Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 329: There is another Tang king who is not dead

Half an hour later, Xu Yingyuan came over with a look of excitement and reported that he lived up to the command of the commander, and all of the 136 officials and scholars who were taken captive except for the first two people, all expressed their willingness to surrender to the Taiping Army.

"Oh, is it? Go, take this handsome to meet them."

Zhou Shixiang was very happy, the effect of the butcher's knife was really immediate, and he solved his most difficult trouble at once. He couldn't wait to see these officials and scholars who were about to join the Taiping Army, and he had to appease these people on the scene, so that he could win people's hearts.

"Yes, Master, please!"

Xu Yingyuan was busy leading the way. When he got to the school grounds, without waiting for anyone to approach, he shouted loudly: "Here you are!" The voice was so loud that Zhou Shixiang gave a low praise: What a host!

Zhou Shixiang glanced at all the officials and scholars, and saw that most of them were very frightened, not daring to look up at himself, nor to make a move. Knowing that they were frightened, it was not surprising, and looked at them with a smile.

"You don't have to be restrained, this commander is the chief military officer appointed by the son of Ming Dynasty. Today, this commander and his 100,000 sons came to Xiangshan to expel the Tartar prisoners and restore me to the Han Dynasty of Daming."

Zhou Shixiang packed himself up and bluffed. After that, he slowly glanced at the officials and scholars who did not dare to look directly at him, and said in a harmonious voice: "This commander knows that some of you are officials who have served for the Qing court, and some are scholars in the township. £Wind£文£Learning, w£ww.cf∷wx.ne≮t, it is not your original intention to come to Xiangshan this time, but it doesn’t matter, since you have already decided to serve Ben Shuai, then Ben Shuai will treat you as your own family. In the future, I will also trust you and entrust you with great use. You can rest assured and bold in Xiangshan, as long as you are loyal and bright. If you have the courage to serve, this commander will not be stingy with rewards. The imperial court has made it clear that he will take credit for you, and he will never give up on his wife Yinzi!"

After speaking, Zhou Shixiang stopped and waited for someone from the crowd to come out to pick up what he said, but he didn't want the crowd to be silent. There was no response at all.

Zhou Shixiang's heart sank, Xu Yingyuan saw it for a moment, and hurried forward: "Everyone has made it clear just now. Now that the commander will meet you in person, why don't you hurry up and show your loyalty to the commander?"

After a pause, there was still no response from the crowd, and he couldn't hold his face. With his eyes, he gestured to the three soldiers who were still holding bamboo poles. The soldiers hurriedly swayed the bamboo poles over the crowd, and blood dripped in the crowd immediately, causing a commotion in the crowd.

"Everyone is willing to serve for my Taiping Army. My Taiping Army will keep your life and family safe, and at the same time, your family members will be safe, but if you just lied and lied to me just now, then I will be rude to you."

Xu Yingyuan was afraid that things would go wrong again, and even ignored Zhou Shixiang's presence. Directly threatened a group of officials and scholars.

Zhou Shi had no objection to this and stood there with his hands behind his back. Waiting for the gang's reaction. But the crowd remained silent, and no one took the initiative to stand up.

Zhou Shixiang's face became more and more ugly. What he was angry about was not that Xu Yingyuan came to report to him for nothing if he didn't get things done, but that he was angry that these people were too ignorant and shameless. What's the matter with his mother's death dragging the bottom of his pants.

"Master, do you want me to hammer two more to death!"

Blind Li was rubbing his hands, and only after Zhou Shixiang agreed, he went to pick two scholars to practice his hands. Ever since he saw Tayinbu that day, Blind Li liked the thrill of killing people in public.

"Wait and see."

Zhou Shixiang was still calm and did not let Blind Li do anything. He had already figured out in his heart that since these people had promised Xu Yingyuan to join the Taiping Army, then whether they were willing or forced, they must honor their choice. I don't expect them to be grateful to Dade to thank the Taiping Army Commander Zhou for not killing him, but let's say a few words about the head office. It's dead water like this now, how to point at them to do things. He also said that it seems that the three heads are not strong enough to shock, and it is necessary to pick a few more.

Just when he was impatient, finally a middle-aged man who was still wearing an official uniform of the Qing court slowly raised his head. Seeing Zhou Shixiang looking at him, he hurriedly lowered his head again, but after two seconds, he raised his head again. The corners of his mouth moved as if he had something to say.


Zhou Shixiang was overjoyed. As long as someone took the lead, the others would be easy to handle. He immediately pointed to the eighth-rank petty official and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Back to the commander's words, the lower official's surname is Chen and Jiantai!" The eighth-rank official was overjoyed when he saw that Zhou Shixiang was really asking about him, and added, "Xiaguan is an instruction from Zengcheng of the puppet dynasty."

"Zengcheng's teaching? Alright, good, this commander is short of you." Zhou Shi praised each other and asked him: "Since you have taught, then this commander will let you be a teacher in Xiangshan County. Yu, how do you think?"

Chen Jiantai glanced at his companions left and right, and after a moment of hesitation, he nodded firmly and said, "Xiaguan is willing to do things for the commander!"

Zhou Shixiang nodded slightly and then instructed: "Come here, give Chen Jiantai twenty taels of silver!"

"Thank you sir!"

After receiving a few silver ingots, Chen Jiantai's eyes were too bright. He didn't know that the so-called Taiping army did not have 100,000 people at all, and it was just a lone soldier of the Ming army near Guangzhou. It was difficult to say whether it would be able to gain a foothold in Xiangshan in the future. .

But under the eaves, he had to bow his head, a hero does not suffer immediate losses, and he who knows the current affairs is a handsome man. Compared with the two unlucky **** who had their heads beheaded, Chen Jiantai thought that he must be luckier than them, at least better than them. live long. As for whether the wife at home will be implicated by his own descending, then it is irrelevant. Isn't it a good saying that the sky is high and the bird is flying, so why should a man be without a wife. Xianggong is here to go back to see the lady in order to have his life, but he doesn't really want to kill the lady, but you didn't see that Mr. Wang's **** head is still in the sky!

As long as this person takes the lead, there must be many people who follow.

With Chen Jiantai as an example, he won both the official and the silver, and suddenly several officials in the Qing Dynasty stood up. Their officials were not very big, they were all small officials of the 8th and 9th rank, and each one of them explained what they should do as officials in the Qing Dynasty. Later, there were scholars who stood up. There were juren in the 16th year of Shunzhi, and there were also juren in the Yongli period. There were even more scholars. Most of them were from Guangdong, and a few were from Fujian and Jiangxi, and two were from Nanzhi. Slave.

"Okay, since you are all willing to do things for this coach, I will definitely not treat you badly. If you all go down, this coach will be very happy. It is rare for you to be so profound and righteous. I would like to help this coach. I can't guarantee it, but it is a trivial matter to ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing, prosperity and wealth!"

Of the more than 100 people, Zhou Shixiang naturally couldn't talk to them one by one, and it was enough to have a few words with the leader. He had a lot of things to do now, and it was impossible to spend all his time here. He signaled to Xu Yingyuan to take everyone down and send them to Duke Xianggong for arrangement. Duke Xiangong was preparing to hold a short-term official crash course. The teaching materials were compiled based on the opinions given by Zhou Shixiang. As soon as it is delivered, it will be a month later, and half a month later, and you will be able to come out and do things.

Zhou Shixiang didn't worry that these people would be in the Mingying camp, and they would eat the Taiping army's rice and smash the Taiping army's bowl. He has a targeted measure, that is, let Liao Ruixiang arrange for people to supervise these people, and only give real credit until it is confirmed that they are acting honestly instead of cheating and stabbing the Taiping Army behind their backs.

Even if there is a need, Zhou Shixiang doesn't mind learning from Ming Taizu, and when these guys are doing business, they will get a few big-headed soldiers to stand by and watch them with knives. Although this approach greatly hurts the face of these scholars, it is the most effective method in the short term. In the long run, after taking one step at a time, Zhou Shixiang now also understands what it means to cross the river by feeling the stones, the Fragrant Mountains are in vain, and every business is just scratching the surface, requiring a lot of human and material investment, material resources can be robbed, manpower It can only be robbed. Only when the Taiping Army can really attract capable scholars to vote can this problem be considered as a preliminary solution. When the people trained by the Taiping Army themselves can come out to enrich the political power at all levels, this problem will no longer exist. And all this requires the Taiping Army to have at least one province territory, otherwise, everything is a castle in the air.

Zhou Shixiang was about to leave, and all the officials and scholars were naturally interested, and the voices of praise continued, but at this time, a scholar stood up to stop Zhou Shixiang, he said: "Master Zongbing, the student is a subordinate of King Tang, I implore Lord Zongbing to send him. The students will go back to King Tang."

Tang Wang?

Zhou Shixiang stopped and was stunned: Where did a subordinate of King Tang appear?

Think about it carefully~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No, isn't King Tang the name of the vassal before Emperor Longwu ascended to Dabao? After Emperor Longwu ascended the throne, King Tang was enthroned by his younger brother Zhu Yuji, that is, Emperor Shaowu. Emperor Longwu and Emperor Shaowu both died for the country, so how could another Tang king appear?

"How dare you dare to deceive this commander. I have already died for the two Tang kings. How can I tell Tang Wangyi!"

Zhou Shixiang was furious. He was also a scholar after all. This scholar had eaten the guts of a bear and a leopard, and dared to use a fake Tang king to deceive himself. If you want to leave, just say it directly, this handsome is not unreasonable, An dare to deceive me like this!

In anger, he ordered left and right: "Take this fool!"

After he finished speaking, he was pulled by Xu Yingyuan who was behind, and reminded him embarrassingly: "Commander, there is still a Tang king who is not dead."

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