Hail the King

Chapter 1020

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not ring for three years, the blockbuster 972, the final Clearance portal, the astronomical

In the Western Region, Elf Race showed a strong force, and also reached an agreement with Madrid and Barcelona’s two Level Nine Empire and other mankind Empire alliances, and got the westernmost large snow and ice virgin forest in the Western Region.

The temporary peace between the Eastern Region and the Western Region Human Race and the aliens seems to give some useful revelations to the mankind Empire in the Southern Region.

Finally, in the early part of Third’s month after the Sicily Island War, the Bayern Munich Empire and other Empire leagues joined forces with the Goblin family to reach a temporary agreement, and the brutal and horrible Goblins also got the fat they had occupied. The land inhabited, so that the rumbling airship and the ghostly wolf Goblin Knight will no longer appear in the territorial airspace of the mankind Empire.

As the aliens came to the continent in a lightning-fast manner, the war between the mankind Empire almost died, and after a temporary peace agreement with the aliens, the only continuation of the entire continent was over. The place is actually the sacred place that countless people think is the least likely to be affected by the war–Sicily Island where the Holy Church Center Sacred Mountain is located.

Full mankind is watching this tragic war


“What? Call Black Clothed Temple to participate?”

Among the God King Halls in Chambord City, Sun Fei looked at the golden Northern parish Supreme Pontiff’s edict, grinning, and secretly said: “m.gbd, the benefits are not our part, and have been squeezed And suppressing, now that I am in trouble, I want to find Laozi to be Cannon Fodder, where there is such a good thing.”

His Majesty the King looked at Batistuta and the others, who waited quietly for this decision by Pope. He tentatively asked: “Gabriel, what do you think? You think it is necessary for the temple to send an expert to Sicily Island to participate. Against the Grand Dragon?”

If the monks enter the violent frenzy condition at this time, and have to carry forward international humanitarianism to Sicily Island rescue, then Sun Fei is really hard to stop, but there is certainty that Chambord City will definitely not intervene in this boring war. of

“The force is really limited. Even if is gone. Perhaps doesn’t have much impact on the battle. But if you don’t go, if we don’t have a good reason, it will become the target of public criticism. From then on, the perhaps will be affixed. The traitor’s label is drawn into the same evil forces as undead.”

Batistuta is worried and authentic

In fact, he is not willing to participate in this so-called, and Holy Church has always been in the hands of the top management, was squeezed and suppressed, do not know the many years, mud bodhisattva also a bit of soil, let alone people?

Moreover, after Chambord King became Pope, this pulse saw the hope of the rise. Over the past year, the time has developed rapidly, and the strength has increased a lot. It’s hard to get a little bit of it. When I went, it was also Cannon Fodder. I don’t want to lose so easily.

“That’s it, then don’t go. As for the reason, let’s say that we must fully encircle the undead Zombie in the Anzi Empire. For this reason, we can always rely on it.” Sun Fei saw the true thoughts of Batistuta at a glance and expressed appreciation for the old fox. Proposed a reason for anyone to refute

“Haha, that’s good, just do it”

Batistuta is overjoyed, how do you forget this trick?

After the Ande Empire broke out of Undead Surging Tide, the Holy Church official did not give a clear attitude, nor sent the God Knight Corps to encircle it. It was incomprehensible and seemed to be planning something, but now the Grand Dragon family’s raid, hit Chaos the attitude of Holy Church, undead is also the enemy of Holy Church, for this reason, it is suitable

The two laughed very insidiously

Sent away from Batistuta, Sun Fei entered the World of Diablo

The most anticipated day for His Majesty the King is coming – only the last Hell Difficulty off the bossBaal, the last of the World of Diablo’s Profession Amazon Warrior can reach the Hell Difficulty 100 level, achieving the Clearance of the Seven Main Profession , the Clearance reward that Sun Fei is looking forward to, and the vast veil of mysterious


After three hours

In the end, bossBaal fell heavily in the sound of Wrath and the unwilling Roar, ending his historical mission.

Whole body Amazon Warrior Sun Fei, laughed heartily, put away the set equipment that broke out on the ground, and even did not have time to look at it, nor did it care about the golden-colored leveling beam that fell down in the sky, but quietly Waiting for the appearance of the mysterious icy voice, announce the rewards after the seven Main Profession Clearance

At this moment, Sun Fei in heart can’t help but burst into trouble. It seems that there are any puzzles to uncover.

The next moment, a purple portal, quietly unfolded in front of Sun Fei

Sun Fei 愣 愣

Different from what I imagined before.

Whether it is the memory of the computer game of its previous life, or the previous six Main Profession did not have such a portal when completing the final Clearance… could it be that This is the Clearance reward of the Seven Main Profession? Where is the door to time and space that is different in color from any portal that I have seen before? What kind of world is connected?

Standing on the outside of the purple door that is shining with icy brilliance, Sun Fei’s heart beats unstoppably.

Shouldn’t you go in?

“What is going on here? Tell me, where does it go? Should I go in?” Sun Fei was in his head, asking aloud, trying to get an answer from the mysterious icy voice, but unfortunately, this voice did not As if

This is First time, Sun Fei can’t get the answer she wants from the mysterious icy sound.

Sun Fei faces an extremely important choice

This is also the first time, facing a portal that looks like a common habit, he will feel so nervous

Where does it lead?

Where is it going?

Will take Sun Fei back to the world in the memory of previous life, and then tell Sun Fei that everything is a dream?

Or will Sun Fei enter the God Domain in the legendary, let Sun Fei see the so-called God?

Or… take Sun Fei into a cruel and evil world and start a round of killing monster leveling?

Everything comes from the unknown Terror

Sun Fei stood in front of the purple portal for a long time, and then slowly and step by step, about 20 meters away, he walked for more than ten minutes before he came to the purple portal and reached out. Touch, no sense, the cold purple flame is silent, like the open mouth of a large creature waiting to devour food… Sun Fei paused, and finally walked in


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