Hail the King

Chapter 1054

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 1006, the strong of formerly, the astronomical

“The ancient Beast God, please listen to your most loyal people’s Prayer…”

Foxx High Priest Nash sings a quaint, mournful mysterious song./

A strange force emerged from the song, and suddenly a strange force wave swayed on the stone wall in front of it. Rock’s texture appeared on the texture, and a door-like pattern appeared. Beastfolk first bowed at the door. I got up and walked into the door-like pattern, like a wall, and entered the stone wall.

This should be the force of the Bear Song of the Beastfolk family in the legend.

A type of totem force that is close to the humming of a magic incantation, but a Third kind of force that is independent of battle qi and magic.

Sun Fei and the ambassadors of Chambord City followed closely, as in wall-to-wall, into the stone wall.

Inside is a huge interior space that can accommodate at least 10,000 people.

There are faint totem patterns on the four walls, making this Space not Darkness. On Space’s most middle, a fresh red altar, a huge quaint stone gate of more than 20 meters stands tall.

“This is the beginning of the Behemoth Beastfolk Blood Ancient Path.” The face of the Saxred Priest and the other Beastfolk Experts showed a sacred expression.

The former takes seriously and said: “Your Majesty, do you know why this Ancient Path will be called Blood Ancient Path? That’s because there are more than a hundred such fresh red altar on this transmission of Ancient Path. Stone gate, and each altar stone gate is made of a bloody, life, Soul of a True God Realm’s Beastfolk Race. In that terrible Era, Behemoth Beastfolk sacrificed a total of one hundred and eight Priest and battle qi Expert of True God Realm have paved the way for the safe path of [Exiled Lands] for their own thousands of people. This road is really paved with Blood. It’s made!”

Having said that, every Beastfolk Expert is already in tears.

A thousand years have passed, the same story has been heard by the Beastfolk from birth to the present, and the story has been heard by the elders for thousands of times, but before the blood-colored transfer altar stone gate that can be used after this millennium, any one Behemoth Beastfolk will cry and cry, with his own Soul, paying tribute to the heroes who have paid the price of their lives for the continuation of their race.

Without these selfless dedication heroes, perhaps the race of Behemoth Beastfolk has long disappeared into the long history of history.

Sun Fei and the others in heart can’t help but take a breath.

One hundred and eighty True God Level other Expert?

Behemoth Beastfolk, has the strength ever been so strong?

Although I knew that the endless forests were terrifying, I never imagined that the Behemoth Beastfolk family had paid a hundred and eight True God Level Experts to open up a Blood Ancient Path. It is conceivable that a thousand years ago, it happened. What kind of tragic thing is absolutely a scene like epic.

Sun Fei thought of a deeper One Layer.

What kind of terrible enemy is it, even Behemoth Beastfolk, who has at least one hundred and eight True Gods, has to flee and escape, even the courage to die?

A thousand years ago, on the Azeroth Continent, what was terrible happened, so that the Gods and Demons were asleep, so that the powerful aliens fled, and only the Human Race continued, becoming the new Overlord of the continent?

In this aspect of information, Sun Fei knows that there are too few.

Only in the [Doomsday Blood Journal] discovered by Dwarf Race Final Ancestral Land in the back mountain, only a little information was revealed, but it was not clear, what terrible Fiend is.

These days, Sun Fei also inquired about Foxx High Priest Nash, but Nash can’t make it clear.

Now standing in front of an alltar stone gate filled with whole body essence, flesh, divine power, and Soul, a person from Chambord City feels a shock, full of historical dust. , epic’s magnificent aura of sad songs.

Foxx High Priest Nash once again sang the screaming War Song.

The bright voice, like a banging drum, with a strange melody, stirs in the Void.

Soon the entire blood-colored altar emerged with a blood-colored flame that was injected over a stone gate that was more than 20 meters high.

“May Supreme’s beast temper your people, my, Bier Dire Bear Jabal, willing to open the domain door to the habitat, the third generation, the seventh generation, the reincarnation, the blood, the guardianship Behemoth Beastfolk, my people, must… stay strong!”

An ancient Roar and call, ringing in the ears of everyone.

The giant door ignited a deep red light group, and a huge shadow of the huge Bear Clan True God Expert is looming.

He has compassion and pity in his eyes, tearing his hands, tearing a blood-colored channel in the giant door, and flowing the ancient vicissitudes of aura.

Then the ghost disappeared quickly, and the transfer channel became stable.

Bier Werebear Expert O’Neill has burst into tears.

This first block of blood-colored altar, sacrificed by a Bier Bear Clan’s True God ancestor.

“Fast pass, don’t waste altar’s energy.”

Foxx High Priest Nash reminds everyone and then enters the blood-colored channel.

Sun Fei and the others entered.

The next moment, the blood-colored altar re-emerged.

The totem blaze around the mountain interior Space disappeared instantly, and the boundless Darkness reoccupied it, leaving only Soul, who had sacrificed a thousand years ago, waiting in isolation, waiting for the next opportunity to dedicate his own force.


When Fei had a light time again, Sun Fei opened his eyes.

A bitter cold wind blew in, this is a snow-covered envelop white mountain valley.

The mountain valley’s terrain is extremely concealed, surrounded by clusters of white ice peaks, leaving only a palm-sized day, leading to a single line of sheep’s intestines outside the valley, also blocked by Beastfolk Race with icicle totem force. Average person can’t find out or come in.

The snow on the ground is extremely thick, the snow of the goose feathers is flying, the wind is sharp, and it is like a knife on the face.

Fortunately, everyone is a polar expert, such a cold, can not threaten everyone’s safety.

Not as Sun Fei expected, there is also a blood-colored altar and Rock gate hidden in this hidden ice valley.

It seems that this is the Second station of [Behemoth Beastfolk Golden Ancient Path].

It also means that a thousand years ago, the True God Level of the Beastfolk family of Second, the Expert, fell here, with his life and Soul, for his own people, tearing open a transmission channel to the next stop. ——

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