
Chapter 303

hk291 invades the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

The Cyber ​​Security Department of the Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency, originally sitting on the Diaoyutai, waiting for the Hacker struggle of Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation, involves the possible existence of Mr. M.

Unfortunately, the irregularities on the side of Haneda Airport made jfs unable to hold back.

Haneda Airport’s Cyber ​​Security defense is very powerful. After all, as an aviation hub, the whole airport of Wo Sang Nation, how can their Internal Management System defense not work?

But formerly, Shi Lei took control of Supercomputer Swallow. In the absence of anyone’s intervention, he took the Haneda Airport Management System and planted the System Back Door.

Therefore, Haneda Airport has no defense in front of Shi Lei! [

Shi Lei disrupted Haneda Airport and found that the Security SpeCIA list of jfs has arrived, and is currently in full inventory of the management system of Haneda Airport.

Jfs’ Security SpeCIA list is a bit weak in the offensive aspect, but they have considerable strength in the Security Field aspect.

Shi Lei knows that his System Back Door, which is inside Haneda Airport, will definitely be discovered by JFs Specialist. Therefore, Shi Lei did not continue Black Haneda Airport, but in the System Back Door, left an information, and then did not clear the record Log and intrusion traces in the System, and then rushed back.

After exiting the Haneda Airport Management System, Shi Lei left the temporary bot connected to the Haneda Airport Management System to clean up the all kinds of traces in the temporary bot, and Shi Lei left an information again.

After confirming the information in Zombie to clean up the accomplish, Shi Lei laughed and said in a slightly undetectable voice: “Old Ancestor said it well, you are here, I will run; you are gone, I am harassing! ”

Shi Lei doesn’t want to confront Jfs’ Security SpeCIA list for the time being. Now he hasn’t reached the goal. If it is entangled by JFs’ Security SpeCIA list, it will be very troublesome!

Jfs’ Security SpeCIA list, in the Haneda Airport Management System, found out behind the system left by Shi Lei.

When they resolved the System Back Door, the hidden information in the Discovery System Back Door.

‘Foreign Ministry International Intelligence Agency’s 婊sub-expert, the last time you jointly chased me, I was very pissed. The thing about Haneda Airport is just to give you a lesson! ‘——Chouren

The information left by Shi Lei was deliberately not signed, but left the misleading ‘enemy’ word. Not only that, Shi Lei knows that Raphael is a Li Jian Nation person, deliberately using the popular deaf language over there, and also using English.

It’s so painstaking to do just to get Raphael back.

Although Shi Lei wants to participate in the open and aboveboard battles, it does not mean that he has to squat, and everyone who knows the whole world knows that the person who invaded Haneda Airport is him.

Blame the Raphael, and harm it!

Looking at the information left by Shi Lei, jfs was responsible for inspecting the First Security Team of the Haneda Airport Management System, the Little Group led by Oda Shizuna, all angry.

In the Haneda Airport Management System, because Shi Lei did not clean up the traces, the First Security Team tracked the Zombie left by Shi Lei.

In the Zombie, the Second Item information is placed in a prominent position.

Oda Shizuna turned to the anger and opened up to see what the ‘Raphael’ had left.

‘sorry for the inconvenience, this is the Zombie Server I deliberately left, I just want to tell you. The thing at Haneda Airport is not the end, you are waiting for me! ‘——Chouren

Inside the First Security Team, a youngster looking like Twenty-seven eight, looking at Oda Shizuna: “Group Leader, Raphael is too arrogant, what do we do now? Don’t contact other Little Groups to hunt down Raphael? ”[

Oda Shizuna shook his head. “This person is not necessarily Raphael!”

At the other end of World, Raphael currently pays close attention to the network situation of Wo Sang Nation, and the distribution of Haneda Airport and Raphael are also of concern.

However, the Raphael did not invade, but was monitored at the periphery. Then measure the Hacker who might invade Haneda Airport, which one.

Haneda Airport was in a mess, and Raphael stared at the monitor data on the screen, in the heart.

‘This big handwriting, actually invaded into Haneda Airport, I am afraid you, Mr. M! ‘Raphael is like a heart, and determines Shi Lei’s action.

‘Mr. M, in order to thank you for giving me the gift, this time in Wo Sang Nation, I will make you look good! ‘Raphael in the heart sneer, start implementing your own plan.

On the other side of World, a black and black youngster, with his hands on the keyboard, staring at the network situation of Wo Sang Nation, muttered to himself: “Raphael, this battle, Mr. M will definitely come out ,how about you?”

This youngster, exactly pxjzz, another World Grade Hacker, suspected of having a hatred with Raphael, but suspected of being a bait, deliberately close to Shi Lei’s World Grade Hacker Expert.

After Shi Lei left Haneda Airport, he did not immediately take the shot, but observed the situation. In a short period of time, there is still no change in the overall situation.

Slightly different, precisely as stated Hokkaido Kelp, further suppressed by Dark Night Dynasty.

After the Dark Night Dynasty came out of the hidden state, the first time battle was very good. They showed their glory as Second Generation Hacker Organization to Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation’s Hacker World!

Shi Lei did not intervene in the overall situation, although his technique was strong enough. But to be honest, Country Grade’s Hacker War is a combination of overall strength.

Shi Lei took a look at the glasses on the bridge of the nose and found the next offensive target in Wo Sang Nation’s Search Engine.

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department !

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department defends the daily safety of the entire Tokyo Prefecture. In Tokyo Prefecture, it has 102 police departments and controls more than 43 Wan Wo Sang Police Force.

It is because of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department that the security situation in Tokyo Prefecture is very good.

Shi Lei, with all his Zombie, came to the Sumida District in Tokyo Prefecture.

The Sumida District police network, formerly attacked by Shi Lei and Raphael, and Shi Lei found the clue of the Robot plan, which intercepted the Robot plan.

Entering the Sumida District police network again, Shi Lei spies directly from the Sumida District police network to the police network of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The police network has a connection inside, and does not need to invade the means. Instead, it directly borrows the authority of the Sumida District police network and directly goes to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Shi Lei first looked at some of the cases handled by the Metropolitan Police Department in the data library of the police network of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Especially the case involving Xia Nation and Li Jian Nation.

Just looking at the First case, Shi Lei was so angry that he was angry. The first case was recorded by Wo Sang Nation, three men who, after drunkenness, infringed a Xia Nation to remain student. [

In such a serious case, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department did not pay attention to it, but closed the case and did not even pay compensation.

Shi Lei resisted the anger and copied the data back to Number One Server. For this case, Shi Lei had previously heard it vaguely, and thought that Xia Nation would come forward to solve it.

Look at other cases again, another case is also marvel. Outside a Li Jian Nation base, a Li Jian Nation soldier invaded a Wo Sang Nation woman, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was also a grass-roots case.

Shi Lei sneered to copy the case. After attacking the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Shi Lei intends to make good use of the data. Retrieve the network situation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department again. Shi Lei is ready to accomplish and intends to start with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

At this moment, Wo Sang Nation time has been more than ten o’clock in the evening, most of the Police in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has been off work, the subordinate 102 police department, leaving only a small number of duty personnel.

Within the Sumida District police department, there is only one six-person policing Little Group, which is on duty overnight. Suddenly, the alarm call of the Sumida District police department rang.

A male police officer on duty, after connecting the phone, quickly said: “Hello, Sumida District police department !”

On the phone, only the busy tone of ‘dū dū dū ‘ came in, apparently not connected. The male Police, looking through the Caller ID record of the phone, found that there was no record at all, just a string of asterisks.

However, when the male Police hangs up and does not wait for three seconds, the phone ringing again. Male Police looks at the Caller ID, or a string of asterisks, apparently a secret phone.

Pick up the phone and put it in your ear. Male Police quickly said, “Hello, here is Sumida District police department!”

However, the phone is still busy and there is no response.

The police department of Shibuya District also encountered such a situation, the alarm call kept ringing, the calls number was an asterisk, and the caller responded after receiving the notice.

This situation is still spreading. From Sumida District, Shibuya District, to the surrounding area. In a short period of time, Tokyo Prefecture has Twenty-three district, twenty city, five towns and eight villages, all the police department alarm calls, all rang.

The alarm call is an unknown phone with an asterisk, and it will be directly hanged only once. In the police department, how many calls will be made and how many calls will ring.

The alarm call is ringing. If it’s just the interference of the Police Force, it doesn’t matter. However, these unknown numbers are repeatedly dialed, occupying the route of the alarm call, so that the person who really needs the alarm, the law dials into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, this is the key!

Director Noda Shinshinto of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, after receiving a personal notice from Fujiwara Shintarō, immediately drove to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

However, the funny thing came, the car of Noda Shinshinto was actually stopped by a few drunks, letting the Noda Shinshinto law pass. Not only that, when Noda Shinshinto got off the theory, the drunkards suddenly woke up and robbed Noda Shinshinto.

One of the youngsters with long hair and small hoodlum looks sharp and shouted: “Robbery, hurry up and give the value of the thing!”

Noda Shinshinto’s face is very ugly, and the law and order of Tokyo Prefecture has always been very good. It is not much like robbery. But as the Director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, he was actually robbed!

Noda Shinshinto, with a gloomy expression, sneered: “Do you know who I am? I am Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department”

“pā~ !”

Long hair youngster a slapon the face fan on the face of Noda Shinshinto, “Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department ?hēi hēi, the alarm calls are not available, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is useless!”

(To be continued. Please search for astronomy, novel is better to update faster!)

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