Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 379: Why didn't Lee So-Tae die?

Shang Kexi roasted himself alive, looking at the charred corpse of King Pingnan, Li Suotai's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what he was thinking. , Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ.79xs.СоМ.

Zhou Shixiang watched casually in the hall, picking up one or two small things from time to time and 'playing' them. On the side, Yang's body was still lying on the 'bed'.

Zhou Shixiang didn't let Yang Shi's body be removed, nor did he destroy the 'female' body. After all, what Shang Kexi did had nothing to do with this 'female' person, not to mention that the person was already dead, so there was no need for that. Take her corpse to vent her anger.

Li Suotai knew that his fate would not be much better than Shang Ke's. When he was not caught by the Taiping Army, he was scared and panicked, but now he calmed down and started to think.

Zhou Shixiang didn't let Li Soltai be killed immediately, so the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi had to guess what the other party's intentions were, and it was inevitable to have a lot of reverie.

Although Li Suotai was the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing court, he was by no means a civil servant. When he was 12 years old, he entered the "servant" Qing Taizu Nurhaci. At the age of 16, Taizu gave him a marriage. He followed Taizong Hongtai to conquer Chahar, Korea, and Jinzhou, and then entered the pass with Dabeile Abatai to attack Shandong. After Suirui Prince Dorgon entered the customs, he attacked Li Zicheng's Dashun army, forced more than 10,000 Dashun army to surrender in Henan, and then attacked Yangzhou Pojiangning, Dingsu, Song, Tujiang. Yin', and then followed Prince Duanzhong Bo Luo to pacify Zhejiang and Fujian, and then begged Datong to return to Ming Dynasty Jiang Cheng, until Hong Chengchou was recommended as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Stained with the blood of the Han people, he was an uncompromising executioner who aided the tyranny of Zhou.

Naturally, such a character would not easily surrender to Zhou Shixiang. Moreover, Li Suotai knew how many sins he had committed against the Han people, so the idea of ​​surrendering only flickered for a while before thinking about it again. What he thinks more is that the three-way army outside does not know what is going on now, what impact will the fall of Guangzhou have on the situation of the Qing court in Guangdong, and whether it will affect the three-way peace who advised the emperor by Hong Chengchou. Yunnan strategy.

Zhou Shixiang did not kill him. He could only make Li Suotai think that the other party wanted to torture him before killing him, or to show off his might in front of him and show off his prestige as a thief. That's all, he really couldn't think of what other 'flowers' the other party could have besides this.

Zhou Shixiang occasionally glanced at Li Soltai. The contempt in his eyes did not hide at all, which made Li Soltai very angry, but he couldn't scold him because the other party hadn't said a word to him until now.

Outside the hall, the Taiping army was carrying the body out. Shang Keyuan and a group of 'guards' who laid down their weapons were not beheaded, but were ordered to count the family members of the Han army under the Pingnan domain, and then put them down. One by one, the books are waiting for further disposal.

The deputy capital, Qin Guocheng, did not die. His 'chest' was stabbed by a spear, and he lost too much blood. Although he has not yet died, he will not live long.

After learning about King Pingnan from the Taiping Army, Qin Guocheng's face 'showed' a smile, as if he saw the prince on Huangquan Road waving to him.

A lot of Shang Kexi's sons were killed, and only a few of them were still in swaddling infants. This would be followed by their mothers being trapped in an empty hall by the Taiping Army, and there was another Shang Kexi inside. All 'daughter' sons, daughters-in-law.

They didn't know how they would be dealt with by the Taiping Army, and one by one wept in the hall as if the end was coming. It was not until two days later that the 'door' of the main hall was opened. Then came in, men with glowing faces, picked them away one by one, and became the wife of another man, giving birth to a 'daughter' for him. Shang Kexi's sons who didn't know how to speak also took another surname from now on. No longer know his past.


"Should I call you a concubine, or the Governor-General?"

Zhou Shixiang finally spoke up, and he picked up a small carriage made of 'jade'. I have to say that the craftsman of the carving is really superb. The palm-sized 'jade' stone can actually be carved into a vivid carriage. The future generations are afraid that it will not be worse than that national treasure jade 'jade' cabbage.

Seeing Zhou Shi's smiling expression, Li Shuitai snorted, "Since this official has fallen into your hands, if you want to kill you, you need to kill you, you don't have to play tricks on me."

"I don't mean to make fun of the Governor. I have something I would like to hear from the Governor." Zhou Shixiang laughed and asked him sincerely: "Now Guangzhou City is already owned by this commander. It's just that there are tens of thousands of Manchurian women and children in the city, and this commander doesn't know what to do with them. The Governor has been dealing with Manchurians for years. The 'son' son-in-law, but I don't know what to teach this handsome?"

"Let this official make an idea? Haha, ridiculous!... Do you want this official to say that it is better to slaughter all the people of Manchuria, one hundred and one hundred, save trouble!"

Li Suotai was amused that the thief Xiucai asked him to make an idea of ​​how to deal with the Manchurians, which was really whimsical.

Zhou Shixiang seemed to understand something. "Oh", he nodded and said, "The Governor originally wanted this commander to slaughter all the people of Manchuria. Well, it coincides with Ben's idea."

"Fart, when did this official say that!" Li Suotai was anxious, and the thief Xiucai was clearly talking nonsense.

Zhou Shi didn't care about Li Suotai's anger, and said to himself, "If this commander slaughtered the whole city, and then said that it was a plan offered by the governor, would you believe the Qing court?"

"Your Majesty won't fall for your counter plan~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Li Suotai was so angry that his hands and feet trembled, but he was terrified when he said that, if the thief Xiucai really framed him like this, then the emperor would not believe it. Will the gang of Manchu princes in the imperial court believe this flawed countermeasure? This kind of thing does not require any evidence at all, just spread it out and let people know it is enough.

In the case of being unable to prove it for himself, the best consequence that Li Suotai can think of is that the court will not guard against his Li family, but I am afraid that it will not be reused for the people of the Li family. As for his name, Li Suotai, it has been a long time, and the emperor probably does not want to hear it. After all, he was the first governor in the history of the Qing Dynasty who was captured alive by the Ming army, and his "nature" was even worse than the dead Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, and Nikan.

Li Suotai could even think that maybe one day the young Emperor Shunzhi would inadvertently complain to the palace servants, "Why didn't Li Suotai die?", and then this sentence was quickly spread by people with a heart. At that time, he Li Suotai The family is afraid that it will really fall into a doomed place.

Why didn't I commit suicide, why did I listen to Gui Yongzhi's words and hide in the closet? My dignified Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi was not framed by thieves, but the fact that I was found in the closet was enough to ruin my reputation!

Li Suotai regretted that his bowels were green, and he hated Gui Yongzhi thoroughly. Q

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