Su Han followed the silver-armored guards and walked into Fulong City.

As soon as he entered Fulong City, he saw many halls. At a glance, there were medicine shops, weapon shops, auction houses, and so on....It was dazzling.

The prosperity was visible to the naked eye.

People coming and going on the street were dressed gorgeously and in luxurious brocade robes. From time to time, you could see some children of aristocratic families walking on the street with several beautiful female companions. From time to time, you could see some elixir vendors selling some elixirs mysteriously, saying something like"One pill is like a pillar supporting the sky, two pills will never fall, and three pills will make even a wild bull fall."

Su Han opened his eyes and found several blue lucks at a glance!

From this point, it can be seen that Fulong City is worthy of being one of the three major cities of Daqian. The quality of the cultivators here is very high!

It seems that during the time I have been in Fulong City, I can make some good investments.

After all, investment is Su Han's main business, and he cannot deviate from his original intention!

Soon, the silver-armored guards took Su Han through several streets, turned many corners, and came to a magnificent hall.

"Sir, we are here"

"I am not qualified to enter this place, so I can only send you here."

The silver-armored guard stood at the entrance of the hall, turned around and said to Su Han with a fist

""Thank you for your help."

Su Han threw two top-grade spirit stones to the silver-armored guard.

After receiving the two top-grade spirit stones, the silver-armored guard's eyes lit up.

This young master is really generous!

Just giving two top-grade spirit stones is almost his monthly salary.

"Thank you, sir"

"Sir, this Fulong Garden is a place often visited by the upper-class and wealthy children of Fulong City...."

After receiving the tip, the silver-armored guard began to explain to Su Han patiently and told Su Han some precautions.

Su Han stood at the door of the hall and looked up. There were three large gilded characters engraved on the door plaque:——""Fulong Garden" was built in this location, which is considered the prime location of Fulong City. Even a gate is so big and covers such a wide area, which shows the prosperity and strength of this Fulong Garden.

After pushing open the gate and walking in.

After Su Han showed the jade pendant, the two guards' faces changed drastically and took Su Han inside.

At this moment.

Fulong Garden.

In a courtyard somewhere.

The courtyard was filled with fairy mist, green plants and fairy treasures, and several sculptures made of top-grade spiritual stones were lifelike.

In the courtyard, there was an open-air pavilion.

In the pavilion, there were seven or eight young girls with gorgeous clothes and noble temperaments sitting, and the fat man in gold clothes sitting in the east was none other than Jin Yuanbao.

However, the person sitting in the C position was not Jin Yuanbao.

It was a woman.

The woman was wearing a light golden satin robe, with a luxurious temperament and a stunning appearance. Behind the woman stood two knife-wielding guards, who exuded the terrifying aura of the Purple Mansion Realm and had a very strong aura.

At this time, one of the thin men said to Jin Yuanbao:

"Mr. Jin, do you like the treasure I gave you yesterday?"

After saying that,

Jin Yuanbao just hummed and nodded.

He really hated these so-called upper-class gatherings. If his father hadn't asked him to attend such a gathering every month, he really wouldn't bother to come.

After all, his Jin family was a big family, and sometimes they also needed to manage relationships and maintain necessary relationships in order to make the Jin family's position more stable.

"You can take the shop at No. 18, Dizi."

Jin Yuanbao replied.

After he finished speaking, the thin man looked overjoyed and said with a fist:"Thank you, Mr. Jin, I will pay double the rent!"

"However, you, the Tang family, should not overstep your bounds."

"I can give you the shop at No. 18, but you have to manage your subordinates well. This is not your territory, so don't make any plans."

Although Jin Yuanbao's cultivation is low, he is very good at business after being exposed to it for so many years.

"yes...Got it."Though Tang Xiao was smiling, he was cursing in his heart.

This young master of the Jin family was indeed different from what was rumored, and there was no benefit to be gained from him.

The young men sitting here all had great backgrounds.

There were children of generals, daughters of eunuchs and nobles, and children of large families. Anyway, those who could attend this party were all of high status.

Although they were all communicating and saying polite and flattering words, no one dared to talk to the woman in brocade robe sitting in the high seat, and the woman in brocade robe had no interest in talking either. She just sat quietly, waiting for the time to end.

At this time, a steward walked lightly to the side of Jin Yuanbao, leaned over and said something.

Jin Yuanbao's face was overjoyed, and he suddenly stood up from his seat.

When he turned around and prepared to leave, he clasped his fists and said to the woman in brocade robe:"Seventh Princess, one of my distinguished guests is here. I'll leave you first~'."

After saying this, the woman in brocade robe just nodded.

The others were surprised to see that Jin Yuanbao, who was not interested in anything, was so excited at this moment.

You know, Jin Yuanbao doesn't like to curry favor with powerful people and has a weird personality. Even when he sees the emperor's son, he just says hello.

But now, the"distinguished guest" in his mouth made him lose his composure.

It is hard to imagine who the distinguished guest of Jin Yuanbao is!

Jin Yuanbao almost trotted out of the courtyard. He walked so fast that he almost stumbled and fell.

When he walked out of the courtyard, he saw Su Han not far away.

Jin Yuanbao ran over like a little fan and said in surprise:"Brother Su, Brother Su!"

"You are finally here!"

At this time, the two Fulong Garden stewards who brought Su Han here saw that the little princess of the Jin family was so attentive to this Xiantian Realm man. They all saw the shock in each other's eyes and took a breath of cold air.

It seems that this Xiantian Realm man has an extraordinary origin!

After Jin Yuanbao arrived, the two stewards withdrew very tactfully.

"Brother Jin." Su Han smiled and clasped his fists.

Hearing this,

Jin Yuanbao waved his hand and said,"Brother Su, you can just call me Little Jinzi."

"My life was saved by you, Brother Su."

"I wrote you this letter, and I was worried about disturbing you, but I didn't expect you to come."

Jin Yuanbao was very excited.

"I am here today to bother Brother Jin."

Su Han came here, Jin Yuanbao was the host, and he had to ask Jin Yuanbao to help him find the soul crystal jade, so he lowered his posture a lot.

"Brother Su!"

"Just call me Little Jinzi. I'm really not used to you calling me that."

Jin Yuanbao said seriously.

""Okay, Xiao Jin."

Su Han wanted to laugh. This Jin Yuanbao was quite interesting.

After hearing Su Han's change of address, Jin Yuanbao nodded with satisfaction.

"Brother Su, the soul crystal jade you asked me to find out for you"

"I used all my channels to find out, and finally I got the news."

"Soul Crystal Jade is not available in the market because the environment in which it was formed is so strange that it cannot be found in the market."

"But, I still managed to find out."

"Brother Su, please rest assured. You can stay here for a few days. I will get the things and send them to you soon."

Jin Yuanbao put a lot of effort into the matter entrusted by Su Han, and almost used all the channels that the Jin family could use.

He couldn't mess up the first thing entrusted to him by his savior.

"Let's go, Brother Su. You've been through a lot."

"Please follow me."

Jin Yuanbao made a gesture of invitation to Su Han.

Soon, the two entered the courtyard and walked straight to the pavilion.

At this moment, everyone's eyes looked outside and saw Jin Yuanbao bringing a man.

What shocked them was not that the young man's cultivation had reached the Xiantian realm.

Instead, it was Jin Yuanbao's attitude towards the man.

He walked beside the man, one step slower, following him step by step, and even showed a flattering smile.

This was the first time they saw Jin Yuanbao showing this attitude.

At this time, they were shocked in their hearts and were all wondering what the identity of this man was?!

The people with high status in the whole Fulong City, They have all seen him, but never this one? ? ? (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jin Yuanbao brought Su Han to his seat.

He gave his seat to Su Han, and took a small stool and sat behind Su Han like a follower.

After Su Han arrived, the whole party became completely quiet, and everyone looked Su Han up and down.

Even the woman in brocade robes was looking at Su Han.

Because they suddenly found that he was actually in the Xiantian realm, such a young Xiantian realm!

Here, the two guards behind the brocade robe woman with the highest cultivation are in the Purple Mansion realm, and most of them are at most���

The seventh princess is the one with the highest level of cultivation among these young girls, having reached the seventh level of the Spiritual Sea. She is also a genius on the Hidden Dragon List.

At this time, Jin Yuanbao stood up and introduced everyone,"This is Brother Su, my distinguished guest."

"You guys chat about your own things, don't worry about us."

After saying that, Jin Yuanbao sat down and continued to talk to Su Han.

This gathering, seemingly just a gathering of young talents, is actually the highest meeting of the entire Fulong City, and even the entire Daqian Empire's business circle!

All the people present, their family's industries almost cover the entire Daqian Empire's food, clothing, housing, transportation, weapons, elixirs, resources and materials.

Because the people in power in each family can't all gather together.

Unless the emperor of the current dynasty issues an edict, otherwise the people in power of these big families gather privately for meetings, which is very taboo.....

Because such a meeting can determine the direction of the resources of the entire Daqian Empire, and it cannot be carried out privately.

Therefore, there is this kind of sending children from their own family to conduct some trade exchanges under the guise of a gathering of young talents.

However, such a meeting is still somewhat taboo.

But the major families must also have exchanges and exchanges, and they have to keep running.

Therefore, the royal family also thought of a way and sent a royal child to attend the party.

This is the significance of the woman in brocade robe sitting here.

This gathering is also to discuss the decision-making of some city trades including Fulong City.

As the representative of the Jin family, Jin Yuanbao certainly cannot leave at will.

However, he can't leave Su Han outside, so he can only bring him here.

Seeing Jin Yuanbao bringing an outsider here, he was instantly unhappy.

What kind of meeting is this?

Every word here is the highest secret and determines the certain direction of the economy of the Daqian Empire.

What does it mean to bring an outsider?

At this time, a man with a slightly burly figure and wearing a mink coat snorted coldly.

"I'm talking about Mr. Jin."

"As the helmsman of the Jin family, you won't really give people a chance to talk about you, right?"

This burly man is called Liu Hansheng, the eldest son of the Liu family.

The economic strength of the Liu family can also be ranked in the top three in the entire Daqian Empire, and it is the second largest family after the Jin family.

"'~ I have just finished talking about all the suggestions for my Jin family."

""You big families, discuss among yourselves, don't worry about me."

Jin Yuanbao said with a frown.

If it wasn't for the Seventh Princess who came today, he would have left long ago.

Every year, such meetings are all the same, all trying to snatch meat from the mouths of their Jin family and eat it. Jin Yuanbao has long been unhappy.

To make money, everyone relies on their own ability.

What's the point of doing these empty things all day long?


Liu Hansheng was so angry that he turned his attention to Su Han.

"May I ask your name, bro?"

"It was the first time we met, and I felt a little unfamiliar with him."

Liu Hansheng saw Su Han's strength. Although he was in the Xiantian realm, he had the support of the Liu family, so he really didn't take the Xiantian realm seriously. After he finished speaking ,

Su Han did not respond.

He just used his heavenly eyes to take a look at this Liu Hansheng.

Well, black.

A short-lived ghost.

Su Han didn't want to waste his breath talking to a short-lived ghost.

Seeing Liu Hansheng's aggressive momentum towards Su Han, Jin Yuanbao was instantly unhappy.

He stood up, pointed at Liu Hansheng, and shouted loudly without giving him any face:"Liu Hansheng, do you believe that when you get up tomorrow morning, all your shops will appear outside the city gate?"

This naked danger directly made the originally warm gathering a little awkward.

No one would have thought that Jin Yuanbao would threaten Liu Hansheng in public for this man!

This made everyone even more wary of Su Han's identity.

At this meeting, the threat was not to him, Liu Hansheng, but to the entire Liu family!

And Su Han on the side was also shocked by Jin Yuanbao's sudden breath.

This little Jin.......If there is something wrong, then go for it!

Being threatened by Jin Yuanbao, Liu Han was so angry that his whole face turned red.

However, he could only grit his teeth and swallow it.

There was no other way. The Jin family was too powerful, and with Jin Yuanbao's threat just now, he might really drive himself and the family business out of Fulong City overnight.

Jin Yuanbao also snorted coldly.

This Liu Hansheng (Wang Hao Zhao) is also ignorant. If he knew the real cultivation level of Brother Su, he would be so scared that he would wet his pants on the spot.

Brother Su is someone that even Lao Mo said he had no chance of winning against.

What realm is Lao Mo?

Taixu Gao Realm!

Lao Mo dared not to provoke this ruthless person, so Liu Hansheng was really brave.

At this time, the two guards of the Purple Mansion Realm standing behind the woman in brocade robes also looked at Su Han with fear.

Although Su Han's cultivation level was only Xiantian Realm.

However, the vague pressure made them feel stuffy in their chests.

Then, one of the guards said to the woman in brocade robes,"Princess, this man's true strength may be far above mine."

Hearing this, a strange light flashed in the beautiful eyes of the woman in brocade robes.

Her name is Qian Yue'er, she is the seventh princess of the royal family, and she ranks twenty-eighth on the Potential Dragon List. Her talent is considered to be among the best in the Great Qian Empire.

And this mysterious man's strength is actually above the innate!

And he is so young, he must be a prodigy on the Potential Dragon List, and his ranking must be very high.

However, except for the mysterious Yun Xuejiao, she has seen all the other prodigies in the top ten of the Potential Dragon List. This is indeed the first time she has seen this mysterious man.

This aroused her great interest.

At this time.

Han Yue'er picked up the teacup on the table, raised the cup to Su Han, and said softly:"Qian Yue'er"

"May I know your name?"

Seeing Han Yue'er take the initiative to talk to Su Han, the others, including Jin Yuanbao, all showed surprised expressions.

Hearing this,

Su Han turned his head and looked at this elegant woman.

Her appearance was so stunning that she was extraordinary, and her manners and manners revealed a noble aura.

The two guards behind him were all in the Purple Mansion Realm.

To make the powerful people in the Purple Mansion Realm willing to be her personal guard, it can be seen that she must be a princess of the royal family with a high status.

Then, Su Han also picked up the teacup on the table and said with a smile:"Su Han"

At the same time, he used the Sky Eye on Han Yue'er, and the next second, the text information about Han Yue'er appeared in his mind..

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