Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 420: I say he is he is

The second-ranking official of the Taiping Army was reprimanded on his own territory, and he didn't dare to contradict him, which made Zhou Shixiang guess that it was the great scholar Guo Zhiqi who reprimanded Wang Zhangjun, because the voice in the hall was not from Song Xianggong. ⌒,

Zhou Shixiang did not rush into the council room, but stopped and listened, trying to understand why Guo Dajie reprimanded Wang Zhangjun. However, it was not the great scholar Guo Zhiqi who reprimanded Wang Zhangjun in the hall, but Qin Rong, the deputy envoy of Guangdong Province, who came to represent the Governor Lianchengbi.

The judiciary, civil affairs, and military affairs of the province are collectively referred to as the three divisions. The probationary envoy is the third grade, and the deputy envoy is the third grade. Since Guangdong was conquered by the Qing army in the second year of Yongli, the official system in the province has been chaotic. At present, only the governor Lianchengbi and the governor of the four prefectures Zhang Xiaoqi can be called governors in Guangdong. Although Lian Chengbi was a great scholar, he was not called a superintendent because he did not also serve as the governor. Back then, he invited him to come to Guangdong to contact the righteous teachers to fight against the Qing Dynasty, so he had no right to intervene in the military, political and judicial affairs of Guangdong.

At the beginning, the governor of the court of justice, Si Yamen, moved to Qinzhou together with the governor's office, and Zhang Xiaoqi, the governor of the four prefectures, has been in Gaozhou in recent years, so the minister of the court of justice has become a subordinate of the governor's office.

Qin Rong was a jinshi in the 12th year of Chongzhen. He fled from Beijing to Nandu during the Jiashen period. He served in the Ministry of Rites of Hongguang Dynasty, and then served in Fujing. Then he went to Zhaoqing to participate in the establishment of Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang, and he was rewarded for his contributions. , appointed him the deputy envoy of the Guangdong Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Because he is quite trusted by Lianchengbi on weekdays, this time Lianchengbi asked him to come to Guangzhou with Guo Zhiqi.

Qin Rong did not attack Wang Zhangjun for no reason. It happened for a reason. He and Wang Zhangjun are old acquaintances, and they are the same year. They were all Jinshi in the 12th year of Chongzhen, and they all fled from Beijing to Nandu together. However, the circumstances of the two were very different afterwards. Qin Rong was regarded as a "politically correct" faction. When Shaowu and Yongli were fighting, they resolutely supported Yongli, a descendant of Shenzong, while Wang Zhangjun went to Guangzhou to participate in the protection of Emperor Shaowu.

After the city of Guangzhou was broken, Wang Zhangjun and the scholar He Wuzu and others surrendered to the Qing Dynasty together. Appointed as the prefect of Huizhou by the Qing court. Just a few months ago, he was promoted from Huizhou Ren to Guangzhou Ren Zuo to participate in politics. As a result, he became a prisoner of the Taiping Army within a few days of serving as a political official, and then he became the Ming Dynasty's Guangdong governor Si You Sen. Qin Rong, however, has always been an official of the Ming Dynasty and insisted on fighting against the Qing Dynasty in Qinzhou together with Lian Chengbi. After knowing that Wang Zhangjun participated in the support of Emperor Shaowu in Guangzhou, Qin Rong marked Wang Zhangjun's name in the book of the same year. , and said that he was ashamed to be the same age as such speculative villains.

When he came last time, Qin Rong didn't see Wang Zhangjun. Therefore, it was unknown that this person had surrendered to the Taiping Army. As a result, Wang Zhangjun and Zuo Qing were dragged by Song Xianggong to receive the imperial envoy because they were involved in politics. As a result, Qin Rong was naturally furious when he saw it.

The reason for Qin Rong's anger was not that Wang Zhangjun had defected to the Qing Dynasty, but that he was ashamed of his participation in supporting Shaowu. In the eyes of Qin Rong, the officials who supported Emperor Yongli. Those who supported Shaowu in Guangzhou back then were all rebels and had no integrity at all. They even thought that the officials who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty could be forgiven, but the group of people who helped protect the false emperor and the Yongli regime could never be forgiven, but they should be punished by everyone. This is the dispute between Tang and Gui. It seems that the struggle for which is more orthodox is more important than the recapture of Daming Jiangshan from the Manchu.

Qin Rong had a sudden attack, and Guo Zhiqi was not expecting it. After listening to a few sentences, he realized that Wang Zhangjun had such a bad character. He couldn't help but feel a little disgusted. Although he didn't take the Tang Gui dispute as one thing, he didn't stop Qin Rong. After all, he also looked down on Wang Zhangjun, a renegade and speculative villain.

The great scholar was also a little dissatisfied with why Zhou Shixiang re-used such shameless demotions. As for Zhou Shixiang's private placement of a political envoy in Guangzhou, it was a small section. In addition to naming Zhou Shixiang as Xingping Bo, the imperial decree he brought this time also took into account Guangdong and Yunnan are too far apart, with the Qing army in Guangxi blocking them in between, so Xingping Bo could follow the example of Yanping and set up six officials and officials such as inspecting Yan, Cheng Xuan, and trial to facilitate governance. The clerical position can be up to six principals. With this holy purpose, it is not a big problem for Zhou Shixiang to set up a political envoy privately, as long as he can have a clear affiliation with the Yamen, the governor of Qinzhou.

Song Xianggong and Zuo Qing were also embarrassed by Qin Rong's sudden move. The latter was also demoted. Although he did not participate in the protection of Emperor Shaowu, he was very empty, just like Shang Keyuan and Geng Zhongde. , I was also worried that Guo Zhiqi would find him trouble, so he held his breath and didn't dare to make a sound. He was afraid that Qin Rong's attack might have been instructed by Guo Zhiqi, and before he understood the other party's true intentions, let Wang Zhangjun take the lead.

Song Xianggong is the master. When Zhou Shixiang is away, he can be the master of all the Taiping Army. However, Guo Zhiqi, a high-ranking scholar, did not speak. It's not easy to dissuade, I can only watch it awkwardly.

Qin Rong saw that Guo Zhiqi did not stop him, and the other two members of the Taiping Army did not dare to stop him, so he had confidence in his heart. Relying on the fact that he was a genuine deputy commissioner, he was aggressive. All the scandals were revealed, which made Wang Zhangjun feel ashamed and annoyed, but he couldn't refute it.

The more Qin Rong said, the more angry he was, and he put his finger on Wang Zhangjun's forehead. The clay figurine still has three parts. He was also angry, and said angrily: "That's enough, even if Wang was wrong in the past, it is now clear, and you are the right political officer of the Chief Commissioner, you are only the Deputy Commissioner of the Commissioner, why should you treat this official? fingering"

"What right suffrage"

Wang Zhangjun didn't say it was okay~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When he said it, Qin Rong laughed and ridiculed him: "Since you call yourself a right political party, then Wang Canzheng can be appointed by the official book of the court, and he can also be appointed by the court. The official seal awarded to"


These words not only made Wang Zhangjun speechless, but also made Zuo Qing's face twitch. The two of them were appointed by Zhou Shixiang to participate in politics, and they had not yet been recognized by the Yongli court. Even the governor of Song Xianggong was also self-appointed by Zhou Shixiang, so Qin Rong's words made Song Xianggong a little unhappy. Guo Zhiqi also felt that Qin Rong had said this, and was about to get up when a voice came from outside.

"Master Wang was appointed by the coach to participate in politics. The coach said he was him, and the coach said he was not, but he didn't bother to say whether he was or not."

When Zhou Shixiang, who was dressed in military uniform, came in, he knew that it was not Guo Zhiqi who had reprimanded Wang Zhangjun, because the scholar in red robe was still sitting on the chair.

"I've seen the big guy"

Song Xianggong and Zuo Qing quickly stood up to salute Zhou Shixiang, and Wang Zhangjun also looked at Zhou Shixiang with excitement as if he had seen his father. Zhou Dashuai's words just now clearly supported him, can he not be moved? To be continued.

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