Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 412: Don't bully my mother-in-law

After Geng Jimao returned to Guangzhou "anyway", he sent people several times to beg Zhou Dashuai to send him back to Fujin, but every time the people sent were not summoned by Zhou Dashuai. Once or twice, that's fine. Four or five times, Prince Geng couldn't help but murmured in his heart. He is not a fool, because let alone those Taiping troops who put him under house arrest, even the servants of the palace who are serving him look at him strangely. .

The thief show is deceiving too much!

Geng Jimao believed that the top of his head had been turned green by Zhou Shixiang, and he hated it. He wanted to kill more than ever. But he was not impulsive, he knew that he was no longer the King of Jingnan, and now he was just a prisoner who could die at any time. Before the Yongli court canonized him as the prince of the Ming Dynasty, he was a pitiful creature who could not decide his own life or death.

Geng Jimao didn't want to die, and he didn't want to be killed because of a woman, so he could only try his best to suppress his anger, and continued to send someone to see Zhou Shixiang as if nothing had happened.

If your husband can't see you, you can't let your son see you!

Although every time his son came back from the Pingnan palace, he said that E-niang was fine and fine, but Geng Jimao didn't believe it. He also hated Shi Yuanling, hated her for not begging for death, hated her for putting a cuckold on him, but still called his son to coax him like a nobody.

This bitch! If this king can make a comeback, he will definitely cut you into pieces!


With the conscience of heaven and earth, Zhou Shixiang never touched a hair on Geng's wife.

The house where Shi Yuanling lived was the former yard of Shang Kexi's daughter-in-law Chen's. It was a three-story building with a small crescent lake on the side. The building is all paved with marble and jade, which were shipped from Zhaoqing in pieces by boat. It cost a lot of money to build it at that time. I don't want to think that it was only built a few years ago, but the owner changed. This courtyard was chosen by Shi Yuanling herself, because it was far from where Zhou Shixiang lived. It seemed that Zhou Shixiang's performance in the main hall last time made her feel defensive. It's a pity that day and night defense, the thief showcai is still here.

Seeing Zhou Shixiang coming, Xiang Rong quickly stepped forward and knelt down. Following him on the knees were two little maids. The two little maidservants in the Jingnan palace were dedicated to serving Shi Yuanling, the first cousin of Jin Fu, and Xiang Rong went back to get people. The two little maids heard the people from the former Pingnan Palace say the tragic situation when the palace was broken down that day, so they were very afraid of Zhou Shixiang, the "big commander of the thieves", and knelt there tremblingly and didn't dare to move.

Although it is two generations. However, Zhou Shixiang had no intention of overturning the hierarchical concept of this era, nor did he intend to advocate equality between men and women, human rights, freedom, and freedom. He is the ruler of Guangzhou City, how could he deserve to be bowed down by these servants. If he doesn't allow it, he will be criticized instead.

It was the first time for Zhou Shixiang to come here to Shi Yuanling. He stepped on the steps and looked around at will. The Crescent Lake not far away was calm, and a crescent moon was reflected in the lake, but it was a good view. Around the lake and around, there are iron guards stationed and patrolled.

After looking away from the lake, Zhou Shixiang walked into the building. As he walked, he casually asked Xiang Rong, "Has your King of Jingnan scolded Ben Shuai recently?"


This question made Xiang Rong a little embarrassed. He smiled apologetically: "King Jingnan has been reading and writing recently, thinking about how to serve the Ming Dynasty, why would he scold the handsome."

"Reading is good, writing is good. Well, go and tell Prince Geng tomorrow, and ask him to write "Inscription of the Shabby House" for me to see, and by the way, write about his impressions of making him a prince of the Qing Dynasty over the past few years, and write it down. When Ben Shuai published a book for him, it was called "The Years When I Was a Prince". Ben Shuai specially asked a scholar to write a preface for him, haha..."

Xiang Rong coughed twice, Geng Jimao's words were unknown to others, but he could not. Fortunately, Zhou Shixiang was just saying it as a joke. I didn't take it seriously, and I didn't mention it after I finished.

Zhou Shixiang stopped on the steps, glanced at the lighted room on the second floor, and asked, "How long has Geng Jingzhong been here?"

Xiang Rong said, "It's been half an hour."

Zhou Shixiang nodded, stopped talking, and walked up the stairs to the second floor. Xiang Rong and the two maids also followed closely behind. Afraid to fall.

There are a few other servants in this yard, all of whom survived the calamity of the Pingnan Palace. After careful screening, they stayed in the military commander's residence to continue serving. After all, it would be impossible for such a large mansion to have no servants to clean and serve. Seeing Xiang Rong leading the commander over, the servants were sharp-eyed and knelt down early to greet him. Zhou Shixiang waved his hand to signal them to step back, and only told Li, the blind man, to wait for him outside.

"Go get a table of wine and food, I'm a little hungry."

When Zhou Shixiang pushed open the door, he turned his head and instructed Xiang Rong, and the other party hurriedly led people to get drinks and dishes. Blind Li shouted, asking Xiang Rong to bring him a roast chicken. Zhou Shixiang rolled his eyes at him, ignored him, and entered the room on his own.

There were two candles lit in the house. In the candlelight, Shi Yuanling dressed as a noble lady of a banner man was talking with his son Geng Jingzhong in his arms. Zhou Shixiang suddenly pushed the door and came in, frightening the mother and the two. Geng Jingzhong looked at Zhou Shixiang with some fear. Although Shi Yuanling's face showed no obvious fluctuations in expression, the confusion and fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Mother, who is this person?"

Geng Jingzhong didn't know Zhou Shixiang, and when he saw the other person staring at him, there was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not a nice guy."

Shi Yuanling lowered his head and whispered something in his son's ear, then looked at Zhou Shixiang very calmly, and said with thin lips: "Zhou Dashuai came to me so late, what's the matter? Are you trying to kill my wife? "

"A good commander kills you for what? If you want to kill it, you will kill it early, so why keep you."

Zhou Shixiang moved a brocade stool and sat opposite Shi Yuanling, his eyes had shifted from his son's face to his mother, regardless of the son's presence, he smiled and said, "Your husband always wants to see me, but I don't have time to see him. Well, he always wanted me to let you go back, but I was reluctant to let you go."

Although Geng Jingzhong was only 12 years old, he was somewhat sensible. He couldn't tell that the man on the other side was teasing his mother-in-law. He immediately clenched his small fists and looked at Zhou Shixiang with a hostile expression.

When Shi Yuanling noticed his son's movements, Shi Yuanling was startled, afraid that he would do something stupid, so he pulled his son back without a trace, and then said to Zhou Shixiang with a straight face: "My husband has returned anyway, you should do it. You promised to let me go back, but now you don't believe it, aren't you, Zhou Dashuai, afraid that the world will ridicule you?"

"It's your husband Geng Jimao who is ridiculed by the world, not me." Zhou Shixiang shook his head indifferently. Then he said to Shi Yuanling with a playful expression: "You can't really guess the purpose of this commander's visit, Fu Jin? ... Are you going to let your son watch?"

"You... what do you want to do?"

Shi Yuanling's scalp was numb, and although the thief Xiucai didn't point out his intentions, his words were uneasy and kind. Could it be that he really wants to insult my body?

Zhou Shixiang tapped his fingers lightly and said with a smile, "I'm not doing anything, I'm just tired. I don't know why I suddenly thought of you, Dafujin, so I came to you to have some fun."

The voice just fell. Geng Jingzhong shouted angrily: "You are not allowed to bully my mother!" With a wave of small fists in both hands, he was about to rush up to fight the bad guys and protect his mother.

Shi Yuanling grabbed his son, glared at Zhou Shixiang who was smiling, gritted his teeth and called out of the house, "Someone, take the prince away."


A maid cautiously entered the room, glanced at Fu Jin, and then at Zhou Shixiang, seeing that the other party did not intend to stop, then stepped forward and pulled Geng Jingzhong out.

"Emian. He wants to bully you. If I don't leave, I want to stay here to protect you!"

Geng Jingzhong blushed and refused to go out, the maid couldn't drag him, and was so anxious that he didn't know what to do. Shi Yuanling was also anxious, when he heard Zhou Shixiang call out: "Blind man, get the Geng family boy out."


The blind man laughed and stepped into the house to catch a chick and held Geng Jimao under his arm, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't struggle.

Shi Yuanling was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale: "What are you going to do to my son!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt your son."

Zhou Shixiang waved his hand to let the blind man get the man out, and the maid was so frightened that he quickly retreated. Shi Yuanling stood there. Trembling all over, scared. The room was very quiet, with the occasional sound of wax oil burning from candles. In the candlelight, Shi Yuanling looked more feminine. Some parts make people want to pounce on it immediately and have a big bite.

Zhou Shixiang felt that his breathing became very fast, and instinct drove him to stand up. In Shi Yuanling's terrified eyes, Xiang Rong's voice came in inappropriately.

"Master, the food and drinks are ready."

"come in."

Zhou Shixiang snorted angrily. The door was gently pushed open, and under the leadership of Xiang Rong, several servants and servants walked into the house lightly. Then he took out the steaming delicacies from the food boxes, and it was rare that there was a pot of good wine.

"Yes, you've been bothered."

Zhou Shixiang was also hungry. Seeing that the food and drinks that Xiang Rong brought were good, he praised him and made the other party's heart blossom like a flower, saying that this is what a villain should do and should do.

The maid arranged all the food and wine, Zhou Shixiang looked at Xiangrong and said to him, "You are also a clever person, so I'll be in charge of this house in the future."

"Thank you, Master, thank you Master!"

Xiang Rong happily kowtowed there.

"Go down."

Xiang Rong sighed and retreated. Seeing that the servants were still stunned, he couldn't help but scolded: "What are you still doing, hurry up." After being scolded by him, the servants reacted and quickly retreated. out.

After everyone went down, Zhou Shixiang turned his head and said to Shi Yuanling, "Don't be stunned, just sit down and eat a piece."


Shi Yuanling was stunned there. The Zhou Shixiang in front of her was completely different from the Zhou Shixiang just now. He looked like a gentleman, but he was a hungry wolf just now. She hesitated whether she should listen to Zhou Shixiang and sit over.

"Why, aren't you hungry?" Zhou Shixiang smiled slightly, "Looking at you, you don't look like you've eaten before. Hurry up and sit down and eat with me, and you'll have the strength to do things later."


Shi Yuan was so aura that he was speechless, and various thoughts flashed in his mind.

"You've already given birth to two sons, is this kind of thing still annoying?" Zhou Shixiang picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of food, then asked Shi Yuanling, "There's an idiom called **** mouth, you know?"

"Blood spit?"

Shi Yuanling didn't know what Zhou Shixiang wanted to say, but when he caught sight of the other person's eyes staring at his lower body, he didn't understand where he was. He was immediately anxious and angry, and his pretty face was even more embarrassed.

Shi Yuanling's appearance made Zhou Shixiang laugh out loud, his smile stopped abruptly, and he threw a word coldly: "You better not seek death, otherwise I can't guarantee that your son will be okay." Don't care after that Shi Yuanling, whose face was blue and white for a while, started eating on his own.

Full of food and wine, Shi Yuanling's addictive eyes. Zhou Shixiang put down his chopsticks and said with emotion, "The old saying is good, full of warmth and lust. I always thought this was wrong before, but now that I think about it, it makes sense." After speaking, he got up and turned to Shi Yuanling. go.

"You, what are you doing!"

The most worrying thing finally came, Shi Yuanling was so anxious that tears flowed down. She wanted to beg for mercy, begging the other party to let her go, but the man in front of her had already undone his belt. He clearly didn't give up until he achieved his goal.

"Don't come here, I beg you, let me go, I have a husband, and I have children, you can't do this to me... You tell me how to behave in the future..."

Zhou Shixiang stripped himself naked, so frightened that Shi Yuanling's face was pale, and he didn't dare to look at him. Just begging there.

Zhou Shixiang smiled brightly. In this era, he has not touched women for almost two years. He is not an ascetic, nor is he a saint, he only needs this woman now. He stepped forward and hugged Shi Yuanling violently, and carried her to the bed.

Shi Yuanling stretched out his hand to push Zhou Shixiang, but he grabbed his sleeve, only to hear a hiss, the clothes on his body had been stripped off by Zhou Shixiang. Only a few strands of silk sash were tied around the jade neck and waist, and there was no other clothing, and a large area of ​​skin that was as white as jade was exposed under Zhou Shixiang's scorching eyelids.

"Ah, no!"

Shi Yuanling screamed. He didn't care about hammering Zhou Shixiang again, but hurriedly covered his chest with his hands, his legs were tightly bent, and his attractive body was shrunk into a ball, which was able to cover up the leaking spring.

Seeing this picture of living spring, Zhou Shixiang couldn't bear it any longer. As soon as he grasped Shi Yuanling's calf and gently pulled, Shi Yuanling let out a coquettish cry, and the curvaceous body stretched out irresistibly. Zhou Shixiang took advantage of the situation again, and Shi Yuan's delicate body, which was as white as jade and smooth as fat, flew onto the bed. Before she could cry out, Zhou Shixiang had already pressed him.

Shi Yuanling cried and shouted, hammered and beat, even biting with his teeth, but in exchange for Zhou Shixiang's more and more violent aggression. Shi Yuanling was in pain, but his body instinctively made certain movements to avoid being hurt by Zhou Shixiang's rude movements.

The screams of the women in the house spread outside the house, and the maids lowered their heads and dared not look, let alone cover their ears.

It turns out that the handsome likes the woman who is the prince.

Blind Li Hehe smiled, and while nibbling on the chicken leg, he took Geng Jingzhong, who was so hoarse from crying, to the Crescent Lake.

"Boy, congratulations, you have another father."

Blind Li laughed very wretchedly,


After finishing the matter, Zhou Shixiang's mind was clear, and he felt that he had done a very shameful thing.

Shi Yuanling, who was under him, had already wet the bed with tears, his thin lips were bitten, and he was lying there. During the previous struggle and resistance, the quilt was thrown to the ground by Zhou Shixiang. It would be impossible to find an object that could cover her delicate body. If there is, it is also the man who has defiled his body.

Zhou Shixiang, like a child who made mistakes, looked at Shi Yuanling at a loss, reflecting on his wrongdoing. Shi Yuanling suffered from the lack of covering clothes, so he could only close his eyes, so as not to see the hateful face of the other party. Underneath, the wet ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ she wanted to wipe, but couldn't move, because the thief Xiucai was still lying on top of her.

The atmosphere was awkward, neither man nor woman said a word or moved.

Just when Shi Yuanling couldn't stand the man on his body and didn't let it go, the other party suddenly asked her in a very weak voice: "Well, do you have that kind of thing?"


Shi Yuanling didn't want to talk to the thief Xiucai who had ruined her chastity, but somehow, the ghost took over.

"It's an emergency escape..."

After saying a few words, Zhou Shixiang froze. There is no such thing in this era. He changed his words and asked embarrassingly: "Do you have the kind of medicine that you can take to prevent pregnancy?"

Shi Yuanling was silent, but his body trembled more than when he was humiliated before.

After a while, she nodded slightly, and said shyly, "The menstrual period has just passed, so I won't conceive." (To be continued.) xh:.126.81.50

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