Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 307: Take it when you see it

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After the sound of the guns, hundreds of Taiping troops rushed out from both sides of the road, but only a hundred of them carried guns, and the rest were armed with swords and spears. book

The cavalry battalion Shao Chengguo led more than 100 cavalry troops from the forest, lined up on the left side of the infantry, three cavalry in a row.

"Master Participant, the Taiping bandits really set up an ambush!"

Seeing that there was a Taiping bandit setting up an ambush here, Suna was surprised but relieved. No wonder he always felt that something was wrong before. It turned out that the Taiping army really set up an ambush in front of him. Taking a closer look, the Taiping army in the ambush was only about 600 or 700 people, and the strength was complete. There were gunmen, swordsmen, spearmen, and 100 cavalrymen.

Taiping army set up ambush with so few people?

Suna is a little weird.

Gangtaa ran back from the front, shook his head at Tayinbu, and said, "None of the guards ran back."

"Go back and ask Qili to give more care to their women and children."

Tayinbu sullenly waved his hand and asked Gangtaa to rectify his flag soldiers and prepare for battle.

After the Taiping army appeared, they slowly pressed towards the Qing army more than a mile away. Their speed was neither fast nor slow, and the cavalry had no intention of attacking the Qing army at all, and only slowly controlled the speed of the horse to advance forward.

The three Han troops from Niulu have heard people from Tongqi’s defeat from Xinhui talk about the power of the Taiping Army, and they also know that a Niulu cavalry in Tong Erhan with the blue flag was completely wiped out by the Taiping army, so although there were Manchu troops in the front, but There were still some riots in the Han army.

"The order goes on, and those who dare to make noise will be killed!"

Seeing the riots of the Han army ahead, Tayin ordered his own soldiers to pass on strict orders. Under the pressure of the Han army officers, the Han army began to calm down, raised their fire guns, and opened the fire box to prepare for the battle with the Taiping army.

Xiang Guoqing had suffered a great loss from the Taiping Army, and he was afraid that the Taiping Army in the ambush was not only these people. After Ma straightened up, he looked around, left, and right. Heart is hot. The brows were also raised with joy, secretly thinking that it was the Second Highness who fought for him for this errand, otherwise, where would he get the credit. When the family has made a contribution to go back, the Second Highness will definitely have a heavy reward, and the prince will not treat him badly. This assistant leader may become a co-leader.

Well, when I go back, I have to remind my sister. Let her serve the Second Highness well, woman. It wasn't for a man to poke it, the Second Highness was very happy to poke it, so that he could see his brother-in-law pleasing to the eye, and he would only think of himself when there was good things in the future.

Xiang Guoqing was so excited for the Taiping Army so few people, but Du Sedde didn't have as many dirty thoughts as he did. He kept asking his officers to form a good team and cheer for his subordinates. Later, the Taiping Army would be cut off one by one. Now, to vent the folly of the half-year under the vassal. Reinvigorate the majesty of Prince Pingnan.

Xiang Guoqing's younger sister is only serving in Shangzhi's filial room, without even a title, he dares to call himself the brother-in-law of the Second Highness, but Wang Shude over there is the brother-in-law of the king of Jingnan, and his sister is the brother-in-law of the king of Jingnan. Shu Fu Jin was also the most favored Fu Jin by the King of Jingnan. The so-called Aiwu Jiwu, who likes the elder sister naturally also has special affection for the younger brother.

This trip followed Tayinbu to suppress the Taiping army. Originally, it was not Wang Shude's turn to lead the army. There were many qualified generals under the Jingnan vassal, and Wang Shude, a newcomer who had been an assistant for less than two years, could not be turned. But who made the King of Jingnan like this brother-in-law, knowing that this trip to Manchuria has produced 2 cattle records, and Shang Kexi also released 2 cattle records of the Han army, and it is not to fight the tough battle of Xinhui. Instead, it was a detour to the rear of the Taiping Army to block the opponent's retreat, and there was basically no danger. For such an easy military exploit, who else could the King of Jingnan give to his brother-in-law.

However, although Wang Shude flattered the Manchus very well, he was not an incompetent person, only the performance of his flag soldiers lined up. It is no weaker than the flag soldiers under Xiang Guoqing and Du Suitai.

Wang Shude didn't have any idea of ​​being afraid of the Taiping Army. There was a prudent deployment and assignment, and he kept using whips to whip two slow-handed flag soldiers. .

Suna saw that the Taiping army was about to come over, and before Tayinbu ordered the attack, he rode his horse and asked, "Sir, how will we fight this battle?"

Tayinbu raised his whip and said to him: "The Taiping bandits have not many troops. I think they are not the main force of the thieves and scholars. After they come to catch fire with the Han army, you and Gangtaa will bring people to attack them." Add a sentence, "This road is too narrow, let Gangta A first, so as not to block the road."

"I will understand at the end!"

Although Suna had the unbearable performance of fleeing without a fight, he was not really afraid of the Taiping army, nor was he a fool. If the Han infantrymen and Gangtaa rushed forward at the same time in a fight, they would not be able to pass, and if they were not careful, the Han army would be thrown into chaos. The two are best in tandem.

However, there are so few Taiping bandits, and the Han army is worthy of firearms. I am afraid that they will not need their own Manchu soldiers. The Taiping bandits can be eliminated by the Han army.

At present, the situation is basically clear. The Taiping army is really hundreds of soldiers in ambush, so Suna also went to worry and went back to prepare for battle.

"Follow me to kill those Taiping bandits later, don't ask Suna's people to take the lead."

"Lord Zuo Ling, don't worry, Suna himself is a coward, so the Nan Manzi was scared to flee without a fight. I don't know who is in the flag of each family, there is a soldier and a brood, the adults will wait and see. Well, those guys in the third commander must be very timid."

"They've lost their eggs, but our first servant can have them!"

Gangta'a was furious in fighting spirit. Following his command, the Manchu soldiers under his command skillfully controlled the horses to form a formation, those who took arrows took arrows, those who plucked knives drew knives, and they all took out a bean and stuffed it into the war horse. in the mouth, so that the horse can maintain enough physical strength.

The leader of this Taiping bandit is not stupid. He knows how to use the terrain to set up an ambush, but unfortunately we found it. Humph, even a few hundred people have the guts to rush to the brigade of the leader. It's really a leopard's guts. !

Tayinbu of the Taiping Army of hundreds of people did not pay attention to it at all. Even without the Han army of the three Niu Lu, he was 100% sure that they would be wiped out in one fell swoop. He believed in the Manchu Erlang under his command, because the Eight Banners were the most elite soldiers and horses in the world. The Han people can't fight. If they really want to fight fiercely, the Ming Dynasty will not be driven out of Liaodong, and it will not fall to such a small area as only a few provinces in the southwest. The only trouble Tayinbu felt was that this official road was not wide, which restricted the movement of the Manchu soldiers, so that the cavalry's mobility advantage could not be fully utilized, otherwise the Manchu soldiers could rush past. In less than a single stick of incense, Taiping Kou had to finish it all.

"Blow the trumpet, the Han army is attacking!"

After observing the deployment of the Taiping army on the opposite side, Tayinbu ordered the Han army to attack and use firearms to disperse the thieves, and then Gangtaa and Suna took Manzhou Erlang over to drive the sheep, it is best to drive them all away Go to the Lutou River to feed the fish.

Tayinbu's personal soldiers sounded the trumpet of the attack. After hearing the sound of the horn, Du Sit Tai was refreshed. The flag soldiers under his command were at the front of the team, and he was the one who took the lead.

"To fight the Taiping bandits, everyone will be rewarded!"

"Brothers follow me!"

Under the command of Du Suitai, more than 300 Han army flag soldiers with fire guns greeted the Taiping army in front. Xiang Guoqing and Wang Shude's flags and horses moved forward to support them across dozens of feet.

"Release the gun!"

When the two sides were a hundred paces away, Du Lide couldn't wait to order the firing of guns. After the Han army's flag soldiers fired their cannons, the Taiping army on the opposite side did not fire their cannons.

The distance is too far, white smoke, the Taiping army has only forty infantry guns. The riding camp on the left side of the road also collapsed more than a dozen people. The Taiping army without guns did not stop, but continued to push forward with the sound of the suona in the ear.

"Pills, fast!"

A round of salvos only killed fifty or sixty Taiping bandits, and the opponent did not stop moving forward because of the casualties of these people, which made Du Suitai very annoyed, and the opponent's flag soldiers were very dissatisfied and shouted loudly. Want the flag soldiers to quickly load the medicine. But before the flag soldiers loaded the medicine. The Taiping army, who had advanced to ninety paces on the opposite side, fired their guns.

There were only more than 60 gunmen left in the Taiping Army. They did not take turns shooting like they did in Lutouhe before, but fired their guns together. The surviving cavalrymen also had more than a dozen three-eyed guns fired at the Qing army.

This time, more than 50 Han flag soldiers were shot.

Du Lide thought that the Taiping army would also charge the gun after firing the gun, but he didn't want the Taiping army's gunmen to suddenly run to both sides after they finished shooting the gun. The front ran over. The dozens of cavalry on the left also began to accelerate towards the Qing army.

"Brothers, follow me to kill the demon!"

Shao Chengguo took the lead. He waved his sword and rushed towards the Qing army.

As the cavalry battalion charged, hundreds of soldiers from the left battalion of the infantry also roared and rushed forward.

"Release the gun, release the gun, hurry up!"

Du Lede shouted anxiously, the distance between the two armies was too close, and the road was too narrow, if the Taiping army were to charge. The consequences could be disastrous.

After the hurried Han army flag gunmen loaded the medicine, a burst of gunfire sounded, and the Taiping army in front fell dozens of people, and the cavalry also fell a dozen, but the rest rushed to the Qing army column. .

The melee began. The fire guns without the medicine were like fire sticks. Facing the attack of the Taiping army with knives and spears and the cavalry, Du Lide's flag soldiers could not stop them. .

Xiang Guoqing and Wang Shude found that the banner soldiers of Du Yede in front were scattered by the Taiping army and ran back, and hurriedly ordered their guns to be shot to kill the chasing Taiping army.

However, the Taiping Army did not rush over, but stopped chasing after the Baiqing Army, turning around and running back one by one.

"The Taiping bandits have withdrawn, the Taiping bandits have withdrawn!"

When the flag soldiers under Xiang Guoqing and Wang Shude found that the Taiping Army was retreating, cheers erupted immediately.

"Why did the Taiping bandit retreat?"

Du Yide didn't understand what was going on at first, but when he found out that the Taiping army had really retreated, he didn't realize why they were running.

Xiang Guoqing shouted: "Lead Du Zuo, there are few Taiping bandits, they can't eat us, they know that our firearms are powerful, and there are Manchu soldiers behind us!"

Calling to the National Day, Du Ledde immediately understood that the Taiping army was originally small in number, and he killed a hundred people just now. At the same time, it is also disadvantageous for the Taiping Army. In the face of the 2 Niu Lu gunmen assembled at the rear and the Manchurian cavalry who have not yet started the 2 Niu Lu, the generals of the Taiping Army will be desperate to rush in if their brains are broken. This is a good deal for him!

"Fuck it, run really fast, brothers chase after me!"

Du Ledde scolded, and despised the leader of the Taiping army on the opposite side, and shouted at the running subordinates with a knife and quickly turned back to chase and kill those Taiping soldiers.

"If you want to make a contribution, follow me!"

Xiang Guoqing and Wang Shude also ordered their subordinates to chase after them. If the Taiping army continued to fight here, they would have to treat it with caution, but the other party is running back now, so there is no need to be a dish. Be early, what are you waiting for if you don't beat up the drowning dog.

"Lord Zuo Ling, why do I feel that Taiping is doing something wrong~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Should we wait a little longer?"

One of Wang Shude's senior officers saw that the Taiping army came suddenly and went quickly. Although there were many casualties, there were still hundreds of people, and they beat the blue-flagged men straight back. There was no reason not to take advantage of it. Victory chased but turned around and ran. He intuited what tricks the Taiping Army was playing, so he wanted to dissuade Wang Shude from sending troops to pursue him.

Wang Shude was right when he heard this. The Taiping army made this too inexplicable. He was about to send orders and so on, but he saw that the people from Xiang Guoqing had already sent their sons to chase the Taiping army. In order to run faster, the fleeing Taiping troops also threw down a lot of weapons. Some of them ran towards the Lutou River, and some ran directly to the forest on both sides. Seeing that the rushing and escaping look didn't look fake.

"Don't worry about what's wrong, if you don't chase it, the people under Ping Nanfan will eat all the meat, and we won't even drink the soup!"

Wang Shude didn't want the great merits of this downwind battle to be called to Xiang National Day and they were caught, but he couldn't get anything. Seeing that Tayinbu behind him did not stop the Han army from chasing, he ignored his subordinates and ordered to chase the Taiping army immediately.

The Han army flag chased after him like this, and the official road immediately formed a lively scene of you chasing me. Thousands of Han troops chased hundreds of Taiping troops either to the Lutou River or to the forests on both sides.

"Lord Shen, the Taiping bandits are in chaos, and the Han army is over. Let's also let us Manzhou Erlangs! After waiting for so long, the Erlangs are already itchy!"

Gangta A saw that the Han army was going to chase and kill the Taiping army, but Tayinbu did not order the Manchu troops to be dispatched.

Tayinbu ignored Gangtaa, and just frowned and looked ahead, wondering what he was thinking. (To be continued.)

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