Hail the King

Chapter 999

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 951, God’s Blood, Astronomy

“This Seventy-two giant stone egg is the Seventy-two Sealed Hell Fiend?”

Sun Fei and Undead Magister, in front of the ‘Stone Egg’, felt that they were as small as an ant, looked up, and the heart was full of shock, only the tongue and throat were dry, and the language could not express their inner thoughts. –<>-.

For a long while, the two talents Restoration was sober.

“Let’s take a look, see what you find, don’t shake it, First time says hello.”

The two negotiated and decided to move separately.

Sun vault’s heart flashed and slowly approached the center of Space.

The closer the distance, the more I can feel the horror of the ‘Stone Egg’.

These huge stones are definitely not naturally generated. Sun Fei can feel that on their surface, there are two kinds of aura, sacred and evil. They are entangled in each other and are fierce. These two kinds of aura are full of divinity. Law debris, as long as a little leaked, you can instantly kill a Great Sun Level Honorable Position Expert.

“A terrible place!”

Crossing a huge giant stone egg, at one’s side lingering with the terrible aura, with the grandchild vault through the battle, Diablo World sees the steel will of the purgatory, in an instant, can not help but produce the emotion of Terror, as if Fiend, who is imprisoned in Stone Egg, will break free and jump out to swallow himself in the next second.

Sun Fei is highly vigilant and carefully shuttles through it.


“Gods! That’s…”

At the very center of these ‘stone giants’ group, a ‘stone giant egg’ that surpassed all previous sums of the same kind slowly floated and floated. Sun Fei had never seen it because of his vision.

If you compare the surrounding ‘stone giant’ to a courtier, then this gigantic’s incomparable ‘stone giant’ is a king of honorable high-spirited kings, all other ‘stone giants’ are slowly spinning around him and Revolving, like a loyal bodyguard, the stars swayed and smothered their king.

Moreover, it is different from other ‘stone giants’.

It has no rough and uneven gray layer on its surface, but it is smooth and extremely bright. It alternates with the black and white flames. It is like an egg that is gestating. It has a very clear life aura. When Sun Fei is close to the eye, it is shocking. It was discovered that on the surface of this light egg, there was a circle of red chains that were as thick as a bucket – just because the volume of the light egg was too large. In contrast, the red chain was like a hair. It is generally slender, so it was not noticed before.

“This is…God Rune, or the ancient God Rune!”

Sun Fei carefully approached and observed, dumbfounded, a golden-colored pattern of palm-shaped glittering on the red chain, which is closely connected, it is each and everyone God Rune, containing God’s force, endless red chain In this way, the light shone, and the huge light egg One Layer was wrapped up and wrapped up, and it was still moving around, like life.

“Singular chain, red…what is made of material? It is not something that can bind this light egg.”

Sun Fei couldn’t help but reach out to touch this strange red chain.

He wants to find some clues from the chain material – following Nun Auntie and Cain Uncle at one’s side, Learn has a lot of knowledge in alchemy and materials science, Sun Fei is also a half expert, even if is ancient Gods and Demons Era’s rare material, he can basically recognize it, and then based on the material, it may be inferred that the red chain that flashes countless God Rune is cast by the race of the force attribute.

However, just in the moment when almost touched the chain, he suddenly found something and suddenly stayed.

“This… is not a solid material, but… liquid…red liquid… could it be that is… blood?!”

Sun Fei was shocked.

He was surprised to discover that these red chains, which are glittering with golden-colored God Rune, are not the instruments that have been built by skilled craftsmen, but the real blood. The blood drops of a strain are closely linked and stringed together. It is like a chain of fluids. Every drop of blood contains indescribably large energy and divine law fragments. It has an unparalleled seal power and seals the entire giant light egg.

“This blood… could it be that is God’s Blood?”

Sun Fei in heart has been numb with shock.

In the legendary, God’s blood has unpredictable power. Since these red chains are transformed from blood, it is not surprising that they can seal Fiend. What makes Sun Fei really shocked is that according to the existence of this mysterious Sealed Space Historically, at least tens of millions have already existed. That is to say, these bloods have existed for thousands of years. After thousands of years without decay, they are still round and crystalline, with distinct particles and glittering bright luster.

What kind of blood is flowing from the incredible body?

Sun Fei flies up and down around this giant light egg. From the size of the light egg, it is unbelievable to seal its blood, at least hundreds of tons.

If you don’t worry about destroying the seal and releasing the terrifying Fiend that is sealed, Sun Fei can’t help but take some blood and get it back to study.

This is God’s Blood Ah Ah Ah Ah !

A drop of these gods is definitely more precious than all the treasures of the Anzi Empire before, because it contains divine forces and laws, hiding the mystery of God, and the mystery of the best a God, [Madmen’s Laboratory] Terrifying study force, maybe you can use it to crack Road to Becoming a God, let Sun Fei become a god overlooking the living.

“This Seventy-two giant eggs should be the Sealed Seventy-two Hell Gods and Demons, and the biggest and dusty giant light egg of the middle should be among the Seventy-two Demon Gods. The King is definitely a terrible existence. Once it breaks out, it will definitely be the Doomsday of the entire Azeroth Continent… I really want to think about it, it’s fascinating, but I don’t know which God, in number. They were sealed here thousands of years ago, and if they were passed out, the perhaps would be crazy for the entire continent.”

Closed his eyes, Sun Fei seems to be able to hear the horrific sound of the war in the ear, and think that the battle must be earth-shattering.

Just then, the ear suddenly came out and exclaimed.

Sun Fei in heart is tight.

This is the exclamation of Undead Magister.

Could it be that he was in danger?

Second more.

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