Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 363: haha wood is dead

After the cries of killing from the left wing stopped, Haha Mu knew that the Kalai Dao Ka was finished, and he looked blankly at the Taiping army who had come up from the left wing and muttered to himself.

I can't be defeated, let alone die here!

Haha Mu could not accept the defeat. Since the Qing army entered the customs, the Eight Banners of Manchuria have never been wiped out. Even if Prince Jingjing Nikan was beheaded by Li Ding National Front, the Manchu Eight Banners soldiers under Nikan did not have the entire army. overturned. And he Hahamu is likely to become the first general in the history of the Eight Banners of Manchuria to be wiped out by the entire army. His name Hahamu will become a shame for the Hesheli family, and it will become a shame for the Eight Banners of Manchuria!

"Kill out, kill out!"

Hahamu no longer tried to respond to the subordinates who were surrounded by the Taiping Army, but took the more than 300 Manchu soldiers gathered around him to break out to the north. He didn't want to be the first Eight Banners general to be wiped out, and he didn't want to be the second Nikan.

After discovering that Hahamu had broken through the siege to the north, the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, Fokeshun, surnamed Xitala felt hopeless, but he did not give up his resistance, and led more than 100 men of Zhengbai Qi Erlang to fight to the death with the Taiping Army. They rely on each other and use war horses as cover to continuously shoot and kill the surrounding Taiping troops.

"Children, it's time to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty and the emperor!"

Fokeshun's eyes are ferocious, he is not afraid of death, but he wants to kill more Nanmanzi before he dies!

Another leader of Zhengbai Banner is Huerha of Ye He's family. He has only a few dozen Manchu Erlangs under his command. He did not resist stubbornly there like Fo Keshun, and wanted to exchange his own life for more casualties of the Taiping Army. , but lead people desperately to break through to the north. Encountered alone and injured Manchu soldiers along the way, Hu Erha didn't care at all, just led the people to run north desperately.

Fokeshun's desperate resistance led to the death and injury of hundreds of Taiping troops. Qin Zhisheng, who wanted to lead people to intercept Hahamu, saw this, and immediately organized troops to prepare to eat the fierce Manchu soldiers who resisted.

The arrows of the Manchu soldiers were extremely accurate and tricky, and the two guards of the right battalion of the infantry were forced to retreat three times, leaving more than a hundred corpses on the muddy ground.

Qin Zhisheng was furious and roared, "Brothers, Tartar has one head. One bird, one head and one bird, I'm afraid that he has a ball! We have more people than them, and how many shots they can shoot. Come with me!"

Qin Zhisheng took the lead, ignoring the strength of the Manchu soldiers and archers, and led the men to charge forward. Infected by Qin Zhisheng, the right battalion of the infantry rushed up again, roaring one after another.

"Shoot that Chinese dog to death!"

Fokeshun saw that the morale of the Taiping army was stirred up again. In desperation, he grabbed the bow and arrow of the Manchu soldiers beside him and aimed at Qin Zhisheng, who was rushing in front.


Qin Zhisheng, who was rushing to kill, suddenly felt a pain in his right shoulder, and when he looked at it, he was hit by an arrow. He couldn't help but cursed in the direction of the arrow: "Dog. The Tartar of Japan!" The arrow was inserted into the flesh, and the arrow was pulled out in one fell swoop, and even the arrow and the eldest piece of flesh pulled from the arrow were thrown into the distance.

"Dog Tartar. Lao Tzu is fighting with you!"

Qin Zhisheng was furious, staring at the Tartar Zuoling who had shot him, gnashing his teeth, and rushing forward again recklessly.

The Manchu soldiers kept shooting their bows and arrows, and there were Taiping troops falling on the way to charge, but more Taiping troops rushed up, and their dense numbers overwhelmed the arrows of the Manchu soldiers. The Manchu soldiers threw away their bows and arrows and raised their swords to meet them. The two sides fought in the mud.

Qin Zhisheng was determined to seek revenge for the Tartar Zuoling who shot him. He took a few personal soldiers to cut down two Manchu soldiers who rushed forward, and finally found the figure of the Tartar Zuoling.

When Qin Zhisheng was about to rush forward, he felt another pain. But another sharp arrow hit him, the arrow hit his stomach, and before he could roar, another arrow came. The arrow hit the top of his heart.


The soldiers were shocked and rushed forward to hug Qin Zhisheng.

It was Fo Keshun and his two Goshhas who shot the arrows. They shot three arrows in total. One arrow hit a soldier next to Qin Zhisheng, and two arrows hit Qin Zhisheng.

Seeing that Qin Zhisheng was shot by an arrow, Fokeshun knew that he was a high-ranking official of the Taiping Army. If this person dies, the Taiping army will be severely hit, maybe they can take advantage of the situation to break out. Under the ecstasy, he swung the knife and led Goshha towards it, trying to kill Qin Zhisheng in one fell swoop.

"Dog. Japanese!"

Qin Zhisheng stood unsteadily, his knees went weak, and he fell to the ground heavily, but he kept the knife in his hand in a forward slashing posture. He didn't die, but watched the Tartar Zuoling lunge towards him with wide-eyed eyes.

"Protect the General!"

Qin Zhisheng's personal soldiers bravely stepped forward to block the Manchu soldiers, but their skills were not as good as Fokeshun and his Goshha, and they were both cut to the ground.

"Dog Tartar, you come and die with Lao Tzu!"

Seeing that his personal soldiers were killed, Qin Zhisheng smashed the long knife in his hand at Fo Keshun, but was easily blocked by the other side.

Fokeshun swung the knife and was about to slash Qin Zhisheng's neck. When the knife slashed at the neck, Qin Zhisheng's mouth moved. Although his voice was extremely weak, Foke could hear it clearly. Before he died, he said, "If I die, you don't want to live!"

Fokeshun was furious and swung the knife down, "Puchi!" With a sound, a column of blood sprayed into the air, and a big head rolled to the ground. At the same time, Fo Keshun felt a pain in his stomach, but Qin Zhisheng took out a spear from the mud and pressed it against his stomach before he died.

Cunning South Barbarians!

Foke calmly looked at the spear in his abdomen, angry and unwilling

When Hahamu broke through the siege, he found a war horse that was not caught in the mud.

Infantry right battalion officer Tie Yi led several guards to surround them several times, but they were repeatedly highlighted by these Manchu soldiers. The infantry from the left wing, the Taiping Army of the Left Battalion, led by the deputy battalion officer Jiang Fan and others, also joined the ranks of the most powerful Manchu soldiers.

As more and more Taiping troops arrived, Hahamu's breakthrough was completely blocked. Ha Mu, who couldn't bear the defeat, still fought, and the soldiers under him were loyal to the Lord, and none of them were willing to abandon him. More than 200 Manchu soldiers were squeezed in a circle with a radius of less than ten feet, but the Taiping army could not break through them for a while. The skills of these Manchu soldiers on the battlefield are indeed strong, especially those veterans, few Taiping troops can't overwhelm one. Their skills were killed by countless Han people, far from being comparable to the Taiping Army who had only experienced a few battles.

Suddenly, the circle of Manchu soldiers was swept open, and a strong man wielding a hammer rushed in. The big hammer was invincible. Blind Li abruptly smashed the circle of Manchu soldiers with one person. mouth.

Blind man Li, covered in blood and mud, roared and rushed towards Hahamu, who was on the horse. Hahamu saw the ferocious approach and shouted loudly. Several of his personal soldiers immediately rushed up with knives and tried to block Blind Li and him. The Taiping army rushed up from behind.

"God tartar, go to hell!

The blind man Li Hu roared again and again, and the iron hammer smashed at the Manchu soldiers one after another. His strength was so great that the Manchu soldiers could not catch him at all.

What a ruthless southern barbarian!

Seeing the strong man who made the hammer run towards him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Haha Mu was terrified and shouted to be blocked, but the strong man was so agile that several Manchu soldiers rushed up Unable to stop him, he saw that the other party rushed to the front of General Jingnan's horse from under his own eyes.

Haha Mu knew that it was not good, and he yanked the horse's head to turn around, but it was too slow. Blind Li smashed it out with a hammer, but not on him, but on the back of the war horse. The war horse raised its front hooves with a cry of grief, and Ha Mu, who was sitting on the horse, was unsteady and fell heavily. Before he could get up, and before his fangs came to protect the master, Blind Li's sledgehammer smashed into him. back. "Puchi", Haha Mu only felt that his eyes were dark, and his whole body, including his head, sank into the mud pit again.

Blind Li succeeded with a single strike, and before the Manchu soldiers could react, he lifted up Haha Mu's head and smashed it hard at his left shoulder and neck with a hammer. Wooden shoulders and neck smashed to pieces.

Blind Li picked up Hahamu's head and raised it into the air, shouting, "Hahamu is dead, Hahamu is dead!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please visit m.


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