Hail the King

Chapter 1010

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 962, hard work, floating astronomy

Update time :2012-11-13

“this is?”

[Sky City] In God King Hall, watching the fascinating Potion crystal of the size of the pigeon egg in the Sun Fei’s palm, which is shimmering with a strange red flame, feels the faint energy flowing inside, Brook in heart is slightly surprised. , seems to realize what.

“Haha, of course, is a good thing, it is for you.” Sun Fei switch to [Paladin mode], open [Great Prophecy Domain], will Brook envelop which, said: “swallow it, you will know the effect soon. It is.”

For His Majesty the King, Brook naturally didn’t have any doubts. He took the Potion crystal and swallowed the seemingly less delicious Potion crystal.

The red crystal of the size of the pigeon egg, the entrance is instant, more miraculous than Brook imagined, a hot warm flow along the scorpion into the body, and then it seems to be a rushing river, facing the body’s internal organs, limbs As the scorpion spreads, the burning heat becomes sharper.

A bright red awning blooms through Brook’s muscles.

Brook’s face quickly showed a painful look, and the burning heat became hot, burning every inch of his body, as if every part of the body was burning.

“Let’s be happy, run battle qi, follow the original battle qi streaming, don’t resist.” Sun Fei’s look is also dignified: “may be a little pain, hold on.”

Is it a bit painful?

Although Brook has had few assaults and injuries in the past two years, it is still the body of the iron, the will is like steel, and the early [Hulk Potion] transformation, the body is extremely tough, but at this time, a face because The pain was almost deformed, and the sweat of the bean slid down from the skin of the bare out of the clothes, biting the teeth tightly, and the throat could not help but make a whisper of a beast like a wounded beast.

Sun Fei opens the domain of [Paladin mode].

Constantly running the power of the Domain, the rich, golden-colored Holy Energy, constantly flowing into Brook’s body, helps him suppress the force in his body, barely maintain his body, at that Potion Under the impact of the horrible potency of crystallization, it will not collapse, trying to alleviate the pain of Brook.

Paladin’s Light Holy Energy is best at healing, and Sun Fei is now Demi God Level Expert, still unable to completely suppress the boiling power of Brook, showing the terrible degree of red Potion crystal.

Only with such a potent force, Sun Fei did not want to make this Potion, exhausted his mind, and realized the two days of Demon King’s book, and it took almost time to go to Gods and Demons Palace core Tiny World. It took a lot of effort to get the little one in the line.

“Ah Ah Ah Ah…” Brook finally couldn’t help but smash it out.

When his mouth opened, there was a hot red aura squirting out like a flame in the air.

At the end of the day, the whole person was completely covered by the envelop of the dazzling light of red.

It is faint to see that the skin on the surface of his body is like a cracked Earth. Flawed a red fine line of spider webs, as if he could break Flawed at any time.

Sun Fei did not dare to have the slightest scorn, running the [Paladin mode] Domain, suppressing the potency of Brook, balancing the conflict between battle qi and medicine.

This process actually lasted for an afternoon.

Five hours later, the red mansions on Brook finally faded away. The burning aura on his body, like the Great Whale swallowing water, was absorbed into the body. At first glance, the whole portrait was just from peat coal ash. Climb out in general, the body is smeared with a black shell, like a honorable black pottery.

“Kacha -!”

A crisp sound, the black shell on the surface of Brook’s body suddenly broke a tiny crack.

The crack appeared like a domino, and a series of Kacha Kacha’s voices came out. The black shell fell like a broken eggshell, and it leaked out the true face of Brook.

At the end of the day, all the black shells on his body fell and piled around the body, and an unprecedented life aura slowly spread around Brook’s body.

“Haha, That’ll do!” Sun Fei’s slightly nervous face finally showed a relieved smile.

At the same time, Brook apparently knew what had happened to white-haired, incredibly feeling the changes in his body, and his expression was excited. After a long while, he excitedly got up and fell to the ground: “Thank you Your Majesty .”

After digesting the red Potion crystal, Brook felt that his life force was dozens of times larger than before, and his energy was unprecedented. The battle qi in the battle qi channel condensed into a liquid, like a river. Flowing, full of force, as if you are a glimpse, you can smash Earth, reach out and punch, you can tear the sky.

His strength has suddenly climbed from the Six Star Level to the incredible Half Moon Level Low Step.

Sun Fei laughed heartily.

“Get up, more than two years ago, you have devoted countless efforts and energy to Kingdom, and have lost your Martial Arts, thinking about your strength and talent, still on Drogba and Pierce, now They have long been one of the masters of Twelve Golden Saint Peak, and your strength has been stagnant. Although you have no complaints, this King can’t let his most trusted assistant endure grievances. Potion, this King spent more than a month, spending countless materials and refining it for you. This King has experimented many times before you take it. Although the drug is fierce, it will never overdraw. Now, your strength has jumped thousands of miles, and there will still be a great improvement in Space in the future. It will be a compensation for your two years of time for Chambord City without regrets.”

Sun Fei said here, reaching out to raise Brook, patted him on the shoulder, and looked serious: “It’s hard.”

Brook in heart was very touched.

This man, who is not even discolored when the sword is added, can’t help but tears.

Brook knows that the ‘multiple experiments’ mentioned in His Majesty the King’s mouth must be experimenting on himself – in fact, His Majesty the King makes all kinds of Potion, creating all kinds of battle qi secrets, basically all of them. After personal experimentation, the subordinates will be used. This matter has almost become the secret of the upper level of Chambord City, and it has become one of the reasons why countless people are willing to die for His Majesty the King.


First more.

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