The person who came was none other than Yunfeng, the head of Huanyun Sect!

At this moment, Su Han was shocked.

He was now at the ninth level of Taixu, but he didn't even notice when Yunfeng sat in front of him.

From this point, it can be seen that Yunfeng's strength is greater than Su Han's!

He is at the ninth level of Taixu. At this level of cultivation, basically, except for the masters of the top holy lands in the T1 echelon and the head of Taiheng Sect, almost no one can threaten Su Han.

However, Su Han still felt threatened by Yunfeng.

At this time, Su Han finally saw Yunfeng's cultivation level roughly, above Taixu, the realm of breaking the void!

At this moment, Su Han's heart was in turmoil. He thought that Yunfeng was hiding very deeply, but he never thought that he had reached the realm of breaking the void.

The strong in the realm of breaking the void can already control the pattern of the entire Daqian Empire.

And Yunfeng, a strong man in the realm of breaking the void, the Huanyun Sect he founded was actually ranked last among the seven major sects.

Combined with Yunfeng's previous behavior, it always felt like he was planning something.

Yunfeng picked up the teapot, poured himself a pot of tea, took a sip, and said in surprise:"Fine ancient tea, good tea, good tea!"

Yunfeng's words brought Su Han back to reality.

He smiled, waved his hand, and three more pots of steaming tea appeared on the table.

"White Eyebrow, Falling Mulberry, Strange Road"

"You can choose whichever you like, Master." Su Han said with a smile

"You actually have Luosang tea. I've only heard of it but never drunk it."

"It seems that Elder Su has given me a great treat."

Yun Feng poured himself a cup of Luosang tea, took a sip, and sighed,"This is the real good tea!""

""The headmaster is always welcome to drink it if he wants to."

Su Han said with a smile.

After these years of investment, Su Han has a lot of precious and rare things in his hands, even tea.

"Elder Su is so young, it's a waste of his talent to stay in this Sutra Library."

Yunfeng finally told the purpose of this trip.

"No, I am old now, I can't compare with young people."

"I don't like fighting and killing, so it's good to be here in peace."

Su Han didn't quite understand Yun Feng's true intentions, so he said this.

"Elder Su, if you are old, then I am already half dead."

"In just four or five years, Elder Su has gone from the Condensed Veins Realm to the Xiantian Realm. I am ashamed of my talent for cultivation."

Yun Feng smiled and said.

Hearing this, Su Han finally understood that he was looking at his cultivation level.

But fortunately, he was well hidden. He could only see that he was in the Xiantian Realm, but could not see that he had already stepped into the ninth level of Taixu.

"It seems that the headmaster has been paying attention to me all the time."Su Han said with a wry smile.

Hearing Su Han's words, Yun Feng quickly waved his hand and said,"Elder Su, there is no need to be so vigilant. I have no ill will towards you."

"I just came back to the sect, and I didn't pay much attention to you before."

"But I didn't expect that there was such a talented person hidden in my Huanyun Sect. I was shortsighted before."

Yunfeng was generous in praising Su Han.

He had been traveling for many years and his personality was also unrestrained and generous. He would not beat around the bush. He would say what he had to say and would directly express his appreciation.

"The boss is overrated."

"I was really shocked by the strength of the Sect Master. With the strength of the Sect Master, he can definitely take Huanyun Sect to a higher level."

Su Han said jokingly. He was going to test Yunfeng's strength and thoughts.

Yunfeng didn't expect Su Han to say this. He was stunned for a moment, then replied,"No need to"

"Status is just a name"

"Just like you said, it's good to be quiet."

Yun Feng's words show that he is also an old fox, and his words are watertight.

Obviously, Yun Feng does not intend to tell Su Han anything.

At this time, Su Han suddenly thought of something and said,"Yun Xuejiao has been here."

Hearing this name, Yun Feng's expression and eyes changed obviously.

From this detail, Su Han can see that Yun Xuejiao and Yun Feng have an unusual relationship.

"Come to see you?"

Yunfeng looked at Su Han strangely.

"Su Han replied:"But later she didn't find you, and after going to the secret treasure with me, I don't know where she went."

""Wait, the man who went to the secret storage with Xiaoxue, was it you?"

Yun Feng's voice was several decibels louder, and he was very excited.

In order to avoid Yun Xuejiao, he even left the Daqian Empire for a while. He didn't expect that she would chase him to Daqian.

Later, when he came back, he found that she was no longer in the Daqian Empire, nor did she return to the Yun family, but went to"that place".

You know, the Yun family persuaded her at the beginning, but she was unwilling. But after going to the secret storage this time, she seemed to have changed.

Following the elders, she went to"that place" to practice hard.

"Well, let's go to the secret treasure together."

Su Han took a sip of tea calmly.

It seems that the relationship between the two of them is about to be revealed.

"What happened to you in the secret treasure?"

Yunfeng panted, becoming more and more agitated.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you so excited?"

Su Han picked up the teacup on the table calmly, took a sip, and said slowly

"I am his father!"

Yun Feng said this.

Su Han couldn't help but spit out the tea in his mouth:"What?...What?!"

"Are you his father?"

Su Han thought about this possibility, but he didn't expect it to be real!

"What did you do to her, boy?"

Yun Feng's eyes widened. He felt that something had happened between Su Han and Xiao Xue, otherwise Xiao Xue would not have changed so quickly.

"Master, I only had the ability to consolidate my primordial energy at that time. What do you think I could do?"

"After we entered the secret vault, we went our separate ways."

Su Han didn't dare to tell anyone about what happened in the secret vault, otherwise Yun Feng might have to go to war with him. After all, Yun Feng looked like a daughter slave.

Although he knew that in this Sutra Library, even if Yun Feng was a Void Breaker, he couldn't hurt him.

However, Su Han didn't need to provoke Yun Feng at all. Wouldn't that just make himself unhappy?

After hearing what Su Han said, Yun Feng calmed down.

It seemed that his idea was too absurd.

Although Su Han was gifted, let alone before, his current Xiantian realm cultivation was not Xiao Xue's opponent.

Maybe he was too excited.....

"cough cough..."

"I'm sorry, Elder Su, I hope you can understand me." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"After all, as a father, he loves his daughter so much that he is inevitably a little excited sometimes."

Yunfeng sat down.

As Yunfeng sat down, Tianyue, who was sorting books on the bookshelf not far away, also put away the knife in his hand.

Although Yunfeng calmed down, he was a shrewd man, so how could he be easily fooled by Su Han.

Even if nothing out of the ordinary happened between them.

However, based on his understanding of Xiaoxue, she had never been so close to a strange man.

The biggest possibility is that Xiaoxue may like Su Han a little.

After all, Yunfeng looked Su Han up and down, but from the perspective of appearance, he was very outstanding and could"bewitch" the hearts of many young women.

Short In just a few years, he was able to step into the Xiantian realm. Such talent was considered top-notch even in the Yun family.

In fact, Yun Feng's overall evaluation of Su Han was pretty good.

If it were in the past, he might have agreed.

However, things are different now. The current Yun family is no longer as simple as before, and the dangers that the Yun family has to face are unimaginable.

With Su Han's strength, if he is involved, he may be killed.

After thinking for a long time, Yun Feng waved his hand, and a soundproof barrier fell around the two of them.

Yun Feng looked at Su Han and said seriously,"You are also a veteran of the Huanyun Sect."

"Then I will tell you something in advance."

Yun Feng paused and continued,"In the future, Huan Yun Sect will be the enemy of the Daqian Royal Family." After he finished speaking ,

Su Han did not feel surprised. On the contrary, it would be even more strange if Huan Yun Sect did not become the enemy of the Royal Family.

"In the Daqian royal family, besides Emperor Qian, there are several other people who are difficult to deal with."

"Of course, Huanyun Sect is not as simple as it seems."

""The Huanyun Sect is just a small chess piece of the Yun Family in the Great Qian Empire, and I am just the chess player who controls this small chess piece."

Yun Feng stopped talking here.

He did not continue to talk, because it would only be disadvantageous to Su Han.

After all, the Yun Family was an existence that he could not imagine. Even he, Yun Feng, was just a chess piece of the Yun Family.

"I tell you this just to prepare you mentally."

"You don't have to feel any psychological burden, that's just the Yun family's plan, not my plan."

Yun Feng said with a smile.

Su Han was not interested in the royal family, but the"Yun family" he mentioned.

According to Yun Feng's taste, it seemed that the entire Daqian Empire, in the eyes of the"Yun family", was just a place to place small chess pieces.

Yun Feng saw the shock in Su Han's eyes and said with a smile:"Su Han, don't worry, I said"

"The Yun family's plan does not represent my plan"

"For a long, long time, Huanyun Sect will be like it is now, ordinary and stable."

"Therefore, Huanyun Sect is very safe, you don't have to worry."

Yunfeng was afraid that what he said would scare Su Han away. After all, being an enemy of the royal family meant being an enemy of the entire Daqian Empire.


"The tea is very good. Thanks for the treat."

"I have to go"

"The old man Li with a broken leg at the entrance of Qingyun Town, I, Doctor Yun, have drunk two liang of liquor from him, so I will go and treat him today."

As he said this, Yunfeng stood up and waved his hand to remove the barrier of the surrounding enchantment.

""No need to see you off."

Su Han said with a fist, watching Yunfeng leave the Sutra Library.

Yunfeng was still the same, wandering around the world all year round, sometimes a fortune-teller, sometimes a quack doctor, living a very carefree life!

Just as he said, the Yun family threw him, the chess player, to the Daqian Empire, just as the Yun family planned.

And Yunfeng seemed to have his own plans and intentions....

Su Han couldn't guess or see through him, he just felt that this person was very interesting.

At this time.

Tianyue came out, looked at the direction of the door, and said:"It's not surprising that he broke through the Void Realm, but he is from the Yun family."

Hearing this, Su Han asked Tianyue:"The Yun family? Do you know the Yun family too?"

Because Su Han had never heard that there was a big family like the"Yun family" in the Daqian Empire

"Lingyuan Continent, the Yun Family, one of the eight major families"

"Of course I know."

Tian Yue recalled.

Hearing this, Su Han took a breath of cold air. A family with Lingyuan Continent as its prefix!

In other words, in the entire Lingyuan Continent, the Yun family can be ranked?!

The Daqian Empire, in the entire Lingyuan Continent, may be just a small empire, a drop in the ocean.

No wonder Yun Feng said that the Huanyun Sect was just a small chess piece buried by the Yun family in the Daqian Empire.

Maybe, even the Yun family themselves have forgotten this small chess piece....

"I didn't expect that the head of the Huanyun Sect was actually a member of the Yun family.

Even Tianyue was quite apprehensive when the Yun family was mentioned.

"Anyway, the Yun family is too high-level, so you should not have too much contact with them."

"You should keep some distance from Yun Feng."

Tian Yue told Su Han.

Su Han was also a little tearful. He didn't want to have any connection with the Yun family.

He just wanted to be a silent investor.

However, when Su Han learned that Yun Xuejiao was Yun Feng's daughter and Yun Xuejiao's status in the Yun family might not be low, he couldn't hide. After all, Yun Xuejiao and he had had"substantial" exchanges.

What if Yun Xuejiao got more and more angry one day and brought the people of the Yun family to kill him? That would be the end of him.

"By the way, there seems to be something wrong with the peach tree you planted in your backyard."

"Go and have a look yourself."

Tianyue thought of something and said to Su Han. After hearing that

"the tree" had a problem, Su Han immediately stood up and walked quickly towards his backyard.

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