammer, but was greeted by Zhou Shixiang's anger: "Shut up, you dare to shout again. I will pull out your tongue!"

"Master, I..."

Blind Li was frightened by Zhou Shixiang's extremely ferocious expression, and subconsciously took a few steps back, not daring to stick out his tongue.

"Zhou Shixiang, you really have the heart of not being a minister, you dare to do this!"

Guo Zhiqi looked at Zhou Shixiang in disbelief, disappointment, anger, and all kinds of feelings came to his mind. It was difficult for him to accept Zhou Shixiang's ambition, thinking that the situation in Guangdong had just improved, but Zhou Shixiang's ambition would be ruined. Really frustrating.

Why does Daming suffer from this hardship every time when the situation is better? The King of Jin and Sun Kewang on the Yunnan side are determined to defeat the unknown, and the Guangdong side has just won a great victory, but another Sun Kewang has emerged. Guo Zhiqi sat down with a look of pain, and was utterly disappointed with Zhou Shixiang.

"Dog thief, this officer has long known that you have the heart of disobedience, and today you finally said it yourself! Confucius said Chengren, Meng said righteousness, I will take care of the emperor. I will kill you for the world!"

Qin Rong, who regards himself as a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, decided to kill the thieves for the people of the world. He roared and threw his fists to fight with Zhou Shixiang, but was kicked to the ground by Zhou Shixiang. He scolded: "You idiot, who regards yourself as loyal and good, but in the eyes of this handsome man is a disaster for the country. The kingdom of Daming is to tell you to wait for the idiot to perish!"


Qin Rongwen, a weak person, was suffocated by Zhou Shixiang's heavy kicks, but he heard Zhou Shixiang scolding him as a fool for the wrong country. I couldn't help being anxious and angry, but I couldn't speak because of the tightness in my chest.

"If you don't have Ben Bo, you will have the opportunity to step into the city of Guangzhou! ... If Ben Bo really has no intention of being a minister, An dare to tell you! ... If Ben Bo really wants to establish himself as the emperor, An Xiang The Son of Heaven, please seal the prince!... You idiot, you regard yourself as a loyal minister, and accuse Beng Bo of no matter what your reasons are. The reason why Ben Bo wants to ask the Son of Heaven to seal the prince is for the sake of the Ming Dynasty and the great cause of fighting against the Qing Dynasty! You say that Bengbo said that the army is strong and the horse is strong to be the son of the emperor, does Bengbo really want to do things that are not ministers!"

After he finished speaking, Zhou Shixiang handed over to Guo Zhiqi and said loudly, "Benbo, may I ask the great scholar, is it because the army is strong and the horses are strong!"

Guo Zhiqi didn't know what Zhou Shixiang was doing when he asked this, he nodded and said, "Manchu troops are indeed stronger than my Daming troops."

"Benbo asks the great scholar again, which one is the stronger man, Man Qing or Daming, now!"

"It is full of Qing Dynasty."

Guo Zhiqi was extremely disappointed with Zhou Shixiang, but the meaning in his words was strange. Now in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he will not open his eyes and talk nonsense. In addition to being sad, it can be regarded as open. If Zhou Shixiang really has the heart of disobedience, and wants to coerce him to do things that are disobedient, then he will die here.

"The Manchu troops and horses are dozens of times stronger than my Ming, and my Ming is inferior to him in terms of territory and troops, so the Manchu Aixin Gioro became the emperor, and my Ming troops are not strong and horses are not strong, and it will continue for a long time. Can the Son of Heaven still be the Son of Heaven!"

"What does Bo Xingping mean?" Guo Zhiqi was a little confused by what Zhou Shixiang said, and subconsciously used Bo Xingping to call Zhou Shixiang.

"A strong soldier and a strong horse can become the emperor, and a person who is not strong in soldiers and horses can't become the emperor. Uncle Ben is a Ming minister, and the emperor who is loyal is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He is not loyal to the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. He is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. In order to protect my great tomorrow, Benbo only wants one thing, that is, the army is strong and strong, so that I can keep my big tomorrow as the emperor forever!"

Having said that, Zhou Shixiang took a breath and paused there.

What is his explanation for his so-called strong soldiers and strong horses being the Son of Heaven? Does he really think so?

Guo Zhiqi stood up slowly and looked at Zhou Shixiang with a suspicious expression.

Zhou Shixiang knew that he was so excited that he didn't want to say anything, and he regretted it early in his heart, but after the words were spoken, it was like a big mistake made, and regret was useless, so he could only try to make up for it.

Zhou Shixiang didn't know why he said that. He thought about it for fear that he was not a person of this era, so deep down in his heart, he never regarded "strong soldiers and horses as the emperor" as something outrageous. The prince and general Xiang Ning has a kind of kindness" is often used to make fun of people. When chatting with QQ, he also said the last sentence from time to time, "Don't forget about your wealth and honor".

The outlook on life, values, and world outlook of the previous life cannot be erased in just two years, and Zhou Shixiang can be completely integrated into this era and become a part of this era.

Zhou Shixiang was obviously used to saying what he thought. But he doesn't care what kind of confusion he will cause to the listeners or what kind of trouble he will bring to himself. He told Xu Yingyuan about the Tang Dynasty, and Zhu Qing about the prince, and now in front of Guo Zhiqi and Qin Rong, he said that the strong soldier is the emperor.

He is not ancient after all. Not that scholar Zhou Shixiang.

"Right now, the country is in a difficult state, but the anti-Qing forces in various places are scattered and difficult to concentrate, especially in Guangdong. The scholars must have known that the Qing court sent their prince Jidu to lead a 20,000-strong army of Mongolia and Han to Guangdong to attack our Taiping army. Bo has decided to lead a large army to fight Jidu after the new year. This battle is fierce and dangerous, and the Taiping army under Ben Bo may not be able to defeat Jidu alone. Therefore, Bo Ben wants to ask the emperor for the title of prince, only to integrate Guangdong. All forces, unite and fight against the army!"

Zhou Shixiang's voice just fell. Qin Rong, who had regained his anger, snorted angrily: "It's eloquent, and if I don't make you a prince, won't my Guangdong Ming army fight the Qing army with you?"

Zhou Shixiang did not go to see Qin Rong, but said to Guo Zhiqi with a sincere expression: "Scholar Mingjian, although the emperor named me Xingping Bo, there are no less than ten princes and marquis in Guangdong, and it can be said that everyone leads troops. They all have titles in their bodies. Let me ask the great scholars, if you were me, could you ask them to obey you. Can you command them to fight against the Qing army together?"

Guo Zhiqi was silent. What Zhou Shixiang said was the truth. One of his uncles could not command those princes and marquis, and he was the generals of the Ming army who did not hold titles. He also ignored Zhou Shixiang. These Ming army generals did not have a big picture, otherwise, why even the governor of the city wall could only hide in Qinzhou and be helpless to the situation in Guangdong that was deteriorating day by day. If it weren't for Zhou Shixiang, if it wasn't for the Taiping Army, it is unknown whether they would be able to establish a foothold in Guangdong.

When Guo Zhiqi and Lian Chengbi heard that when the emperor moved to Kunming, they wanted to transfer troops to attack Guangxi and go to King Qin of Yunnan, but the discussions came to no avail. Why? There is no reason for him. The command doesn't move!

"Even this little deputy commissioner dared to be presumptuous in front of Bumbo, wantonly accusing Bumbo of employing people, and the country was at stake. He didn't think about how to appease the people and train the army or how to recover the lost territory, but he cared about the past party disputes and the so-called decent government. , really read the book of sages into the stomach of a dog! Although Ben Bo is only a scholar, he also knows how to use extraordinary means at extraordinary times. Expedient accommodation is the norm, but in his eyes it has become a treason. The more such officials, the more self-conscious The more you praise Zhongliang, the more you will harm the country!"

"In the war against the Qing Dynasty, there is no distinction between the north and the south, and the people, regardless of age, have the responsibility of defending the land and resisting the Qing Dynasty. But all talented people, no matter whether they have defected in the past, or whether they have bad deeds, as long as they are willing to contribute to the great cause of the Qing Dynasty, then They should be appointed to make them commit crimes. Ben Bo's descendants accounted for more than half of the troops, and there were more than 100 Manchu soldiers. Ben Bo let them go, and now he is going to take them to fight against the Jidu army, but he doesn't know the great scholar. How to see Bengbo's actions, does the great scholar also think that Bengbo is doing something wrong like this Qin Rong!"

Guo Zhiqi was silent, Qin Rong was speechless, as if he was at fault, but also right.

Upon seeing this, Zhou Shixiang took out the secret letter from his sleeve and said, "This is a secret letter that Ben Bo has just received. Please read the details of the letter for yourself!"

Guo Zhiqi took the secret letter suspiciously and looked at it~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but he was shocked. It was written that Sun Kewang was defeated and Li Dingguo had surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. The Qing court appointed Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, as the general of Pingxi. Li Guohan, a real bodyguard, led his troops to attack Guizhou in the west; he appointed the former garrison in Jiangning, Gushan, Ezhen, and Zhao Butai as the general of the south, and led the troops south to Hunan. Anbei attacked Guizhou; ordered Gushan Ezhen clan Roto to be the general of Ningnanjing Kou, Tong Gushan Ezhen Xi Jiha, and Hong Chengchou to control Han soldiers from Hunan to attack Guizhou. He also appointed Doni, the king of Xinjun, as the general of Anyuan Jingkou, and the kings of Tongping County, Luo Keduo, Baile Shangshan, Duran, Gushan Erzhen Yild, Alzin, Basihan, Zhuo Luo Lingman, Meng, Han 30,000 banner soldiers marched south to take Yunnan.

"Sun Kewangan dares to surrender, Sun Kewangan dares to surrender!..."

Guo Zhiqi was shocked by the contents of the secret letter and his hands were shaking. The Qing army launched a massive attack on Yungui before Jin Wang Xinsheng had yet to commit suicide.

"The Qing army attacked Guizhou in three directions, and Doni led an army of tens of thousands of troops to the south. The Qing army from all sides together had a total of 100,000 people. Although the king of Jin defeated Sun Kewang, his troops and horses could not rest. The Qing army With Sun Kewang's subordinates as guides, and the three-way attack, Benbo expects Guizhou to be unstoppable. If Guizhou is lost, Yunnan is also in danger, the court is in danger, and the emperor is in danger!... When this country is in trouble, Benbo asks for a prince, and it is In order to unite the various ministries in Guangdong to fight against the Jidu army, after the Jidu ministries are annihilated, the headquarters will immediately attack Guangxi and head for the Qin King in Yunnan! For the sake of the Ming Dynasty, the civilization of the Han family, and the safety of the emperor, please help me!"

After speaking, Zhou Shixiang knelt down in front of Guo Zhiqi with a "thump" and kowtowed heavily. (To be continued.)

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