
Chapter 449

hk438 Continue, explode!

Ps: The most recent chapter, feels awesome? Give it a force, please praise it~

Shi Lei pretending to be Uriel, at the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation OffiCIA l Website, left the news that shocked the whole world!

A Hacker actually controlled Li Jian Nation’s military base and launched a guide. Not only that, but also open and aboveboard to the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation OffiCIA l Website, wexeLi Jian Nation and fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

Although the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation responded very quickly and quickly deleted the wexe warning from the Official homepage, it was still taken screenshots and circulated on the Internet.

Li Jian Nation is a big chat forum, and they are paying attention to this matter. The world-famous World First is actually teased by a Hacker in the district, which sounds like a fantasy yyng. [

But it is true that Li Jian Nation’s Futenma Base was attacked by Hacker and launched three guides, with very serious consequences.

“sr, Supercomputer Thunder is at the critical point of computing performance, fbFederal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Defense, is about to fight Supercomputer Thunder, is it implement Destruction Plan?”

Shi Lei is controlling Supercomputer Swallow and testing Wo Sang Nation’s Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Wo Sang Nation was attacked at Naha Base in Okinawa Prefecture. Although Uriel open to the public has indicated responsibility, Wo Sang Nation has launched investigate, and they still suspect that this is Li Jian Nation.

Although there are eight hundred killings, and one thousand losses of opinion, but who knows Li Jian Nation is there any post trick?

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency currently contacted the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation to ask about the Futunma Base and used the surveillance satellite directly under the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency to observe Okinawa Prefecture directly from space.

“Izual, start Final Plan, give up Supercomputer Thunder, Destroy Supercomputer Thunder!” Shi Lei sneered and said.

“sr, command current implement!” Izual’s faithful implementation of Shi Lei’s command.

Li Jian Nation fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, in the work hall of the Cybercrime Unit, Bruce Campbell, also known as Uriel, personally led the Cybercrime Unit’s Security SpeCIA list, attacked the Supercomputer Thunder.

Bruce has the strength of World Summit Grade, but within the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, Bruce did not show it.

‘Damn guy, who is it, actually framed me like this! ‘Bruce squats in the heart while tapping the keyboard.

On the Department of Defense, Tracking Specialist Layton Doyle found some new clues and he immediately reported to his superiors. Department of Defense’s Cyber ​​Security Department, person-in-charge is called Kaf Good, a middle-aged person who is close to 50.

“Kaf Section Head, we found the latest news.” Tracking Specialist Layton Doyle said.

“What’s the latest news?” Kaf Good put down the data in his hands and looked at Layton Doyle.

Layton hesitated, started talking: “We found the intruder. The interface to the Military Network was that the intruder passed the 3327interface and used the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation license to enter our Military Network. After the intruder entered the network, It took some time to find the location of Futenma Base in the Military Network.”

“Is the permission of the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation?” Kaf Good sighed. “Notify Simon Baker that he is inside the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation, investigate that there are suspects.”

“Understood, Kaf Section Head!” Layton Doyle immediately retired.

In a case of an attack, not only did the Wo Sang Nation Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency suspect that this was a conspiracy within Li Jian Nation; it also caused some gaps between the Li Jian Nation Department of Defense and the fbFederal Bureau of Investigation.

These are all factors that are good for Shi Lei!

Not only that, Shi Lei’s plan has not yet accomplish, he currently uses Supercomputer Swallow, sneakily’s invasion of Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

Shi Lei’s target is not the OffiCIA l Website of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, nor the Internal Network of the Intelligence Agency, but the Building Automation System. [

The Building Automation System has not yet emerged in Xia Nation, but in a high-rise Large-scale building abroad, the Building Automation System is essential.

Building Automation System is required for ventilation, cooling and heating, Power Supply, water supply, and even lighting energy saving systems for high-rise Large-scale buildings.

Shi Lei since then target, accurately as stated Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s Building Automation System!

Invading the Building Automation System is still a relatively new approach at Hacker World. But in later generations, this method has been very sparse.

Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency also did not pay attention to the protection of Building Automation System. Shi Lei used Supercomputer Swallow to enter the building automation system quite easily. Inside the Building Automation System, Shi Lei began to modify the settings.

In January, it was quite cold, and inside the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, the entire Large Building needed a heating system to provide winter heating.

After Shi Lei controlled the Building Automation System, he began to analyze the heating system.

The Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s heating system uses natural gas combustion instead of Ordinary’s radiator heating. Natural gas combustion heating, providing heating is more efficient.

Inside the Building Automation System, Shi Lei found a solution for the natural gas supply. After reading the meaning of the all kinds parameter, Shi Lei immediately controlled the heating system and increased the gas delivery capacity of the natural gas delivery system.

Since it is now midnight, most departments of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency are not working, only the Cyber ​​Security Department, and investigate about the Futenma Base being controlled by Hacker overnight.

As the gas output from the natural gas delivery system increases, the hot gas after the heating system burns into the pipeline and enters the Cyber ​​Security Department.

However, as Shi Lei continued to increase the volume of gas, the combustion chamber of the heating system finally could not withstand the pressure, and the outlet gas was directly broken by the powerful air pressure.

Natural gas leaks directly into the combustion chamber, is quickly ignited by the flames of the combustion chamber, and causes an explosion. The powerful explosion, the impact provided, triggered a chain reaction. It caused the nearby combustion chamber and exploded.

In less than a minute, the explosion of Crazy occurred in all the combustion chambers of the entire Ministry Ministry International Intelligence Agency.

The Security SpeCIA list in the Cyber ​​Security Department, although not immediately killed, but the entire building is burning Raging Flames, if there is no external rescue, they will definitely die!

And Shi Lei is preparing to borrow this thing and do some good work.

(To be continued. Cell phone user Please read.)

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