On this day, an unexpected guest came to the Sutra Library.

It was just after work, and Su Han was ready to pack up and rest.

""Oh, Elder Su, you are living a comfortable life!"

A sharp voice sounded in Su Han's ears. Hearing this voice, Su Han's brows instantly frowned.

Looking up, he saw a middle-aged man with a big belly standing in front of him.

He was wearing a lavender robe and exuding a terrifying pressure. This was the pressure that only a high-level Gu Yuan realm could emit. The cultivation realm of this middle-aged man had reached the seventh level of Gu Yuan.

"Wang Tian, if you have something to say, please speak up. If not, I'm clocking out."

Su Han stood up and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man named Wang Tian put his hands behind his back and said with a smile:"Su Han, you and I were both disciples who entered the Huanyun Sect in the same batch. Now you are the only one left in the outer sect."

"If you have nothing to do but come here to mock me, then I will leave."

Wang Tian is now an elder of the inner sect, and his status is higher than that of an outer sect master.���Elders are much higher.

Su Han is currently in the worst group among his peers.

However, that is all in the past. Now that he has obtained the system, his strength has also been raised to the seventh level of Gu Yuan.

Su Han is not too entangled in these statuses. As long as the strength is reached, the status can be achieved in one step.

"Su Han, do you still remember what Senior Sister Li said, the centennial reunion"

"In Tianyun Mountain"

"I just came to inform you."

Wang Tian carefully checked Su Han's cultivation level, and found that he was still at the Condensing Veins stage, which was useless.

Su Han hid his strength, and the cultivation level he showed was still at the Condensing Veins stage. He just wanted to develop well and didn't want to attract attention.


"I understand. Goodbye."

Su Han said casually.

Su Han had no good feelings towards Wang Tian, who would come to him every one or two years to show his warm regards and ridicule him.


Wang Tian glared at Su Han fiercely, waved his sleeves, and turned away.

This Su Han is useless, but it's better to be useless.

I really don't know how Senior Sister Ye liked this useless person back then. I really can't figure it out. Forget it, we are not from the same world anymore. No, we are not from the same world anymore.

Looking at Wang Tian's back, Su Han, who was possessed by some strange ghost, used his Sky Eye on him, and soon the text information about him appeared in his mind.

【Name: Wang Tian】

【Age: 125】

【Strength: Seventh level of Gu Yuan】

【Luck level: Yellow】

【Life evaluation: This person has mediocre talent and is too utilitarian. He will fall into endless disasters and troubles in the future. If he wakes up in time, he may live a peaceful life. If he continues like this, he will end up dying......】

【Recent experience: Due to years of drug abuse and cultivation, I have accumulated a lot of serious illnesses, which will break out in the near future and cause my cultivation to drop by one level....】

After reading it, Su Han snorted coldly.

When Wang Tian was a disciple of Huanyun Sect, he was very popular. Later, he became an inner sect elder and was considered a legend of Huanyun Sect. I didn't expect that he was just a yellow luck.

Moreover, he was a medicine jar. It was obvious that he would not go far.......

Su Han lay on the chair, looking at the empty hall, feeling a complicated feeling in his heart.

This centennial reunion was proposed after they had just entered the sect a hundred years ago, and they would have a reunion a hundred years later.

To put it bluntly, those who are doing well will show off their achievements, and those who are not doing well will be the green leaves to serve as a foil.

Before crossing, he was already very resistant to the so-called class reunion, and he did not expect to encounter such a situation after crossing.

However, now that Su Han has obtained the system, it seems that he really doesn't care.

Originally, Su Han did not intend to participate, but now he is also interested. He wants to see what kind of luck his former classmates are carrying. The

"Senior Sister Ye" mentioned by Wang Tian was once praised as the"Daughter of Heaven" in Huanyun Sect and a genius rarely seen in a thousand years.

Later, it was said that she was poached by Biyao Xianzong, and it is said that she is doing well in Biyao Xianzong now.

Su Han still remembers that there was another junior brother who was mediocre at the time, but later he did not know what kind of amazing luck he had, soared to the sky, broke through the Condensed Veins Realm in a short time, and later became a disciple of Cangjian Villa.

It seems that his name is Lin Ye. Su Han can't quite remember the name. The only thing he remembers clearly is that he used to be Ye Hanxiao's bootlicker.

Su Han didn't want to go to this party, but there was one thing that attracted Su Han.

Since this party was approved by the top leaders of Huanyun Sect, and it was held in Tianyun Mountain.

Tianyun Mountain is the main peak of Huanyun Sect. The most talented and hopeful disciples of the entire Huanyun Sect are all near Tianyun Mountain. This is an opportunity for Su Han.

See if he can meet a good seedling.

After all, the outer sect has been almost plundered by Su Han, and there is no one worthy of Su Han's investment........

On this day,

Su Han entered the inner gate.

As he walked on the road, he used his heavenly eyes to look at the disciples coming and going.

These disciples were dressed in gorgeous light blue robes. The men were dignified and the women had extraordinary temperament.

Compared with the ugly ones in the outer gate, they were simply one in heaven and one in hell.

He even saw a few disciples who had already condensed their meridians. This shows that the inner gate is the real foundation of Huanyun Sect.

After a while, Su Han saw several yellow lucks and even one blue luck.

Huanyun Sect is worthy of being one of the seven major sects of the Daqian Empire. It is the place where the outstanding talents of the Daqian Empire gather to cultivate immortals.

Su Han, who was walking on the road, attracted the attention of many disciples because he was wearing the clothes of an outer sect elder.

"Hey, look at that man, is he the elder of the outer sect?"

"That attire seems to make him look very young. Why don’t I remember such a person existing in Huanyun Sect?"

"As for him, I know him. Fifty years ago, when I was still an outer sect disciple, he was already the elder of the Sutra Repository. He was very famous in the outer sect. Don't you know?"

"Sorry, I went directly through the inner door, so I don't know about the outer door...."


It must be said that Su Han, who has obtained the"Heavenly Yin Ice Soul Body", now looks like he has no trace of age.

With sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, and a body as graceful as a jade tree, it is completely impossible to tell that he is already an old monster over a hundred years old......

Su Han looked at the disciples who were watching him, quietly memorized the faces of several blue-luck disciples, and left.

After all, he couldn't just walk up to them and say,"Little brother, I see your forehead is black." That would be too much of a charlatan....

Investments like this should be done quietly and privately.....

Su Han walked on the narrow path, heading towards Tianyun Mountain step by step. It must be said that the inner disciples of the Huanyun Sect, those underground lovers, really had a lot of fun....

At this moment, Su Han felt something and turned to look in a certain direction.......... ps: The data is a bit poor, I beg all readers to provide all the data.

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