Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 382: 1 on a whim

In the hall of the Pingnan Palace, Zhou Shixiang looked with interest at the 29-year-old King Fujin of Jingnan, who had given birth to two sons. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated very fast.

I have to say that Geng Jimao's 'Yan' boy is very lucky, Shi Yuanling is really good-looking and has a good figure. Perhaps because of breastfeeding his two sons, Shi Yuanling's body looked very bumpy and large, and the whole body exuded the smell of mature 'female' and 'fascinated' people, unknowingly. It attracted Zhou Shixiang.

In the stunned eyes of the second steward, Zhou Shixiang didn't notice that he was walking towards Shi Yuanling step by step. When he was about to get close to the other party, he magically stretched out his right hand and pinched it **** the other party's buttocks.

"what are you doing!"

Shi Yuanling was so frightened that he lost his color, his eyes widened like a frightened rabbit, and he looked at Zhou Shixiang in horror.


Zhou Shixiang came to his senses and found that he had lost his way, and was actually "sexed" by Geng Jimao's wife, he rubbed his hands, and laughed dryly: "Fu Jin, don't blame, don't blame, this commander's hands are itchy for a while. , itchy hands... oh, no, I saw that Fu Jin had dust on his buttocks, so he reached out and wanted to wipe the dust off for Fu Jin... Yes, that's it."

Zhou Shixiang had a serious look on his face, but he didn't know that Xiang Er's mouth on the side had turned into a big "O".

"Cough cough."

In order to hide his embarrassment, Zhou Shixiang deliberately turned his head and coughed twice. He glanced at the second steward unintentionally, and found that the other party didn't seem to see the scene just now. Strange, can not help but secretly praise.

"Is the general soldier of the Ming Dynasty so good at lust?"

Shi Yuan's spiritual energy didn't come from anywhere. She was someone who had given birth to two sons, and she wasn't a girl who didn't understand anything, so how could she be 'blinded' by Zhou Shixiang's ridiculous reason. Her delicate body trembled slightly, not from fear, but from anger. Zhou Shixiang's act of 'touching' her **** made her feel humiliated, but she had no choice but to swallow the humiliation. There is endless regret in my heart at this moment. I regret that I should have listened to Xiang Rong's minion's nonsense and came out to see Zhou Shixiang, and now I am humiliated by others.

Thinking of the scene where the thief Xiucai, who was often talked about by her husband, pressed her on him and insulted her, Shi Yuanling could not wait to slam into the pillar in the hall.

If he really dares to humiliate me, I'll really be killed!

Shi Yuanling secretly made up his mind. She is usually a talkative Dafujin in the eyes of others, but she is a strong 'woman' in her bones. If it weren't for the "life" of the thousands of people in the Jingnan palace, she would never have gone to the dangerous place and let herself be helpless.

"What Fu Jin said, it seems that this handsome is really such a good 'sex' person."

Zhou Shixiang chuckled lightly. To get rid of the evil thoughts in my heart, I couldn't help pinching it for a while, and I regretted it after pinching it. I don't know what evil I was in, or I haven't touched a 'female' person for more than a year, and the 'eminence' is on my brain. , Seeing that Geng Jimao's wife looks 'attractive', she did such a ridiculous thing.

If this is done directly in the main hall, Shi Yuanling, and then cut off the recruitment of Geng Jimao, slaughter her two sons, and fall in love over time. It's not impossible to tame this 'female' person, but her heart aroused, but she stepped forward to 'touch' the person without pain or itching. If this news spreads, Ge Laoliu and Jiang Bald will laugh off their teeth. .

Zhou Shixiang himself thought it was funny, thinking that he had to make a big fuss about Geng Jimao, the king of Jingnan, and his mind about the matter of men and women faded. He wasn't afraid that Geng Jimao would make a 'wave' or 'flower'. The family members of the 2,000 Han troops under his command were all in his hands. What other 'waves' and 'flowers' could he find?

However, considering that Shang Kexi was already dead, and the Pingnan Palace was also slaughtered by him, if Geng Jimao could not be set up as a model, the Han army who worked for the Manchu Qing Dynasty would definitely fight to the death with the Taiping army. Only then did he decide to let Geng Jimao go, and give him a chance, just to see if this kid can't get on the Tao himself. If he is really not on the Dao, then the killing will be, and he will not be able to escape the Wuzhi Mountain of the Taiping Army now.

Zhou Shixiang raised his face, and said to Shi Yuanling with a straight face: "Those people in the Jingnan palace are all women and children under the banner. This commander has no intention of killing them. As long as Fujin releases everyone, this commander will do it. Keep your Jingnan Palace safe, and this commander will send someone to persuade King Jingnan to surrender, if King Jingnan is willing to return to Ming anyway, Fu Jin will be my prince and wife of Daming from now on, not Fu Jin."

"Is this true? How can I believe you, what if I let people out and you attack them?"

Shi Yuanling is a 'female' class, she doesn't care what her husband chooses, she doesn't care what her husband chooses, she just wants her family to be safe. However, since the young thief in front of her had teased her just now, she didn't quite believe what the other party said was true.

Zhou Shixiang sneered: "You have to believe it, you have to believe it or not, there is no other choice. If it wasn't for the fact that this commander didn't want to kill more people, do you think the Jingnan palace can still be saved now?"

Shi Yuanling was silent for a moment, looked up at Zhou Shixiang, and opened his thin lips lightly: "Can I go back and think about this matter?"


Zhou Shixiang refused, with a narrow look in his eyes, and said, "Shi Yuanling, now all those people in your vassal know that you came out to see this commander, do you have the heart to let them down? ... I advise you to still Promise right away, or I will ask someone to tear your clothes and send you back. How will those people in your vassal think of you, your mistress, and what will your husband Geng Jimao think of you when he finds out? Hey, Fu Jin still agrees Right."


Shi Yuanling hated his teeth so much that the thief Xiucai was really a thief. If he really did this, even if he was as clean as a jade, others would not believe that she didn't do anything to the thief Xiucai.

"I promise you, but you have to swear not to offend my Jingnan palace!" Shi Yuanling softened.

Zhou Shixiang shook his head and said, "Impossible, this commander doesn't like to swear.

Shi Yuanling was speechless, this guy who was a few years younger than her was really a rogue.

"Fu Jin refuses to agree for a long time, do you really want to ask this handsome to tear your clothes and send you back?"

Zhou Shixiang was 'forcing' step by step, not giving Shi Yuanling any chance to think. Over in Mancheng, Li Blind was looking forward to the stars and the moon waiting for him, but he had no time to waste on Shi Yuanling.


Shi Yuanling's face flushed red, and he nodded with hatred.

"It couldn't be better."

Zhou Shixiang turned around and called Xiang Rong.

"The slave is here!"

Xiang Rong stepped forward respectfully.

Zhou Shixiang frowned and said, "Don't be a servant or a servant in front of this commander in the future, you can send Fujin back to the manor and spread the word~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Hearing this, Shi Yuanling was shocked: "You won't let me go back? "

"Pingnan Palace is no worse than your Jingnan Palace. You can stay in the palace for a while. If your husband Geng Jimao is willing to return to Ming Dynasty anyway, this commander will let your husband and wife reunite."

Xiang Rong looked confused: "If Fu Jin doesn't go back, the servant... I'm afraid the people in the palace won't believe me."

"That's it," Zhou Shixiang smiled at Shi Yuanling: "Please, please write a letter to Fujin.

"I won't write unless you let me go back!" Shi Yuanling drank through gritted teeth.

"Don't write? Someone, take me off the clothes of Jingnan Wang Fujin!"

"I wrote!"

Shi Yuan's spiritual energy turned cold.

"Thank you Fujin!"

Zhou Shixiang laughed and walked out of the hall with his hands behind his back. He was going to see how the hundreds of old Manchu bangzi were stubbornly resisting the law.

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