Hail the King

Chapter 1045

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume has not been heard for three years, and the blockbuster 997, these, is it really for us? Floating astronomy

Sun Fei in heart took a deep breath.

Since the Beastfolks are willing to follow themselves to Chambord City, at least they have little to say about the Human Race – this is obviously a good sign. In this world upheaval, no one is willing to be a strong race. With one more ally, there is more chance for a race to continue.

The Beastfolks are ready to open and clean up the camp.

Sun Fei has the opportunity to look at this Easily Built camp.

Obviously, I have become accustomed to sleeping in a tough environment. The Beastfolks are not very demanding on the quality of life. In addition to a few Easily Built tents outside the camp, the most conspicuous one is the sculpture. The giant pillar of mysterious pattern exudes an extremely strange force, envelop the entire camp.

Sun Fei realized that in the past half an hour or so, there was no magic beast trace around the camp. The omnipotent poisonous insects were not even seen. It should only be the giant pillar with the mysterious pattern. The role of it.

“That is the totem pole.” Foxx High Priest Nash explained.

“The Beastfolk family is a race of cultivation battle qi. The talent in magic is not as good as that of mankind. This makes Behemoth Beastfolk extremely passive in the war with other races. However, Tiansheng Beast God has not abandoned. His people, we have mastered the battle force of battle qi and magic outside – the power of totem.”

Saying, Nash whispered the 1st Stage’s extremely sweet voice.

The giant pillar of the whole body yellow swayed, and the pattern above shook like a dragonfly in the dive, and eventually disappeared like a pencil erased by an eraser.

And as the miraculous pattern disappears, the color of the gold yellow column becomes a very normal piece of wood, apparently just smashing down from the surrounding forest, with a green branch, losing the support of the mysterious force. The stakes fell to the ground.

Envelop The mysterious force of the entire camp disappeared.

“It turns out that this is the totem’s force, a kind of mysterious song that evokes, and attaches to a certain medium to form a natural Element pattern to produce the role of Force.”

Sun Fei is thoughtful.

Some of the far-flung classics and legends that have been circulated in the continent have also documented the existence of totem force, which is described as a powerful force comparable to magic, unique to Behemoth Beastfolk.

However, as the Beastfolk family disappeared into the continent, this force has not appeared in the past more than a thousand years, and I can’t think of it today.

There isn’t much useful thing in the entire camp. This group of Beastfolk is obviously poor. As an Expert of the Scorching Sun Level Peak, they don’t even have a storage ring. Bier Bear Clan’s O’Neill and Bulle’s Expert Nowitzki are two. A large chunk of the tents and other materials used to build camps, other people in addition to the simple Armor and weapons outside, there is no rare order.

There is only the crimson-colored cane in the hands of Foxx High Priest, which has a faint totem force aura. It seems that the Priest of Beast Temple has a high position in the Behemoth Beastfolk family.

After everything was finished, everyone set off.

Foxx High Priest Nash has left a heart.

He did not wear the Wolfe Wolf Clan Expert Ginobili and the Speder Spiders Battier to return along the way to report the whereabouts of the group to the Beastfolk tribe of Exiled Lands.

In this way, even if is a group of people who went to Sun Fei and were dumped with dumplings. At least the people can know where they left last time.

For such an alert, Sun Fei had long expected that he did not say anything.

It is His Majesty the King himself, and there will be such an arrangement.

Packing everything, Sun Fei took the same Bethfolks as the hick and returned along the way.

Along the way, through the exchange, Sun Fei knows that the magic beast in the endless forest is indeed related to these Beastfolks – they have an [Intimidation Totem] that allows magic beasts to feel the great Terror. So as to avoid it.

[Intimidation Totem] played an invaluable role in the continuation of the Beastfolk race.

A thousand years ago, if it weren’t for this little totem force, the migration of Beastfolk and perhaps would have been extinct under the terrifying magic beast of the endless forests. Even so, the intimidating force could not Drive away all magic beast, useless for the God Grade magic beast above Emperor Grade.

As in the continental legendary, the Beastfolk lost more than a very large population of all races during that migration, and even more than twenty Beastfolk races, completely eradicating the blood-colored migration. It is.

With this Force of Intimidation Totem, the Beastfolk Advance Team of Scorching Sun Level Great Perfection Expert can safely get here.

It took about a half-day time before the ground was pressed about Twelve.

Close to the edge of the endless forest, the powerful magic beast is gradually scarce, and a group of people can plunder in the sky.

The closer you are to the continent, the more excited the Beastfolk Race Experts are.

It is like a child who has been away from home for too long, has been exhausted, and has exhausted the hard work of the world. He finally returned to his dream home and saw his parents. If it wasn’t Sun Fei, the outsider would be next to him, and all Beastfolk would cry.

Even the eyes of Foxx High Priest contain bright tears.

This is obviously a situation that Sun Fei can’t understand at all.

After another half-day time, I finally reached the edge of the endless forest, and looking down from the sky, Chambord City is already far away.

Sun Fei paused a little.

“It’s amazing, you have to change the line.” Sun Fei took out a dozen sets of Armor and clothes from the storage ring for the Beastfolk Race Expert.

This action made the hick Beastfolk breathe in the air, and couldn’t help but stare at Sun Fei’s ring and drooled.

“Space ring?”

Foxx High Priest swallowed a slobber, and the screaming throat sold out his heart’s shock.

Space class storage is easy and precious. In [Exiled Lands], it is hard to find a mankind Affiliated Country King. You can just come up with such a rare treasure that only Beast Race Royal Family Noble has… can it be that Human Race Has it been so powerful to an incredible degree?

Then, the ‘hick’s were once again numb by the things that Sun Fei took out.

“This… is it really for us?”

Bier Bear Clan Expert O’Neill Incredible asked Sun Fei.

“Of course.” Sun Fei nodded and answered very poorly.

Beastfolk Race Expert looked at the eyes of His Majesty the King and suddenly became rich.

The last warning and vigilance, almost dissipated from the hearts of these pitiful Beastfolks.

What a precious gift this is.

Could it be that Human Race Has it become so hospitable now?

However, the next words of Sun Fei immediately made the pitiful Beastfolk feel uncomfortable, angry and angry, and wished to tear the wicked mankind into pieces to hide their ignorance and embarrassment –

First more.

{Floating Astronomy thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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