Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 342: framework

The 3,000 sets of ready-to-wear that were produced were not the usual military uniforms of Zhou Shixiang in his previous life, but followed the original military uniform style of the Ming army, but the three characters "Taiping Army" were embroidered with black thread on the right arm.

This kind of cloth armor uniform is lighter and more breathable than cotton armor. It is definitely the most suitable for the Taiping Army, which must be fighting in the south in the short term. I really need to get some thick and heavy uniforms. I am afraid that the soldiers will complain instead.

Zhou Shixiang did not design any new military caps in any way. He still used the bucket hat-style military caps common in the Nanming army.

In fact, Zhou Shixiang wanted to get all the soldiers to wear an iron helmet, so as to reduce the probability of head injury on the battlefield, but the Taiping Army did not have the conditions to produce tens of thousands of iron helmets, so they could only use it temporarily. This kind of hat.

Zhou Shixiang praised Lin Wanfu and the people of the Yang family in TEDA Clothing Line. He was very happy and satisfied that they could produce this batch of ready-made clothes in a short period of time. He also ordered to give a reward to the 500 female workers in the military uniform department, so that these female workers could receive ten pounds of rice, one kilogram of pork or five eggs from the public treasuries set up in various places to improve their lives.

After Lin Wanfu knew that his "son-in-law" was coming, he ordered a table of wine and food. As a result, Zhou Shixiang did not stay for dinner, but ordered the 3,000 sets of ready-made clothes to be sent to Liangzi Township to the left of the infantry army. ︽≮文︽≮Xue, ww★w.cf≈wx.ne≮t camp to change clothes, and they want them to hurry up to make the next batch, and put the production of 500 pairs of military boots on the agenda.

After instructing these things, Zhou Shixiang went to the Yongle Township Office to check the resettlement of the local immigrants. This made Lin Wanfu very disappointed. He complained that his daughter must not have served the handsome man well, or else the "son-in-law" saw his husband so indifferent yesterday, and he took this opportunity to have a good talk with the "son-in-law". Is it because he was transferred to the county town to get a fat job, instead of making clothes all day in this military uniform department. It's really impossible to let him do his old job and manage the money and food for the Taiping Army Treasury. In the matter of his own "son-in-law", is it possible that his old husband can still do it, and defeat the "son-in-law"'s family property?

Seeing Lin Wanfu so lost, Yang Wanquan, the former shopkeeper of TEDA Buxing in Luoding Prefecture, was delighted. As early as Luoding, he would not be ashamed of Lin Wanfu's behavior. She even gave her daughter as a concubine in order to get some money, and then forced her daughter out of the house for the sake of her own life and forced it to Zhou Xiucai. Really ashamed to be a father. It's better now, Zhou Xiucai doesn't pay attention to him at all, seeing that he will always be embarrassed to put on the stinky appearance of a handsome old man in the future.

At the beginning, Zhou Shixiang raided the gentry and big families in Luoding, and then took them all away. It is impossible for Yang Wanquan and others not to hold grudges in their hearts. However, after going through the Xinhui defense battle, Yang Wanquan and others' minds changed somewhat. At least when these families meet occasionally, they no longer call them thieves, but instead call them Zhou Xiucai.

As soon as Zhou Shixiang arrived at the Yongle Township Office, he asked the people from the office to bring the roster and the placement book, and looked at them one by one. Immigrant resettlement has always been a matter of concern to him, because the large and small population determines the development of Xiangshan, and also determines the strength and weakness of the Taiping Army. More indirectly decided Zhou Shixiang's own destiny.

When in Lingshan Town, Zhou Shixiang repeatedly emphasized to his subordinates the importance of population, food, salt and iron to the Taiping Army. Of the three, the population is the heaviest.

The Taiping Army moved more than 30,000 people from Zengcheng, Shunde, Panyu and some villages in northern Xin'an to Xiangshan. Only a few thousand of them were willing to go with the Taiping Army, and the rest were forcibly relocated or kidnapped. more suitable. Of course, in the external propaganda, the Taiping Army emphasized that all these people followed voluntarily.

The influx of more than 30,000 new immigrants quickly replenished the urgently needed labor force in Xiangshan, allowing a large amount of land abandoned due to the war to be cultivated, and at the same time providing a large reserve of troops for the Taiping Army.

The new immigrants were resettled according to the Taiping army rear camp model. Half of the population was resettled in Qianshanzhai, and 20 new villages were established, which were uniformly managed by Qianshanzhai Township Office.

Former Shanzhai Township Office is the largest of more than a dozen townships in Xiangshan County. In terms of area, it is larger than Zhuhai City, where Zhou Shixiang was in his previous life. However, the area is large, but the population of the former cottage together with these new immigrants is only more than 30,000 people, which is less than a low-level county. The total population of Xiangshan County is less than 100,000, so the influx of more than 30,000 new immigrants has not caused conflicts between locals and foreigners over land ownership. The existing cultivated land in Xiangshan can completely absorb these immigrants.

The two townships of Yongle and Changning are the two townships in Xiangshan County that most support the Taiping Army, thanks to the dozen massacres that Tie Yi committed in these two townships.

It was these dozen or so massacres that led to the uprooting of the landlords and gentry in Yongle Township and Changning Township, and the swept away of clan power, so that the local poor people who were tenants for the landlord's family were freed from their personal shackles. , and also allocated their own land.

The peasants are most concerned with immediate interests, and they will try their best to protect them after they get the benefits. Therefore, after tasting the benefits brought to them by the Taiping Army, young people from Yongle and Changning townships are very enthusiastic about signing up for the Taiping Army. The number of applicants reached more than 3,000, and nearly 2,000 eventually joined the Taiping Army. This also led to the fact that the peasant families in these two townships became the military subordinates of the Taiping Army and enjoyed the same treatment as the villages formed by Houying.

More than 4,000 immigrants were resettled in Yongle Township. They were resettled in the northeastern part of the township, and three villages were formed. The villagers who lived there scattered were moved to the villages with many local people by the township government.

Zhou Shixiang checked one by one the rations, farm tools, and cattle provided by the township office to the migrants, as well as the establishment of several village offices. Although there are still some deficiencies and flaws, and some corruption can still be vaguely seen, the organization and mobilization ability of Yongle Township Office has far surpassed before, and this alone is enough to satisfy Zhou Shixiang. As for those small sections, it is not Zhou Shixiang at the moment. The point to be concerned about.

Considering the current territory and conditions of the Taiping Army, it is a joke to consider rectifying the administration. After rectifying the scholars in these public offices, who will serve the Taiping Army?

Zhou Shixiang wasn't so confused yet.

The resettlement of the migrants did not actually cost the Taiping Army's treasury, because the money and food used for the resettlement of these migrants were originally collected from them. Even farm implements were brought from their homes.

With the assistance of the township and village offices in various places, the Taiping Army did not use much manpower to resettle the migrants. The houses where the immigrants lived were built by themselves, and the fields were cultivated by themselves. All the Taiping had to do was keep them safe. Some disputes between immigrants are handled by the public office, and the security team of each township is also responsible for public security. The Taiping Army just brought people over and basically didn't ask.

After seeing that most of the immigrants in the town built thatched cottages, Zhou Shixiang suddenly felt a little worried, because although the climate of Xiangshan is good and the products are rich, it seems to be plagued by typhoons every year. These thatched cottages are easy to build, but once a typhoon hits. The house collapsed in an instant.

After returning to Xiangshan, Zhou Shixiang instructed Liao Ruixiang to organize people to build kilns in various townships and make a lot of bricks. All township offices have unified planning and local construction of brick and tile houses to improve the living conditions of the people. Of course, these built brick houses must first meet the needs of the people in the camp, and then they can supply immigrants. If immigrants and local people do it themselves. Participate in making bricks and building houses by labor. Those people can also be given priority to live in brick houses, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of immigrants.

The kiln-firing technology has already matured in this era. Looking for someone who has worked in the kiln to guide him, Zhou Shixiang was not worried that he would not be able to burn the bricks.

After careful consideration, Zhou Shixiang instructed Duke Xianggong of Song to set up the Civil Affairs Department under the military commander's mansion, and his subordinates set up four divisions of agriculture, fishery, animal husbandry, post and workshop, and were specially responsible for the construction and development of Xiangshan.

Song Xianggong believed that the military commander's mansion should be the main management of the army, and the civil affairs should be handed over to Xiangshan County. It is possible to set up public housing such as household housing, torture housing, and ritual housing in Xinhui County to deal with these matters.

This proposal was rejected by Zhou Shixiang, because in his opinion. In the future, the Taiping Army will definitely not only have a piece of land in Xiangshan, so it is necessary to set up a civil affairs department in the military commander's mansion. In this way, it took over the power of the whole Guangdong province, and it started to operate quickly.

Song Xianggong focuses on the present, and Zhou Shixiang focuses on the future. The Ministry of Civil Affairs he wants to establish is completely the structure of a small government, and it is also an organization for cultivating the Taiping Army's own political talents. requirements, and it is easy to conflict with the county government, so he strongly promoted this matter. Song Xianggong couldn't beat him, so he had to agree. According to Zhou Shixiang's opinion, a Civil Affairs Department was established in the military commander's mansion, and at the same time, the responsibilities of each department were clearly implemented.

Zhou Shixiang asked Duke Xiang of Song to serve as a civil affairs officer. Because there was no specific official title, this civil affairs officer was a temporary dispatch.

The Department of Agriculture and Reclamation is responsible for agriculture; the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry is responsible for fishing and raising livestock; There is also the responsibility of undertaking ordnance manufacturing.

Because these four divisions are closely related to people's livelihood~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Zhou Shixiang does not want those scholars to be responsible, as long as Song Xianggong finds some related personnel to take charge, and then assigns some scholars to assist, so that laymen will not be led. expert.

The person in charge of the Agricultural Reclamation Division is Qian Feng, the general banner of the Xinhui Battle who lost an arm. He is illiterate, but before joining the Taiping Army, he was an expert in farming, and he works steadily. Song Xianggong guaranteed him to do this. Chief Secretary.

The task of the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry is neither heavy nor light. The number of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and other livestock that have been captured back and forth is about two thousand, which requires a huge amount of fodder and grass. Xiangshan is a land of fish and rice, with a developed water system and a lot of mountains and forests. Therefore, the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry must take care of these livestock. In addition, it has to organize some fishermen to go out to fish to provide fish for the Taiping Army and the people of Xiangshan. The most important thing is that the Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry must set up pig farms, cattle farms, and even duck and chicken farms that belong to the Taiping Army, so that the Taiping Army can have its own stable source of poultry meat and reduce the burden on the people. Like Qian Feng, the head of the Agriculture and Reclamation Division, Song Xianggong chose a fisherman named Song Bao as the head of the Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Division.

The Department of Posts is mainly to repair the official roads in Xiangshan, and at the same time is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the military post. The principal was a small official surnamed Qin selected by Liao Ruixiang. He said that this person had worked as a postman before and knew more about this aspect. The director of the workshop is a subordinate recommended by Tie Yi. He used to make equipment for the mine in Laofengzhuang Copper Mine. After joining the Taiping Army, he successfully repaired a fire gun. (To be continued.)

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