
Chapter 1468

HK1452 calls again!


Returning to Shuanghu District from Beiyu District, even the inner ring expressway takes more than half an hour.

Therefore, Shi Lei took full advantage of this period of time and conducted related investigate to try to determine if Shi Wen is in the Emerald Lake Building. After all, a thorough search of the Emerald Lake Building is the last choice.

At the time of the New Year, Shi Lei didn’t want to make the move too big!

Based on the screening conditions provided by Shi Lei, Izual retrieved the monitoring records of the entire Shuangqing City with ten target time periods.

Due to the need for retrieve data too much, even though Izual has the power of Parallel Computing, coupled with the powerful computing power of IWNMiwang and Supercomputer Lightning, it took five minutes for Izual to retrieve.

鈥淪ir, a total of two records, please check the relevant records.鈥?Izual sent the specific records to the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

With the LIPLens-type Information Processor, the information anxiety between Shi Lei and Izual has improved a lot. If it is still the same as before, just through the sound exchange of information, just the situation is enough to let Shi Lei drive mad.

Shi Lei looks at two records on the Virtual Transparency screen of the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

First Item record from a Twenty-seven-year-old courier, the Twenty-seven-year-old courier, entered the Emerald Lake Building on the twenty day in January, at 10 am Forty-seven points; At 56 points, I left the Emerald Lake Building and stayed in the Emerald Lake Building for a total of nine minutes.

Then, according to Izual’s retrieve record, the courier, after three 12 minutes, appeared in the Shuanghu District’s West Coast residential area for delivery.

Although it is a good idea to use the courier’s identity as a cover. However, Shi Lei did not doubt the courier because he left the Emerald Lake Building and basically stayed in the surveillance camera range.

Second Item record, showing February 3, which is yesterday, 5:57 pm. A fast food deliveryman near the Emerald Lake Building entered the Emerald Lake Building and left after thirteen minutes. According to Izual’s records, this fast food deliveryman does go in and out of the Emerald Lake Building, but never wears a duckbill cAP.

Because you can determine the Identity Information of the fast food delivery staff, although the Human FaCIA l Feature is not recognized. Izual also did not issue an alert.

However, the comparison with opinion was based on the screening conditions provided by Shi Lei. Izual found the fast food deliveryman at Shuanghu District First General Hospital and found the fast food deliveryman. On February 3, at 5:14 pm, an infusion was made at the Shuanghu District First General Hospital. I left the hospital and went home until the 6th and 5th 12 points.

Contrast according to two timelines. Unless this fast food deliveryman has a singularity. otherwise. He certainly can’t be in the Shuanghu District First General Hospital, but also in the Emerald Lake Building.

Fast food delivery staff at Shuanghu District First General Hospital, not only has been identified by Human FaCIA l Feature, but also has been recognized by Dynamic Behavior Signature. therefore. Shi Lei thinks that this fast food deliveryman is the real fast food deliveryman.

As for the fast food delivery staff entering the Emerald Lake Building, whether it is Shi Wen or Shi Lei can not be analyzed for the time being. However, Shi Lei identified a bad news, that is, the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, which did have a flaw and the possibility of being deceived.

It鈥檚 just that Shi Lei doesn鈥檛 know for a moment that the Dynamic Behavior Signature Recognition System has been deceived. It鈥檚 the innate talent of some special talents, or what technology Shi Wen has mastered.

“Boss, we are here!” Zheng Tao reminded Shi Lei.

Shi Lei took a long breath and nodded. He did not respond to Zheng Tao, but issued the latest order to Li Zifeng through the LIPLens-type Information Processor.

“Zifeng, the blockade is lifted, go directly to the Emerald Lake Building, 11th floor, No. 17, with the target position as the Center, determine the target position, and the safety of the surrounding location.” Shi Lei told.

“Okay, Boss.” Li Zifeng didn’t complain, even if Shi Lei had ordered the big-moving blockade of the 500-meter range around the Emerald Lake Building half an hour ago, but now it is directly unblocked.

Zheng Tao parked directly under the Emerald Lake Building, and everyone got off the Emerald Lake Building and took the elevator to the 11th floor.

Li Zifeng has been waiting on the 11th floor. When Shi Lei came down from the elevator, Li Zifeng reported to Shi Lei: “Boss, with the target position as the Center, from the seventh floor to the fourteenth floor, no danger information was found.”

Shi Lei nodded, “Lead the way!”

Li Zifeng led the way, took Shi Lei to the second No. 17 Room, they had already opened the Room, but did not move any of the things in the Room.

Shi Lei entered the second No. 17 Room and found a red landline phone in the second No. 17 Room, with a cell phone next to it.

Shi Lei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the fists clenched, and it turned out to be a phone call!

鈥淪ir, System currently scans the relevant information of the mobile phone, please wait a moment.鈥?Izual’s autonomous implement solution starts scanning the cell phone of the voice access source.

However, Izual just started scanning, and the cell phone next to the landline phone sent a ringtone.

Shi Lei walked to the cell phone, picked up the cell phone on the desk, and pressed the answer button.

鈥淗ello?鈥?Shi Lei has a somewhat indifferent tone.

In the cell phone, Shi Wen鈥檚 voice came. 鈥淢y dear, have you not given up? I found out that I am not in the Emerald Lake Building. Is it a pity?鈥?/p>

Shi Lei coldly snorted.

“My dear nephew, when you found out that it was a landline phone call, did you think you really wanted to find me?” Shi Wen’s tone, with a touch of pleased.

However, such a character is completely different from Shi Wen’s impression of Shi Wen. However, Shi Wen鈥檚 voice, Shi Lei, remembers clearly.

“Izual, tracking the phone signal of a specific target!” Shi Lei reports to Izual in a silent voice.

The next moment, Shi Wen broke the Shi Lei’s move directly. “My dear sister, are you telling the Mirror Science and Technology Group’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System to track the location of my phone signal? How do you know? , my phone signal location, will not be a phone call again? h膩 h膩 h膩 …” Shi Wen pleased’s smile.

Shi Lei in the heart was incomparably surprised, Shi Wen found his movements, which shows that Shi Wen can see him. Shi Lei immediately looked around and found no cameras in the corners of the walls, behind the curtains, and in the hidden position of the desk.

Shi Lei turned his attention to the Platonon 1 bookshelf. Among the dense books, Shi Lei found an unusual place and found the location of the camera.

“Izual, track the network data location of this camera!” Shi Lei continued to speak in meditation.

Shi Wen once again reminded Shi Lei, “My dear nephew, first of all congratulations, found the camera. However, this camera uses the network fixed-point transmission technology, the location you are tracking is not my position. I have cut off the route of the camera, you can’t track it.”

Sure enough, Izual reported: “Sir, can’t track the camera’s network data.”

Shi Lei bit his teeth and asked aloud: “Shi Wen, where are you?”

鈥淚s it frustrating?鈥?Shi Wen鈥檚 tone, with a hint of play, 鈥淚 am in Shuangqing City, but you are in control of the SoCIA l Public Safety System and can鈥檛 find me.鈥?/p>

“You!” Shi Lei was angry with Shi Wen, “Shi Wen, you pray, don’t be found by me!”

“My dear nephew, I am your uncle, you found me, would you still be like me? Right, you designed the Dynamic Behavior Signature Recognition System, very very opinion. It and Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Procedure Complementary, almost made me somewhat uncomfortable. However, it also has weaknesses. My dear sister, you are too small to see the potential of humanity!” Shi Wen said in a mocking tone.

Shi Lei is a little calmer. In the heart, he thinks about the opinion that Shi Wen said. ‘So it seems that Shi Wen doesn’t have the method to crack the Dynamic Behavior Signature Recognition System, but has some special talents. Avoid the determination of the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine. ‘

Thinking of this, Shi Lei feels a little better, and the tone is calm again. “My dear uncle, you are indeed my good uncle. When I find you, I will honor you. As for the Dynamic Behavior Signature Recognition System. The weakness, my dear uncle, how many people can you have in your hands?”

Shi Wen sneered: “You can’t imagine it!”

“Right, my dear uncle, who are you? I have queried all your data and found your data. It is really plain and there is no place worth studying. However, now your performance can be It’s not as simple as the one shown in data.鈥?Shi Lei asked straightforwardly.

Shi Wen smiled and said: “My dear child, who do you think I am?”

Shi Lei’s did query Shi Wen’s data, but because Xia Nation’s network construction was sluggish, so many things before 1990 years, there was no network data.

Therefore, Shi Lei lets Izual query the data and does not have all the data of Shi Wen. In particular, Shi Wen’s birth record, and before Shi Lei’s birth, Shi Wen’s data, is a blank space.

This blank space is not just a blank space in the data in the network, but the data in the Reality, which is also a blank space. Shi Lei did not find Shi Wen’s birth record through the power of Police and even the power of the military. And Shi Lei’s life record before Shi Lei was born.

Shi Lei said with a smile : “My dear uncle, you don’t want to say, I don’t want to force you. But, my dear uncle, I found something, a very interesting thing about you. 鈥?/p>

(To be continued~^~)

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