Hail the King

Chapter 1042

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 994, the race in the legend, the astronomy

Update time :2012-11-24

“Since you have already guessed it, why do you want to know it?”

Fox Nash smiled a little, indicating that his companions should not be nervous. The tone he used to speak was an extremely rare language of Gods and Demons Era. However, it is obvious that he can understand the continents of Demos and Demons Era. After hearing Sun Fei’s words, it became a general idiom, and he was very skilled.

Sun Fei’s heart began to sink slowly: “Beast Race?”

In the heart of His Majesty the King, there was a huge wave.

Finally appeared!

The Behemoth Beast Race, which has never appeared on the continent, has finally begun to appear.

Sun Fei had previously speculated that there was no time to appear on the continent, and the Beastfolk family, who might not be good at magic, could not build Tiny World, so it might have disappeared from the world. About the mythical Ancient Path in the legendary, Sun Fei and Akinfeev discussed it, and almost thought it was a rumor.

But now it seems that in the late catastrophe of Gods and Demons Era, the Beastfolk family has survived.

Combining some of the legends that were previously circulated on Azeroth Continent, Sun Fei can almost guess that it is impossible to build Tiny World’s Beastfolk with magic like Elf, Goblin, Dwarf, Gnome and Dragon Race. It should be get through the endless forest, with countless The Flood of the tribe opened up a path of survival in order to avoid the catastrophe.

Behemoth Beast Race, they crossed the endless forest of land that even God would fall into it, and at the other end, found a home that can survive the race.

It seems that the mythical Ancient Path in the legend is not illusory.

It is a vague record of the tragic and tragic growth of the Beastfolk family thousands of years ago.

In front of these people, the characteristics of the Beastfolk of the middle-aged foxes are not obvious. Except for the beautiful and beautiful appearance of the ears, other places are characterized by mankind, but other people at one’s side may be different. .

A guy with a height close to a foot, a black muscle, and a lot of hair. He retains the obvious Dire Bear character. The entire body is about 10% up and down. It also preserves the characteristics of being a black bear when he is ready to fight. Time , almost turned into a black bear, it is this guy who had a punch with Sun Fei before, flying Sun Fei, should be the Bier Bear Clan warrior known as the natural divine power.

In addition to this big man’s outside, there is also a leopard-printed warrior who is nervous when he is nervous. There are reserved giant scorpion warriors, there are Wolf Clan warriors who can embedment as werewolves, and Sparks with compound eyes and almost three arms and six arms. The spider warrior, and the black guy who used to stun the Sun Fei anesthesia, if not guessed correctly, should be a warrior from the Porcupine family.

These Beastfolk warriors, the strength is terrible, the surface of the aura, at least in the Scorching Sun Level Great Perfection Realm, as to whether they promoted Demi God, with the strength of Sun Fei [Druid mode], can not be seen.

The appearance of these Beastfolk Race Experts has given Sun Fei great shock.

So that after His Majesty the King asked questions, he didn’t know what to say, and he thought about the entertainment policy.

When I saw Sun Fei suddenly woke up, more than a dozen Beastfolk warriors were suddenly in a warning condition. As in the midst of the enemy, in the sound of different beasts, they instantly completed the ‘transformation’, facing from the mankind feature. Beastification is too much outside – it seems to be in line with the legendary, Beastfolk Race has some kind of Return To Ancestry Transformation skill, after the transformation, their force will be greatly increased, and can be used to perform some unique Ethnic skill.

Sun Fei is surrounded by middle.

“Don’t be nervous, the Behemoth warriors, let go, Beast God told me that he is not malicious.”

Fox Nash is extremely calm, from start to finish.

His face has a faint smile, even Sun Fei has to admit that this guy is born with a Noble temperament, warm and jade, if the style, even in his own super-feminine Above Bast, one can’t help but create a kind of closeness and affinity.

The guy wore a white robe embroidered with a very simple star-moon pattern, slowly stood up, holding a crimson-colored cane, and sold very well, perhaps young time, definitely a bustling young girl, Beast Race – even It is now the middle age of the beast, still very impressive, called the Beast Race.

Hearing him, the other Beastfolk Race warriors stepped back, and the handsome Wolf Clan warrior said carelessly: “Nash sacrifice, please be careful, this guy is very strong.”

“No problem.” Nash has always been calm.

He slowly approached Sun Fei, which contained the wisdom and vicissitudes of his eyes, revealing a trace of doubt: “I am sorry, Warrior, I let O’Neill bring you here, if offended, Foxx Beastfolk High Priest Nash apologizes to you.”

Said, he was slightly embarrassed.

Then continue to say: “I am confused, because I am on your body, I feel a very close aura, you seem to be a member of Behemoth Beast Race, but why, I have never seen you in Vangeel City?”

A lightning, flashing from Sun Fei’s heart.

I am in [Druid mode] at this time, born with the ability to be close to the beast, and the embody is a werewolf. On the surface, it is generally the same as Beastfolk. Could it be that this group of unknown Beastfolk actually took himself Made a similar?

Sun Fei didn’t speak, but raised his hand slightly.

This action, the other Beastfolk Race Expert, which was carefully watched around, suddenly became nervous and made a low-pitched Roar.

Obviously, the previous battle with Sun Fei made the group of people with violent factors in their minds impressed, subconsciously determined that Sun Fei is a dangerous person, and secondly, it means that this handsome and even Beast God will The High Priest Nash of the Foxx family of jealousy, whose identity is unusual, they focus on protecting objects.

Fortunately, the scene that worried them did not appear.

Sun Fei did not have an upset.

A group of white light flew out of Sun Fei’s hands and turned into four. The instant turned into a four-headed, three-meter-long white Dire Wolf, and the relatives around Sun Fei’s at one’s side, Dire Wolf. Like a guard, they are surrounded by a circle, with a low-pitched throat and a vigilant look at the surrounding Beastfolk Race Expert.

Beastfolk Expert – including High Priest Nash, Simultaneously gave an exclamation.

“Combat Beast Summon?” Foxx Priest shot a surprise in the eyes.

“I didn’t guess wrong, Haha, you really are the descendants of Beastfolk Race. Only the beloved Beast God knows Combat Beast Summon, you are Behemoth Beast Race? Look at your shape, it should be Wolfe Wolf Clan? You end up How could it appear in this forest?”


Today is more.

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