This eleventh treasure was very small, a piece of amber, the size of a palm.

The amber was transparent and free of impurities. In the center of the amber, there was a golden, round stone-like object frozen.

It looked ordinary, except for the faint spiritual power fluctuations it emitted, there was nothing special about it.

Everyone looked at the auction table in surprise.

The first ten treasures were all extremely precious and triggered fierce competition in the auction.

Why did this one look like a piece of amber bought from a cultural relic store in a mortal market?!

"What is this? ? This thing is also put up for auction?"

"What the hell is this? Change it now, don't waste time."

"Don't you have any good auction items? Why are you trying to fool people with these things?!"


For a moment, some irritable monks began to chatter and shout.

They were not residents of Fulong City, but came from the Imperial City. They were already very irritable, and coupled with the competition just now, they did not get the treasure they wanted, so they began to get irritable.

"Everyone, please be patient."

"Let me introduce this auction item to you."

"I will explain its origins so that everyone can clearly understand its value.

The auctioneer had a good psychological quality and calmed down the restless auctioneer with just a few words.

"This thing is called Spring and Autumn Amber"

"I believe everyone has heard of Spring and Autumn Amber, which is not a treasure."

"However, this golden bead in this piece of Spring and Autumn amber is not an ordinary thing."

"After our appraisal, this is a relic that may have existed for ten thousand years, a well-preserved Buddhist relic."After these words fell, the whole audience fell silent.

Ten thousand year relic.

What do these five words mean to the monks who practice Buddhism?

It means that this is a great era!

In Buddhism, generally only the high monks who have achieved enlightenment and the abbots who have achieved Buddhahood can leave relics after they sit and die.

However, ordinary relics will disappear between heaven and earth after a hundred years.

Ten thousand year relic means that it has existed for ten thousand years, which shows how great the origin of this relic is!

At this time, in a corner of the first floor hall.

An old monk looked at the Spring and Autumn Amber on the auction table, and Buddha's light appeared in his eyes.

Next to the old monk stood a little monk, who was also looking at the auction table, stunned.

The two of them came from"Hui Jing Temple"!

In the Daqian Empire, There is a special holy place called"Hui Jing Temple", which is also a top holy place of T0 level.

It is a Buddhist holy place in the Daqian Empire.

There are very few legends about the deeds of"Hui Jing Temple", and even its presence in the Daqian Empire is very low. They are hidden in the city, without desires or demands. It has never recruited disciples, and has never held any disciple-recruiting ceremony. It seems that they all go down the mountain to recruit disciples in person, and it is said that they are"looking for people who are destined to practice Buddhism."

In addition, there are very few Buddhist practitioners in the Daqian Empire.

Therefore, there are very few discussions about"Hui Jing Temple", but it is a top Buddhist holy place after all, but it is not out of the world and keeps a low profile.

The old monk looked at the Spring and Autumn Amber on the auction table and had made up his mind.

He must get this auction item!

"This thing, because it is really special"

"The person who consigned this item did not ask for spiritual stones, so this item cannot be purchased at the auction with spiritual stones."

The voice of the auctioneer echoed throughout the auction house.

"You can use the Supreme Fairy Crystal to auction"

"Starting price: one piece of Ultimate Fairy Crystal"

When the words"Supreme Fairy Crystal" came out, the whole audience was in an uproar, and one could hear bursts of gasps.

Although the Supreme Fairy Crystal also has the word"crystal", it has gone beyond the category of"spiritual stone" and is considered an extremely rare and precious treasure of heaven and earth.

According to the market price, one Supreme Fairy Crystal can be exchanged for 30,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and there is no market for it.

You may have many, many top-grade spiritual stones, but you may not even have one Supreme Fairy Crystal.

Therefore, once the Supreme Fairy Crystal is auctioned, almost 99% of the people in the audience will be dissuaded.

Su Han looked at the amber on the auction table with shock in his eyes.

Because, when he used the perspective of the"Heavenly Eye", he saw behind the amber, there was a vague shadow of"a tree".

This... seems to be"Dharma luck"!

The next second, text information about this amber appeared in Su Han's mind.

【Name: Ten thousand years of relics】

【Existence time: 23401】

【Life experience: This relic was brought from the Great Leiyin Temple by Master Huijue after his death. It contains Master Huijue's insights and understanding of Buddhism, and is well preserved.….】


After reading this, Su Han lost interest.

Although the origin of this relic seemed to be quite impressive, it definitely could not reach the level of"Dharma-image talent".

【Name: Bounded Tree (Seed)】

【Existence time: one era】

【Luck Talent: Tree of Space (Dharma Talent)】

【Biography: This is the seed of the Boundary Tree. The Boundary Tree contains the"Law of Space". When planted in a certain space, it can"delimit" a small world in a certain space, allowing it to expand infinitely and making the space it is in have complete"space" rules.…..】

【Recent encounter: In another hundred years, if it cannot be planted and survived, it will dissipate between heaven and earth.】


After reading it, Su Han felt a little confused for a moment, as if he couldn't quite understand it.

Especially this"space law", Su Han knew almost nothing about everything related to"law".

Not only Su Han, but no cultivator in the entire Daqian Empire understood the illusory"law".

Law, law, is actually the rules in nature, which regulates the normal operation of the entire world.

For example,"the law of fire", all the"fire system" exercises in the world are created based on the"law of fire". The

"understanding of heaven and earth" often said by cultivators is actually the understanding of the laws in the natural volume. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

To use a more appropriate metaphor to describe it, it is like 1+1 in mathematics, and all mathematical formulas are developed based on this 1+1.

Moreover,"space law" is one of the supreme laws among many laws.

Even if this boundary tree contains a very, very small part of the space law, it is still very terrifying.

Although I still don't understand it now, Su Han knows that he must get it.

Ultimate Immortal Crystal?

Su Han has a lot of this stuff!


After reading the information given by the system, Su Han realized that this amber was the real precious thing.

It was not the relic inside, but the amber wrapped around it!

This amber was not ordinary"Spring and Autumn Amber", but the seed of the Boundary Tree!

Moreover, logically speaking, this relic should have disappeared in ten thousand years, but it survived for twenty thousand years.

This should also be the effect of the seed of the Boundary Tree.

So, Su Han was not very interested in this relic, but he had to get this amber!

At this time.

A voice came from the fifth floor

"Ten pieces of Supreme Fairy Crystals."

As this voice began, the situation began to open up.

"'~Twenty pieces of Ultimate Fairy Crystals"

"Thirty pieces of ultimate fairy crystals!"

"Forty pieces of ultimate fairy crystals!"

"One hundred Supreme Immortal Spirit Crystals!"

In just a few rounds, the number has reached hundreds.

From the fact that the number only increased by dozens at a time, it can be seen how precious these Supreme Immortal Spirit Crystals are.

""Five hundred Supreme Immortal Crystals!"

At this time, a rough voice from the private room on the fifth floor directly stopped all other competitors.

After all, this Supreme Immortal Crystal is very rare, and no one can take out so many at once.

At this time, a voice came from the lobby on the first floor.

"This donor, this relic should come from our ancestor"

"I don't have that many Supreme Fairy Crystals."

"But, if you can give me this relic"

""We, Huijing Temple, owe you a big favor. No matter what the conditions are, we, Huijing Temple, are willing to help you unconditionally and with all our strength."

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to an old monk in the hall on the first floor.

They were shocked to find that the aura of this old monk was extremely powerful, even reaching the realm of Taixu!

It turned out that he was a senior monk of Huijing Temple! Soon, someone recognized this monk as Master Wutian of Huijing Temple!

He became famous in the last era. At that time, the Buddhist name"Wutian" resounded throughout the Daqian Empire. Now it is also the idol that countless Buddhist practitioners pursue throughout their lives.

These words, spoken by Master Wutian, are no more than many times the value of these five hundred pieces of Supreme Immortal Crystals.

It can make Huijing Temple owe (Qian Zhaohao) a big favor and help with something.

This thing can be small, big, or very big!

At this time.

The rough voice on the fifth floor continued to come:"It turned out to be Master Wutian of Huijing Temple."

"Since this is an important item in your temple, I will just do you a favor."

"I will give this item to Huijing Temple."

After all, the price of 500 Supreme Immortal Crystals has just been called out, and no one has raised the price.

Moreover, Master Wu Tian has already said so much.

If someone raises the price at this time, it is equivalent to offending Huijing Temple and the big man on the fifth floor.

At this moment.

Su Han looked at the old bald donkey and the rough man on the fifth floor, as if they were singing a double act, and he felt a little funny.

What's the matter?

Why do you feel that 500 Supreme Immortal Crystals can be called out to lower the price?

And, you old bald donkey, you are really funny.

In a word, making money out of nothing?? Loneliness?

Can Su Han indulge them?


Su Han has a full 10,000 tons of Supreme Immortal Crystals. How many pieces are there in total? Su Han can't count them, and he is too lazy to count them.

"One thousand pieces of Supreme Fairy Crystals." At this time

, a light voice came down from the sixth floor.

In an instant, the entire auction fell silent.

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