
Chapter 1430

HK1414 stays alive and asks for benefits!


South Africa local time, January twenty one day, just less than half an hour in the early morning.

Inside the Compass Area, four Swift Arrow Series Small-scale Guided Missile, launched from Third Generation The Steel and Iron, flew to the Silver War God driven by Zhou Zeming.

Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile’s flight speed, Type A Air-To-Surface is 240 meters per second, and Type B Air-To-Air is 360 meters per second. At this speed, Silver War God has no way to escape!

“hōng hōng hōng hōng ~ ”

Four Swift Arrow Series Guided Missile, did not leave any evasive time for Zhou Zeming, hitting Silver War God almost indefinitely.

Among them, a Swift Arrow Type A Air-To-Surface Guided Missile hit the head of Silver War God. Another Swift Arrow Type A Air-To-Surface Guided Missile shot to the leg is blocked by the silver-white Memory Metal shield. Two Swift Arrow Type B Air-To-Air Guided Missile hit the shoulder and back of Silver War God.

Zhou Zeming is very clear!

Silver War God’s head, integrated with a numerous detection device, is very important, and once it loses its head, Silver War God can’t even detect any electronic information and radar information.

However, at this moment, the important head of Silver War God has no meaning for Zhou Zeming! On the contrary, the legs that seem to be unimportant are even more important!

In the current form, if Silver War God loses his legs or is hurt by his legs, for Silver War God, that means no way to escape.

What is the detection device?

As soon as he leaves the Compass Area, Zhou Zeming will immediately give up Silver War God, and there is no detection device!

However, Zhou Zeming made a mistake. Two Swift Arrow Type B Air-To-Air Guided Missile, after the trauma of the shoulders and back waist of Silver War God, six currently attack Wu Shaobai’s Second Generation Dawn quickly divided three attack Zhou Zeming driving Silver War God.

Swift Arrow Type B Air-To-Air Guided Missile. The wound area is large enough, and Silver War God can’t hide it anyway!

Shi Lei aimed at the position of the back waist, Ruby Laser Artillery launched, dazzling red light, directed at Silver War God. The wound from the Swift Arrow Type B Air-To-Air Guided Missile broke the Silver War God’s defense.

Zhou Zeming inside the cockpit of Silver War God immediately found out that he was attacked and Zhou Zeming’s face was very ugly. He is very aware of the power of Laser Weapon, even if he is full of confidence in the Silver War God’s defense, but Wu Shaobai is already a good example. Silver War God cannot resist Mirror Science and Technology Group Dawn’s attack.

Even with Laser Weapon from Mirror Science and Technology Group, cutting Memory Metal is slow, but at least breakthrough the defense!

In the inner cabin of Silver War God, Zhou Zeming faces a painful choice. Whether to continue to escape, or stop to surrender.

If you continue to run away. Although Hope escaped, from the current situation determine, Ruby Laser Weapon melts the inner cabin and kills him more.

But if you stop and surrender. Who knows if Mirror Science and Technology Group will leave alive? Even if Mirror Science and Technology Group clearly knows that they are not.

After some struggle. In other words, the dazzling red light from Ruby Laser Artillery has already worn the protective armor of the Silver War God’s lower back and entered the inner cabin. Zhou Zeming stopped the pace of Silver War God and made a standard surrender.

After fixing the Silver War God to the surrender action, Zhou Zeming opened the cockpit and climbed the ladder to leave the cockpit. He was really scared, and the red light, which was swept away, turned his life.

“Boss, the other party surrendered?” Ye Feng curiously asked.

Shi Lei stopped attacking when Zhou Zeming made a surrender and hesitated for less than three seconds.

“A’Feng, you are going to bring the mecha driver back!” Shi Lei commanded, then told the other four: “Take this mecha, cut off the limbs, then pull the driver out!” Shi Lei It was Silver War God driven by Wu Shaobai, and his Hope also captured Wu Shaobai.

Wu Shaobai was already scared in the inner cabin of Silver War God. When Silver War God’s limbs were cut, he had not opened Zheng Sanpao and Ma Liang to open the inner cabin. He opened himself.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! I surrender! I will give you good!” Wu Shaobai said loudly, fearing that the darkness was like Abyss Demon God’s Dawn, and he was annihilated directly with Ruby Laser Artillery.

Shi Lei looked at Wu Shaobai, Izual currently scanned Wu Shaobai’s Identity Information through the Human FaCIA l Feature Recognition Engine. As long as Wu Shaobai’s identity is registered with Xia Nation Official, Izual can get Wu Shaobai’s data.

However, Wu Shaobai’s identity does not seem to exist at all. Izual did not find any information about Wu Shaobai in Xia Nation’s Population Information Bureau of Statistics.

“Sir, Unable to Judge the identity of the target.” Izual responded to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei went two steps forward and walked over to Wu Shaobai, who was sitting on the ground, and asked through Dawn’s external loudspeakers: “Who are you? In the Dragon Rise’ Plan, what is the status?”

Wu Shaobai listened to Shi Lei’s inquiry, in the heart, and asked involuntarily: “You Mirror Science and Technology Group, not looking for it? Is it just to find us Dragon Risen trouble?

However, Wu Shaobai just finished, in the heart immediately regretted. This sentence reveals the fact that he knows Shi Lei’s identity.

Usually, if the person being threatened knows the identity of the threater, it is definitely not a good thing!

“?” Shi Lei repeated softly, ‘Solomon Devils? Is this the Mysterious Organization behind the Angel Parliament? I seem to have heard of it somewhere! ‘

Wu Shaobai knew that he had made a mistake because of panic, and he did not make up for it. He only tried his best to save his life: “Yes! Compass Area In addition to our Dragon Rise’ Plan, there is one. I am afraid you don’t know, this is Angel. Parliament’s home, rumored that Angel Parliament has stolen your Mirror Science and Technology Group’s technology Right?”

Wu Shaobai thought he was clever and guessed that Shi Lei was looking for trouble according to the Angel Parliament and tracking to the Compass Area.

Although the reason is this, the results are different!

Wu Shaobai’s answer, unraveling Shi Lei in the heart’s little doubts, is really the mysterious power behind the Angel Parliament.

“What is your name?” Shi Lei asked Wu Shaobai’s identity again.

Wu Shaobai hesitated a little, but he just watched as Zhou Zeming’s Silver War God was attacked. He was worried, in case he said a lie now, he reported a fake name, and Mirror Science and Technology Group seized Zhou Zeming, then he is not going to wear the rhythm of helping?

Anyway, a name is nothing more than an important information! Besides, Wu Shaobai knows his identity and has not entered the Xia Nation’s population information bureau of Statistics.

“My name is Wu Shaobai and I am the No. 2 character of Dragon Rise’ Plan in the Compass Area. In addition to the highest level of Zhou Zeming, my privilege is the biggest.” Wu Shaobai honestly said his identity, which is also For himself, get more life-saving chips.

If he is a small soldier in the Dragon Rise’ Plan, what secret can he contact? People at Mirror Science and Technology Group don’t care about his Right at all?

Shi Lei was a little surprised and didn’t expect to grab the Dragon Rise’ Plan No. 2 character in the Compass Area. “Wu Shaobai, then you know, where is Zhou Zeming?”

Wu Shaobai is a little depressed: “Zhou Zeming is not in the Second Silver War God?”

Shi Lei knew the silver-white Steel and Iron monster, called Silver War God. Shi Lei in the heart praised and thought that the name Silver War God was very good.

“Boss, I think we caught Zhou Zeming!” Wu Shaobai just finished, Ye Feng reported on the on-board Communications System.

Ye Feng is not far from another Silver War God, grabbing Zhou Zeming, who is trying to hide.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “A’Feng, just waiting for us on your side! We are going to collapse here!”

Dragon Rise’ Plan secret Underground Base’s Self-destruct System is about to count down, Shi Lei, they are still leaving the place, even if the threat of the trapis not big for Dawn, but it is Safety First.

Shi Lei took Wu Shaobai, Zheng Sanpao and others to the Ye Feng side with a paper file cabinet. When Ye Feng was in the position, Shi Lei found Zhou Zeming caught by Ye Feng.

“Zhou Zeming! You old Coarse Fellow, do you think you can leave if you leave me?” Wu Shaobai sneered at Zhou Zeming without regard to the scene.

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up, ‘Hey, it looks like there is a contradiction between Wu Shaobai and Zhou Zeming! ‘

Zhou Zeming glanced at Wu Shaobai with a cold smile, but did not speak, but looked toward Shi Lei. Although Dawn’s looks the same, the other five Dawns are clearly around the Shi Lei position, and Shi Lei is the leader of Dawn’s.

“Hello, friend of Mirror Science and Technology Group, I am Dragon Rise’ Plan Compass Area person-in-charge. I think there are some misunderstandings between us, your company should be looking for trouble, if you can let us go, I Think of our Dragon Rise’ Organization, not only for accounting, but also for you!” Zhou Zeming described it very well.

Shi Lei hasn’t spoken yet, Wu Shaobai is taunted: “Old Coarse Fellow, you guessed wrong! They didn’t know!”

Zhou Zeming’s face changed dramatically, “What?”

Shi Lei said with a smile : “Hello Mr. Ze Zeming, Mr. Wu Shaobai is right, our Mirror Science and Technology Group, don’t know what!”

Zhou Zeming calmed down the emotions a little, didn’t ask why and why, just started talking: “The friend of Mirror Science and Technology Group, what do we need to pay in order to get back to our lives?”

Shi Lei thought, what good is it to satisfy his appetite!

(To be continued~^~)

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