Today, the Fulongcheng Auction House will hold a grand auction.

The scale is very large, and according to gossip, the auction was originally supposed to be held in the Imperial City, but for some reason, it was directly moved to Fulongcheng.

Therefore, many monks who went to the Imperial City to participate in the auction came back empty-handed.

Then, they turned to Fulongcheng to continue participating in the auction.

Fulongcheng also took out many of the finale treasures for this auction, which was equivalent to combining the auction items of the Imperial City and the auction items of Fulongcheng together.

On this day, many powerful monks came to Fulongcheng, all of whom came from the Imperial City.

The monks of Fulongcheng also had a strong interest in this auction.

The Fulongcheng Auction is located in Fulongcheng near the Tianzihao Street District. It occupies a large area and is extremely luxurious.

After all, this Fulongcheng Auction House is jointly opened by the Jin family and the Liu family, two big families, so the construction style of the auction house is mainly"luxury" and"luxury".

The auction will be held after noon.

In just a few hours, the auction house was packed with people.

"There are many new faces in the city today."

"Yes, look at them, all of them are arrogant, squinting their eyes, as if they are invincible."

"Don't you know? Those are the emperors from the imperial city. They live in the imperial city, but when they come to our Fulong countryside, aren't they arrogant?"

"By the way, I heard that this auction was supposed to be held in the Imperial City, and it had been preheated for several months. How come it was suddenly changed to our Fulong City?"

"Who knows?...."

"I heard it was the"157" Jin family..."

"Shut up! Speak more quietly, is this something we can discuss? The Jin family is the royal family's god of wealth, and we'd better not discuss the ins and outs of it!"

This auction, which was supposed to be held in the imperial city, was suddenly moved to Fulong City overnight.

This caused dissatisfaction among many monks who traveled thousands of miles to the imperial city to attend the auction.

Some daring monks even directly spread the news that"the Jin family is all-powerful and is playing tricks under the emperor's feet, and they don't take the royal dignity seriously."rumors came out.

It seemed like someone was deliberately inciting it behind the scenes.

In fact, Jin Yuanbao also knew that the ones who instigated these rumors were most likely the Liu family, the Xiao family, and other big families that competed with the Jin family.

The purpose was very simple, just to provoke the relationship between the Jin family and the royal family.

At this moment.

In a carriage on the way to the auction house in Fulong City.

Su Han and Jin Yuanbao sat opposite each other.

With Su Han's hearing and spiritual sense, the discussions of those cultivators in the city were clearly audible in Su Han's ears.

At this time, Su Han said to Jin Yuanbao:"Little Jinzi, actually you don't have to pay such a high price, I can go directly to the Imperial City Auction House."

Hearing this.

Jin Yuanbao snorted coldly, and said:"Brother Su, don't be confused by those rumors. At first glance, it is a trick played by the Liu family and other families. Isn't it just to provoke the relationship between the Jin family and the royal family?"

"My Jin family has paid tribute to the royal family with so many resources and fattened up so many people over the years, isn’t it all for this day?"

"Brother Su, if it was at the auction house in the Imperial City, I can't guarantee that I can let you get the auction items you need."

In fact, Su Han knew it in his heart.

Jin Yuanbao really gave his heart to him, otherwise he wouldn't have paid such a high price and directly challenged the majesty of the royal family.

He still said that if Jin Yuanbao encountered any difficulties, he would try his best to help.

The crowded and bustling streets instantly made way for a passage.

The monks on the street drove to both sides because a carriage was about to pass by, and there was a big"Jin" character engraved on the carriage.

Seventy percent of the industry in Fulong City belonged to the Jin family, which was equivalent to the largest"landlord" in the entire Fulong City.

Therefore, in Fulong City, sometimes, the Jin family's words were even better than the royal family's, after all, the Jin family was their parents who provided them with food and clothing.

There were also many monks who came from the Imperial City in the crowd.

Perhaps they heard the rumors, they looked at the Jin family's carriage, frowned, and looked unhappy.

This Jin family is really lawless!

""Sir, we're here."

As the driver finished speaking,

Jin Yuanbao stood up and said to Su Han,"Brother Su, we're at the auction house. Let's go."

Just like that, Su Han followed Jin Yuanbao off the carriage and walked into the auction house. They walked through a VIP channel that no one else had passed through. To be more specific, this was the exclusive channel of the Jin family.

"Hey, who is that young man? He is walking with the young master of the Jin family?!"

"I haven't seen it. And if you look at them walking side by side, if you look closely, the young master of the Jin family is always half a step behind the young man."

"So, why do I feel that the young master of the Jin family has a sense of respect for that young man? Is it my illusion?"

"I haven't seen it either, but the aura of that young man is so powerful, Xiantian realm? He looks so young, actually Xiantian realm?!"

"Okay, let’s stop discussing this. People have already gone in. This is not a level we can touch."

"Hurry up and line up to go in. There are a lot of people attending the auction today, otherwise there won’t even be room to stand!"


Su Han and Jin Yuanbao walked side by side into the auction house, causing quite a stir at the door of the auction house.

Many people were speculating on what kind of noble identity Su Han held.

After entering the auction house, a middle-aged steward wearing a light golden fairy robe and with a cultivation level of the Spiritual Sea Realm came up to them with a flattering smile.

"Young Master Jin."

The middle-aged steward bowed respectfully to Jin Yuanbao and called out.

Then, he asked in a low voice:"Who is this young master?"

"Mr. Su is my elder brother"

"Remember, he is my eldest brother.

Jin Yuanbao was afraid that these ignorant servants would offend Su Han, so he emphasized the sentence twice.

"Young Master Su."

The middle-aged manager bowed respectfully to Su Han and shouted, with a storm in his heart.

Liu Bo knew very well what kind of character and what kind of person Jin Yuanbao was. He had been the supervisor here for so many years, and this was the first time he heard the word"big brother" from Jin Yuanbao.

After all, when the crown prince came, Jin Yuanbao only said it lightly.

Could it be that this young master Su was more noble than the crown prince??!

Xiantian realm?!

When he felt Su Han's cultivation, he was shocked.

So young, Xiantian realm!

"Manager Liu, why are you still standing there? Lead the way."

Jin Yuanbao's voice brought Liu Bo back to reality.


"Come with me."

As he said that, Liu Bo took Jin Yuanbao and Su Han and walked towards the second floor.

The third floor.

The fourth floor.

The fifth floor.

The sixth floor.

He walked all the way to the sixth floor before stopping.

There was only one private room on the entire sixth floor, which was the Jin family's unique private room.

The entire Fulongcheng Auction House consists of seven floors in total.

The six floors are in a ring, surrounding the auction table in the middle.

The floors of the auction house are actually clearly divided into classes. The higher the floor, the more precious the identity. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ordinary cultivators can only stand in the lobby on the first floor and watch.

Only from the second floor onwards, there are seats.

From the third floor onwards, there are independent private rooms.

The fourth and fifth floors, the higher you go, the more luxurious the private rooms are.

And on the sixth floor, only people from the Jin family, to be precise, only the direct descendants or the head of the Jin family can enter.

And the direct descendant of the Jin family is only Jin Yuanbao, which means that only his father and Jin Yuanbao himself can enter the sixth floor.

This was also the first time that Jin Yuanbao brought an outsider to the sixth floor.

The news that Jin Yuanbao brought an outsider to the sixth floor quickly spread among the senior management of the Fulongcheng Auction House.

They were all wondering, who exactly was that young man in the Xiantian realm?!

It must be said that the VIP system that the Jin family used in this auction house was quite sophisticated.

The more you spend at the auction house, the more you become a distinguished customer of the auction house, and when you attend the auction, you can enter higher and more luxurious floors.

Moreover, it can also provide a sense of superiority to those people of noble status and power.

When Su Han was chatting with Jin Yuanbao, Jin Yuanbao told him that this VIP system with clear class distinctions was proposed by Jin Yuanbao when he was only eight years old.

From this point, it can be seen that Jin Yuanbao's top talent for wealth is indeed real.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ding - as a bell rang,....

The originally noisy auction suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a pin drop. Everyone's eyes were all looking at the auction table in the middle.

The next second.

Two hot girls wearing cheongsams that outlined their full curves walked to the auction table.

Their cultivation was not low, reaching the eighth level of Condensation!

The beautiful and hot figure and appearance, coupled with the high cultivation and temperament, instantly made countless men stare straight.

In auction houses in other places, in order to ensure the safety of the auction items, basically, powerful supervisors come to auction in person.

But in the auction house in Fulong City.

For auction girls, strength is not important, the main thing is to be beautiful and eye-catching!

"Was this your idea too?" Su Han asked, looking at the two auctioneers.


"These two girls"

"One of them is single and the other is married"

"I did research...There are also many male monks who like married women...."

Jin Yuanbao said seriously.

Hearing this, Su Han retracted his gaze. This was the first time he looked at Jin Yuanbao with a startled look.

This little Jinzi is really a talent!

He can grasp the little thoughts of any male monk!

He deserves to make money!

"Dear guests, thank you for coming to this auction."

"We will auction the first treasure."

One of the charming ladies, who was already married, came straight to the point without any nonsense.

The next second, a silver sword handle appeared on the auction table. It was one meter long and engraved with a symbol of the respective runes.���sword

"This thing is called the Sword of Darkness"

""A mid-grade acquired spiritual weapon!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire auction was in an uproar!

The first treasure, the first appetizer, at the beginning was directly an innate spiritual weapon!

From this, it can be seen that the scale of this auction is unprecedentedly grand!

You know, most Purple Mansion Realm cultivators only use heavenly grade magic weapons!

"Starting price: 10,000 top-grade spirit stones."

As the auctioneer finished speaking, the cultivators at the auction instantly became excited.

Especially the sword cultivators!

This is a sword of the acquired spirit weapon level!

For sword cultivators, the sword is their second life, and the level of the sword can greatly affect the performance of their strength.

"Twenty thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

"Fifty thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

"One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

After only a few rounds of bidding, the price has reached the terrifying sky-high price of one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.

This is a top-grade spirit stone! It can be seen that the sword cultivators in the auction house at this moment are all well-off!

In the end, this acquired spirit sword was bought by a sword cultivator on the fifth 1.2 floor at a sky-high price of two million top-grade spirit stones!

Two million top-grade spirit stones, it is hard to count how many high-grade spirit stones, how many medium and low-grade spirit stones....

Seeing this scene, Su Han recalled that he still had dozens of acquired spiritual weapon-level swords in his inventory!

All of them were obtained by Su Han's daily investment.

He didn't expect that an acquired spiritual sword could be sold at such a high price!

Su Han was a little tempted, otherwise he would secretly consign some of them?

Of course, Su Han's consignment was not for the purpose of earning spiritual stones.

He had no shortage of spiritual stones, and he could exchange them for some other natural treasures he needed.

After all, many treasures of this level could not be measured by spiritual stones.

This Zhaoming Sword could be sold with spiritual stones.

Perhaps the owner of the consignment of this sword was short of money, so he chose to auction it with spiritual stones.

In fact, ordinary acquired spiritual weapons are exchanged for goods in auctions, and it all depends on the choice of the consignor.

The next few treasures were more precious than each other.

However, none of them aroused Su Han's desire to participate in the auction. After all, he really had no shortage of these treasures.

When the auction reached the fifth treasure.

The auctioneer paused, then said:"This fifth treasure is a little special."

After speaking.

She waved her jade hand.

The fifth treasure appeared on the auction table. At this moment

, when Su Han's eyes fell on the fifth auction treasure

, his half-closed eyes suddenly opened!

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