Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 346: Tatars will help

Macau, Governor's Palace.

It has been almost a month since the Taiping army blocked the Guan'ao city wall, and half a month has passed since the Ming navy appeared on the sea, but the number of people gathering at the gate of the Governor's Palace has continued unabated. These people are from all over the world, and even have the appearance of the people of the Ming Dynasty, and their faces are full of anxiety and anxiety.

The Taiping Army's blockade of Macau not only panicked the Portuguese who lived all the year round, but also panicked the businessmen who did business in Macau all year round. As the blockade became longer, their food was almost exhausted. Go down, in less than ten days, Macau will find the first person to starve to death.

At first, everyone in Macau was angry at the barbaric behavior of the Taiping Army, but now they are looking at the Governor Bugalo, because for so long, he still has not come up with an effective way to defuse this crisis.

"Damn, why didn't he see us! We need food, we need food!"

"The Governor-General must immediately negotiate with the people of the Ming Kingdom and agree to their conditions!"


The angry crowd shouted and scolded outside. Inside the Governor's Palace, the Governor of Macau, Bougalo, who was appointed by the Portuguese Governor in India, was also extremely angry. What made him angry was an official document in his hand. The official document was sent from Goa, India, and the sender was the Portuguese governor in India, Sirobo.

"I noticed some changes in the situation in the East, but the disputes on the mainland should not affect the interests of our Portuguese in the East. For the big power in the East, our strength in Macau is very weak, even we are in the entire East. Even if there is a terrible rebellion in this country, we should not intervene in it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble... Now, Your Excellency seems to be in trouble, which threatens our rule in Macau to a great extent, and also our interests in the East...Finally. I regret to state a fact to Your Excellency , that is, the kingdom's fleet in Goa will not go to the east, the fleet has a more important mission in India, so I hope that your Excellency can resolve this dispute through diplomatic means. Let the situation in Macau return to the past as soon as possible, let We can continue to bring back from Macau the oriental goods that the people of Europe are fascinated by.”

The tone of Shi Luobao's official letter was very kind, and even rarely used "respect" to address Bugallo, which was a vocabulary that Bugallo had never enjoyed in the past. Dissatisfaction and sarcasm. This made him very angry. Difficulty in Remaining Love: The Journey of a Poor Girl's Counterattack

"Shi Luobao foolishly thought that I had caused this trouble. He did not agree to the fleet coming to Macau. He even asked me to negotiate diplomatically with the barbaric Ming Dynasty general. Did he really think that this time? Is the incident just a trivial little trouble that can be resolved just by paying some money!"

Bugalo was really angry. The reason why he insisted on not negotiating with the Ming people was because he hoped that Goa's kingdom fleet would be able to come to Macau, so that even if he couldn't attack the Ming army on land, as long as he could bring it down. Even if the Ming people were driven away by the warships at sea, he could still persevere. Until the people of the Ming Dynasty couldn't hold it on their own. However, Shi Paulo's decision shattered the hopes of Boogalo. Without the support of the main fleet of Goa, he could not defeat the warships of the Ming people, and Macau would also be blocked by the Ming people from land and sea. become a dead city.

"Those **** pirates of Ming Dynasty, we have been working very happily, why don't they come to help us at this time, don't we pay them less!"

Seeing that the Governor turned his anger towards those pirates, Rodoni, the officer in charge of the Portuguese army in Macau, who was a confidant of Bougalo, shook his head helplessly. The Governor-General is too imaginative, how can he expect a group of robbers to fight against the army of the Ming people.

For the anger of the Governor-General, Bougallo understood and felt the same. But he could not fail to fulfill the duty of a loyal subordinate—that is, he must remind the Governor of what the most important thing to do now.

"Lord Governor, we have to make a choice now. Without the help of Goa's fleet, we cannot make the navy of the Ming people withdraw from the sea, then Macau will truly become a Jedi. Duke Shirobao is obviously a Put the onus on Your Excellency, if Your Excellency cannot handle this crisis properly. He will have an excuse to transfer Your Excellency elsewhere, so that his cronies can take over the city of wealth in the East."

"Rodoni, what do you want to say?" Bugalo calmed down the anger in his heart and calmed down.

"The Ming army was not as strong as it was imagined, otherwise they would not have rushed the Tatars to the south, and even their government would have been wiped out. So I think the Ming army should not be feared, but should be Fight them and let them retreat. So, Your Excellency the Governor, please order to recruit sailors, and I will lead them out to defeat the Ming army and let them know how powerful our Portuguese are!" Rodoni was firm. 's main fighting faction. Fleeing Years on the Other Shore

"Do not!"

But Bougallo threw the official document on the desk, shook his head at Rotoni, and said, "We can't go to war with the Ming people, otherwise we will be accused by the Holy See."

"Why does the Holy See accuse us, we are Europeans, real Catholics, not Ming people!" Rodoni was a little excited, and he didn't know why going to war with Ming people would provoke accusations from the church.

"I heard that the crown prince of the Chinese people was baptized and became our Catholics as soon as he was born, so the Holy See supports the people of the Ming Dynasty. The Holy See has always tried to push their upper classes in the East to accept our Catholicism, so if we go to war with the people of the Ming Dynasty, the Holy See will You will definitely be dissatisfied."

"Since their crown princes are all Catholics, why would the Ming army outside Guan be hostile to us?"

"It's profit!"

Bougallo shrugged, "Rodoni, there is no love for no reason in the world~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and there is no hate for no reason, think about it, why the general soldier of the Ming Kingdom suddenly took action against us. Hostilities?"

"Is it because of the price of those firearms?"

Rotoni did not believe that the Ming people were going to go to war just because the prices of the goods they wanted to buy were high.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows, that doesn't matter now."

Bugalo walked to the window very distressed, looked at the north and said to Rotoni: "Go talk to the people of the Ming Dynasty and see what they want to do."

"Lord Governor, this is weakness and compromise. As a soldier, I cannot accept negotiations without a battle!" Rodoni cried out angrily.

"It's not weakness, it's not compromise, it's wisdom!"

Bugalo turned around decisively and said to Rotoni: "You must know that the enemy of the Ming people is not us, their enemy is the Tartars from the north, so we don't need to fight them, Guangdong's enemies are not us. The Tatars will take care of this for us." (To be continued.)

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