Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 302: nomination certificate

Before dawn, in Yonghe Town, which was in ruins, hundreds of Green Battalion soldiers were snoring on their backs, ignoring the overwhelming moisture on the ground. Reading at zero

The battalion of the Guangzhou Green Camp was really tired. They were chased and killed by the Taiping army for dozens of miles from Lutouhe. They managed to get rid of the Taiping army and ran to Yonghe Town. Dianba Dianba is so hungry that he is so hungry that he needs to occupy some private houses to get a good night's sleep, nourish his spirit and run again. How can he think that the Han army flag called Tong Erhan in Yonghe Town has been ruined a few days ago, and the huge town is now a living space. No one could see it, not even a grain of grain could be turned over, only a fragment of the ruins and the smelly charred corpses buried in the middle.

The battalions were so hungry that they didn't even bother to scold the bannermen of the Han army. They ran all the way down, all of them were so sleepy that their eyelids were closed. They could top it without eating, but they couldn't without sleeping. No matter how the officers who came out shouted, they each found a clean place to sleep with their heads raised.

When the officers saw that the bullets couldn't hold down the battalion soldiers, they had to let them go to sleep. If they were in a hurry, who knew whether the battalion soldiers would listen to them, and if they were in a hurry, you could slash them with a knife.

Some battalion soldiers were so sleepy that they were too lazy to find a clean place, and just found a place to lie down in the rubble. In the second half of the night, they could hear the screams of the battalion soldiers from time to time, but only then did they realize that they were sleeping among the dead. on the legs.

Although General Wu Sande was also sleepy, he was still able to maintain a little vigilance. He insisted on getting up early, and took two personal soldiers who were awakened by him to patrol outside the town, but found no sign of the arrival of the Taiping Army. An Xin, after staring at the north for a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth and went to find the president of Qian Yu Tianen who escaped together.

When Wu Sande found Yu Tianen, Yu Tianen was still slumbering, and he didn't answer after calling him a few times. Finally, Wu Sande had to go up and push him repeatedly to wake him up.

"President Yu Qian, President Yu Qian!"

"Taiping Kou is here! Run!"

After Yu Tianen was pushed awake, he jumped up like a frightened bird, and was about to run, only to find that there was not a single Taiping army around. Instead, his subordinates called President Wu Sande himself, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then complained: "It can scare people to death, I, he, damn, thought the Taiping bandits came over!"

"You two go over there and watch."

Wu Sande waved his hands and motioned for the two personal soldiers to stand by and watch. After that, he whispered to Yu Tianen: "Brother Yu, we can't go on like this. We didn't let the Taiping Army catch up. We have to run down first. Look at how miserable the brothers are now, we have nothing to eat. How can I go back to Guangzhou if I don't drink or not, everyone is too tired to walk? ... Do you think about the brothers and give them a way to live?"

There was something in Wu Sande's words, Yu Tianen was confused, yawned and asked him, "What do you mean?"

Wu Sande didn't hide it, he simply took the words out of the way and said, "I don't mean anything else. We are soldiers to eat food, which food should we eat? As long as there is food. Why bother with yourself? It's going to be exhausting."

Yu Tianen's mouth twitched: "Please make it clearer."

Wu Sande did not speak, but pointed his hand to the south.


Yu Tianen finally understood what Wu Sande wanted to say. He shook his head and said, "No, no, how can we vote for Taiping."

"If we don't join the Taiping Army, how can we survive?"

"If you want to survive, you can think of something else. You don't have to vote for Taiping, right?"

"Brother Yu, it is fate for the brothers to run away. The ancestors have accumulated virtue, but look at the virtues of the brothers now, can they still run? If you don't make up your mind, the Taiping Army will catch up. We just want to vote It's too late!"

"This...you allow me to think about it, think about it."

Wu Sande's words made Yu Tianen hesitate, hesitant to make up his mind. Seeing this, Wu Sande couldn't help urging him. His voice became louder. He said, "It's not that I have to join the Taiping Army. It's that we really have no other way out. Brother, think about it, even if we can return to Guangzhou alive. City, but if we put Master Chief Bing in the hands of the Taiping Army, will they not want our heads when we go back?"


Yu Tianen's scalp was numb, the military law of the Qing Dynasty was harsh, and it was a serious crime to behead a general.

He was shaken by the fright and muttered in his mouth: "People go to high places and water flows to low places, but we are better, good officers and soldiers don't do it but become thieves, isn't this the way to go back?"

Wu Sande disapproved and said: "The Taiping Army is not a bandit, they are the Ming Dynasty soldiers and horses, and their commander General Zhou is the commander-in-chief appointed by the Emperor Yongli. Besides, the Taiping Army is really capable of fighting, think about it, Our Guangdong Green Battalion can't beat them, the superintendent can't beat them, even the flag soldiers under King Pingnan can't beat them, and even the new Manchu soldiers dare not fight them. After you vote for him, you still worry about whether you can eat and drink spicy food?"

Wu Sande was telling the truth, Yu Tianen was a little tempted, but he still hesitated: "I'm afraid I'm sorry for the dead Lord Lin."

"There can be no woman's kindness at this juncture. Lord Lin is good to us, but he is already dead, we have to plan for ourselves!"

Yu Tianen's mother-in-law made Wu Sande a little anxious. When he was in a hurry, the voice would inevitably get louder. As a result, the movement was so loud that many sleeping battalions were awakened, and they all straightened up and looked at Yu Tianen and Wu Sande with puzzled faces.

Yu Tianen still couldn't make up his mind, and said with a fluke: "Lord Lin's death has nothing to do with the **** of the superintendent, and it can't be done by us."

?Wu Sande couldn't help sneering: "Brother Yu, are you really confused or fake, you can't see where the Superintendent is going?"

Yu Tianen was surprised: "Didn't they run to Guangzhou?"

Wu Sande stomped his feet: "Fart, I can see clearly, Hu Qili's son of a turtle led people to Shunde, and never went back to Guangzhou!"

This time, it was Yu Tianen's turn to be surprised, and lost his voice: "What is Hu Shen going to do in Shunde?"

"He wanted to avoid the limelight, and at the same time he was thinking about how to find a scapegoat to carry it for him! If the surnamed Hu found out that we had also escaped, he would definitely pour dirty water on us. At that time, do you believe that he believed in him or us?"

"General Hu can't just talk about it, right?"

"What can we do with him if he's just talking openly? He, Hu Qili, is a confidant of the Governor-General and holds the Governor's logo in one hand. When the lawsuit starts, do you think the Governor-General believes in him or us?"

"Could it be that we really only have to vote for the Taiping Army?"

Yu Tianen has been persuaded by Wu Sande, but he still has concerns in his heart, "We are just a few hundred soldiers, and they are like dogs being chased all the way. If we really vote for them, I am afraid they will not pay attention to me. , might even kill us."

Wu Sande didn't have Yu Tianen's concern, he said: "Brother is over-hearted, brother, I think the exact opposite of yours. Big brother is the general manager of Green Camp, brother I am the general manager. Although he is not a big man in Green Camp, he can be regarded as a leader. The local snake. As far as I know, the Taiping army came from Luoding. They are unfamiliar with people around Guangzhou. If our brothers are like each other, it is too late for them to rejoice. How could they kill us. That day by the Lutou River , I can really see it, there are many people from our Guangzhou Green Camp in the Taiping army, what does this mean? It means that the Taiping army will not kill surrendering soldiers, let alone those who took the initiative to vote for them!"

After saying this, Yu Tianen nodded again and again~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but still said: "That's what I said, but if we lead these hundreds of remnants, the Taiping Army will not kill us, and I'm afraid it won't either. How to reuse us?"

Yu Tianen had already decided to join the Taiping Army, but he didn't want to be so embarrassed to join the Taiping Army. He was also a thousand generals in the Green Camp.

This question also made Wu Sande in trouble. He said it beautifully, but it is still unknown whether he can really get the attention of the Taiping Army after joining the Taiping Army. If people really look down on their defeated soldiers, he can only knock his teeth out. swallowed in the stomach.

Wu Sande was in trouble, and Yu Tianen was a little shaken to join the Taiping Army. Seeing this, Wu Sande also went out of his way. Knowing that he has reached this point, how can Yu Tianen be swayed again? He pointed his hand to the southeast and said solemnly: "How about we give a big gift to the Taiping Army?"

"What gift?"

Yu Tianen wondered why Wu Sande pointed to the southeast.

Wu Sande gritted his teeth and said, "Zengcheng! Let's use Zengcheng as our vote for the Taiping Army!" To be continued.

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