Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 315: complain directly

After the release of the chapter "Sawing and Killing Tayinbu", many readers in the comment area expressed different opinions, some clapped their hands quickly, and some questioned the inappropriate killing of the enemy in this way. |Classic|Classic|xiao| said|.|In general, most of them disapproved, which surprised me a little, so I deliberately shared some of my views on this matter.

First of all, I would like to say something: If Jiashen could still handle the Northeast Liao affairs and the relationship between the two ethnic groups with gentle means before, then after Jiashen, the Han and Manchu ethnic groups will be life-and-death existences.

From 1644 onwards, everything the Manchus did in the two Beijing and 18 provinces, where the Han Chinese lived, was extremely brutal and heinous inhuman behavior. We should keep this history in mind, and see the blood and tears of our Han people between the lines in the history books, not just a single sentence.

All this cannot be erased by the word forgiveness.

Okay, let’s get to the point now. In order to best explain what I want to say, I will list a few comments from readers, and then talk about my views.

1. Tayinbu is a Tartar and an opponent of the Taiping Army. He is not the murderer of Chen Zizhuang, a scholar of the Dongge University in Yongli, Nanming. The so-called injustice has its head and the debt has its owner. Whoever saw off Chen Zizhuang should go to whom. Loyalty and courage are both precious qualities of human beings, and the brutal killing of Tayinbu can only highlight the cruelty and ill-will of the protagonist. The clothes of the Han family were not destroyed by the Tartars, it was the Han family who were destroyed. Look at the world's second largest economy and military, how many "Han family clothes and crowns" are left?

I agree with some aspects of this reader's message, and I also noticed that this reader is a subscriber to this book, so I would like to thank this reader for her support. But just as people have the freedom to express their opinions, they can also have different opinions on things, so I also want to say a few words.

Indeed, it was not Tayinbu that saw and killed Chen Zizhuang, but Tong Yangjia, a Manchurian. The scholar saw and killed Tayinbu to avenge Chen Zizhuang. It seemed that he had found the wrong person.

However, Chen Zizhuang is not my Han hero. Not Tong Yangjia's opponent, not a warrior who fought **** battle for his country and nation to the end? In that case, why did Tong Yangjia brutally saw him to death?

The answer is obvious, in the eyes of Manchurians. The Han people who dare to resist deserve to die. The worse they die, the better. They only need obedient Han people. They don't care about the loyalty and courage of the Han people. They only care if the Han people are willing to be their slaves.

The sawing was invented by Tong Yangjia, the governor of the Manchu and Guangxi provinces. This is a high-ranking official of the Qing court who was incorporated into the Han army flag but was actually a Manchu. The old Manchu surname was Tong Jia. He died relatively early, and Li Chengdong executed him together with more than a thousand Han army flags soon after anyway. His brother is Tong Yangxing.

Since Tong Yangjia, a high-ranking official of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, could brutally kill my minister Chen Zizhuang of the Nanming Dynasty, why couldn't a scholar who was a minister of the Southern Ming Dynasty saw and killed a Manchu ginseng leader in the same way?

Could it be that the fate of the Han Chinese is not fate, the heroes of the Han people are not heroes, and the Han people do not admire as the opponent of others, and do not deserve the respect of their opponents.

Confucius said. Repay virtue with virtue, and repay hatred with directness!

Manchurians don't treat us Han people as human beings, why should we treat them as human beings? Anyone who uses humanity to accuse revenge acts will forget history and the sufferings of their ancestors.

There is no double standard, especially when the protagonist of the book lives in an era when the Chinese civilization was about to fall into darkness, and in that era, Han Chinese were slaughtered every day.

In addition, this reader friend must know that the clothes of the Han family were not destroyed by the Han family themselves. It was implemented by the Manchus. Although the initiator of "shaving hair and changing clothes" was a Han scum, he adopted it and promoted it throughout the country. At the same time, it was a Manchurian who killed tens of millions of Han people with butcher knives to completely exterminate the clothes of the Han family. His name is Dorgon. . After his death, this order continued until the end of the Qing Dynasty.

Today, the clothes and crowns of our Han family are rare, and basically not many people know that they have withdrawn from people's daily life. But what is all this for? It was because of the sensational genocidal massacre 300 years ago! !

Do you want to keep your head or your hair!

Yangzhou 10th, Jiading Santu, Suzhou Slaughter, Nanchang Slaughter, Ganzhou Slaughter, Jiangyin 81st Slaughter, Changshu Slaughter, Shazhen Slaughter, Nanjing Slaughter, Xucuo Slaughter, Wuxi Slaughter, Kunshan Slaughter Slaughter, slaughter in Jiaxing, slaughter in Haining, slaughter in Jinan, slaughter in Jinhua, slaughter in Xiamen, slaughter in Chaozhou, slaughter in Tong'an, slaughter in Yuanjiang, slaughter in Zhoushan, slaughter in Xiangtan, slaughter in Nanxiong, slaughter in Jingxian Slaughter, slaughter in Datong, slaughter in Hunyuan, slaughter in Fenzhou, slaughter in Taigu, slaughter in Qinzhou, slaughter in Zezhou, slaughter in Shuozhou, slaughter in Guangzhou, slaughter in Sichuan......

2. The author's revenge method is a bit too much, not to mention whether there is really a case of the Qing army sawing and killing Chen Gong, even if there is such a cruel act, how can it be done by a modern time-traveling man with a historical mission? Furthermore, the Manchus are now an important part of China's national structure, and a considerable part of the country's development also requires the strength of the Manchus. Such a straightforward alienation...is it really good?

To this reader~www.wuxiamtl.com~ First of all, I want to say that the Qing army sawing and killing Chen Gong must be true, it is a historical fact, not a fiction. Then I want to say that any Han Chinese who travels back to the age of Xiucai has only one historical mission, that is, to lead the Han people to resist the brutal rule of the Manchus, and to die for the 165 clearly recorded massacres by the Qing army. Twenty million Han Chinese took revenge. Any mission other than this one is fake.

In addition, it is reiterated again: the era of this book is the 17th century, so readers are not required to associate the Manchus at that time with the Manchus now, and the two are not necessarily the same ethnic group. I'm just an ordinary person who writes novels. I don't have the ability to divide any ethnic relationship. I dare not wear this big hat, nor can I afford it. Readers and friends are also invited to speak rationally in the book review area.

Please also don’t think that the two readers who have been excerpted and commented by me think that I am targeting you, but your comments can roughly replace the comments of others, so I picked them up.

I'm sorry, I have tried my best to shorten what I want to say, but it still exceeds a thousand words, reaching the charging standard, so that readers have to pay a few cents to read the words I wrote that have nothing to do with the plot of the work. In the next few chapters, I will publish hundreds of free content to compensate you (such as 3415 words of 3000 words)

A later update will be released around eleven o'clock, and there may only be one update today. (To be continued.)

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