Hail the King

Chapter 1066

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 1018, the miraculous Supreme Pontiff, the astronomical

Under [Beast Temple], there are ten of the most powerful Beastfolk Race branches among the Golden races. They are called the Top 10 Royal Family and have a very high power. Each Golden race has an amazing number of vassal races. The extremely powerful overall and personal strength is the most sophisticated combat force of the Behemoth family. They enjoy the offering of the lower Beastfolk on weekdays, and once the vassal race encounters dangerous times, the Royal Family must be promoted.

Among the top ten Royal Family, relatively famous are the Strong races such as Taigar Tiger Clan and Lione Lion Clan.

In general, apart from the private outside of each race, Beastfolk Race has very few mixed-made arms. Once it encounters war, it basically fights in race.

“Actually, our Pigg pigs have a very strong fighting power. It is unfair and unfair to talk about the population, which is second only to the over-represented races such as Mouse Clan, but only the ranked Silver race!”

Along the way, Arteste fully demonstrated the IQ of a pig and kept breaking it.

Sun Fei listened, just smiled and ignored him.

Most of the time, the attention of His Majesty the King, was completely attracted by some strange things seen in [Behemoth City].

In fact, the deeper into the center of the city, Sun Fei’s in heart, set off a huge wave.

Because he saw the Sewers, the traffic lights, the crosswalks and even the ‘traffic police’ in the city, only the things that existed in today’s Chambord City and the former world, and also passed some Beastfolk Race schools, markets, prisons. The existence of buildings, etc., from the shape and name of the building, is simply a replica of some institutions of previous life…

This is simply incredible!

Sun Fei is very unpredictable to guess, could it be that the Beastfolk family was trapped in this piece of [Forgotten Lands] for more than a thousand years, the gene mutation, the sprout of technological civilization?

Along the way, looking at the buildings in the city, listening to the introduction of Arteste, the shock of Sun Fei in heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Even Torres and Two Devas, ass, and the others have a strange look on their faces.

[Behemoth City] gave them a very familiar feeling.

Because many of the things here are very similar to Chambord City, which makes them very curious, knowing that many of the settings and names of Chambord City are King Alexander’s fascinating Genius masterpieces, which are unique throughout the Azeroth Continent. It has been impressed by countless other people of Kingdom and Empire. Today, Chambord City has been called the Northern Region continent’s civilization Bright Pearl. The vigilization model of the barren land has become a symbol of advanced.

But this sloppy [Exiled Lands] Beastfolk City, there are a lot of things and Chambord City show the same thing, let the flattering and the others secretly guess, but in the Beastfolk Race, there is also a comparable King Alexander Saints?

“These are all credits from Enst Supreme Pontiff Your Excellency.” When Sun Fei slammed the question, the Pigg family Arteste all said: “In the beginning, the Beastfolk, including the top ten Royal Family, for Supreme Pontiff Your Excellency’s weird proposals are very strange. Some people criticize this as useless gadgets, but later it turns out that Enst Your Excellency is indeed the greatest Genius of the Behemoth family, and his seemingly inadvertently The move has completely changed the life of Beastfolk, let us live in this forgotten Land Mountain.”

Every time I talk about [Seastreme] Supreme Pontiff Enst time, Arteste’s huge Pig-headed face always flashes a look of pride that he does not match.

Walking the 1st Stage, he fluttered at the front of a building that looked unusually clean and spacious, mysterious: “I bet you don’t know what this clean hall is for, Haha.”

“Public toilets,” Sun Fei said faintly.

“Ah?” Pigg Pig-headed Clan Head was dumbfounded: “How do you know… and, do you actually know the term?”

Oleg smirked: “Because the public toilets in Chambord City are exactly the same style as your building, and it is bigger and more luxurious than you!”

“It turned out to be like this, you mankind is really a little smart.”

The Pig-headed people suddenly offended all the Chambord City people.

However, he did not know, he said in his own voice: “In fact, at first, many Beastfolk were extremely puzzled by the consumption of resources to build a large number of public toilets. They thought it was a waste of resources and manpower, but Enst Your Excellency The public opinion, repeatedly insisted, will eventually build more than 10,000 such public toilets in more than 20 Beastfolk giant cities. Later, everyone understood the benefits of doing so, and Beastfolk no longer solve the problem of urinating and stinking. Disappeared, the environment and air in the city are much better, and many deadly infectious diseases have disappeared. What is more peculiar is that Enst Your Excellency also advocates the use of manure in public toilets to water the crops, resulting in a bumper harvest, although it is watered with manure. The crops are disgusting, but on this barren Earth, Beastfolk often starves to death, and whoever cares about it will care about these things!”

Having said that, he proudly said with a concise tone: “This is just one of Enst Your Excellency’s myriad miraculous initiatives. There is no doubt that Enst Your Excellency is Behemoth Beastfolk in the past millennium time. The positive savior is the living God who walks in the world, his greatness, no one can transcend.”

The flatterer and Two Devas grinned disdainfully.

what is this? What you said, our great King Alexander has done it, even better and more comprehensive than what you Supreme Pontiff has to do.

Sun Fei is frowning and saying a word.

His doubts in heart are even more intense.

A judgment that even his own neither dare to believe, came to mind more than once.

To be honest, His Majesty the King is very much looking forward to seeing the world-famous [Seast Temple] Supreme Pontiff. He is so curious. What kind of Beastfolk is this legendary Foxx? Can you do all this?

All he has done is a paradigm of a traversal.

Could it be that this so-called [Beast Temple] Supreme Pontiff is actually a passer?

It’s ridiculous!

Sun Fei denied this guess.

Along the way, His Majesty the King took a serious look at everything in [Behemoth City].

Suddenly, a fist-sized, embarrassing green bird flew from the sky and landed on the shoulder of Pig-headed Clan Head Arteste, whispering something.

“Alexander Your Majesty, the Noble of the top 10 Royal Family and the Priest of the Beast Temple, want to meet you, they are waiting for you in the city of Beast God church.” Arteste.

“Well, please take us past, I am also looking forward to this meeting.”

Third more.

{Floating Astronomy thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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