Hail the King

Chapter 1062

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 1014, the grim situation, the astronomical

“Elizabeth, you take people to organize the Civilian retreat in the city. As planned, if possible, withdraw to Chambord City once,” the soldiers at the one ones side are all preparing for the battle. Time, Constantine Say to his princess: “The enemy is fierce, and the perhaps are the Ultra Level Empire of other big domains. Only then can this war come. Once Byzantine is destroyed, Empire’s southern Xinjiang, perhaps no one can Resist intruders, I have one Foreboding, only to retreat to the north of Imperial Capital, rely on the force of Chambord City to save the force, be sure to keep a trace of bloodline for Byzantine!”

Young beautiful princess Elizabeth At this moment, there is no panic from the Oriental Woman.

His face calmly nodded, deep in the slender hand, carefully tidying up the battle armor for his husband, and then slightly laughing: “I am waiting for you in Chambord City, you have to live… our children can not be born There is no father.”

“Our children?” Constantine whispered, and immediately exclaimed: “You mean… are you pregnant?”

Elizabeth nodded softly: “I told me after the doctor’s check before the heavenly afternoon ceremony. Dear, I know, you have your own Glory and responsibility as King, but remember, you are still a Woman. Husband, the father of a child who is about to be born.”

Constantine was silent for a moment before she kissed her wife’s forehead.

Watching the guards take Elizabeth with a small boat and disappear in the distance, the young King holds the hilt tightly, the dashing eyebrows rises, and the star shines with a firm radiance.

Child, one day, I heard about your father’s story, you will be proud of him, let me, here, for you and your mother’s not to be a slave to Kingdom, fight for it! ”

Rumble -! ! ! !

At this time, in the last series of crazy and fierce explosions, in the distant sea, the golden-colored Sword Qi, which began to slowly fade down, disappeared.

The Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void left by Chambord King was finally cracked.

Cruel battle is about to begin!


“Pay Respects To Pedro!”

[Sea God’s Spear] On the Flagship of the Navy striker Corps, the stunned Montoya and military officers were pale, one knee kneels in front of a figure wearing a red blue battle armor.

The height of this person is only about one meter seven, but it is extremely well-proportioned. The thick black short hair, the national character face, the face is firm, the right hand is holding the cross helmet, and the red blue cloak behind the wind hunts in the wind, although it is not how to make a statement. But there is a serious aura that is extremely high.

The blinking qi flame of this person is unfathomable, but there is a slight ups and downs in half – this is because just to solve the terrible Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void Sword Qi on the sea, it consumes too much of the source battle qi too much. .

This person is called Pedro Rodriguez.

The people of Barcelona Empire prefer to call Pedro, [Sea God’s Spear] Navy Corps Leader, the commander, from the La Masia Imperial Family Military Academy, who is already the leader of this Level Nine Empire, but Extremely tuned, compared to several other famous Ranked Commanders in Barcelona, ​​such as Messi, Villa, Harvey, Pedro, but Pedro’s reputation is not obvious, but the strength is absolutely unfathomable. It is said that even today is the Western Region’s invincible Young Supreme Leo ・Messi, both admired one of the silent naval coaches.

“The way things go, I am understood, Montoya, you are too big! Zenit is just a Level One Empire, but don’t forget, they have a Demi God Level and another Great Emperor Yashin!”

Although not strictly reprimanded, Pedro’s serious momentum still makes Montoya and the others feel wary.

“Yes, I know it is wrong, senior apprentice brother.” Montoya repented.

The two are from the La Masia Imperial Family military academy, but Pedro is going to graduate a few years earlier than him, so the term “senior apprentice brother” is reasonable.

However, after hearing this, Pedro’s narrow eyebrows were wrinkled and said: “Shut up, above the battlefield, there is no senior apprentice brother.”

Montoya turned red and said: “Yes, Pedro, I know it wrong.”

“You carelessly, the Zenit people are full set, the striker Corps has suffered heavy losses, and it is hard to blame. From now on, you remove the position of the striker Corps commander, you go to the rear supply ship to reflect on it!”

Pedro is authentic.

“Adult, I…”

Montoya was in a hurry and wanted to say something, but was gently pulled by a trusted aide at one’s side, and he got a wink and had to get up and retire.

After leaving the deck, Montoya was dissatisfied with the asked trusted aide who wanted to signal himself: “Deren, why did you stop me? Losing the command of the fleet, how can I make up for it? Alveys the old dog, later Don’t ride on our brother’s head every day to pee.”

“Adult, Pedro and you are the same app Apprentice Brother, he is doing this to protect you.” Trusted aide Deren is extremely sure: “You missed the Zenit people’s murder this time, losing more than 800 battleships of all sizes.” If the news is passed back to the Royal Family, it must be heavier, even if it is possible to go to prison. Alveys, the old man, will definitely fall into the rocks, but Pedro is already in the position of [Sea God’s Spear] Commander. Punishment, Royal Family is not good to say, and it will be forget about it, then you don’t have to worry about this.”

“This is also true.” Montoya suddenly realized, and immediately frowned: “However, I am now confined, how to wear sin?”

“Hey, adults can rest assured that Pedro Your Distinguished Self doesn’t say how long you are. He is your senior apprentice brother. It is a Catalonia Royal Family bloodline. It is estimated to be just a look. When the opportunity comes, you will definitely Palms, when the time is going to wait for you!”

On the bridge in the distance.

“Although the talent is extraordinary, but still need to be honed, Montoya, grow up quickly, Barcelona is the Catalonia bloodline in the world, and always let some outsiders take control of the military, you must not let Puyol adults disappoint!”

Pedro watched Montoya and the others disappear into the distance, and then turned and shook the Byzantine fleet that had not been withdrawn in the distance. After a slight surprise, he immediately dispatched the remaining two hundred remaining warships without trimming. , turn the bow, attack with all strength!

“Great Emperor Yashin, this Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void, is it your layout? Could it be that you are now invisible in the Byzantine fleet? That is really good, let me see the Northern Region legendary Great Emperor The style!”

Pedro is arrogant!

Before the amazing aura at sea, he was alarmed by the main fleet of the rear of the town. This time, the volley fit quickly arrived and rescued the crisis of striker Corps.



At about 500 meters apart, the two navies fired at the same time.

The roar of Magic Guided Artillery and the magical light flares in the sky have opened the curtain of war.

The fleets on both sides propped up the Shield. The soldiers on the deck were running like ants, doing their own duties, all kinds of shouting and slogan signs, mixed up in a noisy way, making Heaven and Earth There is an indescribable killing qi and noisy.

The fleet of Byzantine men armed with advanced technology from Chambord City [Madmen’s Laboratory] has a comparative advantage in the long-distance Strafe. Not only is the anti-Shield harder than the Barcelona Naval, the Magic Guided Artillery’s armor can also be Sharper, from the distance of 500 meters to less than 20 meters, the Byzantine warship sank three ships, while the Barcelona people paid ten times the price!

When the distance is close to ten meters, Magic Guided Artillery is useless.

Because of such close magical bombardment, the violent explosion and destruction will spread to the battleship of one’s own side. Both sides have a tacit agreement to stop Strafe and prepare for melee.

At this time, all languages ​​are superfluous.

The previous battles have already brought the killing intent between the bones to the Peak, and I can’t wait to die.


“Barcelona Empire !”

After the battleship approached, Constantine finally saw the logo on the other soldier Armor, which made his heart sink uncontrollably.

The Barcelona Empire is the giant of the Western Region continent. In recent years, Genius has emerged, and its national strength has skyrocketed. There is a tendency to become Azeroth Continent First Empire. Why is this invincible Empire, suddenly launching an attack on Zenit Empire?

In the memory of Constantine, there is no grudge in the bone side?

The enemy turned out to be this Empire.

Constantine was shocked and began to worry about the Fate of Zenit Empire.

If you change to other enemies, there are the two major Peerless Genius of Great Emperor Yashin and Chambord King. The Zenit people are absolutely fearless, but if you change to Barcelona… Who can stop?


Too hanging!

In today’s World War I, perhaps is the last day of Byzantine’s existence on this world.

He looked back at the north.

Chambord King, if I am killed here, I hope you can keep a trace of bloodline for the Byzantine, for the Zenit Empire, keep a trace of bloodline!


Constantine shouts out, volleyed, [Seven Injuries Fist] shot, facing the opponent’s battleship flying away.

Behind him, the densely woven Byzantine warrior, roaring, following his own King, turned his back on his strong enemy and launched an attack.


“Great Emperor Yashin, where are you hiding?”

There was fierce screaming in the ear, and the battleships slammed together. Both sides of the soldiers waved their swords and started to kill. Blood splattered and broken limbs, the scene was cruel, but Pedro stood tall. On the bridge, there is no make a move.

He is waiting for ‘hidden’ the Great Emperor Yashin make a move among the Byzantine people.

Before cracking the Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void Sword Array, it cost him a lot of strength, and also made him a bit more difficult for the Great Emperor Yashin. Pedro didn’t dare to have the slightest distraction. He understood that facing such a terrifying Enemies, if not fully coped, their own perhaps are in danger of losing.

The killing of Ordinary warriors is done by themselves.

This is the fate of the warrior.

Pedro believes that the Warriors of Barcelona Empire can definitely defeat the hick of 1st grade Affiliated Country in front of this area.

However, the facts are exactly what the arrogant Navy Commander expected.

More than a hundred Byzantine warships have shown great combat power. The strength of the Byzantine is not so powerful. It is like crazy, fighting in fearlessness, even if the body is pierced, and the Barcelona soldiers are jumping into the sea. And even if is falling into the sea, will also catch the Barcelona warrior that also fell into the water, even the teeth are used, as long as also a breath, will fight fight to the death, like a group of wild beasts .

In terms of morale, the Byzantine people have the upper hand.

“Seven Injuries Fist !”

In the distance, a handsome King, who is only in his twenties and wearing a crown, is in Roar. He is shining with golden-colored flames. Fist Method is overbearing. When a boxing is out, there is the sound of dragon and tiger Roar, like a thunder. After the wind swept, there were more than a dozen Barcelona Star Level warriors bursting, and there was nothing to resist.

Even the Moon Level Expert wearing the red and blue Armor, almost no one is his enemy.

“Good fighter, can it be that this is the Zenit expert Chambord King in the legendary [One Fist Across the Heaven]? It really is a hero out of juvenile!”

Pedro secretly lamented.

A small Level One Empire, able to show such morale, really shocked the high-ranking naval commander.

However, he did not intervene in this level of fighting.

He has been searching for the Great Emperor Yashin who is ‘hidden’ in the crowd.

The previous Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void Sword Array made Pedro dare to be the slightest scorn, and also believed that Great Emperor Yashin must be here – Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void will slowly dissipate as time goes by, and want to that extent Sword Array, according to the previous information on the strength of the Great Emperor Yashin, Great Emperor Yashin must be arranged within a day, only to be so powerful.

This is why he is so sure that Great Emperor Yashin is bound to be in the lineup.

Unfortunately, Pedro couldn’t think of it. The person who arranged the Fist Intent Spiritual Brand Void Sword Array was Chambord King Sun Fei, which he ignored, and the one he thought was Chambord King, but only Byzantine King Constantine.

Barcelona Empire thinks it is Level Nine Empire, and it is the best in the world. Although for that reason, Zenit mercenary has not been carefully investigated, and it has suffered a big loss here.


On the same day, the white belly time was revealed. In the distant place where the sea and the sky meet, the shadow of the land finally appeared.

The giant goose, Lianna, gave a cheerful name and rang through the clouds.

The sleepy Beastfolks immediately jumped up, and Pigg Clan Head Arteste snorted, shook his eyes, shook his head, and suddenly rejoiced, came to Sun Vault and said hello: “Oh, come, Your Majesty, please see The front is [Exiled Lands]…”-

Two in one.

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