Hail the King

Chapter 995

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 947, Magic Sealing Domain, Astronomy

Sun Fei took two huge double swords in hand and stepped on the deathly steps. First, the Zombie in the palace was ruthlessly cleaned. –<>-.

Because of the imperial city’s resistance, the Zombie in the palace is not much, and the strength is not high. Sun Fei started with them first, in order to prevent Cain Uncle, Nun Auntie and the more than 10 University Students from being affected, only one hour. The Zombie in the palace was completely cleaned up, and the [Paladin mode] was used for Cleansing. Then the Light Magic Array was placed on the walls of the four sides to prevent the Zombie from breaking through the wall – without the Dark Demon Armor Basturk The suppression, the violent Zombies outside, has begun to besiege the Imperial City.

Sun Fei did all this time, Undead Magister Hasselbaink didn’t know where to go. With his strength, there should be no danger. Sun Fei wouldn’t worry, switch to [Barbarian mode], come to the palace outside and continue to kill Zombie and Variation magic beast.

On the square outside the palace, there are thousands of Zombie King Grade Zombies, all of which have reached the Moon Level level. They are invulnerable and sharp, and even if they are real Moon Level Martial Artists, they have to suffer big losses. However, for Sun Fei, it is completely a dish that is delivered to the door.

Hey! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! !

For two hours, I don’t know how many soldiers were blue and even if they had magical swords, Sun Fei finally killed the Zombie kings. One hundred and sixty-seven Zombie kings provided a lot of Drifting Energy. After absorption, [Barbarian mode] finally saw the hope of promoting Demi God Level Realm, only a line.

Finally, Sun Fei’s killing action caught the attention of a nearby Great Sun Level Honorable Position Realm’s Emperor Grade Zombie and launched an attack.

Emperor Grade Zombie has initially opened up the wisdom, has three or four-year-old wisdom, has its own way of fighting, although limited by the wisdom, can not master the rules like the mankind Great Sun Level Honorable Position Expert, the land is flying, but short The prance of the distance is extremely rapid, and the roar is like a hill, pressing against Sun Fei.

The battle begins.

At one time, the entire Anzi Imperial Capital was affected by this battle.

Sun Fei is keen to observe the Emperor Grade Zombie’s fighting style and real strength. Deliberately waterproofing a period of time, I found that the Emperor Grade Zombie’s body is hard enough to withstand the Fighting Weapon below the Fourth Step except for the huge outside. Broken, they have a stronger Mankind Refined Spiritual Power, with Refined Spiritual Power as the way to communicate, have mastered undead death qi, can use some such as Bone Spear, bones, bones, bone shield, bone blade, bone The undead magic attack, such as the sword, which is seemingly simple but extremely powerful, can also drive the low-level Zombie for its own use, which is like the command of the army.

“If time continues, let these monsters continue to grow, maybe one day, these Zombies will be able to cleans up their minds. By that time, they have become Advanced undead, become a brand new species, mankind disaster, will also Completely…undead, it is natural to be a deadly enemy of all life species!”

Sun Fei figured out the information he wanted to know, make a move and no mercy, Summon [Immortal King Stone Crusher], fully launched, under [Whirlwind], hammered the Emperor Grade Zombie.

Emperor Grade Zombie The huge mysterious Drifting Energy overflowing from the body of a corpse, like a big river rushing and surging into Sun Fei’s body.

“Enough… finally broke through!”

Sun Fei felt that a door in the body had finally opened violently, and a new Martial Arts world waved at himself, knowing that [Barbarian mode] finally had to advance to Demi God Step Placement, and he looked at the environment and he flashed Returning to the palace, standing on the square in front of the main hall, began to advance.


On this day, a warrior totem of up to a kilometer, slowly emerged over the Anzi Empire.

This is a barbarian warrior who emerged from the ancient wilderness. He stands between Heaven and Earth. He is wearing a light black sly Armor. The joints are covered with sharp barbs. The body is tall and tall. The head wearer Double-angled black cover Helmet, holding a handle of dark red to swim the giant hammer of rune, like the god of killing, binocular bursting red light, a tyrannical, wild, killing, wild, tough, invincible aura, Really revealed from this virtual shadow.

Even people who are far away from thousands of miles have seen this illusion and feel the terrible aura.

The people and the beasts within a thousand miles, even the Zombie, are battling like the end of the road.

The clouds on the One Layer layer above the sky rushed and smashed down, as if to be pressed directly on the ground.

At the same time, what is even more bizarre is that the force element between Heaven and Earth changes drastically. Whether it is the power of the five shapes of the golden wood, or the rare elements such as light, dark, and space, they are all fleeing away. At one’s side of the phantom, it seems that every kind of force element is rejected, not accepted by this Heaven and Earth. Soon, within a radius of a thousand miles, it becomes a vacuum, and the Heaven and Earth Element disappears.

“Ah, what happened, why can’t I feel the slight magic power…”

A Six Star Level mage, which is flying in mid-air with Wind System magic [Elf Wing], suddenly pale, and the magic power of the body disappeared without a trace. A pair of cyan’s magic wings collapsed and suddenly fell from the sky. Fortunately, he did not fly high, and there was a lake below, and he was not killed, and he looked at the sky with uncertainty.

“What happened? My force… disappeared? What the hell is going on?”

“No, the magic energy cover disappeared, and the amount of magic power left us. What is going on?”

“Look, the magic fountain in the city has stopped…”

“Alpha Magister’s magic tower…the fog is gone, we can finally see the clear face of this magnificent magic tower? What happened? The magic tower itself seems to stop working!”

“Haha, Badino, you can’t get up this time? What is your magic power? Hey, I can play this Four Star Level warrior like a funeral dog. Bullying, I will kill you, Haha!”

The same thing happened almost repeatedly over and over again in the land within a radius of a million miles.

In the Heaven and Earth parties, only the real Experts who have mastered the force of the force, from the changes in the Heaven and Earth Element, feel the true meaning of them, have been alarmed, and unbelievably looked at the Northern Region Anzi Empire. direction.

“This abnormality…is Magic Sealing Domain !”


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