Hail the King

Chapter 985

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 937, Summon Barbarian Warrior, Astronomy

Connection: close

“Let’s hand over the thing, or you’re really dead today, Alexander!” The situation regained its edge, and the golden-colored curly hair Priest renewed its courage, facing Sun Fei Roar.

At this time, Dark Demon Armor Basturk and Priest understand that they can only cooperate.

Otherwise, there is a danger that this terrible Man will be hanged.

“You thought I was stupid. I just died when I handed it out.” Sun Fei’s smile on Saobing made the opponent want to flatten his face. He looked at the dressed one in one’s side and laughed at the expert. Road: “Right, this burst of milk… Oh, no, the lady who is beautiful, I don’t know what your name is.”

“Susan.” Condensed battle qi, dressed in red Female Expert glanced at Sun Fei and replied simply.

Assassin, her in heart is already extremely dignified, there are two Twelve death soldiers, and konjac and Priest, which is more than ten times more than their own, and the disadvantage of the number, so that she has nothing to beat Priest and Dark Demon Armor. Hope, however, the advantage is that with the strength of the small Man just at one’s side, as long as the two people cooperate well, it should not be a problem to escape.

“Well, beautiful Ms. Susan, can’t think of a fat one like a fat pig like a fat pig, let’s take a breath?”

I didn’t think Sun Fei would be so problematic, Susan groaned.

However, I soon thought that this pedestrian was betrayed as a cargo because of the deceitful Priest’s deception. In addition to his own outside, other partners became undead monsters. After the death, even Soul neither rested, Susan for golden-colored curly long hair Priest naturally hated it, so he blurted out: “Of course I think.” However, she still shook her head sensibly: “But now, we have to find a way to leave here and say later.”

“After?” Sun Fei looked at the female stunner like an idiot: “When you go out, you go to the outside world, and don’t say that this fat pig will immediately complain to the wicked, then kill and kill, you can that you Still dare to blatantly squat a high-position Church deacon?”

Susan suddenly lost.

“Now, let’s get started,” Sun Fei said with a strange smile on his face. “I will give you a chance to let you single-handedly this golden-haired fat pig. Of course, can you really hang him?” It depends on your own strength.”

After that, Sun Fei sang a few intangible incantations.

Then Summon had fifteen Barbarian Warriors at Great Sun Level Honorable Position Realm.

This is a Summon skill obtained by Sun Fei after completing the Hell-class Difficulty [Mount Arreat Rescue]. It can be used for 15 minutes in Summon’s 15 Great Sun Level Honorable Position Realm Barbarian Warrior, and Summon can be used three times a day.

When there is a sudden transmission of light in the hall of Darkness, the honorable height is two meters high, and the muscle bulge is like a knife and axe. It is surrounded by the wild aura, wearing a strange Armor, and the hands are huge and exaggerated hands, War Axe, as if It was the Demon God who came out of the ancient wilderness of the battlefield. The general Barbarian Warrior came out of the light group, and everyone’s teeth almost bite off their tongues.

In particular, the powerful aura that flows out of these muscle warriors is absolutely in the Great Sun Level Honorable Position Realm, and everyone including Susan is shocked.

In a flash, Summon came out with fifteen Great Sun Level Honorable Position Experts. Is this…God Skill?

“Hey, Haha, do you think you have a younger brother alone?” Sun Fei is very satisfied with the effect of Barbarian Warrior’s appearance. Laughed heartily can’t help but say the previous life: “Get out of the mix, of course, remember three elements.” First, loyalty, Second wants to have money, Third wants a lot of younger brothers, Haha, such a simple truth, Brother will not understand? Haha! Brothers, cut them for me!”

The last sentence was given to Barbarian Warrior.

Suddenly, a wild Roar sounded in the entire hall.

“For Immortal King’s Glory!”

In the rumbling footsteps, fifteen Barbarian Warriors started, and they had chosen a deathly warrior, roaring the battle slogan and fighting.

These huge Barbarian sensations should be extremely cumbersome, but in reality, Barbarian Profession is known as a close combat expert in the Seven Main Profession of World of Diablo, proficient in various weapons, and a wide variety of The unrecognized racial skill, who was put on the Sun Gold equipment by War Axe, was definitely an invincible meat grinder, and instantly entangled their respective opponents, as if the steel pot had touched the iron brush. The most original and bloodiest Man fight!





[Leap Attack]!

A variety of Barbarian skills are presented in this small Space.

These fifteen Barbarian Warriors are the elite, legendary Barbarian Experts of the [Harrogath City] Barbarian family, with battle experience and wisdom that are hard to match even Sun Fei, and they guard the forefront of the Hell war. Fighting with Hell Fiend all the year round, he is very familiar with the battle modes of these deathly warriors. A hand to hand combat completely suppresses the death soldiers who have become polluted by the Great Sun Level Honorable Position Expert.

The fifteen-to-two Twelve, if not the death fighters are slightly superior in number, the perhaps battle will soon end.

the other side.

I don’t know if it’s because of fear or Wrath, golden-colored curly hair Priest is shaking all over, pointing to Sun Fei, can’t say a word, his brain is really blank, since the birth of this Little King, Northern Region parish Church I don’t know how much loss I have eaten in this guy. This guy is simply born of Church’s nemesis.

However, the golden-colored curly hair trial Priest has no time to think about it.

Because Susan, dressed in red, has been attacking him at sunrise.

At the moment when Sun Fei Summon came out of Barbarian Warrior, Susan understood Sun Fei’s meaning, no longer hesitating, no longer suppressing his heart in Wrath, like a angered mother Lion, launched a pair of golden -colored curly hair gentleman’s sharp attack, make a move decisive, ruthless, unrelenting.

“You… you dare to attack the clergy, you… can you be it that you are not afraid of Church’s Ruling God Squad?” Golden-colored curly hair Priest was parried while Wrath threatened.

But Susan ironed his heart, and said nothing, the lush jade hand gripped in the Void, took out a pair of Fourth Step Fighting Weapon Qualitative thin-bladed knife, greeted with the fatality of facing Priest.

Two people fight to make a group, and it is difficult to solve the problem.


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