Hail the King

Chapter 1040

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 992, who is monitoring? Floating astronomy

Update time :2012-11-23

Not only the swamp-like sludge can swallow you at any time, but also the pythons, poisonous insects and all kinds of magic beasts hidden in the mud, and you can even devour a hair that you devour in an instant.

Sun Fei had seen with his own eyes that a ten-meter-high python, Leap, accidentally fell from the end of the mud in the mud, and in a moment, the seemingly calm and beautiful ground suddenly appeared like water. Breaking open, countless Dread Beast with sharp teeth drilled out of the mud and instantly pulled the smashing shovel deep into the depths of the earth. The sorrowful mourning rang through Heaven and Earth for a long time.

Little Raccoon was almost scared by the terrifying scene.

Sun Fei uses [Druid mode]’s skill, Summon has a dozen black Giant Winged Raven, warning in the air, and himself is emerald for the werewolf, stepping on the bare roots and branches, speed and agility Innumerable times, in this dark forest, walk through quickly.

This speed of advance is not much slower than flying in the sky.

The werewolves are among the forests, like the water of the fish, flying between the branches, leaving only an almost invisible phantom, and advancing quickly.

Nearly 200,000 kilometers into the endless forest, Sun Fei himself can gradually feel it. There is a thrilling aura in the forest. The air is extremely depressed, and there is a illusion of breathlessness. As if there is any terrible existence at any time, it will come to his own one’s side, so that Soul can not help but shudder.

“It is this force that makes the magic beasts in the forest violent and violent, want to escape… But this force, what is the attribute, why have I never seen it before? Where is it from? What?”

Sun Fei was puzzled and slightly relieved.

This kind of force is very different from undead death qi.

That is to say, the abnormality caused by this abnormality is not undead, and there is no fear that the endless forest will break out of Undead Surging Tide. Otherwise, this piece of virgin forest is really infested by undead force, which is definitely the whole Azeroth Continent Doomsday in the middle race – the magic beast in the forest turns into a mutant beast, and its terrifying amount is enough to sweep the world.

After two thousand kilometers, it is already midnight.

This feeling of panic is even more obvious.

“Well? Who is it?”

The “Werewolf” Sun Fei in the gallop, suddenly clawed to the tree hole of a giant tree on the right side.

Bang -!

The ten giant trees, which were held together by the thick man, were directly shot into two pieces by his claws, and they fell down.

Just now, Sun Fei suddenly had a feeling of being watched. In the tree hole of this giant tree, there seemed to be a pair of cold eyes, secretly observing and monitoring himself.

But this claw was shot in the past, but no one was found hiding in the tree hole.

It was a magic beast that was hidden in the hole of the tree and resembled a giant platypus. It was made into a meat sauce by one of his claws.

“could it be that it? Impossible! Just that feeling, clearly stared at by a Martial Arts expert, I can’t make a mistake.”

Sun Fei slightly frowns, [Druid mode] is originally King in the forest, feeling very sensitive, not to mention Hell Difficulty 100 class, and wearing the advanced Druid green Set Sun Fei?

A closer look at the body of the magic beast that has been tragic, without any abnormalities, has made Sun Fei in heart more confusing.

A strength is nothing more than the King Grade Magic beast of the Moon Level Low Step level. It is impossible to give yourself the feeling of monitoring threats.

After a pause, Sun Fei continued to move forward.

After about ten minutes, the feeling of being stared at again appeared again.

This time, Sun Fei caught a smashing, owl-like bird, but the strength is not high, but the feeling brought to Sun Fei is exactly the same as the previous one, as if it was under the supervision of a peer of the same level. .

“what is the problem?”

Sun Fei left his mind, and during the process of progress, slowed down, and the Refined Spiritual Power facing spread out in all directions, alerting everyone around.

Sure enough, after less than half an hour, this feeling reappeared.

“Here!” Sun Fei This time, make a move is very clever, force does not send, volley a photo, a black shadow was taken over quickly, but when you look carefully, it is a head Crown’s Iron-winged Eagle 闅?

Not waiting for Sun Fei to observe it carefully, the head of this crazy-stricken Iron-winged Eagle suddenly slammed and burst open, and suddenly died.

鈥淚t turned out to be the case.鈥?Sun Fei threw the body of the Iron-winged Eagle and threw it aside.

At the moment just now, His Majesty the King captured that there was a very strange and secret force that burst into the head of the eagle’s head and blew its brain鈥攖hat is, the pitiful Iron-winged Eagle. Oh, it鈥檚 just that it鈥檚 been used by people with this kind of force. It鈥檚 a means of relying on the corpse.

“Golden tactics, with the help of animal vision, can transfer everything that animals see to their minds. This casts is definitely a terrible Expert. This method has been basically lost on Azeroth Continent. Only the ancient Gods and Demons Era can be found. Who is it, using this method to secretly monitor me?”

Sun Fei found a hint of clues.

The kind of energy that just bursted Flawed was extremely singular and strange.

With the extensive roots of Sun Fei Martial Arts, I have never seen it before, and it makes him feel wrong.

“It seems that only by continuing to deepen can the puzzle be uncovered.”

With a little thought, Sun Fei in heart made a decision, speeding up the pace of advancement and continuing to rise into Linhai.



A square of 100 meters, for a strange force envelop.

Under a wooden column depicting a strange rune pattern, someone was shocked and opened his eyes involuntarily. Immediately, a smile and surprise appeared in the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself: “Interesting little guy, did not expect, in In this Blood forest, there is also such a existence, could it be that is the descendant of the past?”

A few figures around, I saw that this person woke up, all around, some people tasted: “Adult, what did you find?”

“It is indeed very interesting to discover. For us, it may be more important. O’Neill, Duncan, Pippen, Brown, Mutenmubo, you five, to catch a person back, remember, you must catch alive, don’t hurt him, he The location, in……”

A voice of deliberation in a strange language.

After a while.

“Yes, adults.”

A few huge figures, slammed up, facing away in the distance.


Second more

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