Hail the King

Chapter 1034

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 986, it is better for me to worship you as a teacher, floating astronomy

Update time :2012-11-21

It turns out that Palacio is also a Demi God Level expert!

His blue-light Domain has reached the point where it is sent and received by the heart. It only covers the thin layer of the body layer. It can eliminate the force of Collina’s Holy Energy Domain. At his speed, the silhouette is changed. At random, the deliberate revealing flaws led Collina to be fooled, thinking that he won, relaxed his vigilance, and succeeded in the raid.

A series of psychological warfare, the use of it is really pure.

It is worthy of being a young Supreme who has come out from the bottom of the war and has experienced a lot of hard work and rich combat experience.

“It turned out to be… Haha… Haha, I died in a half-God’s hand, I was dead, and I had no regrets… Gods Above, I can finally return to Stars!”

After the Ruling Temple Sixth Ruling God Envoy finished, the body blade qi broke out.

The whole person slammed, bursting Flawed, and died.



Sun Fei and Cassano have a punch, the air, the energy is bursting.

“Wow, wow, it’s amazing, your force is really amazing.” Cassano wowed, a right arm was shocked. In force, he was obviously not an atomic copy of Sun Fei. High and low.

However, the strength of the whole body of [Strange Fellow] is all reflected in the dexterity.

Only after the Half Step, the voice did not fall, the figure appeared incredibly in front of Sun Fei, screaming like a sword, suddenly Sword Qi whistling, golden-colored cold light suddenly disappeared, electro-optic flashing, attacking Sun Fei entire body is hundreds of ups and downs, sharp and sharp.

“it is good!”

Sun Fei sighed.

In the rumor, [Strange Fellow] Cassano is the unparalleled leader of the world, and although it looks like a strange uncle, but the Martial Arts talent is the most chic and elegant Aura. A Young Supreme.

Seeing it today, it really deserves its name.

It鈥檚 just that this light fluttering refers to One Sword, Sword Qi is long, like a beautiful and confusing lotus flower, illusory, real and illusory, amazing.

Sun Fei broke through the force and clenched the Fist Seal, and the power of the majestic bursts suddenly, and immediately destroyed the endless Sword Qi.

Cassano laughed, the figure re-entered, and for ten fingers, Ding Ding was all in the same position as Sun Fei’s fist.

Sun Fei laughed too, and Sword Qi, who was incomparably sharp on the right fist, invaded. It was the ten fingers Sword Qi that merged into one, breaking Sun Fei’s body brute force and skin, and invading the battle qi channel. But that’s all, Sun Fei slightly burst the amount of Force, and instantly shattered this Sword Qi.


The two fists intersected, and the figure was trembled at the same time. In the laughed heartily, they each withdrew four or five meters.

The so-called expert a make a move, you know if there is.

Although the two men are only a short hand to hand combat four or five strokes, they have already figured out the strength of each other – definitely a rare enemy in their lives.

Not far away, Pato and Milito can’t help but change color.

As companions, they naturally understand the horror of Cassano.

The terrible thing about the sword is that the gorgeous vain hides the deadly murder. Once it is wrapped up by him, it is like a sea of 鈥嬧€媤aves. A wave of waves will only become more and more terrible. Any one of the opponent will fall into the trap of this warm boiled frog.

In this way of fighting, Cassano didn’t know how much strength he had beaten even higher than his opponent.

However, [Northern Region Human Emperor] is between the talk and laughter, disintegrating the finger murder, and the force is very powerful, this means, or their first sight.

“Haha, you are amazing, and as much as in the legendary, there is a lot of power,” Cassano’s interest in Sun Fei was even stronger. The eyes turned a few times and seemed to think of something. Suddenly said: “Hey. How did you get it out? Is it good to teach me?”

Sun Fei: “…”

Cassano obviously wants to swear: “could it be that this cultivation method is not secret? That’s it, it’s better to worship you as a teacher, you teach me good?”

Said, the young Supreme of the easy to move unhindered Northern Region, actually pushed the golden mountain to pour the jade column, knees down to the front of Sun Fei, and began to act as a teacher: “Alexander division Respect, please accept the disciple Antonio Cassano three…”

your sister!

Sun Fei quickly stunned and escaped.

Which is this Fuck? This is going to kneel down and apprentice? What about your sister’s Young Supreme? Cassano, what about your exercise? Did the grass mud horse eat it?

I heard that Cassano was a famous act of unspeakable generation. Sun Fei also smiled and didn’t think too much. Who knows that tmd is really exaggerated? Hand to hand combat Three tricks, you will be awkward, Cassano, you too lack the master?

“Hey? I am sincere, Alexander, why don’t you pass me a strong method?” Cassano’s expression is extremely serious, and people can’t see that he is playing.

Sun Fei continued to make this guy pass on, and turned to look at Pato and Milito. I hope that the two will quickly come out to stop the companion’s troubles.

Who knows Pato walks around with his head turned: “I am going to rush to Ayer.”

Silent Milito saw Sun Fei’s gaze, suddenly jumped in heart, and fled without thinking about it: “I’ll see, Rodriguez, this guy, why haven’t ended the battle…”

Sun Fei: “………”

It seems that the companions are afraid of ‘torture’ by Cassano, a guy who lacks a string in his brain.

As soon as Sun Fei raised his hand, an invisible force emerged, and the stalking Cassano was hardened.

“Oh, let’s say, you agree to accept me as a disciple?” Cassano trembled with a dead skin.

Sun Fei touched his head and resisted without hitting the urchin. He thought about it with a smile and said: “I don’t dare to accept you as a disciple. So, are you not lower than me?” Well, I have a set of methods to increase my strength here. Just be… When it鈥檚 time to give you a gift, let鈥檚 make a friend.鈥?/p>

To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, Sun Fei still likes this urchin.

Without any doubt, Sun Fei can feel that the guy with a slap in front of him has no bad eyes on himself. Others say [Strange Fellow] temper is arrogant. In Sun Fei’s opinion, you should use ‘children’s heart.’ To describe it more appropriately.

In this world, there is a kind of person, no matter how old his age is, but the growth rate of psychological age is very slow, just like the old urchin Zhou Botong in a certain martial arts masterpiece, it is a urchin mentality to death. .

This kind of person often doesn’t have too many bad eyes – even if there is, it is just a harmless prank.

Sun Fei said that the method of cultivation force he mentioned is a refining method of the ancient Gods and Demons Era God Clan recorded in the book of [Demon King’s Sharp Sword].


Second more.

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