Hail the King

Chapter 1074

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 1025, the fierce battle, the astronomical

The Barcelona army was pushing forward for more than a thousand kilometers and encountered the tenacious resistance of the Zenit people.

Pedro stood under the guards, standing on the high hills, watching the distant smoke filled, killing the shocking battlefield, the brows were tightly locked together – in fact, he has never been since the way I feel that I have passed.

The Byzantine Seaport battle, although defeated a part of the Zenit people’s naval force, but their own losses are several times that of the Zenit people, let them feel vomiting blood, it is easy to kill the land, red eyes want to kill the city and grab The Barcelona man who was robbed, but was extremely disappointed to find that Byzantine King City has long been an empty city. Not only no one, no treasure, even a chicken can not catch, a wide feathers in the streets.

Byzantine people have already cleared the walls here.

For a time, they could not even find the injured door.

The captured Byzantine King Constantine, although used for one day and one night in a row, tortured all kinds of horrific tortures, but like iron-clad people, did not reveal any information from beginning to end.

To be honest, at the end of the day, even the jailers who used the sentence collapsed almost.

They have never seen a person, can be so tough, be beaten up and down again and again, and then by mage Treating Restoration, and then beaten into a sloppy, then Treating… such a cycle, even if God can not stand, really doubt Is this Little King a flesh and blood, what kind of force and belief is it that supports him?

So even now, even Pedro has a tribute to this Little King.

The trial was also used to sue 1st Stage.

After a short stay in Byzantine King City, I smashed the tall army of the whole body killing qi, and imagined myself as a tiger that broke into the flock, quickly organized an offensive, and drove straight along the official road, facing Zenit people inland inland invasion. Go on.

They thought they could drive straight through and beat all Zenit people who dare to resist.

However, they thought they were the unequal first-ranking Ultra Level countries, but they suffered a lot because of insufficient preparation before the war.

The first contact with the Zenit army on land was about two hundred kilometers from the Byzantine Royal City.

The Barcelona striker team of about 2,000 people was ambushed by the same number of Zenit South Xinjiang arms. The previously lost [The One-eyed Dragon] and [The Black Pearl] also appeared in vain, and the two sides were under attack. An hour, when Barcelona’s follow-up support troops arrive, they can only catch up with their own bodies.

The wicked Zenit, not only took away his own body, but also wiped out all the armor and weapons on the dead Barcelona soldiers, leaving only two thousand naked bodies.

During the next advancement, the Barcelona army suffered an unexpectedly tenacious resistance.

Although the loss is still within the acceptable range, it has been annoying to be harassed again and again. After advancing to more than 500 kilometers, Pedro had to order the whole army to rectify and temporarily rest, and pushed back the previous plan. Combat plan.

Most of the Barcelona army that landed was a Navy soldier from Sea God’s Spear. The land war was not good at it. There were about 60,000 many people. The equipment was excellent, and the real land Corps was transported by the troops. Arriving at the Byzantine Royal City, due to Pedro’s underestimation, there was a problem with the Barcelona army connection. The striker Corps was so alone that he was caught in a difficult situation.

At this time, the Barcelona people in the rear were still taking the dream of the Zenit Empire within ten days, while the Pioneer Army group in front of them had already felt the cold of the Northern Region and the strength of the Zenit people.

Along the way, [Sea God’s Spear] Corps has been hit by hundreds of attacks and ambushes.

Although they are small-scale battles, the loss of the Barcelona people is close to six or seven thousand, far exceeding the previous estimate – of course, the Zenit people also paid a very heavy price, killed four Affiliated Country King, lost More than 10,000 bodies have been laid, but most of them are regular troops.

When [Sea God Corps] advanced to a thousand kilometers, the bones finally broke out of the first large-scale battle.

Pedro hasn’t figured out yet that he has encountered Zenit’s regular Corps.

In front of the enemy, both the number and the combat power, it is several times stronger than the previous Affiliated Country’s miscellaneous soldiers [Sea God Corps]. In about a quarter of an hour, [Sea God Corps] elite camp’s positive assault can’t even The position that knocked down the place was also beaten back, making Pedro feel extremely shocked.

Even more incredible is that Pedro soon discovered that his own armage was faintly surrounded.

This is incredible to many Barcelona people. The low-lying Zenit people dare to have the courage to react in such a fast time and fight back? A group of low-lying hyenas dare to design the Grand Dragon that is besieging the high?

It turns out that the Zenit people were not afraid of the various attacks, all kinds of harassment, in order to delay the time, so that the main battle army behind them, can easily encircle the circle, they … actually want to eat in one breath [Sea God Corps]?

Great appetite!

Great and discouraged!

At this moment of the battle, one of the best graduates of the La Masia Imperial Family military academy has to admit that he has encountered an enemy – the Zenit side, there must be a tactical expert, behind the direction of southern Xinjiang The battle, this low-lying 1st grade Empire, is ready!

Pedro also quickly realized that it wasn’t just himself, the entire Barcelona encountered an unexpected enemy.

The Zenit people are not as easy to beat as the Normal Level One Empire. They have always been arrogant, so that the Barcelona military did not conduct detailed intelligence gathering and Analyze work before the war, so that the tactics and mentality of dealing with errands are now Let [Sea God Corps] suffer a big loss. If it doesn’t improve, it will make the subsequent Barcelona main battle Corps suffer big losses in the future.

“This way, no, it seems that it is a quick fix!”

Looking at the anxious situation ahead, Pedro couldn’t help but make a move.

A majestic force emerged from him, like a hurricane swept over the battlefield. The terrible pressure made the Ordinary warrior stand still almost unsteadily. The Barcelona army began to retreat very regularly, from the staggered battle situation. Get rid of it, so that Pedro can directly attack the Zenit people without worrying about accidental injuries.

However, almost at the same time, a force that is no less than Pedro, in the Zenit people’s faction, incredibly appeared.

This force is concealed and cold, full of killing and destroying aura.

Pedro is a little bit stunned.

“How could this be? There is such an expert hidden in the enemy faction, why I didn’t notice it at all? Could it be that… Is Great Emperor Yashin personally playing?”

Second more

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