Hail the King

Chapter 1007

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume is not ringing for three years, the blockbuster 959, going to the Western Region, floating astronomy

Original one hour later

Sun Fei came out from the Dual Flag City water well area, at one’s side followed Akinfeev and the two delicate little Half-Elf maids. However, everything was in accordance with the previous negotiations, so the three did not return with Sun Fei. The hotel in the city, but the goodbye, turned into three streaming light, disappeared into the night

Sun Fei paused, the purpose of this trip has been reached, in heart is a lot easier, go straight back to the hotel

The night is thick, the two princess have fallen asleep, and wandered around the city for a day during the day. Elena’s strength does not feel anything. Angela is weak and has long been exhausted. Sun Fei will come to time and sleep sweetly.

Looking at the sweet smile on the faces of the two beautiful women who are sleeping, Sun Fei’s heart also wants to melt the general

Gently kissing the lover’s cheek, Sun Fei sat on the bed and looked at the face of the two wives. The corner of the mouth unknowingly drawn the extreme gentle curve, remembering the three people acquainted with each other, on weekdays. The killing and decisive King disappeared, the figure sitting on the edge of the bed, and the Ordinary Little Man who loved his wife.

Sitting quietly for a while, Sun Fei began to enter World of Diablo and continued leveling

Today, Sun Fei has completed the Clearance of , , , and mode. The rest is in progress and the strength is extremely high. It seems that Sun Fei is not so important, so it is still behind. Stay at the Ordinary Difficulty 14 level

These days, with the rumors of the news of the aliens in the continent fields, and the various visions of Holy Church, the sense of crisis of Sun Fei in heart has become more and more fierce, so he must complete the Clearance of Seven Main Profession, hope Can get some useful rewards and continue to improve


Among the sky

The flame of the green green wrapped Akinfeev and two beautiful and beautiful Half-Elf maids, all facing the continent

Akinfeev has a set of golden Armor. From time to time, his appearance appears or disappears. His face has a very pleasant look. Every time the golden Armor flashes once, the sky will produce a kind of glow. Armor’s Stars power is so horrible that it is extremely scary. Although it is not so majestic, it is an extremely advanced force attribute.

It is a set of Saint Armor of Golden Saint Seiya

It seems that he and Sun Fei have already made certain agreements.

“Master, have you really decided to play for Chambord King?”

Green long hair’s Half-Elf maid wondered: “Master you now incorporate Golden Elf King’s bloodline, which awakens the magical power and force of the ancient Elf God. Over time, on the continent, it is hard to have an opponent, even if is true. Finding Elf Race, it will also be a unique king, you can sit on the great strength and compete in the world.”

Akinfeev shook his head: “And, to argue, this world, maybe someone can compete with Chambord King, but definitely not me now, the disorderly dance, Gods and Demons are present, Azeroth Continent has It is not the continent that has been dominated by Human Race for thousands of years. With the Heaven and Earth rule, the layout of the ancient Gods and Demons Era has already begun to work. Only those who have the opportunity and the opportunity to compete for it. The unique God Throne, this killing, being Destined is too fierce, I can’t bear it, what about Golden Elf King bloodline? If it’s really fearless, then why on the Ancient Era, Elf Race has six Golden Elf King Falling in the battle of God?”

Another Half-Elf maid seemed to understand and nodded. “The host said it was good. I also think that Chambord King is terrible. It seems that there is nothing that he can’t do. For people like him. It is not an unacceptable thing to be effective. What’s more, he also has grace with us. If it is not him, the master may…”

“Well, maybe I have been killed by the conflict between Heaven and Earth’s law and the power of bloodline, where is the achievement of today.” Akinfeev smiled and said: “And you two, if not Alexander Your Majesty, your strength is How could this be promoted to the Nine Star Level, you two, still learn to get rid of the arrogance of those Elf Race, see Your Majesty later, respectfully, King Alexander is now your master too.”

“Understood, master” two maids nodded and promised

“I hope this goes, the plan is going well, you can find them and save a war.” Akinfeev looked at the far west, and there was a trace of worry on his face.


First day of the morning

Sun Fei three people originally wanted to leave Lowland City in a low profile

Who knows that Ribéry and the others have been operating in Dual Flag City for such a long time, and their eyeliner is not weak. In the end, they discovered the arrival of Sun Fei three people. They didn’t dare to disturb at night. On the morning of Second, they led the city’s big and small. Officials and Noble, respectfully waiting at the door of the hotel

Hotel owners and guests have been shocked by such a squad

Ribéry and the others have a high prestige in the city, from Noble to the merchants, down to the pawn, almost everyone knows the fair and kind City Lord, who is it, can really alarm so many big people, let City Lord adults personally greet people? Could it be that is…

Waiting for their understood answer, suddenly the entire Dual Flag City was sensational.

Almost everyone is facing the hotel

After this incident, the hotel was famous for it, and countless people wanted to stay in the room where Chambord King Your Majesty once lived, which is proud of it.

Sun Fei didn’t expect to make such a big noise.

However, it is not polite to sneak away now, so I have to go to the City Lord with the intention of Ribéry and the others, and stay in the Dual Flag City for a day and participate in activities such as banquets.

Of course, in private, Martial Arts, who has pointed out a military officer such as Ribéry, has been a Five Star Level warrior, and he has been a junior military officer and a talent, and he has been working hard for more than a year. Flag City already has three Moon Level experts and six experts above Seven Star Level, which is considered to be a strong military force.

The Dual Flag City is seen by Suny Empire as the Sun Force’s shackle force. In fact, it is true. The stronger the Ribéry and the others, Sun Fei is also happy to see it.

One day later, the three left Dual Flag City and returned to Chambord.

The changes in Chambord City have been huge this year.

The immigration plan that was formulated half a year ago is close to completion. Chambord City is an elite force and population. Ninety-nine percent of it has migrated into it. The original Chambord City has been transformed into a terrible military fortress. The trading city outside the city has already passed the 100,000 population and is being expanded. The prairie on the south bank of the Zuli River has been replaced by buildings and tents.

First is pending

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