
Chapter 1499

HK1479 scandal continues Nanchao Nation


Shuangqing City Police Department, with the help of SoCIA l Public Safety System, successfully captured a Nanchao Nation spy personnel.

Although this spy is not a spy of Nanchao Nation Government, it is just a commercial spy, but Shi Lei used this to start making rumors on Nanchoo Nation’s Internet.

Nanchao Nation’s major Forums have appeared in the same post.


“Nanchao Nation Agents manufacture Xia Nation Shuangqing City terrifying event, Xia Nation or sanctions Nanchao Nation! 銆?/p>

Xia Nation local time February 13th, Four Great DIRE ctly Subordinate to the Administration City, one of Shuangqing City, was attacked by Mysterious Hacker, causing a large power outage in Shuangqing City.

Subsequently, the unidentified armed armed personnel attacked the Transformer Station of the Shuangqing City Power Grid System, causing the Shuangqing City power grid to collapse completely. According to the latest news from Shuangqing City Police, Shuangqing City Police killed a total of 19 terrorists who attacked the power grid, including 17 personnel, suspected of Nanchao Nation personnel.

In addition, Shuangqing City Police succeeded in capturing a spy personnel of Nanchao Nation. According to the information disclosed by Shuangqing City Police, the spy person of Nanchao Nation, who has admitted his identity, is indeed a spy of Nanchao Nation.

In view of the Power Grid System of Xia Nation Shuangqing City, Shuangqing City is currently losing at least 1.7 billion Xia Nation Yuan due to this incident. Moreover, there are many casualties, but the specific situation is blocked by Shuangqing City aspect, and no more specific information can be obtained.

At present, although the situation of Shuangqing City has been initially controlled, the continued loss of Shuangqing City will be further expanded, and it is expected to reach the level of 4 billion Xia Nation Yuan.

According to the current situation determine, Xia Nation Official should send a note to Nanchao Nation. If Nanchao Nation can’t handle it properly, Xia Nation may not exclude the single aspect to impose economic sanctions on Nanchao Nation.

Xia Nation may impose sanctions, including prohibiting the export of goods manufactured by Nanchao Nation to Xia Nation. Increasing the Nanchao Nation company, the additional tax on commercial branded products manufactured by Xia Nation, the ban on exporting rare mineral resources to Nanchao Nation, the refusal to provide ports to Nanchao Nation vessels, etc.

Once Xia Nation launches economic sanctions, Nanchao Nation, which is economically dependent on Xia Nation, will usher in an economic winter. Simultaneously. The economic sanctions of Xia Nation will also affect the investment confidence of overseas funds in Nanchao Nation, and even cause the existing investment to be withdrawn.

Nanchao Nation Government Faced with this incident of Xia Nation being attacked by Terrorist Attack, Be sure to handle it with High Degree!


This post is definitely released by Shi Lei. Shi Lei is not a professional person, but with Izual’s. Still written like that.

Anyway, it is just a rumored message, deceiving the audience who do not know the truth. This post is completely enough.

With the post posted by Shi Lei, it spread in the Internet of Nanchao Nation, causing a great sensation. Even Nanchao Nation Official urgently released the rumor information. But in the overwhelming information bombing of Shi Lei and Izual, Nanchao Nation’s rumored information is not at all useful.

This message is just a message for the first step, and for the subsequent news, lay the foundation that can be trusted. Lest all the beginnings are all kinds of rumors, and a little sensible netizens will not believe it.

鈥淪ir. Economic sanctions analysis posts have spread throughout the Internet in Nanchao Nation. According to System, Nanchoo Nation exceeds 90% of netizens. You will see economic sanctions analysis stickers.鈥?Izual reports the situation.

Mu Shuang’s voice, passed from the LIPLens-type Information Processor, “Shi Lei, Shuangqing City Police really caught the spy of Nanchao Nation?”

“Of course it is true!” Shi Lei answered affirmatively and added: “However, it is not a government spy, but a commercial spy.”

Mu Shuang thought about it, started talking: “No matter what the spy, as long as it is the spy of Nanchao Nation, in this sensitive time, it is even worse for Nanchao Nation. This time, it seems that God is also helping us. Shi Lei, follow our plan.”

鈥淥kay!鈥?Shi Lei and Mu Shuang discussed several scenarios that ruined the Nanchao Nation Stock Market, but all lacked an opportunity point.

Izual through the SoCIA l Public Safety System, the Nanchao Nation spy found in Beiyu District, just added this blank space, so Shi Lei and Mu Shuang found a very suitable entry point.

“Izual, start implement Second steps!” Shi Lei told Izual.

Izual immediately posted a post on Xia Nation’s Internet, detaining Shuangqing City’s Terrorist Attack on Nanchao Nation, calling on Xia Nation’s netizens to refuse to buy Nanchao Nation’s products and boycott Nanchao Nation’s Film and Television works.

Izual is Net World’s God, IWNMiwang and Supercomputer Lightning, giving Izual the power to make Izual handle Tasks very fast.

Xia Nation’s Internet World, in less than ten minutes, the major Forums, various blog websites, and even Big Penguin’s space and QQ|Penguin group, all filled with similar information.

The netizens of Xia Nation were excited about the Terrorist Attack behavior of Nanchao Nation. The post published by Izual is very detailed, plus some data from Shuangqing City Police Department, as well as the picture data of numerous, and even the sound data of The Steel and Iron listening system record.

Numerous data allows netizens to believe that Shuangqing City’s Terrorist Attack is the agent of Nanchao Nation, and the official image of Nanchao Nation is directly hit by the folks of Xia Nation.

When Izual posted a post on Xia Nation’s Internet and smeared the image of Nanchao Nation, Shi Lei joined Izual and once again came to the network of Nanchao Nation.

Shi Lei played the character of Nanchao Nation patriot. This time, he relayed the news of Xia Nation netizens against Nanchao Nation to the Internet of Nanchao Nation, and also carried out translation work with great care.

In Nanchao Nation’s Internet World, netizens only digested Xia Nation’s possible sanctions against Nanchao Nation, followed by the wave of Xia Nation netizens against Nanchao Nation. This wave of tides almost made Nankanao Nation’s netizens unacceptable, especially the news of Xia Nation Internet, which listed so much evidence.

A series of evidence of diverse sorts and varieties allowed Nanchao Nation’s netizens to believe that the terrorist who attacked Xia Nation Shuangqing City was the personnel of their Nanchao Nation.

Once the confirmed attack on Xia Nation’s terrorist is the agent of Nanchao Nation, it is definitely not a good thing for Nanchao Nation. Some clever Nanchao Nation netizens realized that Nanchao Nation is about to usher in turmoil. They started secret planning, how to make a country in the turmoil.

鈥淪huang Shuang, Second step plan implement is finished, look at the Stock Market of Nanchao Nation, is there any turmoil?鈥?Shi Lei asked Mu Shuang.

Although Mu Shuang’s bad complement, Shi Lei still knows a lot about Stock.

Mu Shuang wears the LIPLens-type Information Processor and can get the latest Stock Market data from Nanchao Nation anytime, anywhere with the help of Izual’s.

Stock Market is most sensitive to all kinds of messages. For example, Li Jian Nation discovered shale gas and Worldwide Power Source suddenly cut prices. For example, Li Jian Nation wants to suppress the Currency Exchange Rate of Soviet Russia and Soviet Russia and immediately begins to fall.

After Shi Lei and Mu Shuang implemented the two steps of the plan, Nanchao Nation’s Stock Market has begun to turmoil, the overall market fell, almost all of the Stock, suddenly stagflation.

鈥淪hi Lei, Nanchao Nation鈥檚 Stock Market did start to react, and the KOSPI200 index fell by 0.87 percent overall!鈥?Mu Shuang responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei asked weakly, “Shuang Shuang, how is it only 0.87 Ah? Is it a little less?”

At the beginning of 2008, the Nanchao Nation KOSPI200 index opened at a point. Because of the crisis of the financial crisis, the market opened lower after the opening, and the overall market performance was very pessimistic.

Mu Shuang lightly snorted, “Shi Lei, you are a little Bai!Exceed Grade Little Bai! We just influenced the KOSPI200 index with just two catching news. Once we continue to operate, the KOSPI200 index will definitely fall.”

Mu Shuang knows that Nanchao Nation’s original economic situation is not good, and the crisis is still affecting Nanchao Nation. In the year of 2008, Worldwide’s economy was not very good, which was due to the subsequent impact of the Li Jian Nation subprime mortgage crisis.

Although this time the crisis was not serious in the 1997 year, Mu Shuang has already targeted Nanchao Nation’s financial crisis and is preparing to give Nanchao Nation a heavy blow.

鈥淪huang Shuang, your opinion is, are we going to implement Third steps?鈥?Shi Lei asked.

Mu Shuang affirmative response, “Yes! Shi Lei, we continue to implement! After the steps of implement, according to my calculations, the KOSPI200 index may fall by more than 1%!”

Shi Lei was surprised: “So cool? Then I immediately began to implement Third steps!”

鐩墠锛孠OSPI200鎸囨暟鏄?803鐐癸紝濡傛灉涓嬭穼1% 锛岄偅灏辨槸涓嬭穼浜?8.03鐐广€傝櫧鐒剁湅璧锋潵涓嶅锛屼絾瓒宠冻涓€涓櫨鍒嗙偣锛屽浜嶬OSPI200鎸囨暟灏嗘槸涓€涓矇閲嶇殑鎵撳嚮銆?/p>

Mu Shuang heard Shi Lei’s answer, she was in her mind, slowly conceived, this time how to fight Nanchao Nation’s Stock Market.

The 2008 year was a good time. This year, the follow-up impact of Li Jian Nation’s subprime mortgage crisis began to spread outward, sweeping the entire World. Nanchao Nation is one of the Nation that has suffered!

Mu Shuang Hope With this good time, accomplish an earth-shattering operation, not only fulfilling his own wishes, but also helping Shi Lei to get enough money.

‘Shi Lei, I can only help you, do something I can do, Hope, you can like it…’Mu Shuang’s wish is simple and simple, but Shi Lei doesn’t know…

(To be continued~^~)

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