Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 376: Guangdong's weather is about to change?

In the palace of Jingnan, Shu Fu Jin Zhang Yuhua is devoutly reciting scriptures in front of the bronze statue of Buddha. On the desk in front of the Buddha statue, the incense was half-burned, and the curling cigarettes drifted into the house, smelling a faint fragrance.

Zhang Yuhua is extremely beautiful, but she is a timid and pitiful woman. She is the daughter of Li Chengdong's general Zhang Gan, who was later offered to Li Yingwen as his wife. After the Qing army entered Guangzhou, they massacred the people in the city. Dozens of Li Yingwen's family were murdered by the Qing army, but Zhang Yuhua was kidnapped by the Qing soldiers and presented to Geng Jimao because of his outstanding appearance. Geng Jimao was greedy for her beauty, and he didn't think she was married, so he took her as a concubine, and everyone in the house called her "Fu Jin".

Zhang Yuhua knew that Geng Jimao was only interested in her beauty, and she could not avenge her husband's family even as a weak woman, so she could only serve Geng Jimao with a happy face. A matter of favor. Her biggest wish is to be able to give birth to a son and a half daughter, so that she will have support for the rest of her life. In order not to conflict with other women of Geng Jimao, Zhang Yuhua deliberately chose this remote courtyard to live in. Every time Geng Jimao came, he had to go around a lot. For this reason, he also said several times that Zhang Yuhua wanted to move to another place, but all of them were rejected. The beauty softly refused.

Although there is no competition in the world, it does not mean that Zhang Yuhua does not know what is going on outside. She knows that Guangzhou City has entered the Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses, and she also knows that Dafu Jin Shi Yuanling has put many families of the Eight Banners into the house, and the guards are all in front now. guard the palace. She didn't know if the guards could block the Ming army outside, nor did she know what the Ming army would do to her, the concubine of the King of Jingnan, after entering the mansion, so she could only recite the scriptures in front of the Buddha statue. But she couldn't tell what she was asking the Buddha to bless.

The cries of the Eight Banners' family members in her ears made Zhang Yuhua feel uneasy, and she couldn't calm down. The uneasy feeling reminded her of the scene when her father went to Jiangxi with Li Chengdong.

She let out a long sigh, seeing that the incense on the case had burned to the end. She got up and wanted to add a new fragrance to Buddha. At this time, Xing'er, a personal maid who had grown up with her since childhood, ran in with a look of horror. The childish voice was full of trembling.

"Miss, murdered. Murdered outside!"

"What killed? Did the Ming army enter the palace?" Zhang Yuhua was shocked, and the incense in her hand fell to the ground. She thought that the Ming army had entered the palace.

"The Ming army hasn't entered the mansion, but the mansion is killing people. Dafujin her" Xing'er's heart skipped a beat. Obviously what she saw just now scared her. The guards said that there were too many Ming troops outside, and they might not be able to stop them, so Dafujin took the guards to kill the women of the prince, and she killed both of the two in the east courtyard. I saw her taking the guards to the young lady. Come here, I hurried to report, Miss, Dafujin is crazy, we still hurry”

Before he finished speaking, hurried footsteps could be heard outside. Immediately, Zhang Yuhua's face turned pale, she understood why Shi Yuanling wanted to kill Geng Jimao's woman.

She gave a wry smile. What should come will always come, but it is not the Ming army, but the mistress Dafujin who has always admired her. But if it was her, she would probably do the same. After all, the reputation of Geng Jimao, the king of Jingnan, cannot be ruined by a few women.

Xing'er was completely confused at this meeting, she didn't know what to do at all, she clutched Zhang Yuhua tightly and cried, "Miss, let's go. She will kill you, she will kill you"

Zhang Yuhua was about to speak. Shi Yuanling's voice came over, "Where are you going? There are Taiping bandits outside, can you run out? Zhang Yuhua, you are the wife of the prince and the Geng family. The Taiping bandits will not let you go. Instead of letting the thieves humiliate the prince's reputation, why don't you do your best for the prince."

"Yes, we are Wang Ye's women, we must die, and we must not fall into the hands of Taiping bandits!"

Side Fujin Wang Shi appeared in front of Zhang Yuhua with Shi Yuanling with a dead face. In addition to the two of them, there were several guards. The 12-year-old prince Geng Jingzhong dragged his 6-year-old brother Geng Juzhong and followed behind a little scared.

Zhang Yuhua stared blankly at Dafu Jin Shi Yuanling, the face of the other party was indescribably scary.

"You really want me to die?"

"There's nothing I can do. I can't let you fall into the hands of the Taiping bandits."

Shi Yuanling's heart is as hard as iron. As the daughter-in-law of the Geng family, and as Fujin, the direct descendant of the King of Jingnan, she must do this for the Geng family and her husband. She wouldn't do it if she still had the slightest hope to keep the palace. You must know that she has never killed a chicken before, but today she was let people kill several women in front of her eyes. Who knows her inner pain!

"Emian, why do you want to kill them, why do you want to kill them, you kill them, what if your father comes back to beat you? Those concubines died so terrible, so terrible"

The prince Geng Jingzhong was frightened by his mother's face and started to cry. His cry suddenly made his younger brother Geng Juzhong cry too. The cry of the two children made Shi Yuanling's heart tremble, but she still gritted her teeth. Commanded to the guards: "Do it!"

Hearing the words, the guard stepped forward and went to arrest Zhang Yuhua.

"You don't have to do it, I will break it myself."

Zhang Yuhua smiled miserably, walked to Xing'er and gently held her hand, the master and servant looked at each other with tears.

"I'm leaving, be careful yourself, if the Taiping bandits break the palace, you will follow them. In this world, we women can only live by relying on our own bodies. Don't resist, you know? Miss, I want you to celebrate the new year. Burn me some paper money."

Zhang Yuhua whispered to Xing'er with tears in her eyes, and suddenly turned around and walked towards her bedroom.


Myolie knelt on the ground and shouted piercingly.

After Zhang Yuhua entered the house to seek death, Shi Yuanling glanced at the Wang family blankly, and then his thin lips lightly opened, and he said slowly, "Sister, do you want someone to help you, or go by yourself?"

"Sister, don't worry, I made it myself, I don't need anyone to help my sister. Thank you for taking care of my sister these days."

Wang Shi gave a miserable smile, but something unexpected happened to everyone. Wang Shi suddenly pushed Shi Yuanling to the ground like a madman, and then ran desperately out of the courtyard.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Catch her, catch her!"

Shi Yuanling was slammed to the ground, his face turning blue with anger. The two sons were so frightened that they hurriedly stepped forward to help her up. Geng Juzhong didn't know what was going on, only that his mother was being bullied and cried there.

When the guards heard the order, they rushed forward to capture Wang, but saw Wang slammed into a person and fell to the ground.

The person who came was Geng Yi, the leader of the guards. He knew that Dafujin was leading someone to deal with the prince's woman. Seeing how Wang Shi looked like, he didn't know that she wanted to run, but he didn't go to catch her, but ran anxiously to Shi Yuanling. Over there, he said anxiously: "Dafujin, the people of the Taiping Army said that we can let us go to the Jingnan palace, but Dafujin must go to see them! Within a stick of incense, if Dafujin doesn't go to see them, they will set fire to the palace. !"


Shi Yuanling stayed there: as long as he went to see them, the Taiping Army would let the Jingnan Palace go?

In the room behind him, Zhang Yuhua's body also trembled, and the rope in his hand fell to the ground: Maybe I don't need to die?

Wang Shi, who got up from the ground, looked at Shi Yuanling with a look of horror. Geng Yi's words did not make her feel alive, but even more desperate. She gave Shi Yuanling a vicious look, and ran to the front hall. By the time Shi Yuanling and the guards came back to their senses, Mrs Wang had already run away and was nowhere to be seen.

Has the weather in Guangdong changed?

In the newly built Manchurian city, there are more than 10,000 old and weak women and children with the white and blue flags of Manchuria.

Going to exterminate a Han army will not make the old and weak women and children in Manchuria too excited, but the Han goods brought back by the army after class division will make them excited and excited.

After the army set off, every Manchu woman imagined how much gold and silver treasures her men would **** from the Han people and hand them over to her, and then she could go to the Han merchants outside Manchuria to buy what kind of good things.

Although the weather in Guangzhou is too hot, it can be said that there are quite a lot of good things, especially the fragrant powder jewelry from overseas sells more varieties and cheaper prices than the capital, which is the most satisfying place for women in the city.

Everything is so happy, so satisfying, so exciting.

The men of the Eight Banners went out to kill the Han people and brought back the spoils for their mother-in-law and baby. This is what the Manchurians have been doing every day since the Taizu Emperor. No one thinks it is wrong. Their good things should be given to the Manchurians.

The women are looking forward to it, the children are counting the time when Ama will come back, and the old people gather together to talk about the past, how bad the Han people were, and how many Han people they cut down. How many Han women have played with each other, and then compare each other's children and grandchildren more powerfully, how much credit will come back this time.

Every scene in the city is like being in the capital, there is no difference. However, what the whole city was waiting for was not the Manchu warriors who had returned triumphantly, but a thunderbolt from the blue.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have entered the city~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Those cowardly southern barbarians have entered the city!

Why is this happening, why? Doesn't it mean that the Han people are greedy for life and fear death, and are as timid as pigs and dogs, doesn't it mean that they don't dare to fight the Eight Banners warriors in Manchuria at all, they will only flee from a distance, or use despicable and cunning means to plot against the Eight Banners warriors, but? How could they suddenly enter the city of Guangzhou, and hit the city outside!

No one could answer that question, and neither could the elderly Manchurian warriors.

The women cried with fright, lost their minds and lost their minds.

The old men dug out the armors they had once approved from the boxes, and went up to the city with weapons that were still in excellent condition.

The gates of the city were closed before the Taiping army came. Hundreds of gray-haired Manchurian warriors looked at everything in the outer city fearlessly.

They want to tell the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty outside the city that although they are old, they can still kill the Han people! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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