Hail the King

Chapter 1003

The latest chapter of Hail The King, the 3 volume does not sound for three years, the blockbuster 955, go find a person, float astronomy

Numerous intelligence agencies on the continent are running wildly, trying to dig out the shady scenes behind them, but there are rumors that have been confirmed, but there is almost no evidence. The only reason that can be recognized by most people is that

After the millennium’s operation, the ambition of this religious power finally expanded to the point where it must be vented. The hypocritical Priests are no longer just satisfied with the teachings that are above the secular, but are interested in the red dust of this drunken fan. They want to build a Church world with only teaching rights and no Emperor Fist. –<>-.

Therefore, the Central Region, the most intense struggle between the right to teach and the imperial power, became Burat’s experimental field.

At the same time, other bad news came from all major domains.

A year ago, the once-popular Sea Race Evil God Kruievette finally reappeared on the continent. This terrible alien Demon God seems to have some resentment. It destroyed a Level One Empire in the Southern Region and swallowed thousands of creatures. Eventually angered a Young Supreme in the Southern Region, the bones were fired together and disappeared again.

However, as it emerged, the Sea Race, which has disappeared for thousands of years, finally came to the world in a powerful way. They appeared like a bee colony and marching ants in a sea area called the Aegean Sea in the Southern Region, killing the past. The mankind warship merchant ship even once landed on the land, killing hundreds of giant cities around the Aegean Sea, killing numerous Human Races, and finally igniting the anger of Human Race Expert and Empire, between the two different races. The war has already begun.

To make matters worse, some other rare races that have disappeared have begun to appear on this continent.

Some people claim to see Elf Race Expert in the forest, and others claim that in some underground free markets, they saw some Dwarf Race Expert in the acquisition of iron ore, which seems to be building ordnance, and even more outrageous, also people Claiming to be above the blurred sea on the edge of the Eastern Region, I saw the scene of the Grand Dragon flying in the legendary!

There are all sorts of rumors, except that no one has seen the Beastfolk family.

The drastic changes on continent have attracted people’s hearts.

Ning is a peace dog, not a world upheaval person. This is the most true portrayal of all Ordinary Civilian moods at this time. The world upheaval may be a hero, maybe there will be big opportunities, but for the Ordinary people, what they are most looking forward to is peace. Living environment.

In comparison, the Northern Region, which has the weakest strength distribution, is still calm.

Since Great Emperor Yashin was promoted to Demi God Expert, the Northern Region has almost never set off a war between Empires. Lyon Empire and Zenit Empire have reasonably maintained a relative peace – of course, other little Empires are also under Undead Surging Tide. The Anzi Empire is definitely an exception. As long as you talk about this terrible place, everyone will look like a snake.

And the same name as Anzi Empire is [Northern Region Human Emperor] Alexander, this can suppress the undead force’s strongest Supreme, because it defeated Dortmund’s Young Supreme Royce and became famous, became the Northern Region and Great Emperor Yashin Runinio Great Emperor These giants stand up to the absolute Expert, the existence of thousands of souls.




A variety of news, constantly passed to Sun Fei, is also constantly passed to Chambord City.

Since this time, the Chambord think tanks, headed by Prime Minister Bast and Brook, have worked hard day and night to make various assumptions and countermeasures based on the various information of [Letter Petitioning Office]. In the vastness of the vast sea of ​​information, grasping the brightest point that can best explain the truth of the matter and predict the future situation, the feasibility of providing various actions and measures for His Majesty the King, Analyze, for the national security of Chambord City Brain juice.

Even the Ordinary Chambord people felt the envelop war haze over the head.

While they are worried, they feel extremely lucky. If it is not Chambord City, there is a talented His Majesty the King like Alexander. With the strength of former Chambord City, perhaps is already in this world upheaval. Fallen, their Fate is definitely no better than those who destroyed their homes in the war, their wives and children, and their families who have died and have to survive in exile.

A truly powerful and upright King, in this world upheaval, the guardianship side is not suffering from war.

What makes Sun Fei always confused and disturbed is that Church suddenly burst out of such a large energy, but he has been paying little attention to the Undead Surging Tide in Anzi Empire. He is known as the ‘Priest who can’t live under the same sky with evil’. The indifference shown in this matter has always been puzzling, although this inaction against the sacred doctrine has aroused the dissatisfaction of many fanatics, but Sicily Island Sacred Mountain never responded positively and remained surprised. Silence.

Sun Fei couldn’t be sure what Church was trying to figure out.

Although he is now a Pope of Black Clothed Temple, he is also a part of Holy Church, but little is known about what happened on Sicily Island Sacred Mountain, and, frankly, Sun Fei does not feel that he It is really the same with this behemoth. From the process of dealing with the past, I can even count as the enemy of Holy Church.

“Coul it be that Burat and Platini, the two old foxes, are waiting for a chance, and will undead with themselves, all in one?”

Sun Fei in heart, always faint.

At the same time, the news of the contingent continually rumored by various localities has also attracted enough attention from Sun Fei.

Sea Race’s wake-up comeback is seen by His Majesty the King, and the presence of Elf Race is what Sun Fei expected, which is not enough for them, but the rumors of Dwarf Race, Goblin and Dragon Race The rumors spread, but Sun Fei was surprised – although very many people thought that these rumors were wrong, but there was no wind and no waves, Sun Fei was keen to capture some of the information.

In the ancient Gods and Demons Era, Human Race and the aliens are not good, even can be said to be hostile. Now, if these aliens really come back, what kind of attitude will they have on Human Race? Cooperation? war?

Think about it and think it’s big.

Today’s Azeroth Continent is like a horse cell with a stick. The interior has become a mess. No one knows when the horse cell will fall on the ground and all the forces will become incomparable. Arrogant.

Thinking about it, Sun Fei decided to find someone.

Maybe from him, you can get some related information.


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